Tag Archives: war on terror

Is Microsoft reading YOUR emails? Windows 10 may threaten your privacy, watchdogs warn

It’s estimated that more than 14 million devices are running Windows 10 after Microsoft rolled out its new operating system last week.

But an updated privacy statement released shortly afterwards says Microsoft can collect users’ information from private emails, address books and other files.

The move has angered watchdogs which say it is ‘bad news for privacy,’ but Microsoft says it does not collect data without users’ consent.

FK – Can’t trust the corporates, can’t trust the govt., can’t trust the religions… Welcome to reality.

Can we get our legislators to end this crap once and for all and force them all to respect us as human beings and not as tools or jackasses? Not as long as the average dumbass doesn’t care…

Microsoft Privacy Statement

Windows 10 Is Spying On You: Here’s How To Stop It

Kentucky Gun Store Declares Itself “Muslim-Free”

The owners of an Eastern Kentucky gun shop made their feelings known this week, by hanging a sign that’s causing quite a bit of controversy. However, the Letcher County store owners said it’s their First Amendment Right to declare their business “Muslim free.”

“It just says Muslim Free gun shop,” said Jill Stidham. She and her husband own Jace Firearms. However, their few short words are causing quite a stir in Whitesburg.

“That’s not freedom of speech, that is discrimination,” said Anthony Stamper, as he walked past the store.

“He’s an American and he’s got his rights and he can do what he wants to,” added Jordan Reynolds as he walked past the business.

Right or wrong, the owners of Jace firearms said it’s their right to say what they want.

“We have the right to freedom of speech, we are trying to stand up for our country,” said Jill.

“I’m not racist, I don’t want to be discriminative of people. But, I agreed with the gentleman in Florida,” said William.

Stidham said after the mass shooting in Tennessee, where  four Marines and a Navy sailor were killed, a Florida gun shop’s video went viral stating they were becoming a “Muslim free zone.” The Kentucky couple agreed with the decision and followed suit.

“I can’t tell them not to come in here. I am not going to do that. I am not going to threaten anybody or put anybody out, but I think it’s my right to say that I don’t want them in here,” said William.

FKWhat group is letting the fundie ragheads and illegals enter our country because they want their votes? Who are our real enemies? Hint: They have white skin, were mostly born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

It’s time for those who claim to love Liberty to grow up and grow a backbone and prepare to do what will be required.

Senate Passes USA Freedom Act Without Amendments, Moves to President Obama’s Desk

The Senate voted 67-32 Tuesday afternoon to pass the House’s USA Freedom Act without any of the amendments offered by Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

The legislation will now go to President Obama’s desk to be signed into law Tuesday evening.

The USA Freedom Act that was previously passed by the U.S. House of Representatives would, in effect, stop the NSA’s bulk surveillance collection and reform the programs that lapsed when the Patriot Act expired at midnight Sunday, after GOP presidential candidate, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), filibustered the spy program for 11 hours.

The first amendment that failed to pass was the McConnell-Burr amendment. According to the Guardian, this amendment would “Change the amicus on the Fisa court – the public-interests advocate who would argue, in part, about civil liberties concerns to the secret court that oversees many surveillance programs.”

McConnell and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) wanted an amendment to the USA Freedom Act that extends the time for the government to transfer custody of phone records to private telecom companies from

FK – Every jerk that voted for the ‘Patriot Act’ without even reading it should be rounded up, tried for treason and executed for treason. How much longer Amerika?

McConnell Defeated With Passage of the USA Freedom Act

Senate Clears USA Freedom Act After Ending Rand Paul Filibuster (Updated)

And on to related themes:

Party’s History of Establishment Picks Could Be Over

FK – I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one. The elites have always attempted to manipulate the now red house.

Sam Youngman: Rand Paul’s effort to change national security debate could put him on GOP’s fringe

FK – The ‘fringe’ is the best place to be. It’s where all the folks with a real conscience and brains hang out. One of my professors told us to ‘Not be afraid to read along the fringe.” If only he knew how seriously I took him. The ‘fringe’ is often the future.

Some GOP donors willing to give to many, just not Paul

FK – Still plenty of brain-dead zombies in this country. The question is are the rick folk turned off to Paul because of their allegiance to 3000-year-old tribal propaganda or the fact that his policies might cost them money?

FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over US cities


FK – Darn, so much for sunbathing naked in my back yard. They’d charge me with assault of a Fed Nazi…

So is McCommie waking up? Not likely. I supported Comer because he probably stands a better chance of winning against the commiecrat. Maybe Bevin is what he purports to be. Many seem to be convinced of such:

McConnell Endorses Tea Party Favorite Matt Bevin for Governor of Kentucky After GOP Primary Opponent Concedes

FK – I object:

FK – The trash at the bottom of the screen needs to be kicked out of this country…

Rep. Massie on expired PATRIOT Act: Civil Liberties Restored

FKI heard snippets of this yesterday on national propaganda radio. I blame them. All who voted for that enormous law without reading it should be arrested for treason, tried for treason and executed for treason. I knew at the time it was a sham and act of war against the REAL American people, not some raghead hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. It’s time to stop playing games. There’s no excuse for most of the crap they do. How much longer? Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

What Deep Web’s Director Learned Investigating Silk Road

Silk Road Was Just Another Tech Company

Outside of the tech press, Winter notes, a lot of the media coverage on the Silk Road has been “drugs and guns and hitmen—just wildly off-base.” Off-base, he says, because when he started interviewing the people who knew Silk Road he didn’t see an outfit that was all that different from those littering Silicon Valley. “I started to meet all these core architects within the Silk Road: vendors, engineers, sellers, administrators, people who were helping with scaling,” he says. “It’s obvious in retrospect but it was just like any large tech company. But it was just not represented that way in the media, so even I was caught off-guard.”

FK – It’s all about keeping the skeer on while pretending to do something about a phenomena they really can’t and maybe don’t want to control…

FBI Report Adds Fuel to Fire Over Expiring Patriot Act Snooping Powers

Earlier this month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the USA Freedom Act, which would renew some of the “less controversial” expiring portions of the Patriot Act, but also would end the government’s bulk collection of phone data. That bill is now facing resistance in the Senate, where Republican leaders assert that a full extension on the Patriot Act provisions should be granted without any changes. However, an FBI report admitting that no major cases have been cracked with surveillance powers authorized by the Patriot Act provides fodder to fuel the fight against extending the Patriot Act’s bulk data collection.

Section 215 of the Patriot Act, slated to expire on June 1, authorizes the government to collect “any tangible things” that the government proves are “relevant to” an investigation into suspected terrorists. It permits government agents to compel businesses to turn over records and documents of Americans who have no official ties to terrorist organizations.

The NSA’s unconstitutional, warrantless phone snooping program operates under Section 215. Supporters of the program claim it is critical in the fight against terror.

In a surprising bipartisan vote of 338-88, members of the House approved the USA Freedom Act, which would extend most of the powers except for the bulk collection of data. Under the USA Freedom Act, the government would have to ask phone companies to store the data, and agents would have to apply for a particular number if they believed it was associated with terrorism.

FK – How much longer? Will all of amerika dig the ditch it’s told to dig then wet its pants when the machine bun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this ever happen to me?”

FBI admits Patriot Act snooping powers didn’t crack any major terrorism cases

Watch McConnell Try To Extend Patriot Act To June 8, June 5, June 3, June 2… And Rand Paul Object

News release from Sen. Rand Paul:

Sen. Rand Paul Blocks Extension of the USA PATRIOT Act

Security News This Week: If the Patriot Act Expires It Won’t Spell Doom



FK – Gee, even the young tyrants have a clue about some things. What’s the world coming to?

This is why Paul should probably stay in the Senate for a while. If the elites allow him into the now red house they’ll either kill him if he actually does anything or stage a massive false flag in order to install one of their own again, discredit the Liberty movement and start WWIII over 3000 year-old tribal propaganda…

BREAKING: Man Who Hacked And HiJacked Airplane On The Run From FBI, John McAfee Speaks Out

FK – Show up the masters and they come for you. Five million advancing on the district of commie criminals without signs couldn’t be stopped…

McConnell Struggling Against Tide in Support of Patriot Act

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to reauthorize surveillance powers under the Patriot Act, but hopes are dimming after the House overwhelmingly voted this week to end the National Security Agency’s (NSA’s) bulk data collection program.

According to The Hill, McConnell is in a tight spot as he tries to pursue a renewal of the Patriot Act by the June 1 deadline. He already filed legislation to try to push back the deadline by two months to buy more time.

“He’s really in a box,” Connecticut Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal said Wednesday before the House vote, according to The Hill. “With all due respect, he’s in a box that the courts have made for him, so to speak, by correctly interpreting the law,” he said, referring to a ruling by a federal court recently that the program is illegal.

In voting for the USA Freedom Act, the House will force the agency to obtain a narrower set of records from private phone companies, a move that McConnell has said would land the NSA with “an untested, untried, and more cumbersome system.”

McConnell is committed to passing a “clean” reauthorization bill that would extend part of the Patriot Act for 5 1/2 years.

FK – Mccommie needs to be in a box, with bars on the windows, along with every other bastard that voted for that evil law without even reading it. That kind of garbage must end.

Take Back Kentucky plans to discuss this evil at their meeting today.

The Bigfoot of Terrorists is Lost at Sea


FK – Make no mistake, there are ‘troops’ in the military who will when ordered break your door down at 3 am, kill your dog, your kid, your grandma or whatever else gets in the way of them carrying out their orders in the service of the beast. Time to wake up and grow up cause no body’s gonna get beamed up.

Seymour Hersh: Bin Laden Raid “One Big Lie”

Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and the ‘pathetic’ American media

FK – I don’t need a mainstream newswhore, who may be telling the truth for once, to tell me how pathetic the mainstream newswhores are.

The Detail in Seymour Hersh’s Bin Laden Story That Rings True

FK – And the new yawk slimes is reporting what they’ve been forced to report. Too bad someone didn’t fly a plane into their building.

Hersh: Everything We Were Told About Osama bin Laden’s Killing Was a Lie

Brig Usman Khalid informed CIA of Osama’s presence in Abbottabad

FK – One might think the empire could keep track of its contract killers without so much muss, fuss and expense.

Massie: Clock ticking to scale back spy powers

Congress faces a critical deadline, and time is running out. On June 1, 2015, three provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act will expire. The actions of the U.S. Congress between today and June 1st will affect the privacy and liberty of millions of innocent Americans.

The 2001 USA PATRIOT Act was drafted and swiftly passed in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Due to the nature of the crisis, the goal was simply to pass a bill as quickly as possible. Many congressmen did not have an opportunity to thoroughly read, analyze or vet the bill’s numerous and lengthy provisions. In fact, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, one of the original authors of the Patriot Act, later declared that he was shocked by how the law was used to spy on innocent Americans.

Congress and the American people now know, thanks to whistleblower leaks, that federal agencies like the National Security Agency regularly perform mass surveillance on Americans without bothering to obtain a warrant. As constitutional law scholar Randy Barnett wrote in the Wall Street Journal, “The National Security Agency has seized from private companies voluminous data on the phone and Internet usage of all U.S. citizens. … This dangerously violates the most fundamental principles of our republican form of government.” He concludes that “[s]uch indiscriminate data seizures are the epitome of ‘unreasonable,’ akin to the ‘general warrants’ issued by the Crown to authorize searches of Colonial Americans.”

FK – Too many ‘conservatives’ have no problem with the police state if it’s enforcing their version, sub-version or subversion. We are still a very primitive species, existing in a very dark age.

All who voted for that law without reading it should be tried and put to crushing large rocks with a sledge hammer in a northern state.