Tag Archives: white house

McConnell whipped for Lynch, avoiding nuclear fallout

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) worked quietly to round up more than 60 votes to end a filibuster of attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch, Republican senators say.

After holding up Lynch’s confirmation vote for weeks, McConnell worked to ensure she would overcome a filibuster with a strong bipartisan vote, pitting him against Tea Party firebrand Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and other conservatives.

Some GOP senators say McConnell wanted to avoid a battle over the “nuclear option,” the controversial tactic then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) employed in 2013 to reduce the threshold for ending a filibuster of most executive nominees from 60 votes to a simple majority.

One lawmaker said McConnell quietly talked to colleagues about voting to advance Lynch to a final up-or-down vote.


The motion to end debate on her nomination passed 66-34 and she won confirmation 56-43.

A senior Republican aide, however, dismissed the theory that McConnell was worried about an impromptu floor fight.

“No one was going to object so it’s moot,” said the aide.

The aide asserted that Lynch had broad support regardless of any possible machinations over Senate procedure, noting her final tally was only a handful of votes short of 60.

FK – We send the bastards up there to defend Liberty and stop tyranny and defend the Bill of Rights. When they don’t do that it’s time to look at other options.

Exclusive — Empirical Vote Data Shows Democrats Still Control US Senate, Harry Reid’s Office Rejoices

FK – We’re gonna have to go up there, not carrying signs. Simple fact.

Another fine piece of trash. Does it know what it can do with the cigars?:

Hillary Furious as Thousands of Americans Send Cigars to Her Office

Obama’s Propaganda Legalized And Expanding


FK – Gee, I thought they were already doing this. Hollyweird stars were doing propaganda flicks during WWII…

This was done two years ago. I haven’t noticed any appreciable difference in the scat flow. But then I rarely watch or listen to ‘the mainstream.’

Propaganda Ban Repealed As Government Made News Floods U.S.

Smith-Mundt reform: In with a whimper?

FK – What the hell is National Propaganda Radio? We’ve had commie propaganda streamed across the county via taxpayer funded outlets and the mainstream newswhores for decades.

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans

US ends ban on ‘domestic propaganda’

The US Government Asked Sony to Help Counter ISIS Propaganda

FK – You gotta love this part:

But ambassadors and State Department officials aren’t the only public servants that Lynton was close with. In one instance, Lynton had a dinner engagement with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, according to an email titled “Personal: Dinner” apparently sent by Kristen Jarvis, Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff.

“The President and First lady are delighted that you will be joining them for dinner tomorrow evening,” Jarvis wrote. “Cocktails are at 630pm and dinner will be served at 730pm. Please let me know if you have any food allergies, etc, so I can alert the chefs.”

FK – My ‘chef’ will tell ya’ to bring your own lunch.

I’m not sure why they’re going to the trouble. Google is mainstreaming the net and will soon just plug us all in at birth:

Why Google Is the New Evil Empire

FK – Make sure you read that one. This new ’empire’ must be brought down:

FK – When the net was new it was largely patriot types, for there was nowhere else for us to go. Now  they are sweeping us, the real Americans, into a dark corner that will eventually be extinguished.

Gallup: Americans Say Our Government is Our ‘Most Important’ Problem

A Gallup poll of 1,025 American adults conducted March 5-8 discovered that Americans are more likely to volunteer that government is our “most important” problem as opposed to any other.

In the survey, Gallup asked: “What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today.”

Eighteen percent responded to the question by expressing dissatisfaction with government, Congress or politicians. Eleven percent said the economy general; and 10 percent said unemployment or jobs.

FK – Gee, I knew that 20 years ago. Will it be another 20 years before enough come to grips with the reality of what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed?



FK – Any prez that tries to fix this mess better have his own security…

Will the revolution have to be led by a few state legislatures?

How Frank Marshall Davis Transformed America

When Rudolph Giuliani mentioned that President Barack Obama, as a young man, was under the influence of Communist Party member and suspected Soviet espionage agent Frank Marshall Davis, Giuliani struck a nerve. In contrast to his claim that Obama didn’t love America, his remarks about the Davis-Obama relationship were not opinion, but fact. That is why a Washington Post fact-checker has been assigned to investigate Giuliani’s claim. We shall see whether the Post, at this late date, covers a story that could have been Pulitzer Prize-winning material more than seven years ago.

As the former New York City mayor noted, Obama’s grandfather turned him over to Davis for mentoring. His black father had taken off and his mother was mostly spending her time elsewhere. But the question remains: what kind of influence are we talking about? Paul Kengor’s book, The Communist: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor, explains Davis’s influence on Obama’s economic views. Rusty Weiss and I quoted Kengor in a piece we did on how Davis’s anti-white racism also influenced Obama.

Less well-known is how Obama adopted Davis’s outlook on sexual matters.

Davis, who died in 1987, was a heavy drinker and marijuana user who wrote a pornographic novel, Sex Rebel, disclosing that he had sex with children, including a 13-year-old girl.

FK – This article and another it links to are interesting and useful but gets turned into a rant on ‘gay marriage.’

What’s amusing/ironic about the ‘gay marriage’ issue is that most of the homos fighting for it are “Liberals”(commies) who have no problem going to big govt. and begging ‘permission’ to be ‘legally’ joined to the person they ‘love’ while many to most of those opposed will also claim to be small govt. ‘conservatives’ who ignore the fact that marriage was once a purview of the church and the church alone. But they have no problem allowing the govt. to decide who’s ‘married’ or not.

I don’t know all the ins and outs of the legalities of ‘same-sex marriage’ as it probably varies from state to state anyway. It’s probably already possible to make almost anyone your beneficiary or power of attorney in most situations anyway. The corporations should be forced to deal with people in whatever way their cusomters wish. The insurance companies in particular are making billions off the fear of the sheeple anyway.

Anyone should be able to name anyone else anything they want at any time, if we exist in a free country. But the homos and the ‘church ladies’ have gotten wound up in a pissing contest over whose god, govt. or some sadistic asshole, is in charge of all our lives. If we existed in a ‘free country,’ world, universe, dimension, whatever, we would be.

This is the best and most informative line from the second article:

“For Communists like Robeson, “democracy” was a codeword for communism.”

Yep, that’s what it is. “Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx

The commies sometimes point out real issues, it’s their solutions that are usually evil. One doesn’t replace heart disease with cancer and claim to have really accomplished anything other than providing a longer existence under greater misery.

Backlash momentum builds on proposed bullet ban

While public backlash is building over a proposed ban on green-tipped M855 ammunition for modern sport-utility rifles, people are buying all the ammunition they can, KNOP News reported yesterday, while more than 100 members of Congress have signed a letter headed this week to the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The letter was discussed last Friday by Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) on Fox News. An accompanying story from Fox quoted Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, who accurately noted, “Almost any hunting rifle bullet will go through body armor, so you could prohibit almost any rifle bullet with this. This is the administration redefining the law on its own.”

Soft body armor worn by police was designed to stop handgun bullets. Armor-piercing handgun projectiles were banned years ago, but because M855 ammunition can now be used in some handguns built on the AR-15 platform, ATF wants to re-classify the round, despite the fact that it has been allowed for years by specific exemption. As Gottlieb explained, virtually any rifle bullet designed for hunting, or even target shooting, predator control, competition or recreational shooting will go through soft body armor.

FK – Gee, the republicrats controlled the congress of commie critters and the now red house for how many years during the dubya administration and they didn’t repeal the evil laws this is based upon(GCA ’68/sporting purpose) and shut down the BATF Nazi trash, try them for treason and execute them and distribute their retirement funds amongst their victims and they want to pretend they give a damn now??????

We need to stop arguing over which chicken the skunk in the hen house is gonna kill next and kill the skunk.

FK – We need to put cameras and guns in the courtrooms. The black-robed shysters are our employees. They are supposed to FEAR us.

 Federal Judge: California handgun roster is constitutional

Capitol Hill gun control stalwarts want to disarm those on watch lists

Special Report: Notes on Another Clinton Scandal: Was Vince Foster Killed?

FK – Ah the klinton years. Such sweet memories, klinton’s saying “I’m against NAFTA,” then pushing it through congress and signing it during it’s first year in office, the last time I voted for a mainstream candidate for prez; the ‘assault weapons’ bill and the gun and ammo craze that followed it; my first exposure to the patriot movement, many who were real christian patriots, not sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end; learning about the murders by federal agents at Mt. Carmel; moving to Georgia to be part of a large group in Atlanta while working for ‘The Voice Of Liberty’ shortwave radio program(the net was in its infancy then); later joining the militia in Kentucky; learning what the Culpepper Flag meant way before the tea party was cool.

Let hitlery win, it’ll do the same thing the Marxist mutt has: woke lots of sheeple up, pissed lots of people off, sold more guns and ammo than the klintons ever thought about, if the Marxist mutt doesn’t leave its masters’ plantation and do something so outrageous even the dumbest of the dumbed-down will understand our dire need for an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

Was there blood spray behind Foster’s body? Seems I remember something about carpet fibers on his suit, as if that’s what his body was carried there with. I’d forgotten it was buried in Hope, if I knew. It’s always amusing when the “Liberal”(commie) trash eat their own.