“When you speak in the senate or to any individual, be straightforward, not pedantic. Use language which rings true.” – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
How many morons are still waiting for the Marxist globalist u.S. military leadership to save them from the chinks and the russkies?
This shows you where we are.
When I joined the Marine reserves back in the 80s many still openly despised the military because of the stink of Vietnam.
Our ‘troops,’ as most Vietnam vets will tell you, didn’t lose the war on the ground. It was lost here. A COMMUNIST Vietnamese general allegedly admitted the same thing, in so many words:
”We were not strong enough to drive out a half-million American troops, that wasn’t our aim. Our intention was to break the will of the American government to continue the war. Westmoreland was wrong to expect that his superior firepower would grind us down. If we had focused on the balance of forces, we would have been defeated in two hours. We were waging a people’s war . . . America’s sophisticated arms, electronic devices and all the rest were to no avail in the end. In war there are two factors – human beings and weapons. Ultimately, though, human beings are the decisive factor.”
But then it was a UN declared police action, not an officially declared ‘war’ by our congress of whores that kept funding it for whatever insane reason.
Well, probably because most of them, like now, were whores to corporate or arms company or military industrial complex lobbyists.
But then if that UN police action, like the one in Korea, had been about defeating communism, the troops would’ve been sent after the communists, including the UN itself, on our own soil. Senator McCarthy was right.
Now after the ‘war on terror’ which was really a war on the amerikan mind many sheeple regularly tell ‘servicemen’ “Thank you for your service,” stupidly thinking it actually means something.
How many servicemen thanks to the govt. schools and govt. churches actually understood the Oath they took to uphold the Bill of Rights?
When I went through boot camp they told us we weren’t obliged to obey ‘illegal’ orders with no explanation of what that might actually be.
For many multiple generations now most of them have been illegal.
Both ‘world wars’ weren’t fought for liberty any more than the Vietnam or Korean conflicts were. Ditto for the invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq or whatever comes next.
My little picnic war really only freed a monarch to continue to rule his subjects.
War is not always voluntary
Why haven’t our more modern whores de-funded the BATF nazi trash and the Federal Bureau of Instigators?
Why did the Joint Chiefs openly declare they’d murder anyone who went to the district of commie criminals to stop the swearing in of the old demented Marxist that should have been executed for treason 30 years ago for its crime bill?
in the post 9/11 world so-called conservatives and probably many libertarians fell to the propaganda and focused on made up enemies hiding in caves on the other side of the world instead of our real enemies WHO HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE.
The republicrat whores passed the anti-Patriot Act, written before the ‘attacks,’ without even reading it while ignoring our greater domestic enemies.
They like those that vote them into power are delusional about the real situation we face here.
If you don’t understand the implications of these things you’re too stupid to breathe on your own much less vote. Maybe that’s why it’s an autonomic response. Our real makers wanted their livestock or lab rats to keep breeding for whatever real reason.
Those who bow to ignorance and fear deserve the outcomes.
Bad is trusting those who would destroy you:
This is VERY BAD: Would We EVEN Have A CHANCE
FK – I don’t identify with the fedgov or the NWO empire military as ‘we.’ Only fools and morons would do such.
The worse shape the u.S. military is in the better chance WE have. If any of it is even true. Read Sun Tzu?
Money is the true god of this world regardless of pretense. Ignorance and fear are it’s concubines or its generals, depending on the situation.
We passed the crazy marker a few generations back. The fact that most were too blind to see it means nothing.
What country produces most of the ‘raw materials’ now?
This empire HAS BEEN DESTROYED FROM WITHIN! The cliff is behind/above us. The only question is how far the fall and how many bones will litter the bottom.
WWIII if such a thing exists was the cold war. How many millions died because of the proxy wars between the two alleged empires?
Pence proved its loyalties in Jan. 21. Why even discuss it except at the war crimes trials? Oh I forgot, we have NO MEN to carry them out.
Military Dividing Up For And Against Trump
Military leadership so-called has already decided:
FK – No comments allowed on this vid. So much for free speech and the Oath they took.
But then they decided a long time ago.
This is why:
America’s ATOMIC Foundation Myth
FK – The average amerikan is a screaming moron that is allowed to vote in our non-democracy.
Democracy doesn’t equal liberty. It’s another form of manipulation.
They had already killed hundreds of thousands via firebombing, in Japan and Germany.
If that kind of theater appeals to western civ. then western civ. is dead.
Primo example:
BREAKING: ATF raiding homes based on search history?
FK – The problem is our enemies have been successful and we have NO MEN here to hang them.
You are flying millions of miles an hour through space on a water soaked fire spitting rock. There are NO safe spaces here.
If they don’t have a warrant show them the road. If they do immediately call your local genuine people’s militia to deal with them in the proper manner, a speedy treason trial and rope.
Oh wait, I forgot, we have NO MEN here to do what should be done.
Why weren’t millions of real AMERICANS not amerikans calling congress decades back, after the murder of the Branch Davidians, to defund, try and execute the BATF Nazi trash???? See above.
I’m around useless sheeple all the time that would be fine with a communist govt., which we have, a fascist govt., a dictator, a god-appointed king, or whatever as long as they still have steak and ice cream and a big screen and get to pay their bills on time and keep the banksters in business.
This country has been defeated. The fact that most ‘conservatives’ and libertarians so-called are delusional about the situation they are in and what should have been done about it generations ago proves this.
Most of them still have blind admiration for any and all ‘law enforcement’ and/or the military which hasn’t fought a war for liberty probably since 1812.
No, it should be the wrong community, kinda like that Jason Aldean or whatever song, but with the genuine people’s militia that he’s still too cowardly to mention and that most so-called pro-2A patriots are still too pathetic to form or join.
The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.
We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.
Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?
The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.
The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More dangerous word games:
Washington’s Last Stand to Stop Its Assault Weapon Ban and Why It Matters to All Of You
FK – We need MEN to hold the war crimes trials and hang our communist judges. But our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN left here.
What happens when the military switches to laser rifles and they’re not in ‘common use?’
The commie coast is ran by guess what: commies. There’s no right to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity. If they are allowed to secede as some ‘conservatives’ are wont to do then it’s only a matter of time until they invited the chicom military over to protect them from the rednecks in flyover country.
Any who think that’s not likely much less possible is naive beyond imagination. Our domestic enemies are capable of ANY EVIL. The plandemic proved this.
The real problem is the cowardice. Most who claim to love the 2A and certainly not the commie judges are not discussing the reason it was written: For the common folk to be able to destroy any domestic military sent against them by a tyrannical govt.
That would mean having a genuine people’s militia in every county with enough manpower and armament to deal with any armed force marched or sent against it to include at the very least anti-air and anti-tank and nowadays anti-drone or whatever ARMS.
The 2A reads ARMS, which can include ANYTHING from tactical nukes to butter knives.
But this country is inhabited by pacified cowards, proven by the fact that NOTHING WAS DONE about the blatantly stolen election of Nov. 2020 and the swearing in of a demented old Marxist globalist CRIMINAL that should have been executed for treason 30 years before for its crime bill.
COUNT DOWN: Battle RAGING as Court has until MONDAY to STRIKE DOWN age purchase requirements…
FK – Voting isn’t mentioned in the Bill of Rights for a reason. Any creature of any age has a right to defend itself against govt. or common criminals but may still not possess the knowledge, experience, wisdom required to pick a candidate that will protect and restore the Bill of Rights.
Every election cycle proves there are millions of 40 year olds that are incapable of making a logical rational decision and instead vote for a candidate “…that’s gonna do somethin’ fer me.”
Which of course means providing the ignorant creature with a check, job or some other benefit, or maybe even just making it feel better about itself. But then we allow the dead and imaginary sheeple to vote… early and often.
Can you tell I’ve lost all respect for most of the tool-using monkey population?
This is why I call it the ‘ancient tribal propaganda’:
This Sign Tells of a Nation’s Impending Doom. Have You Seen It?
FK – The romans almost wiped them out. Razed their temple and cleansed the ‘holy land’ of the special tribe. Their empire lasted another 400 years. Some claim it never really died.
The a word is just another way to control the simple minded.
Most of ‘them’ now vote communist. Most synagogues are probably reform judaism and focus on social justice, both euphemisims for marxism.
Some orthodox whatevers believe modern israel is an abomination. Apparently ‘they’ can’t all agree on what the ancient tribal propaganda means either.
Our ancestors fought a bloody 8 year war so we wouldn’t be ruled by god appointed kings or have blasphemy or heresy laws.
One cannot claim to love the Bill of Rights and also claim there’s a special group whose motives cannot be questioned.
If you value the atp over the Bills of Rights you are waiting for someone to dictate to you what both mean.
Another idiot:
FK – The a word is another word used as a control device like extremist, right winger, fascist, racist and on and on.
Hating someone because they are born a certain way is mindlessness as is blindly defending them for the same reason.
All this other crap is crumbs from the self written history of a single desert tribe that like most primitive cultures created a belief system that put them at the center of existence. That’s what was stuck into the ancient tribal propaganda.
One cannot blindly trust what was reported on the evening propagandacast about what happened at 10 am this morning but billions of uneducated ignorant morons think they can blindly trust what was ALLEGEDLY written, edited, transcribed, whatever thousands of years ago.
As for all this guy is going over it’s way too much thinking for the average believer. Most of them can’t explain why they attend the church they do and usually have never attended a church that follows a different version, sub-version or subversion.
If they wanted to think for themselves they’d read books that matter and not put blind faith in any source. But they are the children their religion tells them to be because grown children are easier to rule.
When you put any book or any insanity over the Bill of Rights you are waiting for someone to dictate to you what both mean.
If you’re only interpreting the ancient tribal propaganda via itself or proving it via itself without looking for outside evidence then you’re a moron.
It’s a collection, a mishmash, of scribblings by crazy ignorant desert monks and priests or whatever over a long span of time written along a general theme. Some of its history may be close to the mark, much of it obviously isn’t.
The biblical scholars, who can’t be blindly trusted either, have vastly different views of much of this.
One could waste several lifetimes sorting all this out. That’s the problem.
Part of the reason we’ve lost our country is all the braindead morons who waste their time here waiting for the world to end or for some savior that isn’t coming.
All they ever accomplish for the most part is they die and pass their slavery on to their children.
We should be hanging our Marxists and other assorted authoritarians of whatever race, ethnicity or version, sub-version or subversion.
Start with the white ones first if that makes you feel better. They are the most numerous and the most dangerous.
What percentage of modern whatevers by whatever version vote communist or make the pretense of ‘reform Judaism’ whose synagogues push ‘social justice,’ both euphemisms for Marxism?
They are part of the problem.
Why do so many channels on bitchute post vids without source urls?????? Who is this guy? Where did this come from????
This is basic stuff people!!!!!!
Don’t miss the comments on that one.
This is definitely not ‘we’ but it does make a few good points:
How Americans Got So Stupid
FK – Not that I disagree completely with the overall premise but amerika is surrounded by large oceans that it takes a lot of money for some to fly over. Europeans drive or ride a train a few miles and wala they’re in ‘another country.’
Even most amerikans, I included until a couple decades ago, really don’t think about the fact that ‘united states’ means ‘united nation states.’ But our not so civil war, the war to keep taxing the southern states, took care of that, and our republic.
Why don’t you show communists, past and present, practicing censorship? Huh? Why not show the entire Bills of Rights, of the federal constitution and of the several states, which far outshine anything written by the Marxist globalist UN.
The UN only allows the sheeple the rights, well, that they’re allowed. Actually read it. The American Bill of Rights, insisted upon by the Anti-Federalists, those who didn’t trust the new form of govt. for good reason, was created to ACKNOWLEDGE humanity’s NATURAL BORN rights, not grant them at the whim of whatever rulers lie their way into power.
But sadly our enemies have been successful and we have NO MEN left to enforce them. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.
When propagandists default to showing the ‘Nattttzeees,’ the obvious historical lessor of the evils in that war, that tells us a lot about what side they’re on, the side of the greater evil, that won that war and still rules us all.
At least you acknowledge elite/govt. control of amerikan mainstream newswhores.
There’s nothing new about dominate empires spreading their culture to their vassal states, or trading partners.
We have plenty of commie propaganda created in house. No need to import it. It’s done in such a way the average dumbass doesn’t even know they’re a commie. Voting for lying scat so it can get them a check or a job is an old tradition here.
I’ve watched several French movies that definitely weren’t Americanized. Well maybe I tried to watch them. amerikan cinema has come a long way from John Wayne storming a beach to the first few minutes of ‘Saving Private Ryan.’ Both designed to keep the simple minded believing the military actually fights for them or their ‘freedum’ as some like to spell it.
If Lennon was working to enslave humanity he shouldn’t have been deported. He should have been tried and executed.
Plenty of low budget films are written/made well. Many big budget flicks are really little more than propaganda. Well, everything in truth is propaganda as well as this vid. Who owns and controls hollyweird for the most part anyway? Oops. can’t dare mention that.
If it makes you feel better one of my fav films is ‘Enemy at the Gates.’ The ‘heroes’ so-called, or protagonist/antagonist, both serve evil socialist systems and the movie does a decent job of showing how evil both those systems are, even up the point of how the Soviets put less value on their own soldiers than the evvvieelll natttzzzzzzzzziiieess.
You’re pretty stupid if you think one has to be a dumb redneck to vote for Trump. I didn’t vote for him either time. I’m still not convinced he’s the savior so many want him to be. But then it’s incredibly stupid to waste one’s time here looking for saviors when we should be hanging our Marxist globalists.
Here in podunk Kentucky, really most of the country, mainstream radio, like all mainstream news and entertainment media, is mostly crap that regurgitates msnm garbage as reality. We have redneck country, classic rock because allegedly young people don’t listen to radio stations anymore because of their smartphones, top 40 as always and of course National Propaganda Radio. The ‘christian’ stations vary and some play a mix of gospel or modern christian music and a few political talk show hosts that finally developed the courage to start calling their domestic enemies Marxists.
When the republic was founded only white male landowners, presumably educated and literate newspaper readers, could vote. But the newspapers then were often founded to push one agenda or another.
We need to require a test of history and the constitutions and our Bills of Rights and militia service, not military, militia, to vote. Only when the members of the standing army are forced to fully understand and uphold their oaths should they be allowed to vote.
How many of the demonscat or the republicrats for that matter remember it was the demonscat party, once ‘the party of the little man,’ that passed NAFTA, after Klinton the first said he was against it during his first campaign for the now red house, then shoved it through congress and bragged about it, sending millions of amerikan jobs over the border and to those foreign countries the average swing voter works so hard to ignore?
I’m well aware of what the EU is and how evil it is. Sen. McCarthy was right. Do you understand whose propaganda you’re regurgitating?
“The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler.
The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.
Doom or doomed?:
This s*** is just weird…
FK – What percentage of physically grown alleged males can define ‘anarchy‘ or have trained with their local genuine people’s militia or even read a book that matters since high school if indeed they did then?
What percentage of alleged grown women have ‘careers’ or could even really define that? Most of them now work whatever job(just over broke) they can find to help pay the bills and keep two or more cars and all the other stuff we think we can’t exist without.
My mother divorced my abusive father when I was 5 and spent 20 years sewing t-shirt sleeves as a member of the blue-collar working class the result being her mother, born in 1914, basically raised me. She tried to instill in me the desire to find a biblical wife via Proverbs.
She only succeeded in grossly turning me off to the idea.
Children are better off in a two parent household, with the mother at home when young, with both parents attractive, intelligent and educated(not just indoctrinated). But that has always been a tiny indeed minuscule percentage of the population.
Humanity’s past was full of orphans and bad stepparents and high infant and child mortality. It’s also full of mindless willful ignorance and simple illiteracy. Now most can read their electric bills but would rather die than read anything that matters.
More children live to so-called adulthood but in reality have no business breeding much less voting.
I certainly don’t regret that I never settled for someone I’d have to grit my teeth to go home to so I could help her pop out more taxpayers or pawns for the kings or interest payers for the banksters or more souls for a sadistic bronze age god to threaten with eternal torture.
I’d never want to be found guilty of participating in that last one.
The elites of our time have lost their collective minds, or are putting on a show of such for whatever real reason. But my years of trying to get the average dumbass to pay attention and think for themselves have shown me why the elites of history always viewed us as the mob.
A few more ways the world might end:
Gulf Stream (AMOC) Could Collapse By 2025 According To A New Study – Catastrophic Climate Impacts
FK – It’s all propaganda. Maybe it’s way past due for a reset, of the tool-using monkeys that is. All they can manage to do anymore is lie to each other’s faces.
What does the primary religion here order it’s adherents to do?: Render unto Caesar, obey the magistrates, be a good servant(slave) you’ll have paradise in the next life, wait to get beamed up because it’s all prophesied and there’s nothing you can do about it.
The game hasn’t changed only the names. As always it’s one order replacing another. This empire will fall like all the rest. As always the sheeple are blind to what’s been done to them, what’s being done and what will be done to their descendants.
The govt. schools and govt. churches ensure they have NO CONCEPT of their right, duty and responsibility to fight back in whatever way necessary.
What will survive us?
The guardian is a globalist rag, probably always was. ANYTHING MAINSTREAM is NOT TO BE TRUSTED. They’re all lying, from the little local rag to the local radio station that pipes in corporate newswhore propaganda to of course the big city rags and radio stations and tv stations.
But again and again we’ve had the net for 25 years plus and millions are so incredibly STUPID and OBLIVIOUS that they wore the masks and took the vax and will die thinking they did the right thing.
The elites know what their livestock are, dumb animals, that only care about how well manicured their yards are or whether or not the cats will win or when they’ll get beamed up before things get too bad.
Trump didn’t wave his magic wand and save anyone in 4 years. If he’s ‘allowed’ back into the now red house he won’t again.
Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?
Or anything else?:
Richard Dolan – What is Missing in the UAP/UFO Discussion of 2023?
Unimaginable apathy and cowardice:
Breaking! 20 Million People Killed Globally By Covid Vaccines & 2.2 Billion Seriously Hurt
I’ve been claiming since 2020 the bioweapon was almost certainly intentionally released. What will be done about it by this nation of anatomically physically grown pussy so-called males? Probably nothing:
FK – Well gee, that would be an act of biowar, just as I called it in 2020. When will the globalist generals step in to round up those responsible and hold the war crimes trials?
They won’t. They ARE THE ENEMY.
They just keep proving me right. Who’s funding them?:
The Marxist Takeover of America
Even a dull-witted person should be able to understand the hold which the Marxists now have on our military. Thirty years ago, to speak out against Marxism on a college campus was career-ending. And now the infection has reached the armed forces. To speak out against Marxism in the military is also career-ending. Does everyone see this? Are we watching with eyes wide shut?
FK – Don’t worry, this country is full of dull witted morons who fully deserve what’s being done to them.
Bombshell! Senator Ron Johnson Says COVID Intentionally Released By ‘Elite Group Of People Who Want To Take Total Control Of Our Lives’
Covid-19 Was A Globalist Plot To Conquer The World, Warns Top German Leader
Nurse reveals that the COVID vaccine killed nearly 20% of patients at her facility
Biden FDA admits that doctors have authority to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19
Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It’s a Manufactured Consensus”
Dr. Francis Boyle Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon
I’m not sure what the point is to posting any more of the headers I’ve seen since, whenever, more than I can keep track of, all the vile evil the so-called ‘good people’ are allowing to be done to their own children and country.
I told you fucking so. May you ignorant apathetic sheeple suffer horribly in this world for your cowardice:
Real or not, Corona is a setup
Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?
Yes we’re AT WAR!
Generals: We will murder real Americans
The fed gov has lost all legitimacy
The earth turns over and an empire falls
A tale of face diapers and poison needles
An ongoing act of biowar
Democracy is what got us into this situation: