Tag Archives: walk among us

What are they hiding? There is Something BIG They’re Not Telling Us!

FK – Looks like they are ‘telling us.’ The question as always is how are ‘they’ and the various isms gonna spin this to their own profit and will the average dumbass be able to tell the difference or even care?

Remember, there are billions waiting for their sadistic bronze age god to come beam them up before things get too bad.

And since a piece of demonscat like reid is leading the way…

If our protectors whoever they are decide we’re big enough to take care of ourselves our guns and bullets may not be enough.

If ‘they’ show up and claim “Oh you won’t be needing those evil weapons anymore,” then we’ll know they’re not our friends.

More distraction?:

FK – Since they’re stealing their money out of your paycheck before it even reaches your hands you’re a slave with no obvious rights.

Why are we REFORMING COMMUNISM? WHY is NO ONE asking WHY we HAVE an income tax?

All these fuzzy floaters would be easy to fake. The stuff at sea could be lights from a city in the distance through the mist.

The phenomena is very real. We need to stop wasting time on all this click bait and start asking how the powers that want to always be will spin it.

A ‘fake’ alien invasion won’t mean there aren’t aliens.

‘Disclosure’ would mean going to the smallest town and seeing an obvious alien walking down the street or shopping in the local redneck mecca without fear of Jimbob running to his truck for his shotgun or some concealed carrier drawing down on them.

We’re a long-long as in multi-generations away from that. If the govt. suddenly announced ‘disclosure’ internet comment sections would suddenly fill with crap about ‘angels and demons’ and ‘end times’ and ‘we’re gonna get beamed up soon.’ Kinda like now.

As always we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

Simple minded sheeple have to ‘believe’ in something and have a concrete simple answer to complex questions. Nowadays many have a similar ‘belief’ in our contemporary version of ‘science’ which has clearly been and really always was politicized.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

Top UFO Researcher talks Tom DeLonge, Steven Greer and evil aliens


FK – If he’s stupid enough(or a liar) to think anything that came out of hitlery’s mouth meant anything beyond a way to get votes then not much else he claims can have much credence.

Questions for your candidate

Who deserves to vote?

If there are several species coming here some of them may very well be ‘evil’ by our definition, as in they would use us or our resources in ways that we would consider to be detrimental to us. Get a clue. Think ‘cosmic diplomacy’ and ‘cosmic war.’

We must avoid ‘belief’ and go with thinking and examining what evidence we have. Blind faith is one of the most dangerous processes going. Along with willful ignorance and blind obedience it’s part of the foundation of tyranny, from whatever source.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12

The problem is so many are still depending on ignorance to explain things they don’t understand because it’s easier that way.

We need to take our country back then hold the war crimes trials and figure out who the real ‘conspirators’ are and who or what we need to hang.

That means we need to start thinking like adults and stop looking for saviors of any kind and start taking on personal responsibility for the world we exist in. But that’s far too hard for most. It’s easier to sit around and wait for the world to end while passing on ones slavery to one’s descendants.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Some more on this:


FK – What’s the name of the book the witch was carrying?

Why Is Hillary Clinton Talking To Laurence Rockefeller & Holding A Book About Extraterrestrials?

Hitlery only said what it thought would get it votes. If it’s told not to ‘disclose’ it won’t unless ‘disclosure’ is part of the plan. It’s a tool.

If klinton the 2nd had ‘won’ the election maybe ‘conservatives’ wouldn’t be sitting around with their thumbs up their asses waiting for Trump to wave his magic wand. Maybe we’d be in full-blown civil war by now or maybe the republicrats would still be claiming they want to repeal commie care.

A new birth of Liberty, or death