FK – I’d rather he be aiming a .50 cal. and then the witch’s head explodes. That would be a good start. Then he’s standing at a panel, pushes a red button, then the commie news network explodes.

Trump needs to bring the troops home and have them hunt our real enemies before we end up like Europe.

The real hitlery:

FK – All of you need to realize the ‘conspiracy’ is layered like an onion. The sheeple hitlery voters and many newswhores actually believe the scat that flows from their upper sewers. Wall Street or the MIC or whomever one wants to think is behind all this doesn’t care what ‘we’ think because they know millions will never look beyond the latest meme.

The hierarchy needs the bombs to keep falling. Why are we really in the middle east anyway? We have all the oil we need in this hemisphere. In a couple generations Europe may be a dead idea because of what our real enemies are doing. Why are we helping Israel expand its empire? Why is Israel working with Saudi Arabia? It was easy to predict that Trump would throw the ‘conservatives’ a few bones but not really do anything that matters.

Why/how is the republicrat party so heavily infiltrated? They controlled congress in the Dubya years and nothing really changed.

Many more are ‘awake’ than a few years ago but without the resolve to do what will be required it won’t mean much.


Scientific study reveals conspiracy theorists the most sane of all

A new birth of Liberty, or death