Why are corporations allowed to track and surveil our activities, credit history, internet preferences whatever?
That’s the extremely short list.
Why isn’t April liberty month? April 19, 1775 was the day our ancestors shot back and began exterminating govt. employees which was necessary for establishing liberty here.
If we’re supposed to exist in a ‘free country’ with ‘pursuit of happiness’ then if the ‘gays’ or whatever define their ‘lifestyle’ as such then they do have a ‘right’ to it.
They don’t have a right to shove it down everyone else’s throat any more than the religionists do.
Would castrating boys to turn them into falsettos or trannies or cutting the clitorises off little girls so they don’t enjoy sex so much and thus remain faithful to their older husbands or circumcising boys because culture or some bronze age tribal propaganda commands it or ‘surgically correcting’ young hermaphrodites so they look more normal or telling little kids they deserve to be burned alive in fire forever as most churches do be child abuse?
Through most of history in many to most cultures marriage so-called was basically slavery as often the female and even the male had little say in who their spouse would be.
For centuries the church controlled the process of marriage and issued something called bans of marriage. Now it’s mostly the state that regulates the process.
Politicians speak to their audience, or constituents, telling them what they want to hear or are used to hearing, like the ancient priests and modern preachers. What they say in a public forum means little to nothing. What they’ve done or not done, and their real affiliations/values, is what matters.
Most of them like most sheeple and many people worship(serve) their true god, money, 6-7 days a week.
The point of all this distraction, propaganda, by the Marxist globalists, is to continue the emasculation of western society. But then their work was pretty much done before this as proven in Jan. 2021 when 5-20 million militiamen, armed, trained, properly supplied and led, should have shown up in the district of commie criminals to prevent the swearing in of the demented in chief after its blatantly stolen election.
But then we have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them. If we weren’t such a nation of cowardly whores the demented in chief would’ve been tried and executed 30 years ago for its crime bill.
The joint chiefs said they’d murder anyone who showed up to challenge the blatantly stolen election: They are guilty of treason.
Miley said it would call China if Trump decided to attack them. It’s guilty of treason by any historical definition.
But then if trump is the savior so many wanted him to be why didn’t he fire/arrest all the Marxist globalist military hierarchy during his first week to month in office?
Religion does evolve along with humanity so-called. We went from human sacrifice to animal sacrifice to the sacrifice(many examples, look it up) of a god in order to attain salvation or whatever.
That old time religion is never what it once was. What would the Victorians think of most modern churches, well, those that don’t have gay/female preachers?
These birth defects/mental illness have always been with us. They probably caused fear in ancient tribal societies whose rulers wanted strong families producing strong young men to help support and fight for their empires of whatever size.
That’s why they focused so much on sex being ‘sinful,’ they knew too much not only produced disease and unwanted un-parented(fatherless) children but caused other societal ills.
What about the studies that show the chemicals so prevalent in our food systems can be a factor in these birth defects? What’s really causing those ‘gay frogs?’
Monkey see monkey do isn’t a new thing. Why does our culture see a need for $10,000 lawn mowers and manicured lawns when our time and money could be so much better spent worrying about how we’ll survive the end of this cliff fall?
The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies.
We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war.
Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?
All because there are NO MEN here to do what must be done.
The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.
The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because there are NO MEN or Adults of whatever sex here with any real understanding of any damn thing that matters) and that’s intentional:
Wow, amazon, like most amerikan and foreign corporations now, is so evil. It took me several tries to get the link to my ‘Books to read before you vote’ list to work. It used to be marked ‘public’ but I can’t find any(now it’s listed as ‘shared’ for however long that works) way to change it back from ‘private.’ Don’t buy the books from Amazon if you can find them elsewhere, but the unfortunate truth is that most booksellers are probably owned/managed by MARXIST TRASH THAT WE SHOULD BE HANGING!!!!!!!!
FK – Well gee, we’re in this situation because we have failed to HANG our marxist globalists starting at the top and that’s because they’ve been successful and there are NO MEN left in western civ.
We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them. Jan. 2021 proved this. Will trump the great savior pardon Steward Rhodes assuming both trump and Rhodes aren’t part of the sideshow?
Metabolism differs between individuals and probably between races and lifetstyles/cultures or whatever. The 3 meals a day in Europe probably came from the fact they had regimented jobs(just over broke).
Reading much about the pre Columbian native population which is still far from properly understood, shows they had a diff. view of the world than the encroaching whites who did conquer their continent.
Some of them didn’t even bother to have crops. They really just lived off what they found or hunted. Before them there were large urban areas so-called, see Cahokia and the other mound builders.
As far as not eating breakfast I’ve known people/sheeple all my time here that don’t bother. If I don’t I’m sick by noon most days. Some days I can eat less and others I feel starved and my body still creates fat instead of burning what’s there, or at least at a not very noticeable rate.
Who has done studies on how many amerikan blacks don’t already have some euro blood?
All this crap is distraction from doing what we should be: Holding war crimes trials for those that stole the election, ran the plandemic and fund the propaganda stream.
Except for that little chick’s nose she looks pretty white to me. In the old days she’d be a high yaller or a mistress for a rich plantation owner, who at one time might have been black, or Indian.
Why get caught up in the communist word games? Why not just hang them? See first two graphs above.
Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?
All because there are NO MEN here to do what must be done.
The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.
The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – Five to twenty million MEN trained by their local genuine people’s militia and supplied by all the ‘preppers’ should have shown up at the district of commie criminals in Jan. 2021 with enough rope and ammo to do what should have been done.
But at the risk of repeating myself THERE ARE NO MEN LEFT IN THIS CUNTRY. The last misspelling is intentional. If you can’t understand why you need to disengage your head from your ass.
FK – In reality I or my relatives should be paying me reparations because it’s likely that some of my ancestors enslaved some of my other ancestors, some of which are ‘native American’ or whatever.
We need to teach real history warts and all but first we must hold war crimes trials and hang our authoritarians of all stripes be they marxist, fascist, social democrat, corporate fascist/oligarch, theocrat and on and on.
Why no discussion of the protestant vs catholic thing? This was the latter part of the war in Europe over which religion would rule was it not? The Irish were predominately catholic. Cromwell was of course some version, sub-version or subversion of protestant.
Those people were torturing and murdering each other over which version of the sadistic bronze age god would rule.
FK – Here in amerika we have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.
The union invaded the southern states so they could keep taxing them. Only a political child buys the propaganda that they, as ‘white supremacist’ as they really were then, killed 600,000 young white men to ‘free’ the southern slaves.
The slaves were freed by the 13th Amendment, not Lincoln.
This guy may be well-intentioned but he still has a lot to learn. Or maybe he knows that when speaking to the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group he has to tow their propaganda line. The NRA was founded by yankee generals after all, because they were disappointed that their conscripts, young men forced to fight for northern greed, couldn’t shoot well enough.
Then he marches into a greater absurdity. The demonscat party of today bears no resemblance to that of the mid 19th century which was the ‘conservative’ party of that time. The republicrat party of that time contained the radicals. There have been books written about that reality.
Hoover at least in his youth was fighting communists in this country. And McCarthy was right.
And it just keeps getting worse. The Second Amendment like the rest of our Bills of Rights can only ACKNOWLEDGE our natural rights. It takes MEN and ADULT WOMEN of which we have basically none to RESTORE what has been lost and to be ready for what happens when an evil govt. like the one we have now blatantly ignores the Bill of Rights as it’s been doing for over a century.
One wonders what the reaction would have been if he had mentioned the ‘m’ word most self-proclaimed supporters of the ‘right to bear arms’ are so frightened of. It’s the basis of the Second Amendment but most would rather die than form one or train with a genuine people’s militia so they’re ready to do what should be done, what should have already been done, when the govt. comes for their neighbors’ guns.
In Jan. 2021 when the fedgov surrendered all legitimacy we passed the point of no return.
We should be holding war crimes trials for the murders mentioned above, the stolen elections and the plandemic. But will this guy see the necessity of that?
What will he do if/when the globalists steal the election from him, assuming he’s not among their number?
The pledge of allegiance so-called was written by a socialist preacher, as if those two things can go together. I doubt that the anti-Federalists who insisted on a Bill of Rights would go along with such.
Our country is not supposed to be about blindly believing/obeying any authority much less pledging ‘allegiance'(servitude) to a piece of cloth that has long since ceased to represent what its creators intended.
Words on parchment or ink on paper or ones and zeroes in cyberspace have not ‘stood in their way’ for nearly a century. If they had neither the NFA nor the 68 gun control act, both of which the NRA supported, would have been passed.
The words and intention of the Second Amendment have been blatantly ignored and trampled upon by both its enemies and its supporters for multiple generations.
This is because neither side in the so-called culture war want true liberty much less to continue the concept of natural rights this country was founded upon because that might mean their necks would as they should end up with rope burns.
But again we have NO MEN and NO ADULT WOMEN to bring this about.
Nearly 7 minutes in and all I’ve heard so far are basic ‘conservative’ talking points most of which might have been pulled from the American Rifleman or some other milquetoast publication.
Well, they are better than they were in the 90s when the extremists of that period were struggling to get basic, licensed, ‘concealed carry’ to be ‘allowed’ by some states.
How pathetic. The Second Amendment made the same claims then that it does now and did over 200 years ago yet so many felt the necessity of begging for grains of sand when ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ are supposed to own the beach.
Again, that was because we had/have NO MEN to do what must be done.
Self defense certainly was/is a crime in many parts of this depraved over the cliff country. In some places it will still earn you a prison sentence.
The Founders who wanted/wrote the constitution, some for good, some for bad, reasons, took basic self defense as a commonplace right and thus did not include it in our Bill of Rights. It would have seemed absurd to them to forbid it.
What they did with the Second Amendment was ACKNOWLEDGE the natural born right of ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ to destroy any evil govt. that might bring our natural rights including free speech and free press into question.
We passed those markers long ago.
In reality I now see that the NRA and most ‘conservative’ groups, many of which are as fake as the NRA, are defending a bridge over a river that dried up long ago.
The lobsterbacks went out on what should be our nations real birthday, the day they shot back, to seize ‘cannon, powder and shot,’ and small arms.
That’s why the Second Amendment reads ‘ARMS.’ The local militias possessed those things just as our genuine people’s militias of today should possess at the least stinger or other anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank weaponry to deal with any forces our evil chiefs of staff might send after us.
But instead our govt. that is controlled by the arms makers send billions in ‘ARMS’ to help globalist allies fight for their false freedom, or leave them behind in the graveyard of empires.
The fact that so few understand this proves amerika is in the graveyard, waiting for the dirt that will surely cover our bones for some future archaeologists if there are such things to dig up and lie about.
The ‘in god we trust’ thing didn’t come about until the 1950s. The Founders knew full well the danger of organized religion and sought to keep its power and influence out of governments. They knew their history and how millions had died in wars over whose version, sub-version or subversion of what ‘god’ is or should be would RULE.
That’s what all this is about, WHO WILL RULE.
Modern churches have obviously been infiltrated, long ago, now convinced to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end when our ancestors prayed then the MEN and ADULT WOMEN got up off their asses and went to kill their enemies.
If you want to solve the problem you need to hang the Marxist globalists and their rich elite donors who built the schools for their own purposes.
If we dealt with our real enemies who have ALWAYS BEEN HERE the border wouldn’t be an issue.
The family structure is useless in a representative republic if the parents are ignorant of their own history and reality and waste so much of their time in exchange for money they can’t continue a real adult education and allow daycares and government schools to raise their children for them.
This country has existed on mythologies for most of its lifespan. The current war is about replacing those mythologies with new ones. In a couple generations the sheeple won’t know the difference just like they have no clue now.
For most being an amerikan means getting a check, job or some other benefit while blindly believing/obeying authority of whatever kind. How many took the vax and wore the masks and cashed the ‘stimulus checks?
What it means to be an AMERICAN not an amerikan is to be ready to step out the door and defend your neighbors from tyranny at the drop of a hat, not sit in your recliner and recite ‘molon labe’ which has a modern translation of ‘I’ll sit home and wait my turn.’
Those who possessed this continent 500 years ago probably considered our ancestors to be lawbreakers. Our ancestors conquered this continent by breaking treaty after treaty with the ‘native americans.’ Simple fact.
We must teach real history warts and all and not mythologies. If we are to RESTORE what has been lost or maybe never really had, then we need a nation of MEN and ADULT WOMEN who teach their children ‘You don’t know what you might have to do in your time in this world up to and including killing your enemies.’
Those who exist in denial of this reality are committing child abuse of future generations.
Shutting down the Marxist bureaucracy will do no good without hanging those who run the Marxist teachers unions and those who fund the hundreds to thousands of Marxist globalist Foundations and front groups that have spewed their propaganda for multiple generations.
The federal bureau of instigators only needs to be replaced with an agency whose leadership isn’t appointed by the current executive administration and whose only job is to investigate government corruption/infiltration by authoritarian elements of all kinds on all levels.
The batf nazi trash have been enforcing laws that don’t belong in a free country and should be provided treason trials and execution for such.
Enforcing the Bill of Rights, the basis of our form of government, with statute law is ludicrous. Statute law can be later repealed by demonscat or republicrat or whatever trash that lies its way into power in the future.
We simply need to ENFORCE the Bills of Rights of the federal and several states constitutions. But again, WE HAVE NO MEN AND NO ADULT WOMEN TO DO THIS.
This is the root of why we are in this situation.
GCA 68 was de facto registration just like the socialist security number is how they ‘marked’ us. Most of the brain dead sheeple and most ‘conservatives’ and libertarians dutifully filed their tax returns with no clue of why we have an income tax or how we got one or what its source is or who or what funded its creation.
That’s just a little too much thinking for most of them. It’s easier to vote for a demagogue and/or wait for some temporal or whatever savior to come and magically solve their problems for them.
Giving guns to brain dead sheeple with no military experience much less the mere thought of why that might be important is like giving bear spray to sheep. They’re just going to stare at you with their mouths hanging open. I know, I’ve seen it for over a quarter century now.
From many one is a ‘fascist’ concept that goes back millennia. The U.S. House has fasces on its wall. Look that up.
This guy doesn’t even have a Bitchute or Gab account.
The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is supposed to be America with a Bill of Rights that ACKNOWLEDGES our right to free speech and a free press in whatever form and which also ACKNOWLEDGES our right to kill any and all that would take those rights from us in any way whatsoever.
And thus we have no heresy and no blasphemy and no special little groups whose motives cannot be questioned and there is no right for any authoritarian of any stripe be they Marxist, socialist, communist, fascist, corporatist, theocrat, to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity.
Those who are doing so should be hunted, tried and hung.
I like this guy and I’m glad he’s doing what he’s doing, he has much more patience than I do. But he still has a lot to learn:
FK – The republicrat party has been heavily infiltrated from the beginning. It was the original party of big govt. It invaded the southern states so it could keep taxing them.
Read ‘The Real Lincoln’ and ‘Red Republicans and Lincoln’s Marxists.’
FK – The problem is the Marxist globalists built the schools for their own purposes. Until we remove them and the religionists from the education/indoctrination process we won’t have the liberty or natural rights ACKNOWLEDGED in our Bills of Rights.
The culture war so-called will never provide the birth defected/mentally ill with the help they really need, be it medical, psychological or psychiatric.
We’ve gone from one insane extreme to another in my lifetime. I remember when the old folks wouldn’t dare talk about sex in front of youth and ‘sex education’ in the schools was provided years after teens had already began to notice the opposite or whatever sex. Now the Marxist trash and their globalist masters have turned the ‘sexual revolution’ which we needed into a worse political tool.
They’re using a minority like they always use them, to gain power. It’s one system replacing another as always. They will shoot them all into the same ditch when they are no longer useful.
When I was young the communists claimed to love the constitution and ‘free speech.’ Now that they perceive they are in power or losing power, you decide which, they hate it.
They were the underdogs then. ‘Conservatives’ then were the perceived rulers, even though they weren’t. Only some remnant of a ‘christian’ culture remained at that time. The old time religion my grandparents used to sing about in church ain’t what it was.
Religion and cultures evolve, like everything else despite the efforts of so many to ignore it or keep it from happening.
The globalists bought the mainstream news papers out in the early 20th century. They built the radio and tv stations for their own purposes.
I’m glad that some religionists are politically active as they have every right to be, until they begin to work to enslave those around them in their version of authoritarianism.
Their ‘golden rule,’ which allegedly says one should treat others as one would like to be treated totally fails in modern politics, which of course didn’t exist when the ancient tribal propaganda was written, re-written, edited and whatever else centuries and millennia ago.
The real golden rule, like it or not, is to treat others as they wish to be treated, or simply leave them alone, as long as they’re not harming others or their property. There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave others in one’s personal favorite form of authoritarianism.
In a free country with free speech and a free press that now most of the population carries around in their pockets there is NO SUCH THING as a special group whose motives cannot be questioned.
If they don’t learn that the Bill of Rights keeps them free to practice their own version, subversion or sub-version of the ancient tribal insanity then they will be condemned to publicly practicing whatever the state deems necessary and true.
In how many generations will the descendants of so-called christians there or here not know the difference?
A few months back a man who was raised Catholic told me he’d never heard of the Reformation. Several years back a southern Baptist told me he thought there had been Baptists since the time of Yeshua or whatever his real name was.
Most religionists of whatever stripe don’t know their own history, much less any history that matters. A few days ago I read a comment on some social site or whatever that claimed the ancient tribal propaganda is our history.
How pathetic and horrifying.
What’s that old saying about repeating history?
The schools must indoctrinate children in the concept of liberty and natural rights this republic was founded upon and in the practice of real critical thought, science, the meaning of history and why and how things happen, real ‘liberal arts’ which doesn’t mean communism and the right and ability to fight back.
All youth that wishes to vote or participate in government in the future should be required to undergo militia/military training, as the Boy Scouts were originally founded to do so that they learn reality and not mindless pacifism.
Self-proclaimed pacifists that vote are hypocrites at best for government is force and it has never been nor will it ever be anything else. Voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them.
The first amendment does by necessity mean freedom from the religions of the nuts down the road and one of the commenters below that would force us all into their version, sub-version or subversion.
If we don’t want to be forced to exist under Sharia Law then we don’t want to be forced to exist under Catholic Law, as most of Europe was for over 1000 years, or Baptist, or 7th Day Adventist or Branch Davidian or whatever law.
A simple truth I have to come to learn is that all established religions are successful cults. I meet too many of them that are incapable of having an intelligent conversation for more than 30 seconds to think otherwise.
This will require removing the Marxists and those incapable of critical thinking from our classrooms. I have a couple years toward a certificate to teach elementary school so I know most teachers are simply regurgitating whatever has been spoon fed to them by the system be that the govt. school, govt. universities or govt. churches.
A few years back it was common for hermaphrodites to be surgically altered after birth to make them appear more ‘normal.’ Of course that was all ‘god’s will’ because it happened right?
So is the current insane abuse of children in the name of power any more or less evil?
I haven’t read any of these bills(except this one), which I should be ashamed of really, so I can’t comment on how ‘good or bad’ they are. I know there are often lines and amendments that have little to do with the original intent, or maybe do exactly what was intended, another form of control.
I once read ‘The Thread That Runs So True‘ by Kentucky author Jesse Stuart. In it he recounts his own experience as a teacher in the Kentucky mountains in the early 20th century.
Many of his pupils’ parents saw no need for ‘larnin’ as they called it then. Stuart recounted how his first teaching job, at 17, had been at his sister’s former school. She at 19 had been forced to quit and move home ‘a nervous wreck’ because one of her students, a bully, had blackened both of her eyes.
So there is nothing new about human nature or the issues we think we face now, possibly a more dangerous time in human history than ever before. We have two roads before us, real human liberty under a world ruled by the concept of natural rights or a new darker age, much darker than now, ruled by whatever form of authoritarianism wins this war.
Now we force children, raised/educated/indoctrinated to be children as usual, to attend school so-called for 12 years and some to many are lucky if they can read their electric bills.
The sadder thing is that most of them will never read a book that matters after high school, if indeed they did then. One of the reasons for this is their parents thought the only purpose for ‘larnin’ was to ‘git a job’ and mistake a work ethic for a slave ethic and thus have no time of their own to actually pay attention or read a book that matters even if they wish to.
“No one can ever tell me that education, rightly directed without propaganda, cannot change the individual, community, country, state, and the world for the better. It can. There must be health, science, technology, the arts, and conservation of all worthwhile things that aid humanity upon this earth. And there must, above all, be character education.” – Jesse Stuart, from ‘The Thread That Runs So True.’
What he missed is that all education is indoctrination by default and all is propaganda to one degree or another, whether for good or bad. The ancients asked ‘How shall we then live” and proceeded to write down the law they thought best suited their culture at the time which of course was taught to future generations as reality.
Over 200 years ago our Founders fought a bloody 8 year war to rid us of the concept of ‘god appointed kings’ and the anti-Federalists insisted a Bill of Rights be added to the new constitution, that some wanted to turn into a new form of authoritarianism.
Read ‘Hamilton’s Curse: How Jefferson’s Arch Enemy Betrayed the American Revolution–and What It Means for Americans Today’ by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.
What the anti-Federalists feared is nothing compared to the monster we face now. Our criminal governments have a ‘standing army’ that dwarfs anything they rightly feared.
They blatantly stole the alleged highest office in the land and really the world(probably not for much longer) and erected a fence and had members of that standing army standing guard within it to keep amerika’s cowardly so-called patriots from doing what should have been done.
The rulers and the ruled of the rest of the world see how weak this empire has become. Unless it’s all a ruse to sucker China and Russia into a war with a military that still far surpasses their own at least in air and naval forces, then this empire will soon crumble into the dust that future archeologists, if anyone has the freedom to practice real archaeology, will sift through to find our bones.
amerika has already gone over the cliff, as I keep noting. The only question is how far the fall and how many bones will litter the bottom.
Meanwhile our country’s so-called good people have been convinced to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end and pretend the same bronze age god the Founders looked to for guidance as they hunted their enemies now wants them to allow evil to rule.
But the thousands of versions, sub-versions and subversions prove once again that the ancient tribal propaganda can be interpreted as almost anything one’s blind belief and faith prefers.
Simple fact.
Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns. Until we require our LEOs to arrest, try and execute the fed nazi trash that comes here to enforce evil law then we really have nothing.
But then we have nothing when we pretend that statute law can over ride the Bill of Rights.
A religion class should be required to graduate high school, one that exposes students to ALL or at least most global belief systems so they learn not to put blind faith in any source nor to blindly obey any authority.
Until those who claim they want to live in a free country and free world understand the evil ones they battle will be selling gasoline in Hell then they will not understand what must be done.
All because there are NO MEN here to do what must be done.
The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.
The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, I actually called even though I’m not fond of begging for grains of sand when we own the beach.
When I called I got a female(maybe) that sent me to a voice mail that told me how little they value my opinion. But then I already knew that.
The new ‘law’ is again only a tiny step in the right direction which would be banning all state law enforcement from participating in the federal police state in any way. Why not forbid them from enforcing the ‘drug war’ or the ‘war on terror’ or the fed or state income tax both of which are the second plank of the communist manifesto?
And of course all state law enforcement would be required to hunt, arrest, try for treason and execute any fed nazis that came here to enforce such if we truly lived in a free country.
But we don’t live in a free country.
Neither the military nor fed LEOs work for us and haven’t for many multiple generations. Only political children still believe they do.
The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – I tried to stuff way too much into this one so this post is full of bugs…, you can still read it and the links work but the vids keep disappearing. I’ll try to at least keep up the most important vids and the ones I pasted on the site because I couldn’t find them in other places where they were easily embeddable(is that a word?).
If anyone works with wordpress and can tell me why those odd lines keep showing up between the headlines I’d appreciate it. It was trying to remove those when everything else went batty.
So here we go:
“Nothing happens to any creature beyond its own natural endurance. Another has the same experience as you: either through failure to recognize what has happened to him, or in a display of courage, he remains calm and untroubled. Strange, then, that ignorance and pretension should be stronger than wisdom.” – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations Book V, Penguin Classics Translated by Martin Hammond
And those that don’t like it don’t belong in this country. Those that work against it and what it represents should be hunted, exterminated, tried and hung for treason. End of discussion.
But as I’ve been claiming for years now on here we have no MEN or ADULT WOMEN here to do what must be done.
While others whine in fear when one points out the obvious, our ancestors well defined the need for the genuine people’s militia:
The only refuge left for those who prophesy the downfall of the State governments is the visionary supposition that the federal government may previously accumulate a military force for the projects of ambition. The reasonings contained in these papers must have been employed to little purpose indeed, if it could be necessary now to disprove the reality of this danger. That the people and the States should, for a sufficient period of time, elect an uninterrupted succession of men ready to betray both; that the traitors should, throughout this period, uniformly and systematically pursue some fixed plan for the extension of the military establishment; that the governments and the people of the States should silently and patiently behold the gathering storm, and continue to supply the materials, until it should be prepared to burst on their own heads, must appear to every one more like the incoherent dreams of a delirious jealousy, or the misjudged exaggerations of a counterfeit zeal, than like the sober apprehensions of genuine patriotism.
Extravagant as the supposition is, let it however be made. Let a regular army, fully equal to the resources of the country, be formed; and let it be entirely at the devotion of the federal government; still it would not be going too far to say, that the State governments, with the people on their side, would be able to repel the danger. The highest number to which, according to the best computation, a standing army can be carried in any country, does not exceed one hundredth part of the whole number of souls; or one twenty-fifth part of the number able to bear arms. This proportion would not yield, in the United States, an army of more than twenty-five or thirty thousand men. To these would be opposed a militia amounting to near half a million of citizens with arms in their hands, officered by men chosen from among themselves, fighting for their common liberties, and united and conducted by governments possessing their affections and confidence. It may well be doubted, whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops. Those who are best acquainted with the last successful resistance of this country against the British arms, will be most inclined to deny the possibility of it. Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it. – Madison, Federalist 46
But they grossly underestimated the cowardice of their descendants(in the 20th and 21st centuries) and yes even the determination of statists such as Lincoln and his generals who had no problem expending enough bodies to achieve their goals of maintaining the power to tax the southern states.
One wonders if they could imagine a $1.7 Trillion spending bill, thousands of pages long, unread yet voted into questionable reality by a congress of whores. Or an ‘anti-Patriot Act‘ also thousands of pages long, written before the event it was allegedly created in response to, not read by any of the republicrat whores that voted for it, voted in within two weeks of an alleged ‘terrorist attack’ on a bunch of morons that in all reality should have known they went to work every day in buildings that had already been the target of a federal bureau of instigators ‘sting‘ that allegedly went too far.
The empire’s current generals said they’d murder any real American patriots that dared to challenge the blatantly stolen election of Nov. 2020. But in reality they had nothing to worry about.
The unorganized gaggle of protestors and badly managed militia that did show up only managed to get themselves arrested, tried and convicted for basically nothing.
The Founders have long since turned their eyes away from us and especially from ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarian’ types who pretend their enemies will somehow just magically see the light and simply go away after apologizing for their misdeeds, working relentlessly for many multiple generations to enslave humanity totally and forever.
Some of the Founders, the anti-Federalists, whom Madison was addressing and who have been proven right beyond measure, rightly recognized the dangers of a centralized government with the power to tax, the power to destroy, its supposed citizens. They also failed to account for treason from within and foreign powers that would work to subvert all they worked for:
As always, our greatest enemies, that we need to hang, are here:
FK – How does unelected globalist scat have any power at all? It’s not what will succeed it but when will we send the Marines or the Genuine People’s Militia to hang it and its compatriots?
amerikans don’t really value freedom, or liberty or natural rights. Neither do most self-professed Americans.
Our culture intentionally produces weakness and cowardice, both physical and mental.
I see it every day and have since the early 90s when I woke up politically. It only took me a few months to see how useless most sheeple are. Fighting back had never really been bred into them much less out of them.
They mindlessly profess to some insane religion or another that promises to magically solve their problems for them instead of actually standing up and taking on personal responsibility for the world around them. Or they exist to keep the light beer companies in business and worry about whether the cats will win or waste time manicuring their yards.
But then that’s been the intention of the religions and the games since antiquity. Better to keep the livestock focused on opaque shadowy esoteric prophecy designed to frighten and subdue or entertainment designed to distract than to allow or require them to think.
I finally watched the ‘Maverick’ or whatever movie a month or two back. So many ‘conservatives’ have made much of it and Hollyweird’s alleged return to making ‘patriotic’ movies or whatever.
What horse manure.
It was pretty much what I expected: a pageantry of false patriotism designed to create blind obeisance and blind patriotism to a government and a military that hasn’t served us or the concept of natural rights our group of nation states was founded upon for many multiple generations.
Remember all the old post WWII John Wayne and Audie Murphy and who ever movies that celebrated the empire’s great victory over the lessor of the evils? What did they really teach but blind patriotism to an ignorant audience?
The Anti-Federalists among the Founders insisted on a Bill of Rights to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN rights which was so far ahead of its time that few today understand its implications. In fact it was the latter 19th century before the SCOTUS, which is not the final arbiter of our rights, even ruled on much of it.
The events of even the last two years, the plandemic and all the morons that went along with the masking and the bioweapons injected into their bodies and the bodies of those they claim to hold most dear prove this beyond all doubt.
This means there should be a militia unit of several hundred to several thousand MEN and ADULT WOMEN in every county in this country. They should by natural law have better weaponry than any possible domestic or invading force to at least include the same anti-tank, anti-aircraft missiles that our tax dollars are buying for the Ukrainians.
That also means that the militia should be ready to deal with our greatest enemies as they stick their heads out of their hidey holes, not after they’ve gotten elected and permitted to spread their poison throughout our political system and governments and schools as they’ve been doing feverishly for over a century.
Yet some think we are winning. Yes in minor ways, like an ice skater that only ventures near the banks where it’s safe or a child that builds sand castles far above the surf.
The anatomically grown children still timidly ask their superiors, the authorities/authoritarians of whatever stripe, for permission to use the sand when they own the beach.
We elect tiny numbers of elected public servants that actually value liberty and think we are accomplishing something. We pass laws that allegedly recognize our natural rights that can be repealed by later generations of garbage that won’t be, like most of them now, worth the rope it would take to hang them.
We argue over grains of sand when we’re supposed to own the beach.
“When I see the worsening degeneracy in our politicians, our media, our educators, and our intelligentsia, I can’t help wondering if the day may yet come when the only thing that can save this country is a military coup.”
– Thomas Sowell
FK – On occasion I’ll tell someone who seriously asks me, a rare event, that for anything to really happen those who are deemed ‘intelligent’ and ‘successful’ in the small to medium sized cities who worship money as their true god regardless of pretext will have to figure out there’s no more corn in the trough.
But by then they may be fighting with sticks and rocks.
This is the exact problem:
FK – What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns? When they force vax your neighbors and their kids? THOSE ARE THE QUESTIONS THAT MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What portion of a military that hasn’t fought a war for liberty since the 1860s could be trusted to do that?
The same can be said of nations and empires as of men:
Remember how long you have been putting this off, how many times you have been given a period of grace by the gods and not used it. It is high time now for you to understand the universe of which you are a part, and the governor of that universe of whom you constitute an emanation; and that there is a limit circumscribed to your time – if you do not use it to clear away your clouds, it will be gone, and you will be gone, and the opportunity will not return. – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations Book V, Penguin Classics Translated by Martin Hammond
All empires meet their conquerors who are usually helped by forces from within.
We should have already taken alarm generations ago and re-formed the genuine people’s militias and began holding the war crimes trials and hanging our real enemies, our domestic enemies.
The list of reasons why is endless. I couldn’t possibly list or discuss them all here:
FK – The average dumbass has never heard of ‘universal basic income.’ Millions to billions are oblivious to what’s been done to them, whats being done to them and what will be done to their children who will mostly be just as braindead as they are. They wore the masks and took the bioweapons into their bodies after we’ve had the internet since the 90s and young adults now grew up with it.
FK – ‘Antisemitic’ is another word used to control the human mind. Those who use it are no better than those who throw around ‘racist’ and ‘extremist’ and ‘wingnuts’ and ‘Nazi’ and on and on.
We have free speech here as ACKNOWLEDGED not granted by our Bills of Rights thus we have no special groups whose motives cannot be questioned just like we no longer have heresy or blasphemy or other evils of the past.
FK – Democracy is a form of authoritarianism. It’s two or more groups of morons beating each other over the head. It’s another form of manipulation because most morons, sheeple, think they’re ‘free’ just because they’re allowed to vote for their next master.
FK – He certainly has a ‘right’ to read at the library. But this isn’t about destroying a bronze age religion. it’s about destroying masculinity and the ability of the common sheeple to fight back.
But as I keep writing on here, we have NO MEN left anyway or most of this garbage wouldn’t be tolerated for a heartbeat anyway.
FK – ‘1984’ was a basic blueprint, not a warning. No mention of the sheeple/people being armed or able/willing to fight back at all. No mention that I remember of how things got that way. But it’s been decades since I read it.
FK – I could never serve in congress or a state legislature because I couldn’t call some piece of scat that needs to be hanging from a rope a ‘colleague.’
FK – The gubmit also doesn’t have the authority to regulate firearms in any way. When has he moved to defund the batf nazis, then try and hang them for treason along with whatever scat pushes disarming the common people?
The above/below is only a tiny percentage of what I’ve ran across since my last post. There’s more out there, evil and good, than one can keep track of. I’ll maybe do a part II thru whatever on this. We’re certainly not going to run out of cowardice any time soon…
I just can’t feel sorry for them anymore.
We need the Bills of Rights in the government schools:
FK – I don’t think I was harmed by the second grade teacher that read a chapter of the ancient tribal propaganda every day. We were kids we didn’t understand it anyway. Neither did she probably.
I’d rather see large copies of the Bills of Rights of our republic and of the several states in the classrooms and hallways and all children required to memorize them, which of course is no guarantor of understanding.
They need to teach history, the most important subject for future voters, and require physical fitness in every grade level for no child knows what they might have to do in their time in this existence.
But then their parents, preachers, teachers, professors, newswhores, elected, hired and appointed public servants and certainly employers have grossly failed them. And this has been happening for millennia.
FK – I was expecting a far worse false flag than occurred. But in retrospect it was all they needed. They’ve proven there are NO MEN left in this country and that it doesn’t matter what brainless demented tool they select for the now red house.
FK – They’re commie trash. Stop calling them by the cute names they labeled themselves with to hide their relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate.
A Louisville slugger or a section of hemp rope would cure that scat but we have NO MEN here to apply those tools in the way we so desperately need.
The pence scat was a ‘drug warrior’ for years which tells you what you need to know about it. It’s a tool. Hang it.
This country is full of screaming morons that are too stupid to understand that WAR is being waged against them by their greatest enemies, their DOMESTIC ENEMIES and that we need to be hunting and hanging them for what they have already done much less what they plan to do: enslave humanity totally and forever.
America is long dead. amerika is dying. This is all intentional. Because most are too braindead to see it doesn’t make it untrue.
FK – They’ve had us marked since the 1930s. What can the average dumbass do without a socialist security no.? All since has been refinement.
Will the republicrats outlaw this evil as they should. Of course not, because like Pence most of them are part of the system and worship their true god, money.
Will Trump swing his magic wand and save us like he did last time or just give morons and cowards another excuse to sit on the couch and pretend they’re gonna get beamed up before things get too bad?
amerika hasn’t been free in many multiple generations if indeed it ever was.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – In a free country with free speech which England isn’t and amerika barely is there’s no such thing as a special little group whose motives cannot be questioned.
Will the Brazilians prove to be more American than amerika?:
FK – But wait, the Ukrainian globalist govt. was handing out ‘machine guns’ to its sheeple last year right? But that’s because a foreign power was endangering the WEF puppet govt.
As soon as the ‘foreign threat’ is no more then the globalist trash will tell its sheeple “Oh, you now no longer need those horrible dangerous things that should only be in the hands of our indoctrinated soldiers or locked in our vaults.”
Get the picture? So what has our evil congress done?
We are parsecs from where we should be because this is a nation of cowardly whores that largely elects such.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – Intimidation is the reason. It works. How many took the vax?
And it’s all because our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN LEFT HERE.
We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them. We’ve largely won the gun battle but are losing the war.
We won’t start really winning until we start hanging the scat that’s working to enslave humanity totally and forever.
The communists/globalists don’t want to fix the large cities. Their goal all along has been to destroy them in the name of destroying this country and the concept of natural rights it’s based upon.
They’ve been stealing elections for over a century in the name of doing so.
Commienoise has had that system for decades as far as I know. Those that passed it should have been hung for treason as well as the whores with badges that enforce it.
But again, there are NO MEN left here thus most who claim to love the 2nd Amend. are scared to death of the ‘m’ word in there that is the basis of it.
If we had MEN here every time such a force shows up in any neighborhood it would be met with overwhelming force and hung along the streets from trees and lightpoles with vid posted on the net for the world to see.
The enemies of liberty have been incredibly successful with the result being that amerika is full of incredibly stupid sheeple that will mindlessly obey whatever orders from whatever authorities are issued to them without annihilating said authority as often should be done.
The elites announce their goals on a regular basis and always have. It’s just not filtered down to the average dumbass via the mainstream newswhores the elites own.
In reality most of the sheeple are so stupid now it wouldn’t matter anyway. The plandemic was obviously a scam from the beginning but hundreds of millions went along with it, wore the masks and took the bioweapons into their bodies as ordered.
They are pathetic cowardly creatures and fully deserve whatever evil the future holds.
You are very naive if you think ‘It’s not gonna happen.’ I’ve been watching this for a quarter century, most ‘gun owners’ will comply with whatever evil is foisted upon them including putting their own children on the truck or the train.
If this were not so we would already have the genuine people’s militia we should have had from Nov. 2020 to Jan. 2021 and it would have gone to the district of commie criminals and done its job in such numbers that the military would have had to nuke them to stop them.
And I wouldn’t put that past them as the generals for multiple generations have had to prove their allegiance to the nwo to get past a certain rank. They said they would murder any who challenged the swearing in of the demented in chief.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We’ve already lost because we’re not ready, regardless of what the republicrats do:
Any moron should’ve known to stay away from Jan. 6. I was expecting a much worse false flag.
The problem is morons went there looking for a savior to whip a magic wand out of its anus and solve all their problems for them instead of showing up trained, organized and properly armed with enough support, ammo and rope to do what SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE.
What is the focus of cowardice? To pretend it’ll all blow over and I’ll get to keep my couch, my big screen, my mortgage, my false promise that some bronze age god or political demagogue is gonna save me and that I’ll get to die peacefully in a nursing home or in a pile of brass around my recliner because I lacked the courage to step out the front door and go do what WE SO DESPERATELY NEED TO DO!
The Founders allied with the French Navy. That at least shortened the war by several years.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – I’m far more disturbed by the brain dead newswhore that wrote the headline. How many weapons have more than one round, cartridge, not bullet, in the chamber at a time????
Ignorance, mindless willful ignorance, is what’s killing western civ.
The first rule is to treat all weapons as if they ARE loaded, as THEY SHOULD BE, yet kept out of reach of little kids and the mentally incompetent, i.e. demonscat voters and many republicrats.
And the useless pathetic neighbors didn’t take the weapon from the child as any INTELLIGENT ADULT would have done instead of creating video for the net. But we have a severe deficit of that animal don’t we?
If the kid had shot himself while being filmed it would also be partly the fault of the moron that was filming a situation that ANY RESPONSIBLE THINKING ADULT would have automatically ended!!!!!!!
But we don’t have too many of those do we?
The kid should have shot the moron with the cell phone.
How does a toddler make it out of an apartment/house into a public space? No locks out of his reach?
The commie newshores that we should’ve been hanging decades ago used to jump all over this kind of thing as if we’re supposed to live in a country that destroys the concept of natural rights because of the action or inaction of a tiny minority.
Maybe we need parent licensing. I like my idea where every 14-year-old male gets a free vasectomy with enough of this squiggles put on ice to last him a lifetime so he can reproduce in a responsible manner when he’s ADULT enough to do so.
But then we allow anatomically grown children(most of the population) to vote all the time, with far more dangerous outcomes.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – The Founders would rightly spit on us for what we tolerate.
You mean the republicrats aren’t gonna save us one more time when they take back the congress next month, sans the voter fraud?
The sad thing is I fully understand what that young woman was saying about trying all the other things first. The sadder thing is they may be partly right. But money rules the roost as it’s the real god of this world regardless of pretense for its what most of the tool-using monkeys serve on a daily basis and most of them are blind to anything that doesn’t help them get more of it.
What really own faux snooze and what is its real purpose and why are they allowing Carlson to utter these partial truths?
FK – Democracy? Really? Have you learned nothing? Democracy is their tool. Castro’s son was elected, or selected.
Where is the word ‘democracy’ in the U.S. Constitution? We have a Bill of Rights that ACKNOWLEDGES OUR NATURAL BORN RIGHTS THAT CANNOT BE VOTED AWAY NOT A DAMNED DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!!!!
But this takes enforcement and we have NO MEN to in a genuine peoples’ militia to FORCE the governments to ACKNOWLEDGE OUR NATURAL RIGHTS.
The greatest criminal up there just made the announcement. What will they do about it?
What will happen when this fall’s expected ‘red wave’ is sloshed away due to election fraud?(Yep this comment was written before the communists in the large cities did what they’ve been doing for over 100 years.)
Well gee, what happened on Jan. 6, a bunch of morons and cowards were suckered into another false flag? I was expecting it to be much worse. But they didn’t need that. Conservatives and libertarians are such cowardly scat they just tucked their tails and went home because their savior didn’t wave his magic wand and save them.
Wow. You really are a moron. Castro’s son is a tool of the WEF and the NWO. Schwab said so himself. Castro’s son is operating under orders like our own demented in chief.
Too many pathetic useless cowardly morons think they have to obey the authorities no matter what. May they be ordered onto the train or may the vax they stupidly took kill them.
When the blood war starts and that tiny minority starts killing our real enemies as they should have been doing generations ago there will NO LEGAL PLACE TO CARRY. The tyrants will immediately BAN IT BECAUSE THEY WILL KNOW WE ARE COMING AFTER THEM!
Gee, something ‘bad’ has been happening for a VERY LONG TIME!
Canadians, like amerikans, lack the backbones, brains and balls to do a damn thing about it.
We have 400 mil. guns and on men to use them.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
amerika is an evil empire. What will you do when the fake world war is started?
amerikans are planning to kill Americans. Time to grow up.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – amerika is a battlefield. Has been for multiple generations.
The stupid, pathetic and the cowardly refuse to see it.
Nothing will get better until we find MEN to hang our Marxist globalists STARTING AT THE TOP.
This garbage will eventually spread to the rural areas, small towns, as the breakdown in society grows. We have fallen off the cliff. The only question is how far to the bottom and how many bones will litter it.
My domicile is 11 miles from the county seat. Most of the homes near here have been broken into at one time or another. They’re now stealing weathered lumber off old barns and buildings.
That newswhore should be the first one hanged. That would be a good job for those security guys. The put a vid of it on the net for the world to see.
I’ve been hearing this same mindless shit for 25 years. When will you realize your enemies won’t stop lying until they’re hanging from a tree???????
It’s the criminal governments that are the real problem. The common street criminals are a result of tolerating evil in our governments and not HANGING THEM when they so desperately need to be hanged.
The elites that run this world and fund all this evil and the Marxist globalist propaganda consider the rest of us to be their livestock. There is nothing more important to know than that.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right. The ONLY THING the elite scat that funds the election theft will respect is the genuine peoples’ militia showing up at their door and dragging them by their heels into the street to the nearest thing that will suffice as a gallows and providing them a speedy treason trial and execution.
They are not capable of surrendering their limitless, relentless, arrogance, hubris, in any other way.
But as I’ve been claiming for years now we have NO MEN to do what must be done.
FK – Gaining weight and feeling lethargic???? Welcome to AGING.
In my 40s I had to learn I could no longer eat like a 25-year-old. Now in my late fifties all I eat goes to my gut. My body isn’t interested in making muscle any more.
Have you tried Yoga? That crap is hard. I do a simple stretch routine for which sheeple think I’m crazy. But then most sheeple think I’m crazy anyway.
I think they fully deserve what’s coming. So there.
Seems I read once that too much testosterone is what causes baldness. So I should be OK.
I still notice the slender young beauties as well. One has to in order to wash the walruses out of one’s eyes and brains.
Besides our lack of men youthful obesity is a real scourge. What percentage of them couldn’t make it through a basic training much less have the understanding of the necessity of it?
The word is emasculate. And the question is who or what is really seeking this and why? Why the push for interracial breeding and population reduction?
Are the watchers tiring of their lab rats or simply waiting for mother nature’s next natural reset?
They are destroying western civilization, not just amerika.
What percentage of young tool-using monkeys are homeschooled? They will be and are a tiny minority of a population of brain dead zombies. Unless they learn to RULE they will BE RULED!
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – Simon Kenton and a few other pioneers could run and reload at the same time. The process being you shoot the first Indian, start running and reload as you go, turn and shoot the next fastest Indian.
Kenton was captured Twice by the Shawnee. Both times I think he was made to run the gauntlet at each village he was brought to. The process there was they’d strip you naked, paint you black then the old women, men and kids would beat you to within an inch of your life.
After a few days/weeks of recovery you’d be taken to the next village where the gauntlet would be repeated and then the next until finally reaching the chief’s village wherein he would decide your fate: adopted slave/son, sold to the British or burned alive as entertainment for the old women and kids again.
The process for that was they’d tether not tie the prisoner to a stake and pile a ring of brush/wood around them at a distance, just close enough to bake. The prisoner would be able to move around in that area while the braves, kids and old women prodded them with burning sticks or ran in and cut parts off at random. It could take many hours to die. Sometimes the prisoner would simply be left to expire of their wounds after the crowd tired of the sport.
On one of these trips north Kenton managed to escape the gauntlet. He ran home to Kentucky from Ohio, black and naked.
I told this story or at least the part about the slow fire to some normies or braindead sheeple as I prefer. They looked at me as if was crazy for even knowing something like that.
This country is dying over a slow fire, or maybe is already dead. I really vote for the latter, because most of its inhabitants have no real clue what’s been done to them or what will be done to their kids and the stupid useless creatures don’t want to know.
Most are so stupid they wouldn’t get the comparison you made of the lobsterbacks and the batf nazi scat, that should be treated as our forbears in Liberty treated their government employees that came to seize cannon, powder and shot and small arms that day in April 1775.
That should be our greatest holiday, the day the common folk shot back and killed govt. employees all the way to Boston. The sheeple wouldn’t understand that either.
They fully deserve what’s coming.
But then so do most ‘conservatives’ and libertarian types who think all they have to do is keep being nice to their domestic enemies and they’ll eventually see the error of their ways.
This evil platform will probably delete this. If I added a link to my site they would for sure, because we have failed to hang them as REAL MEN WOULD HAVE DONE BY NOW.
FK – It’s Marxist scat that should have been HUNG from a tree or light pole before it had a stroke.
It’s right that we’re on the verge of an authoritarian system, but we passed the verge several generations back. Our military has been murdering sheeple since the 19th century in this and other countries in the name of profit.
But now the worst authoritarians want to disarm the common sheeple here so they can’t fight back which tells you what they’re really about.
But in reality they have no worries, we have 400 mil. guns and no MEN to use them.
Most anatomically adult tool-using monkeys here might as well wear dresses. Just try to tell them about the situation we face and what must be done about it and see the reaction one gets.
Useless pathetic creatures.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – Most modern ‘jews’ are secular Marxists. If they attend a synagogue it’s likely ‘reform’ which pushes ‘social justice’ both euphemisms for Marxism. Marx was a secular ‘jew,’ whatever that really means.
In a free country with free speech and a ‘free press'(your computer or smartphone) there’s no such thing as a special group whose motives cannot be questioned.
The ‘lefties’ or whatever are COMMUNISTS. DON’T HELP THEM by calling them anything else. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about the evil creatures. They are working relentlessly to enslave humanity totally and forever.
I don’t lean toward thinking it’s all ‘the jews.’ It’s about the real god of this world, money, the one most elites, sheeple and even people serve 5-7 days a week regardless of pretense.
Note how European most of the middle eastern or whatever ‘leaders’ look.
The demented in chief that belongs in a nursing home is a tool like Trump, the Marxist mutt, dubya(though it came from the elites), bush the first, the klintons, reagan, jimmy cotta and on and on.
Of course the elites don’t want the sheele to know they have natural rights that trump any govt., religion, corporate feudalism or whatever.
Why does no one out here in patriot land ever know ‘who’s really pulling the strings?’
After 25 years or so of watching all this I’ve never seen any real proof of that.
We won’t know until we have THE MEN to arrest the globalist garbage at or near the top and hold the war crimes trials and figure out who or what we really need to hang.
But since there are NO MEN left in western civ……
Most of the alts. to twatter et al are no good because there’s no way to get a message out to the entire usership or whatever of those platforms. Why is this?
Most of the platforms on the ‘left or right’ don’t respect true free speech. They are cowards.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – Looked to me as if there was no round chambered.
In times past young tool-using monkeys of that age would leave home to seek employment or an apprenticeship or join the men on the hunt or be assigned a porthole in a fort during the Indian wars after already spending years hunting game for their families.
We must stop raising children to be children or what’s left of this culture after we hit bottom will not survive at all.
Just give it time and the newswhores will report on this: “Innocent minority children allowed access to automatic weapons by the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed group” or somesuch.
There are still millions of screaming cowardly morons in this country that don’t know the difference between semi and full, much less what the NFA is allegedly about.
The elites the batf nazi trash truly serve don’t want the smarter monkeys to be armed when they FINALLY get the idea it’s way past time to fight back.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – All because we have no MEN here to hang our Marxists.
This is all part of intentionally collapsing western civilization. The republicrats won’t save us as many of them are globalists or simply whores. The rest are mostly cowards.
Will the cops that the SCOTUS has ruled numerous times don’t exist to protect the sheeple still write tickets to the uninsured?
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those whom the gods would destroy they first drive insane:
FK – We SHOULD be able to do a lot of things in this no longer free country. But we have NO MEN here to enforce the Bill of Rights on our commie trash.
But then it’s the commie corporate trash that serves the globalist banksters that came up with the UPS policy isn’t it?
They don’t call us human resources and consumers and treat us like products because they respect us as free human beings.
If we had MEN In this country we’d be hanging our globalist Marxists and corporate commie trash.
FK – So how far back do we go with this? Do convicted or accused adulterers get to wear the scarlet letter again or get stoned because they were caught being raped?
Do we waste prison space on those caught having sex before marriage or shame mothers without husbands or send pregnant teens off to special homes where they can have their children of sin in secret and then call their offspring bastards?
Many ‘christians’ are convinced that the first few generations of humanity had to engage in incest of varying degrees to kick off the human race. Then there’s the Noah thing and the other guy whose daughters thought they were alone on the Earth.
I knew an inbred family here in the hills as a child. Most to all of the kids had cleft palates. If memory serves the parents were close cousins.
The ancients forbade a lot of things that were basically stupid behavior anyway and called it a ‘sin’ so the simple-minded could be discouraged from engaging in it.
There’s a family out there known for this behavior, can’t remember their names. Maybe they suffer from some mental illness or hormonal birth defect or whatever like a lot of those the communists use to divide and confuse society.
They will never get the help they need from the culture war, both sides of which are using them in a quest for power over humanity. One side is losing its grip on that and the other is doing all it can to maintain what it has gained from decades and generations of duplicity, war by other means.
You decide which.
One side will shoot all those it claimed to care about into the same ditch when the time comes. The other will happily sing praises to its sadistic bronze age god while it burns those who didn’t go along with whichever version, sub-version or subversion proves to be ‘right’ or righteous alive in fire forever.
Which is worse?
Will the tool-using monkeys or lab rats or cosmic slaves whatever we really are ever grow up and stop choosing the lessor of the evils?
I know I won’t breathe long enough to see it.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK: What about evidence for prior ‘great floods’ that some claim happened at one time or another?
I remember seeing the auroras about 20 years ago here in Kentucky.
I figure being washed into the ocean would be a quicker way to die. But then I’m in one of the alleged ‘safe zones’ so my biggest concern will be running out of ammo before I run out of zombies.
FK – Think about the watchers, exploring the vast ancient universe, looking for a stable star so they can set up another laboratory, or feedlot.
So how many hours of on the moon footage still exists? Do the ‘we didn’t go to the moon’ psyopers know about this?
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – So the scum of the Earth, from the govt. and the entertainment industry may survive to breed future generations of tool-using monkeys?
Let’s hope the Watchers don’t plan for that.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Future tums will need to read, if they can read, those granite versions of what we once had to avoid making the same insane mistakes our ancestors did. But there I go dreaming again.
FK – I’m no scientist by any means but I’ve been trying to pay attention for a long time and can tell you that all is speculation to one degree or another.
Does this mean waterfowl will start migrating from the west to the east coast or the other in fall and spring?
Not all ‘conspiracy theories’ are real or necessarily fake. In the modern era propaganda is a blend of so-called truth, partial truths and blatant lies like that pink goo they allegedly used to make chicken thingees from. There’s a lot of intentional disinfo out there designed to attract bees and flies alike and to most importantly confuse the opposition.
Keep them confused and scared and you rule them. It’s an old rule. Most of the sheeple are too stupid to grasp what is being done to them or are so stupid they don’t even know the authorities, that’s ALL the authorities, are not on their side. The elites have always known this.
The authorities know they can control populations by funding enough Chicken Littles, preachers and the like, to keep them running around wringing their cowardly hands waiting for the end of the world train to run out of track.
Millions have no clue what free speech is or should be and don’t care. I see it all the time. Their only focus is their real god, money.
I don’t really buy into the crisis actor thing. They’ve proven many times they don’t care how many or who they kill. All they have to do is hire a couple extra shooters from the spec ops, merc, whatever world to ensure a high body count.
Don’t think there are otherwise ‘sane’ tool-using monkeys capable of such? Watch a few of those channels that focus on how police react to real people, patriots, standing up for their rights.
There are many, if not most, that will kill any they are ordered to for a paycheck and a retirement plan with nary a thought of right or wrong involved.
Or maybe they’ve just finally realized that the sheeple, herd animals that for the most part will NEVER make an attempt to understand what is being done them them, are not worth the bullet it takes to put them into a ditch. Simple sad fact.
Try telling that to most of them and see what reaction you get…
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – But what is the moon really and how did it get there? Can we blindly trust the wikipedia or Britannica version of that?
As you pointed out the bronze or iron age god gives us the choice of blind obedience vs. eternal torture. That’s not ‘free will.’ It’s slavery.
Many modern ‘christians’ consider themselves to be ‘slaves of god.’
Human history is a story of systems of rule. The elites make up rules in order to create an ordered society in an unordered universe so that unwanted or un-fathered children won’t be born and help destroy their rule. Religion was the first version of politics, human nature.
Now we have a science that has been turned into a religion that no one is allowed to question anymore or one gets their social site access limited or their bank accounts frozen.
As the WEF and UN told us “We have the science” or in other words the modern religion that cannot be questioned.
One system of rule is now struggling to destroy an older system of rule so that it can RULE.
They all have their rules for the sheeple to follow regardless of pretense. Those being used to do this will all be shot into the same ditch when their usefulness has ended.
Both sides in the culture war thoroughly understand that the average sheeple, voter, puts little real thought into their time in this existence. Neither side is interested in true free will.
Even the libertarians so-called claim it’s OK for employers to treat their workers like jackasses when the gubmit daren’t not do so. As an old saying goes what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
I’ve read enough ‘philosophy’ to know the ancients had their idea of what ‘god’ is or should be. The desert tribe borrowed from that and other things to create their version, sub-version or subversion of which some of them still think gives them the right to rule the world.
The real question is: “Who profits from the rule, or the rules?”
Who or what is funding the propaganda stream on both supposed sides?
The libertarians don’t really count yet as most brain dead sheeple barely know what libertarianism is and will never read Mises, Rothbard or Rockwell or Rand. They’d rather die than do that yet we let them vote.
The Founders who didn’t create a ‘democracy’ and who rightly limited who gets to vote would rightly spit on us for what we tolerate and what we have allowed to be done to all of us.
How many known falsehoods have the tool-using monkeys seen come and go? How much longer will they waste their time in this existence waiting for the world to end or for some perceived temporal or spiritual savior to come along and magically solve all their problems for them instead of standing up ever so often and hanging the bastards that so obviously and desperately need to be hung?
Just like the watchers employ physics yet undiscovered by our godlike scientists maybe whatever creator may or may not be out there uses a math that only looks random to the ants that get squashed every time some mindless tum mows its yard so its neighbors who think the world has to look like a golf course will be pleased with themselves.
If something did intentionally make all this chaos, disorder and insanity it’s so far beyond us our star will likely blink out before we figure out what it really is. Meanwhile the ignorant and the fearful make up their little mythologies, legends and stories to help explain it to themselves and their offspring with the hope they’ll have a society ordered enough to help them worship their real god.
I think this scientist put it best:
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry Into the Limits of the Possible
In reality, most willful ignorance on both ‘sides’ is simply a way to avoid personal responsibility for the world one exists in:
“The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists.” – Issac Asimov
FK – But the sheeple must have a simple black and white story to assuage their fears and alleviate them of personal responsibility for the world around them less they actually have to think and act on their own or with their neighbors.
They would rather die or live in chains and pass their slavery on to their pathetic offspring.
FK – There’s no such thing as ‘a-political.’ Politics is human nature and history is its story.
No matter how much the willfully ignorant lie to themselves and others.
if it were only a question of inferiors it might be bearable.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – From what I read/heard Mork’s or Robin William’s suicide wasn’t intentional.
I’ve never been clear on why sex, a simple human biological function/desire has to be entwined with ‘dark desires’ or ‘sin.’
I think that tendency in itself is the darkness.
If we were put here by some higher intelligence or whatever why did it give its tool-using monkeys such a strong biological urge and then condemn it? What sense does that make?
Maybe the real question is why did it make so many ugly/fat tums? But then I’ve known male tums that would basically screw anything that would lie down in front of them.
Women on the other hand have such a strong urge to have babies they’ll often put up with anything to have one.
Are we still really in the primate harem where the females prefer the alpha male or whatever? I met a guy once who told me he had two steady girlfriends and he had the right to screw around on them whenever he wanted to but they’d better not dare.
How many of those gurus have their own harems? I know that’s not an unheard of thing.
Our myth and legend is often construed to enhance story time and the sheeples’ blind faith in those allegedly better than them, those they’re supposed to look up to and emulate.
That’s why in western culture we have the myths of virgin births and virgin saviors and a rabbi that was allegedly single in a time when jewish or whatever rabbis(teachers) had wives.
Most of those statues don’t look all that attractive to me, at least not their faces. Many of them look Asian to alien, with big noses.
Many so-called adult tums do go gaga over big boobs. But again that’s biology, driving them toward the mate than can better feed babies.
I think that if some went back in a time machine to talk to those who really wrote/created their ancient esoterica and told them they were still taking it seriously thousands of years later the ancient priests or whatever would laugh at their ignorance and childishness.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – Our farmers and scientists are benevolent toward their sheep and lab rats so they can shear and eat them and inject them with cancer causing agents to study the outcomes.
FK – So it’s better to be created by a sadistic bronze age god that plans to burn billions alive in fire forever including little kids and babies?
For over 200 years we’ve had a Bill of Rights that must trump your ancient tribal propaganda so that you can decide which version, sub-version or subversion of it you claim to follow that reads ‘no cruel and unusual punishment’ which tells us at least some of humanity has evolved past the ancient ignorance.
If the watchers or whatever announced themselves billions would worship them as gods because we are still a very primitive species existing in a very dark and dangerous age.
Pastors regularly help the NWO by telling their sheeple to sit on their butts and wait to get beamed up with the result being they die and pass their slavery on to the next generation.
I’ll never forget the preacher that told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”
Oh that’s funny. This guy is saying ‘evolution’ could have played a part in genesis. But then there are two versions there.
The modern great apes are allegedly our cousins not our ancestors.
Does the atp clearly state which bloodline Noah is supposed to be part of? If memory serves it doesn’t. Just do a search for ‘Noah’s pure blood.’ Like all things to do with the atp there is much disagreement.
We’ve been marked since the 1930s. What can the average dumbass do without a socialist security no.? Do you have one?
Did you take the vax? Those that did are certainly serving a ‘beast system.’
Why did the holy spirit have to impregnate Mary? Why not just create another savior from clay and spit? What’s in clay and spit anyway?
In the rural southern baptist church I was raised in they had no clue about fallen angels that I remember. The flood happened because of evil in the world or whatever.
“…a proper interpretation…” Oh that’s funny. They all ‘read into it.’ End of story. I’ve sat around too many campfires and listened to too many versions, sub-versions and subversions.
Who or what is ‘the seed of satan?’ That one branches off into a lot of non pc versions as well.
Some of the ‘orthodox’ modern ‘jews’ live in Israel. Others consider it to be an abomination. There have been cracks in the church since the beginning.
Some alien group could very well arrive and create a ‘new’ religion in the name of controlling the masses, just like the old ones. But I doubt those that consider us to be their lab rats or livestock will allow it.
Watch some Richard Dolan or Bart Ehrman. For this topic try Paul Wallis. Robert Sepehr touches on the Cro Magnon thing as well.
One could waste several lifetimes and many have been trying to discern or scrye the meanings/esoterica of the atp. Meanwhile another generation passeth away and hands their slavery off to their children.
When someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.
There are many things we don’t understand and may never be allowed to. This doesn’t prove anyone’s ancient tribal propaganda is real.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FK – Been ready for a couple decades. I’ve grown tired of waiting for the useless eaters as the globalists call them to wake up and do what must be done. I sincerely hope they all suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and cowardice.
It’s all been hokey pokey from the beginning:
Blindly trust no source.
Another version:
Sounds like a good idea to me:
And another:
So who or what is ordering the elites to do this, if it’s not simple greed or lust for power or a desire to rid the earth of their livestock?
Where are the MEN and ADULT WOMEN to STOP THIS?!
With any luck, most of them will die:
Another name for coward:
There are many ways to wage war:
The demented in chief serving you the way a bull services a cow:
Old republicrats never die, they just keep committing treason:
If you don’t know what this creature is you need to disengage your head from your ass:
Tell us something else we don’t know:
If there’s no election fraud why do we have election laws?
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” ― Edward Bernays, Propaganda
“The Kennedy assassination has demonstrated that most of the major events of world significance are masterfully planned and orchestrated by an elite coterie of enormously powerful people who are not of one nation, one ethnic grouping, or one overridingly important business group. They are a power unto themselves for whom those others work. Neither is this power elite of recent origin. Its roots go deep into the past.”
– Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
How many dumbasses don’t know WHY we have an income tax?:
They love it when you protest. They know after all the morons let off some steam they’ll go back home and everything will return to normal. All they have to do is sit on their couches in their opulent offices and watch:
And tried and executed:
And some wonder why western civ. is collapsing:
It’s hard to be a traitor to something one hates:
What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?
It means we are responsible…
We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.
We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.
We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.
We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.
We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.
We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.
If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.
“Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.” –John F. Kennedy
“It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by arms and be so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for rebellion.” – Aristotle
FK – We exist under a much worse tyranny than the Brits ever enacted here.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Third Fisherman. Master, I marvel how the fishes live in the sea.
First Fisherman. Why, as men do a-land; the great ones eat up the little ones. – Pericles, Prince of Tyre, as quoted in James Burnhams ‘The Machiavellians’
At a recent Take Back Kentucky meeting a speaker asked all veterans to raise their hands and then proceeded to thank us for our ‘service.’
Later I told him not to thank me for my service to the empire and that my experience back in the 80s and what I’ve learned since had taught me that many members of the military would murder him on orders for a paycheck and a retirement plan.
This reality goes over the head of the average ‘conservative’ so the average dumbass will likely never attempt to understand it. You know, the same sheeple that will tell you “All politicians lie,” yet stupidly take their advice to allow a bioweapon to be injected into their bodies.
Personally I’m more convinced all the time that our real enemies are here and always have been, something I’ve been telling morons for years.
A few months ago, well I’ll be honest, an ignorant redneck type told me that “America would never be invaded.”
I just sat and stared at the dumbass. Telling it that amerika has already been invaded and conquered in several ways would fly right over its head.
Simple minded sheeple want a simple explanation for the existence we are allegedly in and there isn’t one. Simple minded sheeple that stupidly believe the mainstream newswhores and authorities have stupidly condoned the murder of those who don’t want to be slaves to their pathetic mindset for all tool-using monkey history.
Western civilization is being intentionally collapsed and we have millions of morons that we stupidly allow to vote that don’t even know what that is.
Soon the modern empire of note may be sending the sons and daughters of its brain dead sheeple off to another foreign war. I simply cannot feel sorry for them. We’ve had the internet for 25 years. Those of recruitment age grew up with it, yet many to most are still as stupid as their ancestors.
When we have Marxist trash and republicrat trash running for office we shouldn’t be deciding which of the evils to vote for but what length of rope to use to hang them.
The Kentucky Legislature’s republicrat leadership has been busy proving this need for weeks now.
The most dangerous in any society are the herd animals that would rather die than think and thus choose ancient ignorance as a simple explanation for the world we exist in or those who blindly believe whatever the authorities tell them so they can keep getting a government or pay check and retirement plan that can and likely will evaporate like the mist on an Indian summer morning.
May they suffer horribly in this world for their intellectual cowardice and apathy and greed.
Found this on Gab, It’s posted on Odysee which I don’t like so I mirrored it on Bitchute. Couldn’t find the original. Probably one of those the evil goolagtube deleted because they’re evil.
Understanding the process is important. Most people would think that money or currency is involved when it never is. Bank capital is always provided out of bank credit.
A central bank raises capital by the same means but has the additional facility of creating and then redeeming its own bank notes, swapping them across its books for permanent capital. For this reason, a note issuing bank or central bank is never stuck for permanent capital. Furthermore, when you read that a bank has permanent capital of a billion dollars, most people think it is paid up in hard money. But it is an illusion funded entirely by bank credit — credit created by the bank itself.
FK – What has puzzled me for years is how they not only create more nothing from nothing but how long they can keep it afloat.
In the end currency is whatever one is willing to accept as payment. In the past it has been glass beads and human flesh. But then maybe it still is.
Don’t miss the comments on that one. Here’s one I have to share:
When TSHTF you won’t be going to Krogers or Publix or Walmart
you will be going to your neighbors or a co-op and they will take gold or silver or lead
but not paper dollars or square or chime or PayPal or American Express
FK – Who will be defending those places until they run out of whatever is actually valuable?
Who stopped the looters in 2020?
We have few to no men left here. Things will get beyond ugly.
FK – The gold sellers are always predicting the end. But this time they may be right.
The sheeple think they have money in the bank or the 401k or whatever but in reality it’s all ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace. That garbage can evaporate like the mist on an Indian summer morning.
FK – Oh, they are that dumb. I see it all the time. Millions of morons that took the vax will go to their deathbeds thinking(very loosely defined) they did the right thing, even if that’s what’s killing them.
Which the doctors/hospitals will probably lie and tell them it’s something else to avoid lawsuits and bloodshed.
There’s nothing new about mindless willful ignorance. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.
Does it matter which side wins now? There are NO good guys now. The MIC will make its money, the banksters will gain more control, fewer useless eaters to breed, everyone wins all around.
FK – There was rationing during WWII and our stupid ancestors went along with it because they didn’t know the empire’s military was fighting the lessor of the evils because it was owned by the greater of the evils that still rules us.
The willfully ignorant masses are the most dangerous enemy of liberty because they condone the evil done by our rulers.
FK – Did they bring enough ammo and rope to do what really must be done? That’s all that will make any difference.
Those who are willing to fight for liberty deserve it. The rest are choosing slavery whether they are intelligent enough to realize that or not.
The republicrats are NOT GOING TO SAVE/RESTORE OUR BILLS OF RIGHTS UNLESS WE FORCE THEM TO!!!!! Many to most of the police and military will murder whatever real AMERICANS they are ordered to murder for a paycheck and a retirement plan! SIMPLE FACT!
The pledge of allegiance was written by a socialist preacher and didn’t include the ‘under god’ part until the 1950s. Real liberty doesn’t include blind faith, blind patriotism, blind obedience, and it certainly doesn’t include any form of Marxism/communism/democracy.
FK – Why is this surprising? I see/hear morons all the time who are too stupid to pay attention or have any concept that they’re supposed to. It’s not just the govt. schools. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. It’s always been easier to obey than to think. The religions have reinforced this for millennia.
FK – Well bless her heart. Have you told her she won’t have her kids/grandkids after the great reset? She already doesn’t have their or her mind(s).
If putin does invade it’ll likely be because he was told to. I think it’s all a ‘dog and pony show’ for the banksters and the arms makers. What were all the other major wars?
Also if there is a ‘war’ and ‘merika gets involved then all the dumbass trump voters with a vague understanding of what the ‘deep state’ really is will of course side with the demented in chief and the military, cause, ‘merika.
FK – The undermining happened generations ago. Our ancestors were too cowardly and ignorant to hang those they should have hanged. Now no one understands the concept anymore.
FK – Are the elites pushing this woman for future prez? Not that I disagree with what she’s saying, it’s that she’s saying it on a mainstream network. As always anything from those sources is questionable.
This is interesting. She’s all over the place and the globalists called her a ‘Russian asset’ which may mean she’s really one of theirs as they usually say the opposite of what they really mean.
If she’s sincere then why has she been registered demonscat all this time? Not that the republicrat party is much better.
Defending ‘democracy’ is the problem.
“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx
Democracy is just another tool for enslavement. letting morons vote let’s them pretend they’re free. No amerikan alive today has known liberty.
Democracy is not just mob rule, via 51 percent versus 49 percent, it’s really manipulation via those who actually participate in the process of which voting is only a tiny step.
I saw a bumper sticker on an obvious Marxist’s car once that read: “The world is ran by those who show up.”
This is all too much for the average dumbass to comprehend. They barely, really rarely, know they’re supposed to monitor the legislation their elected PUBLIC SERVANTS put forward and vote on.
So it’s beyond them that we should be hanging any garbage that’s breaking its oath to uphold our Bills of Rights by introducing or voting for law that blatantly violates our natural right to kill them when necessary.
All our natural rights, some of which are ACKNOWLEDGED NOT GRANTED, in our Bills of Rights, are based upon the right to fight back. Any creature that claims differently should be hanging from a tree.
FK – What difference will that make? The republicrats aren’t going to save our liberty or country or any damn thing else. They’ve had multiple opportunities in the past to do so and did basically nothing. They should be hanging from the same trees and light poles as the Marxist globalist trash and the rich scat that fund them.
FK – Does the average dumbass that we stupidly allow to vote even know what ‘global governance’ means? The mainstream newswhores never mention that term so it’s unlikely they do.
Expecting the average scat for brains to be familiar with the CFR is way out of bounds. It has nothing to do with whether the cats will win or not.
FK – No tool using monkey on this planet is free. Most of them are imprisoned by their own willful ignorance which is based in their cowardice.
Gee, putin is doing what the evil elites here wish they could get away with, and have to some degree. They have blocked real journalists form mainstream social sites and the useless braindead monkeys don’t know the difference.
The globalists, the greater of the evils, are backing the Ukrainians. But then they usually back both sides.
This is all a continuation of the generations long war that is being waged on humanity:
FK – Isn’t the vax supposed to take care of the excess pop. in the third world countries? And of course the morons here.
If the doctors that predicted those who took the vax will be dead in 5 years are right that’ll mean a better gene pool for the future.
The Marxist globalists and the rich scat that fund their propaganda stream and the braindead sheeple that vote for them are a cancer on humanity.
There certainly are a few good tool-using monkeys. They’re a tiny minority of the pop. at any given time. They actually make an effort to understand the world they exist in and work to ensure future generations will be free to learn, grow, evolve, explore, fight back, which is the most basic right any creature possesses.
The rest aren’t worth pigeon scat on the bottom of your shoe. This I’ve learned after decades of trying to get the useless creatures to pay attention.
FK – Most of the sheeple are too stupid to understand that a war on the other side of the world could affect them much less their right, duty and responsibility to do anything about it.
FK – Will the useless republicrats actually follow up on this or is it just election time foreplay?
I’m betting on the latter. It’s unlikely my useless piece of crap republicrat rep. will do anything about really restoring the Second Amendment, especially since he told me a few years back that ‘gun laws’ are AOK with him. Wish I had kept that email.
FK – Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to ‘lower crime’ it would still be evil and those who promote and enforce it should be hanging from trees because like socialism gun control is slavery.
FK – And as soon as the ‘war’ is over the sheeple will be told to turn them back in so they don’t endanger their own government whatever that ends up being.
FK – The piece of shit mentions a movie in which a civilization ending disease was caused by a ‘cure’ created by modern ‘science’ and whines that we REFUSE to take the vax.
FK – I read ‘Misquoting Jesus’ and just finished ‘Jesus Interrupted’ and the most amazing, but not really, thing I noted in the latter was how he asks his new religion students if they’ve read the entire ancient tribal propaganda or the Harry Potter books to which most admit they’ve read all of the latter and little of the former.
Yet most of them proclaim to be ‘religious’ or whatever. That’s a real insight I suppose on tool-using monkey nature. It’s like people I know who don’t live any more of a ‘christian life’ than my dog does but they’ll jump out of their shoes to defend it, or their translation of it.
Does one of his books list all the former examples of ‘saviors’ he’s discussing? I’ve heard of course of Mithras and Osiris and one or two others. Really it reminds me of modern comic books with superheros.
The real question after all is how does it have such a hold on the human mind? I know most sheeple never read any book that matters and rarely really understand the atp but still they lay claim to it, as do the Islamists to their book and I suppose the Hindus and the Buddhists.
Maybe the question is not ‘Did god do it?’ but ‘Who or what wants us to think that way and why?’
Oh it matters very much to those who claim the atp is ‘literal’: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
And that part that basically says it better be OK with you if I torture your kids, spouse, parents, best friend, whatever alive in fire forever.
FK – Yep, I was raised in that ignorance. I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”
How many billions more will waste their time in this existence waiting for the world to end? What kind of future would their descendants have if they’d wake up and grow up and stop waiting for the world to end while ensuring future generations got to live in concert with the concept of natural rights which our Bills of Rights are based on?
Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind. In a free country with free speech there’s no such thing as a special little group whose motives we can’t question.
FK – Maybe some of our ancestors already propagated themselves into the stars and left us behind.
Now the few who attempt to think are surrounded by morons that would rather cling to simple minded explanations and stupidly await the next apocalypse, wasting their time here waiting for the world to end or for some temporal savior to wave its magic political wand.
You left out a discussion of what the plandemic is really about, why they want to further adjust our DNA or simply reduce the herd, or both.
Or maybe some are right and the ancient gods require periodical sacrifice.
FK – Like it or not we’re all mutts. But some dogs are still smarter than others and some can pull the sled when others seem to be born to be pocket pooches. Still we stupidly let them all vote.
FK – That was an early tattoo and scarring parlor where the early religionists first invented the insane practices of circumcision and splitting the underside of the penis.
It’s a puzzle why if they were as ‘intelligent’ as modern tool-using monkeys did it take them so long to develop more advanced tools? But then why are there still basically stone age cultures left on some parts of modern Terra? Why are we still buying gas at the pump when so many see those craft zipping around up there?
It’s likely the caves were a winter retreat and they ventured down to streams and woodland or whatever in the warm months where food was more available. Year-round cave living wouldn’t be good for health.
Robert Sepehr claims the out of Africa theory is basically dead. See two vids above this one.
All contemporary cultures of whatever time consider themselves to be the peak of tool-using monkey development and thus their beliefs, findings, cultural norms, whatever are not to be brought into question.
Doing so is usually more than their little brains can handle.
How many stupid scat-brained ‘merikans have no idea what this is about?:
I cannot feel sorry for the morons that took that shit. They were warned and warned and warned. But they’re too stupid to actually search for reality, after we’ve had the net for 25 years:
And that’s probably what they want. A fake ‘revolution’ or ‘civil war’ which no one is ready to fight but which will give the evil ones the excuse to shove forward their real agenda, global enslavement of the tool-using monkeys.
The elites know when wars are coming. The braindead sheeple are usually oblivious.
Those who claim they want ‘freedom’ are as always delusional about the situation they really face.
The average dog is smarter than the average tool-using monkey.
The evil is never ending because the mindless willful ignorance and endless apathy is never ending. The submissive have been surviving to breed for countless generations. The religions have taught blind mindless obedience as was their intention since probably the beginning.
The tiny minority that does survive and end up fighting must congeal a narrowly focused goal of restoring the Bill of Rights which ACKNOWLEDGES NOT GRANTS our natural right to fight and kill when necessary those who would enslave or in our case enslave us further.
I’ve done what I’ve done all these years in the way I did it because the mainstream newspapers that I in my youthful ignorance wanted to work for always channeled the national and official propaganda as gatekeepers for the masses.
Free Kentucky News was meant as an alternative to that, to point out the real journalists, those with a bias toward liberty, who operated as true watchdogs on government, not lapdogs for those who would rule us whether they be politicians or the corporate workaholic assholes they often serve.
It’s easy to to get distracted by issues that don’t matter or liars that want to distract, controlled opposition, or those who are simply misled because they haven’t let go of lifelong indoctrination from the govt. schools, universities, churches, mainstream newswhores, publishers and on and on.
We the people were doomed/screwed when Trump came out for the vaxx. Between Trump and the MSM my Republican Trump supporting extended family didn’t stand a chance. I couldn’t convince them not to take it, who am I compared to MSM and Trump. Don’t say they had a choice or should have done their research. They TRUSTED TRUMP. It was for the greater good, where have we heard that before? We in fly over country didn’t get the insiders nod and wink, don’t take the vaxx, like the Juan O Savin’s of the world. Who the hell are we in fly over country. Trump is on my last nerve. Either he has it all, EBS and Military, or he sold us out. From MY perspective, I’m still not sure. He lost allot of my trust, I don’t have faith in man, and hope is not a plan. We keep getting told the same stories. I’m still hear looking for the news but this news is becoming as unreliable as MSM. At least no topics are off the table. But these truther’s are waking people up, but it is still a smaller percentage of the people then you would like to believe come to the internet for their news. I mean alternative sites then MSM sites. Because once you do you see, flat earthers, aliens, DUMBS, satanic children sacrifice, secret worldwide military opps, Trump never left, Vax/Depopulation plan, JFK and ELVIS are alive. One look at that and they go back to MSM. Trump and the Military lost the country under their watch until they PROVE Q, the giant sting, dumbs, and Military Tribunals.
The sad reality is what I constantly write on here: Most physically grown tool-using monkeys are still basically children mentally and emotionally. They never learned to try to slice and dice an idea in their minds. All is black and white to them. Many to most never crack a book that matters after high school, if they did then.
As I learned in college most don’t develop abstract thought until they’re around 25 years of age. In my experience many to most never do.
The history they were taught was a mix of mythology/legend and simple dates and names with no meaning. Understanding why things happen is far more important than knowing they happened.
But still we let morons vote. If there is a free humanity left after this war dust settles that issue must be addressed.
FK – Of course the average brain dead amerikan moron will reason(very loosely defined) that “Gee, that’s in Canada, or whatever that place up there is called, it’s a whole nother country. That stuff will never affect me.”
FK – All govt. is force thus all real pushback against evil govt. must ultimately involve force. But we have no men left in western civ.
The elites love so-called ‘peaceful protest’ because they can sit safely on their couches or office chairs while their whores, the sheepdogs, the police and military, do their dirty work for them.
The purpose of the sheepdog is to guard the herd so the shepherds can shear and eat them.
The banksters have never been our friends. They started the Fed and the IRS. They will steal money out of your accounts already when the IRS claims you owe them money.
The power to tax is the power to destroy. There’s nothing new about this.
Remember that old movie “Red Dawn?” amerika stands alone. But we have no men to stand.
FK – The American revolution over threw the concept of ‘royalty’ and god-appointed kings who could do as they wished with their subjects/slaves because whatever bronze age god or worse had given the go ahead just by them being born to a bloodline or by killing enough of those who didn’t want to bow to them.
Government is FORCE and nothing else.
The anti-federalists insisted on a Bill of Rights, based on the concept of natural rights and the Federalist effort to establish a new monarchy or dictatorship was stopped.
They also established a secular govt. because they knew history, see the 30 Years War. Once we allow some moron to claim they’re gonna establish ‘god’s govt.’ or god’s law then we have to decide which of the thousands of versions, sub-versions or subversions that will be.
Have you read ‘Jefferson’s Bible?’ Not all the Founders were all that devout, certainly not by modern evangelical or catholic or whatever definition.
We have a Bill of Rights that forbids ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ yet we have millions of morons that have no problem with their sadistic bronze age god burning billions, the vast majority of the tool-using monkeys that ever existed, alive in fire forever.
This proves we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.
We need a restoration to the concept of natural rights. But we have no men here who understand this.
Controlled opposition is a thing. The ‘noble cause’ is often created by or infiltrated by the very elites, those behind the curtain, the sheeple or people think they’re over throwing.
‘Polarized’ is another control word. There is only invasion and overthrow. In reality the enemy has been here all along. What we really have is a tiny minority who have some basic or vague understanding of what’s going on around them, which won’t change unless we conduct war crimes trials, if then, and the vast majority, many of them trump voters, that have a very vague understanding of the situation they face, that may very well be turned to serve the evil ones.
How many morons who voted for Trump think it’ll all be fixed if we just go back to dubya or Reagan or FDR or Lincoln?
We are drowning in an ocean of lies and millions of morons don’t even know they’re not supposed to breathe water.
If we base a revolution, restoration, whatever on the mythologies of the past we still won’t gain much and the elites will simply step back into their former rolls of funding all sides and their controlled opposition.
This country was founded with chattel slavery, as a compromise, to keep the early union together. It slowly turned into an empire, as even Jefferson called it at one point and helped to form it via the Louisiana Purchase.
Only white male property owners could vote. There were few to no SCOTUS rulings on the first or second amendments until well into the 19th century or the 20th.
The south sought independence just as the Founders did. The big govt. unionists invaded so they could continue to tax them. Claiming they invaded to free the black slaves is absurdity.
This guy is either a moron or a liar. See what the black Marxists have done to South Africa and would do if they could get away with it.
To destroy the concept of natural rights, our right to exterminate the garbage that would force us into communism/slavery at the point of a gun, is to destroy the Bill of Rights in toto.
There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity. We are in this situation because of our failure to hang our Marxists and the rich elites that fund them and their propaganda streams and FOR NO OTHER REASON.
But again, we have no men here who understand this.
During the ‘great depression’ the culture was still mostly rural. As my grandmother asked me: “Depression? What depression? We were already poor.”
Do you think no one saw it coming? I had people telling me about the 08 housing crisis years before it happened. But then there are always doomsayers claiming the ‘end is near’ when what we really need is to pay attention and focus on what kind of world future generations will inherit.
I’ll never forget the preacher that told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”
How many untold billions now have wasted their time here waiting for the world to end with NO THOUGHT GIVEN to the kind of government their children would inherit and whether they would be as enslaved as their parents or worse.
I spoke with a young ‘national guardsman’ today that apparently saw no problem with taking the vax.
See the part about drowning in an ocean of lies again. He will readily murder who or whatever the evil generals that said over a year ago they’d murder any real Americans who went to challenge the blatantly stolen election that he’s told to murder, for a paycheck and a retirement plan.
This guy is a liar or a screaming dumbass. The average amerikan has NO CONCEPTION of what real liberty is or what this country is supposed to be. Many to most of them think we’ve always had an income tax and gun laws.
When I first started fighting gun control in the 90s a common question was “You got a license for that?” when in most states a ‘license’ was NEVER required, especially at the beginning of the now dead republic.
Dig up the 70 million Mao murdered and ask them what failed. Ask the dead victims of the greater of the evils in WWII how they were murdered before during and after our ancestors were fighting ‘fascism.’
Some libertarian dumbass once wrote to me online about the Soviet Union that “It all worked out.”
“Yeah,” I responded to him, “After 70 million dead.”
What morons. What pathetic cowardly delusional morons. What were the Indians thinking when they saw those big boats with the white sails sitting off the coast? Did they have any real clue what was coming?
How many have been murdered so far in this intentional plandemic biowar? How many will die? They have proven over and over they don’t care how many they kill to maintain control.
The modern kings simply go by different names and hire charismatic famous front men to run for office for them and maintain the status quo with no real ‘change.’
WTF happened in several large cities in 2020? NO nation of real men would have tolerated that.
And they went to the district of commie criminals with signs to ‘protest’ the blatant theft of the highest office on the planet and in human history while a demented old tool was sworn in to do what?
This is a dying empire of delusional fools.
The Aussies lost what semblance of freedom they had when they surrendered their weapons without a fight. All since is symptomatic of their cowardice.
Read “Lincoln’s Marxists.’ The republicrat party was the original party of big govt. If you don’t count the Federalists.
The republic was lost in 1865 when a portion of the states told another portion at the point of a gun and 600,000 dead “You may not un-volunteer from something you volunteered for.”
What a moron. Something far worse than any bloodshed is a country full of cowardly pacified whores whose real god is money that have NO CONCEPTION AT ALL they have a right, duty and RESPONSIBILITY to fight back.
They are exactly what they have been bred and indoctrinated to be. So is this guy.
At least the guy with the cane, can’t remember who he was, was man enough to use it. We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.
What did Patton say after World War II? “We fought the wrong side.”
Allegedly the Kentucky Constitution was amended to forbid concealed carry of weapons after one legislator used his sword cane on another in the 1850s. They couldn’t control themselves so they sought to control us.
This moron is really a professor? Really? Of what? AGAIN; The Bills of Rights of the new constitution and of several states were written to ACKNOWLEDGE NATURAL RIGHTS WE ARE BORN WITH!!!!!
When you call COMMUNISM by the cute names that have been assigned to it to hide it’s relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate you are HELPING IT!!!!!
WHY IS HE USING HIS ALLEGED ENEMIES’ LANGUAGE and thus allowing them to control his thoughts?
If we replace whatever passes for globalist Marxism or whatever with some form of theocracy we will have gained nothing but the next war.
Both the slave holders and the abolitionists used the ancient tribal propaganda to justify their cause.
The average amerikan/westerner fully deserves what’s coming. May they suffer horribly in this world for their cowardice and apathy.
FK – So why are most of those who claim to love the 2nd Amend. scared to death of the ‘m’ word?
Why don’t we already have an active training organized outfitted genuine peoples’ militia in every county?
There are no men here, that’s why.
All this is symptomatic of our failure to hang our Marxist globalists and the rich scat that funds their propaganda stream. But again, there are no men here.
FK – The root cause is the willful ignorance and apathy of many millions of amerikans who are born into what is supposed to be a representative republic yet neither have nor want any notion of their right, duty and RESPONSIBILITY to fight back which is the basis of our Bills of Rights of the national and several state governments.
FK – Anyone with half a brain could see what was happening in the spring of 2020. But most are oblivious and would rather die than think. I see it all the time.
Those who want to be free must be ready to rule those who simply don’t care as long as they get another beer, watch another game or believe some savior is gonna swoop in and save them from their own willful ignorance and cowardice.
FK – The native cow agreed it was against freedom. Let’s be clear: IT SHOULD BE HUNG FROM A TREE. The scat was endangering those kids. They should be taken from their COMMUNIST parents and educated in liberty.
But there are no men left in western civ.
The communist pig was the creature that was obviously excited.
Leave it to COMMUNIST SCAT to think there’s such a thing as ‘official’ news.
The govt. is their god dear child. Yes, they’d happily shoot you all into ditches. And they are being aided and abetted by all the whores who worship money, their true god and who STUPIDLY THINK all they have to do is go along to get along and this will all just blow over and they’ll magically get to keep all their crap.
Look at the fear in that Nazi’s eyes at 15:46. They know they’re outnumbered.
We could have our enemies hanging from trees and light poles in weeks to months if enough would ever figure that out.
Doesn’t that cow have a govt. built igloo somewhere and a polar bear that’s lonely?
FK – Let me guess, the speed cameras truly ‘strictly enforce.’ I’ve driven in most states. The traffic flow is usually 5-10 mph over the posted limits, sometimes 20.
The amerikan military hasn’t fought a war for liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.
Those old truckers do stupid things like cheat on their books so they can drive sleep deprived, rarely get any real exercise and like the meme reads eat a crappy diet. So anyone smart enough not to be a truck zombie has to compete against that mindlessness for jobs/work.
It’s not something to be proud of.
How many commiedians have complied with their evil master’s gun ban? Why aren’t they using them to end this evil? Why aren’t we?????
The wash compost is evil mainstream scat. What else to you expect from it? Bezos bought it and it’s still a commie globalist rag.
goolagtube should be a dried up carcass by now. But some just won’t get off it.
FK – The globalists created the indoctrination system for their own purposes. No amerikan alive today has known liberty. Few of them could even explain what it really entails.
Neither the corporations nor the governments nor their indoctrination centers want tool-using monkeys that can think critically.
Most teachers/professors are simply regurgitating the warped history they have been taught or not taught, assuming they still teach anything resembling history. Often they are still stupid enough to blindly believe the mainstream newswhores or the mainstream authorities and think those entities are acting in our best interests, when in fact the exact opposite is the case.
Read ‘The Prince.’ It teaches you what governments are and always have been.
Homeschooling can be great, as can charter or private schools, but the vast majority of sheeplets will continue to attend the government schools and get the same intentional mal-education their parents did, or worse, or far worse. And we allow them to vote.
FK – The teachers and professors are simply regurgitating what they have been spoonfed. The preachers should know better since many of them attend bible colleges where they are taught the real origin of their religion, human frailty.
FK – I don’t know what’s so shocking about it. Those who pay attention have known for years they consider us to be livestock. Now we’re becoming ants at their picnic.
FK – That’s just a state park or highway rest area picnic shelter, nothing to worry about. The space tourists like to rest somewhere with a view.
Don’t worry, as primitive and willfully ignorant and cowardly as most of the tool using monkeys are they’ll not likely ‘contact’ us any time soon. More likely they look upon us with pity or disgust or both.
Millions work relentlessly to enslave their Earth brothers and sisters and whatevers in some form of authoritarianism or another from seeking to control all they do in this existence to threatening them with eternal torture for not accepting eternal slavery by some bronze age god.
FK – I think you’re grossly over-rating the herd animals.
I noticed long ago that most female tool-using monkeys lose their minds at middle age or thereabouts. They take on the grandmother or granny mindset and treat everything and one accordingly.
But then a few months back a clerk in a liquor store told me she didn’t have to worry about how fattening any of their products were because “I’m a mom now.”
Then there’s the middle aged female who was hinting at some kind of relationship right after she told me how astounded she was when her last boyfriend wanted sex. That female like many had been married and popped out babies yet still had no understanding of what a human male is.
Maybe we should be wondering how we transitioned from the dominant male in the chimp herd or whatever to the marriage and breeding for the king thing.
I’ve seen countless examples all my time here of tool-using monkeys that shouldn’t have bred. In fact it’s always been a great puzzle to me why the great majority of them want to.
It’s a biological inclination, deeply ingrained, men want to screw, females in general want babies. How often have we heard the female lament?; “We have to put up with men so we can get babies.”
What’s the real drive for this? Is it just evolution ensuring a species’ survival or something more? Yes, billions will opt for the simple explanation that the sadistic bronze age god just wants more babies to threaten with eternal torture, something its alleged ancient tribal propaganda claims will happen to most of them which proves me right when I claim we’re still an exceedingly primitive species existing in a very dark and dangerous age that we may not survive.
I’ve never associated Van Halen with boy soyism.
So we go back to what? One of my great-grandmothers had 9 children that survived to adulthood if memory serves. She also had miscarriages. Maybe we should have kept that up and now be in the process of wiping out all the other civilizations on Earth to claim the territory we’d need/want.
Maybe we’d really have space stations and colonies on other planets by now as they claimed back in the 70s.
We may have the tech now to give every 14-year old male storage space in several freezers for his squigglies then provide him a free vasectomy so he can do what nature demands without danger of making more parasites for the welfare rolls and voters for the demonscat party.
Then we can put making a kid where it should have been a long time ago, in the hands of those who are intelligent, attractive, financially secure, educated thinking real human beings, not herd animals that more resemble walruses than advanced primates.
But there I go dreaming again.
Anger the evil ones by clicking on the avatar and following the links to understand.
FK – The corporate Marxist globalist trash should be hanging from a tree because it’s been openly working to enslave humanity.
But I really don’t care what its sex life involves. I’d probably rather never have to think about it. I already know too much about the Falwell family. But then I never looked to them for guidance either.
If it used its power over that female tool-using monkey to coerce it into sex then of course that’s another reason to hang it faster. But if they’re two consenting adults(extremely loosely defined, as I would with ALL tool-using monkeys over a certain age, or really mentality…) then it’s their damn business.
Work place relationships can have issues and I understand why many businesses ban such though I think the problems often come from trying to ‘hide it.’ if they’re married then it ought to be between them and their so-called spouses. There are ‘open marriages’ for various reasons.
Throughout history much marriage was defacto open because of cultural attitudes that kept chaste female tool-using monkeys at home with the kids while the male was free to sew his seed among whatever weed patch he found, as long as he was discrete.
Who or what is really controlling the whoopi thing? Is she such a good tool for those we aren’t allowed to criticize that they can’t let her go?
For the benefit of the simple-minded: Hating someone because they’re born a certain way is mindlessness, as is blindly defending them for the same reason.
Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind, just like ‘racist’ or ‘nazi’ or ‘extremist’ or ‘radicalized,’ or ‘sinner’ or ‘blasphemer’ or and on and on.
What was the Holodomor? The Soviets murdered tens of millions before the lessor of the evils got warmed up and was still murdering and enslaving for decades after the alleged most evil ideology of the 20th century was put down.
Our empire fought the lessor of the evils and the greater evil won and still rules us.
Who or what invented and promoted was was then called Bolshevism? Who or what funded it? Who funds and profits from it now? Why do we never hear about this?
Why should we lower ourselves to the standards and methods of our enemies when we should simply be hunting them?
I’m sick to death of communists being called fascists and the democrat party of the mid-19th century being compared to the communist infiltrated demonscat party of the 20th and 21st centuries.
When we build our restoration on ignorance and mythology we gain nothing but another foundation of political quicksand.
FK – Wow. So it really is about conditioning the peasants to accept their servitude to those in authority. But then we already knew that.
Bad dreams for lustful thoughts? The tool-using monkeys have always been collectively insane and still are. We still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. The biowar proves this.
Now they’re using the threat of an engineered bioweapon(s) to herd the sheeple to the shearing and butchering.
More on the versions, sub-versions and subversions:
FK – So adam and steve have butt plugs for the homos?
I occasionally watch a Russian channel on goolagtube, ones that seem to be done by ‘average’ Russians. Their cities, society, whatever now looks as western as any, if not better. Even with a dictator they may not fall into the PC woke trap that has essentially destroyed our empire.
All empires rise and fall. Most last about 250 years. As the ancient tribal propaganda warns: sudden destruction will come upon them.
After 25 years of screaming my head off I can’t feel sorry them.
FK – We lack the most basic thing of all, a genuine peoples militia that could go do what must be done to maybe prevent the necessity of ‘prepping,’ except for true natural events that can’t be controlled.
But that would require men we don’t have.
But then maybe the rise and fall of empires are natural events that can only be manipulated.
“The writer of this book has no fear of being contradicted by any respectable trainer in laying down as a fundamental principle that, other things being equal, that horse will be the best ‘broken,’ freest from trick and vice, most reliable and obedient and at the same time, the most spirited and enduring, whose course of education has been such that he cannot recall any time when he was not broken. He should have no memory of any hour of great trouble and fear when he first discovered that man was his master and, that all his struggles for freedom were in vain.” – Robert M. DeWitt ‘Complete American Farrier and Horse Doctor,’ quoted in ‘Ancient Secrets of the Horses Mind.’
The same has been done to the tool-using monkeys.
The good news is there’s more freedom oriented material on the net than one can possibly keep track of.
The bad news is there’s more freedom oriented material on the net than one can possibly keep track of.
The worse news is we still have millions of morons who don’t know and will never care.
The real question is why have we allowed things to get this bad? Simple answer: There are no men/adults here who have any understanding of that. See the sentence before this one.
But as I keep noting here ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ are delusional about the situation we have and have been for as long as I’ve been paying attention, for over 40 years. They didn’t listen when Sen. McCarthy and others tried to tell them about the amerikan communist insurgency in what is now amerika in the 1950s.
They didn’t demand the arrest and execution of known communist agents in the 1960s when the riots and bombings and anti war protests were led by the amerikan communist insurgency and probably funded by the same rich globalist elites that fund them now.
They didn’t listen in the 80s – the 90s when many tried to warn them about the communist infiltration of our indoctrination systems, from the govt. schools to the universities to the govt. churches that for generations tolerated a law that told them what couldn’t be preached from the pulpit.
They didn’t pay attention when many multiple thousands were spent on full page ads in national newspapers telling about how evil the income tax is and was.
If you have to apologize for the right to fight back then you are only acknowledging your enslavement.
What free men? There are none left here. No amerikan alive today has known liberty or true courage.
Three steps forward, two steps back is their mantra. They always overreach knowing their simple minded enemies will ‘compromise’ with them one more time.
FK – The proper term would be indoctrinated not brainwashed. Brainwashing intones something is removed and replaced. Most of the sheeplets like their parents are empty headed morons.
“Together, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street have nearly US$11 trillion in assets under management.”
“We found that the Big Three, taken together, have become the largest shareholder in 40% of all publicly listed firms in the United States.”
“In 2015, these 1,600 American firms [the 40%] had combined revenues of about US$9.1 trillion, a market capitalisation of more than US$17 trillion, and employed more than 23.5 million people.”
“In the S&P 500 – the benchmark index of America’s largest corporations – the situation is even more extreme. Together, the Big Three are the largest single shareholder in almost 90% of S&P 500 firms, including Apple, Microsoft, ExxonMobil, General Electric and Coca-Cola.”
“What is undeniable is that the Big Three do exert the voting rights attached to these shares. Therefore, they have to be perceived as de facto owners by corporate executives.” (emphasis mine)
FK – The ancient law is simple: The superior force takes what it pleases. The pop. always outnumbers the military but it’s made up of mindless cowardly sheeple who didn’t prepare, train, organize, arm, when they had the chance. So they fully deserve what is done to them.
Here in amerika, once America, we’re supposed to know better. One cannot tell this by simply looking around. Many say “Molan Labe” when they mean “Come and murder me and my family. My neighbors will simply wait their turn as well or sell their own children to the state.”
Well, that last part already happened. They’re just too blindingly stupid to know it. They can read and we’ve had the net for 25 years yet millions, including self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ or whatever still stupidly trust the authorities. They failed the test. If that doctor that claims all the vax takers will be dead in 5 years is right I won’t mourn them. The world will be a better place if only because those with a higher I.Q. might survive to breed.
The genuine peoples’ militia that should have been built generations ago is basically non existent because the average moron here thinks ‘It can’t happen to me.’ They fully deserve what’s coming, what’s already here.
We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.
I don’t feel sorry for them. I’ve done my part and they ignored me and many others for a long time.
Have you not read ‘The Prince?’ Written 500 years ago it tells you how governments work. That has not changed, no matter the title of what form of modern govt. we’re supposed to have now.
Our greatest enemies ARE HERE and they ALWAYS HAVE BEEN!
They are DOMESTIC but not domesticated. They seek to RULE and only TO RULE!
The generals publicly stated they’d MURDER real Americans!
Many to most of the enlisted class will murder those patriots they are ordered to out of fear, ignorance, desperation, hatred, the same old miasmas. There are blatant communists in the ranks. Many vets are communists, fascists, authoritarians of various stripes.
Because our enemies have been successful we have 400 mil. guns and no men/adults to use them. We have armed children who think their deer stand, plinking range, skeet shoot, video game has prepared them for physical blood war.
Seems like I remember something about taking over school boards and city councils and legislatures and congress and whatever else decades ago. Seems like I remember attending a conference on voter fraud 20 years ago and hearing how it was already pointless to vote in the large cities.
Only a tiny minority heard that call. The rest slept on. They deserve what’s on their doorsteps and in their living rooms because they refuse to deal in reality and take on personal responsibility for the representative republic and world they exist in.
They deserve the void that fills their own hearts and minds and those of their descendants.
May they suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and cowardice.
FK – Anyone with half a brain who’s watched all this crap for decades, knew to stay away from that event. It was no where near as bad as I expected.
And I’m not referring to a handful of fed nazi trash instigators leading a troop of idiots into the now and then illegitimate capital building.
If we had men here a fully trained force that could vastly outnumber the fed nazi trash, capital police and traitorous military would have gone up there and done what needs to be done.
“Scottish data shows that the COVID-19 age-standardized case rate is highest among the two-dose vaccinated and lowest among unvaccinated! It further shows this trend of negative efficacy for the double-vaccinated persisting for hospitalizations and deaths. Something is very wrong here, and together with other data points, it raises concerning questions about the negative effect of waning antibodies, constant boosting, and the consequences of a leaky vaccine with narrow-spectrum suboptimal antibodies against an ever-evolving virus.”
FK – This is a war. There’s nothing insulting about it. They’re intentionally killing tool-using monkeys most of whom actually fully deserve it because we’ve had the net for 25 years and millions to billions of morons still blindly trust the authorities, the governments, the medical establishment, the legal drug companies, the preachers, the Marxist professors and teachers and on and on.
An he’s still pushing the vax. IT’S NOT HESITANCY!!!!! IT’S REFUSAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S A BIOWEAPON!!!!!!
I’ll correct that piece of scat. 600,000 plus were murdered by a bioweapon and NO ONE has the balls, brains or backbone to hunt down and prosecute and hang the scat responsible!!!!!!
Because there are no men left here. Our enemies have been successful.
FK – I’m more concerned that he has ‘beloved ducks.’
There are no men left in western civ.
If mcky dees gets away with it they’ll all be doing it next. Time to start exterminating this shit.
That’s a far bigger story than the bird flu. Millions to billions have no other choice but to eat fast food and shop at the groceries at least part of the time.
I live on a farm and I have no desire to garden or raise chickens or any damn thing else.
If the evil ones are willing to murder millions with the bioweapons do you think they’ll have any damn problem coming and taking your crap like Stalin did to the Ukrainians????
The only question that matters now is ‘Will you sit home and wait your turn?!?’
If you don’t use chemicals and fertilizers to grow food for most of the population are you ready to send the welfare recipients to the plantations?
We are like the Indians watching the big boats with the cloth sails sit off the coast with no understanding of what the future really holds.
FK – Only morons still blindly depend on the evil goolag.
Most of the other U.S. search engines use similar algorithms
The vax is the key to all this evil. There’s a reason they want that bioweapon in all humanity and it’s not for our benefit.
It’s not a disagreement. It’s a war. Hundreds of millions to billions around the planet are too stupid and politically obtuse to grasp this. This is mostly because they make no effort to understand. It’s easier to blindly and stupidly do what the authorities tell them to.
We’ve had the net for 25 years. There really are no excuses anymore unless you’re an African Bushman or Amazonian in a rain forest hut.
They would probably know better than to trust the white man’s needles. See what Gates did in India and Africa.
This scat in the blue suit needs to be hanging from the same tree as Fauci.
They’re bioweapons you lying pile of scat.
The tool-using monkeys are always collectively insane. They’re just insane about different things.
How is it that in the alleged ‘land of the free and home of the brave’ that we aren’t free and there are no brave? How did our ancestors never really learn what the Founders, the anti-Federalists who demanded a Bill of Rights, based on the concept of natural rights, bequeathed to us?
How do so many have no clue what form of govt. we’re supposed to have here and that it’s their PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to make sure it’s restored and maintained?
The lessor of the evils, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was fighting Bolshevism, the greater evil that had already murdered tens of millions in Russia. As Patton said after the war “We fought the wrong side.”
Who or what is paying that creature to push the vax?
The evil goolagtube now deletes comments with links. What else do you need to know about it?
That comment was deleted immediately by the evil goolagtube.
FK – I’ve wondered for years now how much diff. ‘income taxes’ make in the fed budget. The banksters can create ones and zeros with commas at the stroke of a keyboard. How big the ‘deficit’ really is depends on who one asks.
That’s without mentioning the trillions allegedly in the military black budget(s).
How much has the cia earned dealing drugs all these decades?
We need to get control of the teachers colleges and the textbook printers. Most sheeple will never homeschool their sheeplets but amazingly we let them vote.
Many understand the commie news network is evil. But they still obliviously believe the rest of the mainstream newshores, all of whom are lying. The proof is in the huge numbers that stupidly took the vax.
It’s a game of divide and conquer and the end of this war is nowhere in sight, especially if the globalists succeed in starting a war with Russia. Millions of morons will ‘rally round the flag’ with no understanding they are being screwed over again.
Comer ended up with part of Guthrie’s old district and seems to be just as useless and needs to be replaced as well.
FK – What’s already happened to scores of small towns in flyover country over the past decades?
Some nowadays spend time wondering if Atlantis ever really existed. Some day, if the tool-using monkeys aren’t wiped out by mother nature or their own stupidity and greed some will ask “Was there ever really an America(now amerika) and where was it?”
There are so few with any real understanding of what this country is supposed to mean, based on the concept of natural rights, with the Bills of Rights of the several states and national govt.(that’s now illegitimate) being what made us exceptional.
Since a lot of the poison that sucked the lifeblood out of liberty spews out of that craphole maybe it’s appropriate that it rots away first.
How long till the commie coast invites the chicom military over to save them from the rest of us, or themselves?
FK – I didn’t really like ‘The Matrix.’ But it’s deeply symbolic like many other things. We’re already someone’s lab rats, walking around the maze in the flesh, grazing and breeding for what real reason we may never be allowed to know.
The problem with the net is it was created by the elites for their purposes, not to benefit us. But like many monsters it’s outgrown its leash.
If they’re serving Satan, by whatever real name, do you think he’ll let them become gods and challenge his rule over the Earth?
How is the ‘internet of things’ any different from watchers, angels, demons, guardians, saints, whatever that can see our every move, read our every thought and hear every word so that we may be judged worthy of eternal slavery instead of eternal torture?
We may already be the Borg without access to all the channels.
Most of the morons I encounter on a regular basis already lack any meaningful understanding of anything that matters. Many of them are convinced they’re gonna get beamed up before things get too bad thus they have no personal responsibility for the world their descendants will inherit.
But that’s OK. Their god has already told them to tolerate their own children, spouses, parents, ‘friends,’ whatever being burned alive in fire forever for not going along with whatever version, sub-version or subversion they claim to follow, which is usually pretense anyway, hedging their bet.
I must agree on one or two points with the globalist trash: The tool-using monkeys are still an exceedingly primitive species that still exist in a very dark and dangerous world and there may be too many of them.
But like Marx it’s their alleged solutions that are evil.
What is evil? Is the knowledge that Prometheus allegedly passed on truly bad or simply dangerous in the wrong hands? Like all two edged swords it has a pointy end that has been used to good effect by the weak and the strong since our ancestors came down from the trees or their genes were altered by whatever force really runs this sideshow.
The ancient tribal propaganda was largely borrowed from earlier traditions and interpreted to suit their own clan central version. Many primitive cultures will tell you they were brought here or created by their gods or whatever and they are the reason for the Earth.
FK – Lebanon, KY redneck mecca looked similar 3 days back, yes they had no bananas at all. Campbellsville, 16 mi. or so south, looked considerably better yesterday, still some gaps.
What about the smaller chains? I haven’t noticed such gaps in those, but haven’t been looking that hard. Krogers seems to be similar.
What would it have been like if we had men/adults who had formed their genuine peoples’ militias decades ago as they should have and done what should have been done over the past two years? I guess we’ll never know.
Future generations will be like many young and old now, clueless, oblivious, and apathetic, looking for the next check in the mail.
Farming is heavily subsidized. Most of them run to the Ag office for whatever tit is offered. Most ‘small farmers’ such as they are have jobs. The big ones depend on the crop insurance to keep them going as far as I understand.
Most of the corn around here goes into whisky. The soybeans overseas to who knows where, Asia one would suppose. When I ask no one seems to know.
Will the republicrats save us next fall? Unlikely. The Kentucky legislature is ran by them and as far as I can tell most are no better than the demonscat. Same for those this ‘conservative’ state sends to the district of commie criminals. Most all are clueless cowardly whores that but for a lack of men would be hanging from a rope.
FK – My mother’s mother cooked my grandfather pinto beans and corn bread every day because that’s what he wanted two meals a day, all the time I knew him. They ate pig, chicken egg and biscuit for breakfast mostly.
“Those who pursue the higher life of wisdom, who seek to live by spiritual principles, must be prepared to be laughed at and condemned.
“Many people who have progressively lowered their personal standards in an attempt to win social acceptance and life’s comforts bitterly resent those of philosophical bent who refuse to compromise their spiritual ideals and who seek to better themselves. Never live your life in reaction to these diminished souls. Be compassionate toward them, and at the same time hold to what you know is good.
“When you begin your program of spiritual progress, chances are the people closest to you will deride you or accuse you of arrogance.
“It is your job to comport yourself humbly and to consistently hew to your moral ideals. Cling to what you know in your heart is best. Then, if you are steadfast, the very people who ridiculed you will come to admire you.
If you allow the mean-spirited opinions of others to make you waver in your purpose, you incur a double shame.”- ‘The Art of Living Epictetus A New Interpretation by Sharon Lebell
“A man of understanding has lost nothing, if he has himself.” – Michel de Montaigne
I wouldn’t count on the sheeple admiring anyone. Long ago I learned that acting as if one knows anything at all will get one branded a ‘know it all’ and the sheeple will simply laugh at what they will never understand and go right back to their beer, religious book, football, yard mowing, grazing and breeding.
And I have a real hard time with with compassion for creatures that will readily allow real patriots to be shot into ditches as long as they get to keep their big screens and recliners and their cars and homes at the banksters’ discretion.
As I’ve written before money is the real god of this world, ignorance and fear are its top generals. Together they crowned willful ignorance its king and cowardice its queen, or consort.
But these are things we have some minor control over.
There are some things we have no control over:
You’ll have to forgive my hill dialect. When things like this happen so close to home, to landmarks one has seen all their lives, it has an effect.
The rural fatalism I’ve seen and heard all my life makes those who are affected by such pick up and go, somehow.
A couple weeks ago I was up at 3 am like many wondering if an act of nature would destroy or damage my home. The storm didn’t sound that bad except for a few minutes all was deathly quiet, which I’ve heard for years is not a good sign.
Two miles down the road it marched up a valley I’ve traveled across all my life and left a wake like WWI. Even the storms of April 3, 1974 didn’t hit quite so close as far as I remember though Mannsville, a spot on the road in Taylor County, was blown away.
In the natural world we are in a constant struggle for survival, though most do their best to deny that reality, in this modern bubble, that will eventually burst.
With the concept of natural rights our country was founded upon, those who know better can have some effect, though most are too stupid to know this and think it’s a ‘democracy,’ where they have a right to vote for the demagogue of their choice and hope he or she swings their magic wand in time to save them so they don’t have to bother with taking on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.
Many are so stupid they still blindly trust authority and allow their enemies to inject poison into their bodies and even into the bodies of their children. What can one say about this other than they deserve it. We’ve had the internet for 25 years. There really are no excuses anymore.
Many still stupidly think their bronze age god is gonna swoop in on a white horse, in a golden chariot or in a flying saucer and save them from some tribulation, when their ancestors have endured many, all while praying and dying and sometimes actually fighting back like real men and women.
“The decadence of a civilization by loss of faith and vigour can be observed more than once in history. What is extraordinary about the American situation is the stupidity. The Romans, such is my impression, did not become stupid and incompetent with their decadence. Americans have not lost faith in their cultural inheritance—they have been entirely separated from it. How this happened is one of the few topics still worth exploring in this Twilight.” – Clyde Wilson
We’ve heard all our lives about that double edged sword, something that slices both ways, is both dangerous and useful, but little is heard of the pointy end, the part the Romans used to good effect for centuries as their soldiers were taught to fight in tight formations, thrusting their short swords into the bellies of their enemies, those whom they would conquer and tax.
The time of conquering is likely over for the amerikan empire, unless this is all some extravagant ruse as some still claim. I don’t buy it. I’ve seen too much, not the least the mindless willful ignorance that voters take to the polls and use in their everyday existences to refuse to think about anything that matters as long as they have corn in the trough.
But like the castrated killing hogs of old whom the farmers cared for until it was time for the butchering and sausage making the day of reckoning is here.
The plandemic biowar was NEVER done for our benefit in any way shape or form:
Most propaganda is a mix of truth and lies apportioned according to the audience.
I wouldn’t go into commieda anyway. They’ll arrest and imprison you if they find your self defense tool.
When we are told we can’t buy food or have an income, that’s when we go to blood war. It must be that way.
Any piece of cowardly shit that would enforce such evil deserves to be shot down. We’ve had the net for 25 years now. It’s been OBVIOUS to all but the braindead, the majority of the tool-using monkey population, that this biowar has been a setup from the beginning.
The ‘divide and conquer’ plan is working well. Millions of morons that voted for Trump took the vax and will keep up the bioweapon boosters until they die, in one way or another.
That’s how stupid they are. They have no conception that war is being waged on them.
Most of the tool-using monkeys could use fewer fries.
When they realize there are no more fries, or chips or beer a percentage of them will become the zombie horde and when that process starts you won’t be able to simply snap your fingers and say “This is a bad idea guys, you’re just over reacting.”
Some rural areas may escape what’s coming, for a while, but whether it’s the zombie hordes or the new KGB they will get around to you. There will be no where to hide.
For those who tell us we can own nothing will own us.
FK – And the brain dead sheeple are still all pretending none of this is happening much less that they possess any responsibility to do anything about it or the power…
May they suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and cowardice.
Let’s beat what should be a dead horse but for a lack of men:
FK – It’s our duty to serve in the genuine peoples’ militia in every county but so-called men who claim to value the ‘right to bear arms’ are scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment.
The Bill of Rights is not enforced on our governments because we have no men and for no other reason.
We’ve already been conquered from within. Most are too stupid, maleducated, to grasp that.
FK – McCarthy was right. But there were no men here then either.
What all this really ultimately means is that Trump voters really only voted for a demagogue ‘savior’ in the name of hoping he’d magically solve their problems for them. Same with every prez election cycle.
FK – How do so-called adults cling to the idea of a earthly savior(Trump) or the Marxist mutt, or an ethereal one such as Yeshua or Allah or Buddha, who never claimed any aspiration to godhood at all?
They, like children, because they were raised to be children, seek as always an easy simple answer to complex questions yet we still allow them to vote in a representative republic for liars and demagogues.
Knowing all you do is the same as ‘god’ or whatever. It’s priming for the control grid.
Johnson was a white man. He created the welfare state to give poor folk of all colors ‘free stuff’ so their ignorant fatherless criminal children would vote demonscat for generations.
But then what’s left of the white working class is largely so stupid they have no conception of what’s being done to them, what was done to them and what will be done to their descendants. Because they don’t want to have to deal with it.
That’s far more stupid than believing in Santa Clause.
FK – The golden rule fails miserably in a representative republic. We have millions of morons that don’t mind existing under one form of slavery or another so they will readily vote to force everyone else into that evil.
The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. The Constitution has many problems, the chief of which is the definition of treason. Treason should be when the govt. wages war on human liberty and the concept of natural rights, not when we wage war on an evil government that has lost all legitimacy.
FK – All tools are double edged swords. I have no problem with the robots as long as the rules are established beforehand as in WE ALL HAVE THE SHUT OFF SWITCH whether it’s a govt., military, police, whatever bot.
And they are made easy to kill and are programmed to serve human liberty and the concept of natural rights. Otherwise those building them should be hunted and exterminated.
And remember, the Romans used the pointy end of the sword to great effect for centuries.
FK – It would be interesting to hear/see his evidence for the greys only arriving about a century ago.
The only thing I would claim to ‘know’ is that the phenomena is very real. What it means after that, in toto, I don’t think any tool-using monkey can claim to know.
I do get the feeling after reading a few books, watching many docs and interviews that basically we’re their lab rats.
Any smart farmer will treat his livestock well right up until butchering day. Some even name them and make pets out of them.