Tag Archives: wire

Liberal Media Caught With Pants Down in WireTapping Controversy!


FK – Someone could produce footage of the Marxist mutt and hitlery sacrificing babies in the Oval Office and the amerikan sheeple would yawn and keep flipping channels. The ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ would put out a press release or a tweet or create a group on fakebook which would rage for a few weeks and then they’d all start looking for the next commie/globalist outrage.

So the ominous music is much overplayed. Do a vid on how cowardly and pathetic the average amerikan is and then use it.

What is a man, really?

The killer bees of fake news

And maybe a touch of sanity on this:


FK – Heard a commie govt. paid newswhore on national propaganda radio yesterday interviewing some author who was blatantly saying Trump’s prezidency could/would result in ‘fascism.’ The ‘commie vs. fascist’ thing is now full blown mainstream. Both sides are calling each other what they are, more or less, or what they want them to be, and the sad truth is both are right.

For the sake of the brain dead I will state I agree with much of what Trump is doing but certainly not all. The blind faith I see morons putting on fakebook and in other places vs the blind hatred of ‘fascism and racism’ et al is a dangerous cocktail.

Not that I wouldn’t like to see a successful “Liberal”(commie) trash season waged, but it wouldn’t be for real human liberty but for some modern version of hero worship and some version of ‘greatness’ that few who support it could define.

I think it all goes back to one nomadic group fighting another for hunting lands, the best watering hole or cave or whatever with everyone wanting to be on the ‘winning team.’ Kinda like what we see every February.

We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age and much blood is yet to be spilled over insanities.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Trump as click bait, and other thingsā€¦