Tag Archives: we want martial law

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Is this the greatest Aprils Fools deception ever conceived?

The Black Death allegedly killed half of Europe. But they had kings and serfs who trudged on and filled the gaps. We aren’t supposed to be serfs anymore and our ancestors fought a bloody 8-year war to rid us of ‘god appointed kings.’

Most of the trudging done in amerika now is to the food stamp office or soon the unemployment office, if it’s open. I guess it’ll all, with voting, be moving online, with only the elites granted the ability to track the ‘benefits’ of either. See the recent demonscat primary season.

Trudging to a job(just over broke) is nothing to brag about either. Most of our problems here in the land of the not-so-free are due to all the time the sheeple waste in exchange for money. So that even those who want to try to keep up on real current affairs, not the disinfo drip from the corporate gatekeepers, and continue their adult educations, have a difficult time of it.

In short, we’re allowing misinformed, mal-educated easily herded children to vote. That’s why the demonscat party is allegedly going to replace the obviously demented prez candidate ‘leader’ before the fall election.

Who deserves to vote?

What to teach your kids

If we had men here the entire demonscat prez field would’ve already been arrested, tried and executed for treason. But I digress.

What is a man, really?

I think this is all an act of desperation on the part of the global elites. They see the reigns slipping from their hands as the smart phone revolution has caused so many sheeple to be exposed to info their parents didn’t know existed or would’ve simply ignored or ran away from.

I know, when I first entered this war there was no net. The average sheeple would do everything they could to avoid the personal responsibility that comes with any real knowledge. Millions still do.

Waking up is an on-going process and it’s not enough to know there’s a ‘deep state’ or ‘swamp.’ One must possess the desire to overcome their own intellectual cowardice and take on the personal responsibility we are all born with because this is a representative republic not a democracy or a theocracy that so many would turn it into.

Will COVID-19 Kill the Constitution?

Now We Know How Germany Let It Happen

What good are constitutional rights if they are violated when Americans get sick?

When It’s Over, Will We Be the Same America?

Nearly every person dying from the coronavirus likely has these three things in common

Is COVID Martial Law Coming?

Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests

We Are Living Through a Mass Panic – It Is NOT Justified by the Facts

FK – Don’t worry, there are no men here to do a damn thing about any of it.

They are waging war. When will you realize this?

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

I don’t have a crystal ball but I’ve seen a lot of scares come and go. This one’s unprecedented in so many ways. But again, they don’t need millions dead, they only need the fear.

The ‘war on terror’ and the ‘war on drugs’ both continue because the right assholes on all sides profit from them. They have nothing to do with protecting what little liberty we have left here.

The virus war is likely simply another step in the same direction: global police state where billions of morons either think they’re ‘free’ or don’t care as long as they can get enough beer, ice cream, sports, religion, democracy, fluffy couches, nice cars and an existence dedicated to paying interest to the global banksters.

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Proven right once again:

FK – And the sheeple aren’t ready for the virus war.

Who will pay the looters this time?:


FK – This time the looters may not be fake.

Or at least not all of them:


FK – So-called real life is often stranger than fiction. As Mark Twain said fiction has to make sense.

They dare to rule us:


FK – Screw civil liberties. Those are granted by govt. and can be taken back. That’s not what America was based upon.

After 25 years of trying to get the average dumbass and ‘patriots'(conservatives and libertarians), very loosely defined, to pull their heads out of their asses I’m not the least surprised.

Those who claim to want to ‘live free’ have failed to learn they must learn to rule those who have no such compulsion. The herd will always be the herd and the elites know this and always have.

Most of the herd animals don’t even know or care about the damage the anti-patriot act did to us all, and it was passed by the republicrats in the name of the ‘war on terror.’

The virus war will be even more profitable for all the assholes on all sides.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

That’s ‘total control’:


FK – No amerikan alive today has known liberty and most of them are too stupid to properly define what it would be.

I like how it laughs when the other monster claims “…the virus will determine the timeline…” or whatever.

It actually said it didn’t think we’d want to lock down county lines. Actually they don’t have the manpower to do that. We vastly outnumber them. If only the sheeple would learn this and discern between the necessities of true emergencies and excuses for manipulation and control.

Sweet cakes kinda morons like that nurse or whatever at the end make me want to gag. “Hold still now, while we put the handcuffs on you…”

Where are our real enemies?:

FK – Elite globalist garbage, simple answer.

G EDWARD GRIFFIN on Critical Theory vs Conspiracy Theory

How Big Foundations Wage War on YOU!

From the mouth of the global beast:

FK – Don’t worry, there are no men left in western civ. to do anything about these evil creatures.

We are not ready:


FK – That streetcorner militia or whatever they proclaim to be wouldn’t last 10 minutes in a real firefight much less the civil war that must come but probably won’t because there are no men here, much less any adults with the understanding to tell them why it must come.

They’re probably too frightened to use the ‘m’ word. Most so-called ‘gun rights activists’ are.

This slow-moving virus is the perfect take down. Armies are ran on stomachs as Napoleon said and often destroyed by simple fear.

Sometimes the Founders’ militias fought bravely and won the day and sometimes they ran screaming like little girls. amerika is full of cowardly stupid couch potatoes that are mostly still oblivious to reality and history and still think ‘It can’t happen to me.’

They’ll bow down and lick the hand that feeds and be grateful for it. The elites probably want to force a UBI on us all which will become the ultimate form of control.

And nobody’s gonna get beamed up. They ‘marked’ us in the 1930s with the socialist security number. The average dumbass can’t get a job, mortgage, car, license to do whatever, without it.

The notion that mattes is ‘We have a right to kill the bastards when necessary!’ It wasn’t created. It’s part of the ancient natural law that few even know ever existed in this so-called modern regressive pacified culture.

It isn’t, it’s amerika.

Death has always been our close companion:

FK – If our enemies had not been so successful those who claim to love liberty would not be scared to death of the ‘m’ word in their alleged most beloved amendment.

We are born responsible in a representative republic but most would rather die than acknowledge or act on that fact.

More history few want to think about:

FK – Many to most got on those ships out of desperation and ignorance. The tool-using monkeys haven’t changed that much.

Real or not, Corona is a setup