The original was taken down. Don’t know why. Maybe Passio isn’t on goolagtube anymore. Though I don’t think was on his channel. I remembered this being a live longer speech to a group. This is what I could find in Oct. 2019 with the same basic message:
In fact, the German people have no unique genetic heritage to protect. They—and all other Europeans—are already a mishmash, the children of repeated ancient migrations, according to scientists who study ancient human origins. New studies show that almost all indigenous Europeans descend from at least three major migrations in the past 15,000 years, including two from the Middle East. Those migrants swept across Europe, mingled with previous immigrants, and then remixed to create the peoples of today.
Using revolutionary new methods to analyze DNA and the isotopes found in bones and teeth, scientists are exposing the tangled roots of peoples around the world, as varied as Germans, ancient Philistines, and Kashmiris. Few of us are actually the direct descendants of the ancient skeletons found in our backyards or historic homelands. Only a handful of groups today, such as Australian Aborigines, have deep bloodlines untainted by mixing with immigrants.
FK – Funny how this article ignores the cultural implications of bringing in immigrants that refuse to assimilate.
We are all nomadic mutts, drawing our food and water from blood-stained ground that someone’s ancestors’ conquered. But too many prefer to lie about this, pretending all is ‘peace and love.’
Peace and love without Liberty is slavery. Europe is now descending deeper into a morass, from the darkness of socialism to the bloodier darkness of ancient tribal propaganda.
Our laws come not from our bloodlines but from our minds and hearts, our cultures, and now with the lie of ‘democracy’ the new majority may soon vote its conquered into an ancient form of slavery.
Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?
FK – The truth is that you’re still making generalizations and leaving out a lot of ‘truth’ most sheeple and people don’t want to speak of.
I once had a Saudi solider show with his hands, his finger snugly inserted into the fingers of his other hand, why he wanted to know if I had a 16-year-old cousin I could sell him. I felt he was serious.
Our biology stems from the cellular need to reproduce that evolved in some pool or jungle where larger cells struggled to eat our ancestors before they could divide or where the strongest primate had the biggest harem.
Once another male actually told me, in so many words, it was OK for him to have multiple partners but his partners damn well better not. But a lot of men don’t want to put up with the amount of bullshit necessary to deal with such a situation. I never had that kind of patience.
It amazes me to some degree that we still don’t seem to be able to talk properly about ‘sex’ decades after the so-called ‘sexual revolution,’ Every generation of teens seems to go through the same thing. They’re biologically primed for something their parents and societies are usually in denial of and thus they aren’t taught how to make love without all the bullshit. From one set of nuts they get ‘abstinence’ and now from another set of nuts they’re told it’s ‘normal’ to have two mommies or two daddies.
We went from no sex ed decades ago to something a little better than a sterile form of biology class in my day to the current insanity of multiple fluid genders in any one being at any given time. It used to be that guilt only came from either doing it or not doing it well enough. Now it’s from not being accepting of whatever insanity comes along next.
My grandmother who was raised in the horse and buggy days tried to instill in me the biblical injunction to marry a ‘helpmeet,’ someone to cook and clean and pop out babies while I went off to the factory as my parents did to earn a check and pay for the trailer. You can damn well bet I wouldn’t have grown richer doing that. But then I’ve never understood why the working poor want to reproduce anyway.
You’re a very attractive intelligent young woman. Perhaps you can argue you were born rich. Many can’t and be honest with themselves, that may be why a lot of them find it easier to sit on the couch and comfort themselves with chips and soda or whatever or harder more dangerous substances.
Men usually have to choose between ‘settling’ for someone who may or may not be a good ‘helpmeet’ or maybe being one of the lucky few who are smart or disciplined or driven or dishonest or whatever enough to make a lot of money while still young and then be lucky enough not to marry a gold digger who may physically represent his dreams but otherwise be a nightmare in the bedroom and the courtroom.
Chasing that younger woman thing as part of some middle age crisis often does cause the first wife to end up rich.
Those young would-be studs who try to act like that early primate with his harem have to remember that in modern society 30 seconds of pleasure can earn him 25 years of child support court.