Tag Archives: youtube

Do Not Count on Gen Z. —A Gen Z Girl


FK – What comes after gen Z? Is that the end? Don’t get caught up in the propaganda of the moment.

As a late baby boomer I can tell you there will always be young and old morons who have no business voting.

Who deserves to vote?

Looking for ‘peace in our time’ is an old affectation and its adherents never seem to catch on to the reality of our situation: The tool-using monkeys are gonna be fighting/killing each other over one insanity or another for a very long time to come.

Billions still think it’s perfectly OK that their sadistic god, that’s ‘their’ god, will burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever, including babies and little kids. We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

Liberty is preserved and increased for that tiny minority in every generation that will actually use it to advance the evolution of human civilization. The rest as always are only along for the ride.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Welcome to a nation of morons


First video Youtube crippled with its new censorship system


FK – Our societies should be built on a respect for human liberty. The commies hate this concept and use the minorities as tools to achieve their goal of enslaving all human-kind.

I live in a rural area 11 miles from the county seat and a mile or so from the county line. The 3 closest houses to mine have been broken into at one time or another and more than likely it was white trash that did it. The welfare state was created to produce inter-generational parasites of all races that would be dependable constituents for the communist party, by whatever name.

Most of the blacks in this rural area, at least years ago, were raised to have ‘common sense’ and be ‘productive members of society’ and usually turned out to be ‘good people'(very loosely defined for reasons I won’t go into here). That’s not happening in the urban centers is it? That’s because their culture has been intentionally destroyed by the amerikan communist(globalist) insurgency. That’s the issue.

The original post. Click on it and click on ‘learn more’ to tell the evil google where to go.

This Press for Truth vid is where I learned about it:


FK -‘Racial tensions’ are a communist/globalist tool they create and inflame to further their evil goal of enslaving us all.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Conservative And Independent YouTube Channels Hit By Censorship And Demonetization

YouTube “Economically Censors” Ron Paul, Labels Videos “Not Suitable” For All Advertisers

Censorship Is So Progressive


FK – The only way to improve the evil google is to burn it to the ground, arrest its commies and provide them swift war crimes trials.

“I’m a ‘progressive’ so….” You mean you’re a communist piece of shit that doesn’t belong in this country.

And then we go to a moron that thinks it can ignore politics, human nature. I hope it gets shot into a ditch someday for its cowardice and apathy.

‘Appropriate opinions.’ – That one doesn’t need any explanation. But there are millions of morons on ‘both’ sides of the ‘political spectrum’ that would agree with that creature with ‘their’ opinions in mind…

And the next one actually has sort of a clue. Give her a gold sticky star.

Voting is force so we should be very careful about who we let vote. Internet content affects votes thus we have this issue. That’s the issue.

Who deserves to vote?

What to teach your kids

Welcome to a nation of morons

What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

It means we are responsible…

We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.

We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.

We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.

We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.

We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.

We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The only real reason for the militia

What is a man, really?

A new birth of Liberty, or death



FK – When you call commies ‘the left’ or ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ you’re lying for them by using the cute names they created/adopted to hide their evil.

STOP LYING!!!!!!!!!!!

The patriot newbie guidebook

My ‘red pill’ before we had that analogy was the revelation of the murders of the Branch Davidians and reading ‘The Citizens Rule Book’ and reading the quote attributed to George Washing: “Govt. is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force. Like fire it is a fearsome master and a dangerous servant.”

Listening to the shortwave finished my ‘red-pilling’ and reading Jack McLamb’s book of quotes about the New World Order: ‘Operation Vampire Killer 2000: American Police Action Plan for Stopping World Government Rule, ‘ And of course reading ‘The New American’ and other type stuff one could buy at gun shows in those days.

Another version:


FK – ‘They’ consider us to be livestock. There is nothing more important to realize than that.

Here in amerika we may not be put in prison but our employers think they can control what we publicly say. Most sheeple are so braindead they mentally run away if ‘scary things’ that might require them to take on personal responsibility for the world around them are spoken of.

Politics is human nature and vice versa. You’ll never get the ‘politics’ out of politics. Only fools think they can ignore politics. War is politics by other means. Your enemies, the communists by other names who conquered Europe and are bringing in the fundies to hasten its demise are waging war on you and they fully understand that. Do you?

The commies that are left or over a certain age will likely never change. We’ve had the net for 20 years so it’s really easy to learn how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are. Those who push those evils are evil and they fully realize how evil they are. There is only one cure for them.

Never mistake trolling for genuine criticism. Their goal is to turn the simple minded not affect you. They certainly don’t care if they insult you.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

The ‘truth’ will not ‘set you free.’ It will burden you with a sense of purpose if you are a real human being and not a herd animal.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

And one more:


FK – Waking up is an ongoing process of sifting through all the layers. It’s unlikely any human will ever fully awaken since there will always be things we don’t know. And then there’s all the distraction, intentional or not… via trolls, govt. psyops, profiteering doomsayers and on and on.

Most of the tool-using monkeys spend their existences lying to themselves. The elites know this and always have. They have learned over time how to herd the flock and the submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

Religion of course, whether created by the elites or infiltrated later is a control device.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

It’s all so convenient, making it easier for the sheeple to pass their slavery on to their sheeplets.

And please don’t encourage people to use the evil google.

As always our real enemies are here.

What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

It means we are responsible…

We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.

We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.

We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.

We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.

We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.

We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

A new birth of Liberty, or death


Ad Friendly Makeup Tutorial


FK – Google is evil. Its hierarchy worked to elect hitlery.

You don’t need makeup sweetheart. You’ll bring a high price at the fundie slave market without any at all. I hear they prefer them brought fresh from the shower so they can tell what they’re getting.

Read this for my experience of cultural enrichment in the land of camels and ragheads:

What Every Girl Needs To Hear

Facebook & Google: The New Faces of Big Brother

FK – This won’t work unless the average dumbass gets off google, youtube and fakebook with the rest of us.

Their obvious goal is to sweep us off to some dark corner of the net where the sheeple will be afraid to tread because the authorities warned them about ‘those extremists.’

The Imperative of Replacing Google and Facebook

The killer bees of fake news

Who deserves to vote?

As they’re doing with mainstream weaponvision:

ABC Accused of Playing Politics In Canceling Tim Allen Hit ‘Last Man Standing’

ABC Besieged by Boycott Calls After Cancelation of Conservative Tim Allen’s Hit Show

FK – Gee, are ‘conservatives’ finally learning to stand up to the propaganda stream? Pity they don’t really understand what they’re really up against or what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed.

If Allen supported Kasich in the primaries he’s not a ‘conservative.’

SJW Laci Green takes the Red Pill?

FK – Let’s see, on the one hand you acknowledge they only want our capitulation then you claim we need ‘dialogue’ with those who have proven over multiple decades they will keep lying to our faces and keep expecting us to pretend they’re not lying when they know full well we know they’re lying.


WE ARE AT WAR! Yes, some can be ‘red-pilled,’ many will have to be exterminated. Simple sad fact. We’ve had the net for 20 years now. It’s easy to learn how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are yet our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, keep trying to shove both down our throats at the point of a govt. gun. Does this tell you anything?

The questions that matter are ‘Who is originating and funding the propaganda that spews out of the SJWs’ mouths and what is its real purpose, to destroy ‘the right'(those who wish to be free) or the ‘left'(those who wish to enslave everyone) or both?’

Her original vid:

FK – Waking up is a process. I’ve been doing it for 20 + years. Think ‘enlightenment’ without all the new agey horse crap. The fight for human liberty is the pinnacle of human endeavor.

Think the bumper sticker commies like that reads: ‘Question Authority’ then think ‘What does one do when authority refuses to be questioned?’ Protest? No, they’ve already refused to be questioned and protesters are being thrown in prison, which can happen here as is happening to those in Europe who dare to question why fundie ragheads(and think how indoctrinated you are in PC that you don’t like that description of those who adhere to an ideology that is completely antithetical to all western civilization, and feminists, supposedly stood for) are being imported in large numbers, put on welfare and allowed to breed.

Your generation is possibly the most indoctrinated in authoritarianism in modern history, surpassing even places like Cuba or the ‘former’ Soviet Union or even N. Korea. Simple fact.

You’ve been taught to hug the whales and the trees and the sexually degenerate and instantly fully hate anyone who questions these edicts, closing off your minds and ears to all reality. Simple fact.

I grew up during the ‘sexual revolution’ and it wasn’t. Human biology still demands much of the same insanity our so-called ‘morality’ always has. We’ve gone in the opposite direction for the last several years thanks to the ‘right’ and the ‘left’ so-called. Now it’s the ignorance of abstinence because of the fear of a sadistic god vs. the ignorance of calling obvious birth defects and mental illnesses ‘happy, healthy and normal.’ How absurd.

All politics is violence since all government is force hence voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in since you are electing someone to hire someone to stick a gun in your neighbor’s face and force your particular brand of human insanity down their throat at the point of a govt. gun.

If nothing else ‘free speech’ is telling others what they don’t want to hear and not being forced to lie in order to save their feelings or their particular system of authoritarianism. Personally I’m sick of all sides expecting me to lie for them.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The idea of ‘harmful speech’ is abhorrent to human Liberty since our Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, forces our governments to acknowledge the most basic right we posses: To fight back against and kill them when necessary.

Our nation was founded by ‘subjects of the King’ who killed their government’s employees to improve human Liberty. It is a process that history proves and is proving now will have to be repeated. Lose sight of that and you have the sad pathetic situation we have now.

If your generation ever grows up, and it seems unlikely, they should seek out those who taught them their ‘feelings’ are more important than human Liberty and drag them to whatever tree or light pole is handy and hang them until dead.

‘Social Justice’ is a commie/globalist phrase created to control your minds. It’s only really meaning, like ‘democracy,’ is another form of manipulation.

I think of what the ‘apostle’ Paul allegedly wrote about his education before his conversion which was loosely: “I count all I learned before as dung.”

Your education/indoctrination by the mainstream/govt. schools and news/entertainment media was mostly dung. And that’s mostly because of all the important stuff they hid from you. And it’s obviously a far greater crime than was committed on my generation.

We’ve had the net for 20 years. It’s easy to learn how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are yet our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies tell the same re-hashed lies and arrogantly expect us to pretend they’re not lying while shoving both of the aforementioned down our throats at the point of a govt. gun. How long does it take for you to catch on?

Once again my standard answer to such:

Let’s make amerika free again!

Are we ready for the outcome of voting for the lesser of two evils, and eventually getting more evil than we can handle?

Is there a militia force in your county yet? Why not? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. A right applied for is a privilege.

Was the last ‘mass shooting’ site a ‘gun free zone?” Why are commiefornia and others still ‘may issue’ states? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

And once again, I’m proven right:

FK – Help? It needs a straight jacket.

What we have here is one insanity vs. another. As usual.

What to teach your kids

Trump as click bait, and other things…


FK – There’s never been anything ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ about commies. When you use their cute names to describe them you help them hide their evil.

The patriot newbie guidebook

All the ‘isms’ ignore those aspects of human/nature behavior they find inconvenient.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Most modern Jews are secular Marxists. What is ‘reform Judaism?’ Look it up. I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Most people are sheeple, herd animals, that will go along to get along as long as they(nowadays) have steak, ice cream and a big screen to keep them distracted from their shitty lives. The elites know this and act on it. Read ‘The Prince.’ It tells you how govt. works. It hasn’t changed that much in 500 years, really thousands.

The problem is we have a nation of morons who either vote on their stomachs and their sex glands or are sitting around waiting for the world to end because some lying preacher told them they’re going to get beamed up soon. Either way the last thing most of them want is to take personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

That’s why more sheeple vote in the quadrennial quest for the idiot vote. They’re looking for a savior to wave its magic wand and solve their problems for them. Again, the elites know this and act on it.

This is America. We are supposed to be free here. We have a Bill of Rights, a document that makes us exceptional in all the world. Those who don’t like that or who prefer the Communist Manifesto, or profit over human beings, or some form of ‘fascism’ however loosely defined DON’T BELONG HERE! If that pigeon holes me into a clique so be it.

Freedom, Liberty, The Bill of Rights, is at their foundation the right to fight back against and kill those who would enslave us or in our case enslave us further. When they’re stealing their money out of your check before it even reaches your hands, you’re a slave. If you have to get permission to carry a proper tool for self defense anywhere, you’re a slave. End of discussion.

The corporate elites fund the commies, for their own uses/purposes. That’s why lots of YouTube vids aren’t monetized anymore. They want slaves, desperate workers that will show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions. The govt. wants the same thing.

We are being played.

The killer bees of fake news

Who deserves to vote?

Why Your Favorite YouTube Creators Will Disappear | Tin Hat Ranch


FK – At the end of the day ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians,’ those with actual money, care more about their money than their ’cause’ and will probably fail to congeal and create a platform to replace YouTube which is owned by google which is evil whose newer ‘parent company’ Alphabet is ran by a piece of schitt that worked to get hitlery in the now red house.

We are war but too many are still in denial of that reality.

The killer bees of fake news

The YouTube Controversy: Who Benefits?


FK – Give me a break. This is about control. Google is evil. Alphabet CEO Schitt or whatever tried to put hitlery in the oval office.

The racism/hate crap is as always just an excuse. The corporates and workaholic assholes that fund the commie front groups don’t want their human resources to have inconvenient thought patterns.

Hint: They don’t call us ‘human resources’ because they value us as human beings. And yes, they should be required to value us as human beings. There is no ‘right’ to treat a human being like a jackass or a robot or a resource whether it’s a govt. or corporate or whatever entity doing so.

The income tax in amerika is illegal. The 16th Amendment wasn’t ratified by enough states to make it law but the sec of the treasury at that time lied. An income tax is the second plank of the Communist Manifesto, thus it’s evil. It wasn’t even forced on the common worker until WWII and they never took it off.

It was a matter of time until google et al tried to shove all dissenters into some dark corner of the net where the average sheeple dumbass will never go, usually out of fear. They know the average dumbass is a herd animal. That’s how and why they do the crap they do.

This has probably been planned for a while and Trump may be part of it. The bombs are still falling in the Middle East aren’t they?

Cable and satellite weaponvision was a ripoff from the beginning, regardless of the commie infiltration of the news media.

A corporate workaholic asshole that’s addicted to money and the power it brings having ‘genuine moral outrage?’ Oh that’s a hoot. I’ll think of that the next time one of them is trying to shave every penny off my ass that it can.

Capitalist Bezos of Amazon fame bought the Washington Compost as some call it and its editorial policy(communist) didn’t change.

When the net was new it was mostly patriots. We had no where else to go. It was a matter of time until the amerikan communist insurgency tried to dominate or destroy it through infiltration or actions like these. No surprises here.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

It’s all because of our failure to hunt them to extinction. We should’ve kept the troops home from Korea and Vietnam and killed the commies here first. Trump needs to bring the troops home now and open “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

But it’s more profitable for all involved to keep bombing the Middle East.

Propaganda has always been a mix of truth and lies. And it’s ‘all’ propaganda. The ‘alt-right’ is just an excuse for controlling speech, just like ‘the war on terror’ or ‘the war on drugs.’

And stop calling them ‘progressive,’ and ‘liberal’ and ‘left wing.’ They’re statist authoritarian commie trash that took on those cute names to hide their evil from the stupid. When you use their labels you help them wage war on us all.

The killer bees of fake news

As I wrote about google et al:


FK – One hopes he realizes the ‘bloody fight’ will not be metaphorical.

Conservatives – Creating their Own Worst Enemy?