UFO Halos / To the Stars / FRBs – Evidence of Design or Intelligence [DISCUSSION]


FK – Whatever beings or civilization(s) are/is coming here has long ago mastered some tech our scientists probably at best vaguely understand if they have even conceived of it, so they probably also long ago developed a way to determine if any particular planet around any particular star harbored or could harbor ‘life’ by whatever definition.

So the end of the question is they either view us as a resource or a science experiment or some kind of nature preserve. Or maybe they’re just watching out of sheer entertainment value to see when the tool-using monkeys finally blow themselves up while their bookies figure the odds and rake in whatever they call cash.

I keep thinking of that Star Trek episode where the anthropologists or whatever had a cloaked observation station near a primitive alien village.

We are the primitives. Look below for the ‘aliens are angels and demons’ comments for proof.

I think a lot of sheeple just haven’t read enough science fiction. Some of those authors were predicting things 100 + years ago that now are more or less reality.

If we are existing in someone’s video game I’d like to have a talk with the programmer. In fact I’d like to apply a Louisville Slugger to its head. That would be showing it far more mercy than some claim it’s going to show me.

What’s the ultimate question?

As the ancient tribal propaganda claims ‘all things are possible through god’ or somesuch. So if ‘god’ wants ‘chaos’ or what we perceive to be such to be the order of the day then it would be so wouldn’t it? I have a real issue with some bastard causing a lot of this shit to happen. It takes me back to that Louisville Slugger app.

Unless one applies the common mainstream ‘christian’ version that claims their ‘god’ is only responsible for the ‘good’ while the ‘devil’ does all the bad. Then they’ll turn around and claim their god planned it all this way, creating the devil in the process.

When an officer in the military or any high office assumes command he takes on personal responsibility for the actions of his inferiors. That’s how that works.

The Black Vault case file information

Riz Virk Explains Why Quantum Physics, AI, & Eastern Mystics All Agree We Are Living In A Video Game

Are Alien Civilizations Technologically Advanced?

‘Disclosure’ would mean going to the smallest town and seeing an obvious alien walking down the street or shopping in the local redneck mecca without fear of Jimbob running to his truck for his shotgun or some concealed carrier drawing down on them.

We’re a long-long as in multi-generations away from that. If the govt. suddenly announced ‘disclosure’ internet comment sections would suddenly fill with crap about ‘angels and demons’ and ‘end times’ and ‘we’re gonna get beamed up soon.’ Kinda like now.

As always we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

Simple minded sheeple have to ‘believe’ in something and have a concrete simple answer to complex questions. Nowadays many have a similar ‘belief’ in our contemporary version of ‘science’ which has clearly been and really always was politicized.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”