For years I’ve been trying to tell dumbasses on the ‘right’ and among the sheeple that a war is being waged against us.
The weapons are the words our enemies use, whether in print, over the air, from space, the net, where ever. Well, among other things, like viruses designed as bioweapons.
But most are so politically unsophisticated they think this is all just a big disagreement.
I told someone the other day that for 25 years I’ve been looking for the magic words to get morons and tools to disengage their heads from their asses.
To the average dumbass ‘war’ is only John Wayne or Tom Hanks charging up a beach. Those people those two actors played fought the wrong side, the lessor of the evils, and the greater evil won.
Real war is often began long before it becomes obvious to the average dumbass. The elites knew all the major wars were coming long before the first shots were fired. They are often brought about by those who hope to profit from them in whatever way.
In a free country with free speech there’s no such thing as a special group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have several.
All the videos below are must sees. I won’t bother commenting on them in detail. They pretty much speak for themselves.
This is the endgame, what many thousands like me have been warning you about all these years. No one’s gonna get beamed up.
There aren’t enough men to fight it. Our enemies made sure of this decades ago when they built the government schools and bought out the news media and allowed their tools the globalist Marxist newswhores to infiltrate them.
We Are Being Invaded
Here’s the book they refer to:
COVID-19: The Great Reset
Seems to be some real controversy with the next one. As always, judge and research for yourself. But then it’s truly sad that I have to mention that.
Shadowgate This is Millie Millennial Documentary that got her arrested.
Her post jail response/update:
Shadowgate Updates
Back to what our masters plan for us:
Introducing the ‘Great Reset,’ world leaders’ radical plan to transform the economy
The enemies of humanity, cloaking their evil in do-goodism as always:
FK – This vid is a real slog. Do these creeps have any real power or is this just more distraction?
Regardless, we must try to pay attention and be on guard against such evil.
it’s the concept of a ‘social safety net’ that’s responsible for burdening future generations with our debt.
The ‘social contract’ will of course mean that shit like this is writing and running it.
Any govt. instituted by this shit will not include an acknowledgment of natural rights, or human liberty. Rather it will only provide ‘civil liberties’ or ‘human rights’ which can be taken at the whims of this shit that arrogantly demands to be our masters.
‘Green economy’ is of course a pseudonym for global communism with shit like this at the top running it.
We know ‘global warming’ real or not, like the virus, which is a real bioweapon, is of course a lie and a weapon in the word war. It’s been disproven many multiple times but these evil creatures keep repeating the same lies over and over again so the fearful and the ignorant and the desperate will eventually swallow their lies whole.
It would be great to be ‘globally interdependent’ under human liberty and natural rights, not this evil.
These creatures don’t care about poverty. They only care about power. They’re all globalist Marxist trash and should be executed for working to enslave humanity.
Watch ‘Colony.’ This is the kind of trash the alien overlords would choose to rule us.
The Marxist witch running New Zealand should also be executed for treason, along with Merkel or whatever and probably several others.
The real crime is all the ‘impoverished’ and the working class who waste most of their time in exchange for money and can’t or won’t strive to understand how evil this filth is and what must be done about it before it enslaves humanity totally and forever.
‘Stakeholders’ is more Marxist doublespeak that means some bureaucrat thousands of miles away can run every aspect of our existences here.
When the trash says “…we have to engage the younger generation…’ it means indoctrinate them in Marxist globalism and never teach them anything that matters like the fact they are born free according to the concept of natural rights that America was founded upon.
They want willing slaves, compliant workers and dutiful taxpayers who worry more about their social credit scores than about what kind of slavery their children will be enjoying.
And of course the shit will never mention that most of the ‘social unrest’ is orchestrated and funded by their masters, the global elites, Soros, et al.
From their website:
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond
Wikipedia page on:
Fourth Industrial Revolution
Lot’s of generalities with few specifics. That’s how these creatures always operate. It gives them plenty of tyrannical elbow room.
Hitler had long term plans didn’t he? Something about a thousand year Reich? The Communist globalists who won that war as the greater of the evils have even longer term plans, to crush the human mind and spirit under their rule forever.
The communists and their globalist masters built the government schools and infiltrated the universities generations ago. Africa like us needs to hang its Marxists in large numbers.
Who or what is funding this evil? That’s what we need to hang first.
Of course this trash never bothered to invite anyone who might disagree with their evil lies to ask any real questions.
A precursor to Hell on Earth
Do robotic biological tool-using monkeys have rights?
“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx
Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!
Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?
No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights
We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia
A modern 10 commandments
The most important things to do
What is a man, really?
What to teach your kids
A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”
What’s the ultimate question?
The other side:
Plandemic Part 1 (Official Re-Release)
FK – No trash is going to jail for this because there are no men left here.
FK – And all they gotta do is crank it up to fill those body bags. It’s the ultimate slow takedown.
We must reclaim our human liberty and the natural rights it’s based upon.
There will be no choice:
FK – The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights! WE ARE! There’s been plenty of authoritarian and communist black-robed shysters in our just-us system.
Who or what is really behind all this?:
The video he refers to:
This evil won’t go away until we make it go away:
FK – Where are the men to stop this? If we had any these creatures would be hanging from trees all around the nation…
Joe Biden’s VP Pick Cements Shift to the Militant, Radically Anti-Gun Left
No sheeple should be allowed to vote until they’ve read these two books, in order to understand the nature of reality and government:
The Art of War
The Prince
But let’s not pay any attention to guys like this:
Then we have those who only pretend to fight:
FK – Back in the 90s I attended a gun rights training school put on by the Second Amendment Foundation. Tanya Metaksa(or whatever) the then V.P. or whatever of the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group told us how they would give money to their preferred candidates(often trash like John McCain) then if the preferred candidate lost they’d go offer money to the winner.
That was the end of my respect for them.
I think there’s an attitude among them that they have to put on a facade at least of being wealthy so the whores in congress will actually listen to them. Often the wealthy only respect their own kind. The only annual convention I ever attended proved me right when I saw all the African Safari booths and multi-thousand dollar shotguns.
I remember how hard it was in the early days to get morons to see the Second Amendment wasn’t only about their skeet, rabbit, duck or deer gun.
A little applicable history:
FK – The communists, a created faction, used to hide behind their false love of ‘free speech’ and taught my generation their version of ‘how to think’ vs. the ‘Judaeo-Christian'(so-called) or ‘American’ version of reality.
But many believe in one falsehood or another to the point they’re very willing to kill those who seem to oppose them or watch them being burned alive in fire forever by some version, sub-version or subversion of a sadistic bronze age god that was clearly patterned after ancient tyrannical kings that looked down their noses at their subjects(slaves) and said “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or kill you.”
So that makes false beliefs very real. Neither side in the culture war is interested in true freedom, human liberty, natural rights. We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.
Proven right again, again, and again:
FK – What happens when you run out of places to run away from?
…and saviors?:
FK – We’re drowning in an ocean of lies. There are no human saviors and no one’s gonna get beamed up and no one is gonna fly in on a white horse, in a golden chariot or in a flying saucer and save you.
The purposes of gods and golden rules
And straight from the horse’s mouth:
FK – What was it those presidents said about that?
As I asked:
FK – And the sheeple at best blinked and shrugged their shaggy shoulders and went back to grazing and breeding.
By what new names does this go?:
Who Owns Planet Earth?
Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…
A new birth of Liberty, or death
All Free Kentucky posts since the beginning of the ‘plandemic’ or whatever one chooses to call it: