Tag Archives: voting

It Starts Here

FK – Voting is one tiny middle step in an on-going process. The presidents are tools, appointed by the elites and allowed to run while the sheeple are told “Don’t vote for this guy, he can’t win,” and like the morons they are they vote for the approved candidates. The only real differences that can be made are sometimes in congress, the state legislatures and local offices.

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter: Questions for your candidate

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Hillary Clinton Supporters Actually Don’t Support Hillary

FK – Time to stop stupid sheeple from voting. One of those things that must be done.

Clintons Made A Whopping $25 MILLION Making Speeches Over 16 Months

FK – Made the mistake of voting for klinton in 92 when it said it was against NAFTA. That was the only reason. Then of course it pushed NAFTA through ‘the party of the little man’ congress and signed it and bragged about it. See the Wikipedia entry on NAFTA. That was the real beginning of my political enlightenment. Haven’t voted for a mainstream candidate for prez since. No more NWO hacks in the now red house.

Keeping the inter-generational constituents happy:


FK – If I’m not mistaken most food stamp recipients are white so it’s definitely a racist program.

Soon You Might Be Able To Receive Food Stamps Over The Phone

The report says that the increase of participants from 17 million in 2000 to nearly 47 million recipients in 2014 is one reason why the application process should be made easier and less costly, but others have argued that more relaxed entry requirements into the program are the very reason it has expanded so much.

“The evidence suggests that much of the increase was due not to the economy[,] but to deliberate policy choices by both federal and state governments, which loosened eligibility standards and actively sought new participants,” a report from the libertarian Cato Institute detailed. “At the same time, evidence that the expansion of SNAP has significantly reduced hunger or improved nutrition among low-income Americans is scant at best.”

FK – Of course, the commies are creating more inter-generational constituents.

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

And one from the other side:


FK – No more NWO hacks. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter. Questions for your candidate.

Feds issued 2K expanded immigration permits after court order

The government “erroneously” doled out about 2,000 expanded immigrant work permit authorizations under President Obama’s controversial executive actions, even after a federal judge blocked the move, the Justice Department says.

“The Government sincerely regrets these circumstances and is taking immediate steps to remedy these erroneous three-year terms,” the Department of Justice wrote in a court advisory filed late Thursday in the Southern District of Texas.

The advisory comes after District Court Judge Andrew Hanen halted the implementation of the executive actions, which defer deportations for immigrants living in the U.S. illegally and provide them with expanded access to work permits, until the courts could decide whether the policies are constitutional.

While the old policies authorize a two-year renewal of work permits under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, the new program would allow for a three-year renewal.

The DOJ added in the advisory that the Department of Homeland Security is “converting” the three-year renewals into two-year terms and that DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson has asked the agency’s inspector general to investigate.

FK – The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. Look at commiefornia.

The Brits are much farther down the road to hell on Earth than we are:

Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser

FK – The Brits surrendered their guns to their government without a fight, without opening “Liberal”(commie) trash season, so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

Kentucky Republican Primary Remains Toss Up

A new Public Policy Polling survey of the Republican primary for Governor in Kentucky, conducted Wednesday and Thursday, finds that the race remains a toss up. All three candidates are within 3 points of each other, and many voters remain up for grabs with less than two weeks remaining until election day.

Key findings from the survey include:

-The candidates are tightly clustered with James Comer at 28%, Hal Heiner at 27%, and Matt Bevin at 25%. 20% of voters remain undecided, and beyond that 43% of voters who are currently supporting one of the candidates say they’re open to changing their minds. So that leaves only 46% of the electorate firmly committed to someone at this point, with the other 54% of voters still persuadable.

-James Comer emerges from this week still having the highest favorability rating of the three candidates. 50% of voters have a positive opinion of him to 25% with a negative one for a +25 spread. Matt Bevin at +24 (48/24) is not far behind with Hal Heiner clearly lagging the field at only +11 with 44% of voters seeing him favorably and 33% unfavorably.

FK – Take Back Kentucky endorsed Comer. I agree, if for no other reason than he has an actual record as a politician, which means we have actions and votes we can look at, because what they say during a campaign means nothing. Comer was instrumental, with the help of pro-hemp activists, in forcing the Kentucky government to look at hemp as a viable crop for Kentucky farmers. I hope it’s all some claim it’s cracked up to be. The real question is why the hell are we asking ‘permission’ from the government to grow anything at all?

Of course the last question casts serious doubts on the intelligence of the respondents:

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Mitch McConnell?


So many don’t have a clue and don’t want one. If you handed a lot them a clue on a silver platter they’d spit on it. Simple sad fact.

Court Rules NSA Spying Is Illegal, but McConnell Defends Patriot Act’s Section 215

Pressure mounts as Congress dives into NSA fight

McConnell has indicated he has no desire to take up the Freedom Act, which he has said would cripple American national security. In particular, he objects to language in the bill that would shift possession of the records database from the NSA into the hands of the private telephone companies, a proposal he said would undermine the agency’s control and slow the government’s access to potentially vital information.

“At best, the new system envisioned by the USA Freedom Act would be more cumbersome and time consuming to use when speed and agility are absolutely crucial,” he said in scorching remarks from the Senate floor on Thursday. “At worst, it will not work at all because there is no requirement in the legislation that the telecoms hold the data for any length of time.”

“Put differently, Section 215 helped us find the needle in a haystack, but under the USA Freedom Act, there may not be a haystack to look through at all,” he added.

Yet it’s unclear whether McConnell has the political support to push through a “clean” reauthorization of the law, given the likely opposition from nearly all Democrats as well as a handful of Republicans, including Lee, Paul and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

FK – As I’ve said over and over again, we’re gonna have to go up there. Not packin’ signs. Even if by some miracle Rand Paul made it into the now red house the trash in the congress would stall or destroy any good he might do…

Don’t vote until you’ve asked the right questions and looked at their records and affiliations:

Questions for your candidate

Take Back Kentucky Endorses Ryan Quarles for Ag Commissioner

New Hampshire Activists Launch Two New Initiatives on April 19

On April 19, in the City of Nashua, New Hampshire, the live-free-or-die state, there is going to be a loud bang very much like the shot heard around the world made on April 19, 1775 in Massachusetts.

Well-known Conservative activists and like-minded constitutionalists in New Hampshire and surrounding states will launch their new initiative, the 603 Alliance for the purpose of impacting the outcome of the New Hampshire First-in-the-National Primary election.

These activists realize from past elections that splitting their votes among numerous conservative candidates enables the moderate establishment to cruise to victory, and that only a consolidating effort on their parts will result in a victory for a conservative candidate.

The 603 Alliance has found a solution to this problem and will be revealing that plan to their supporters at the Summit meeting on April 19th, when the 603 Alliance is launched at the Crown Plaza in Nashua, NH, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Details on speakers and content of this Summit will be posted on the 603 Alliance website. www.603alliance.org

FK – Not the first time something like this has been attempted…

Rand Paul – A New Vision for America

FK – Here we go again. Maybe he really believes some of what he says. His record is better than any of the others. No matter. We must stop looking for a savior.

Will he ever talk about the game that’s being played in the middle east and who or what is really behind it?

The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. The newswhore is right and the two older generations will probably have to die off before anything gets better. Too many of them are still waiting for the world to end because they depend on 3000-year-old tribal propaganda to make their daily decisions.

We need an America without an IRS or any form of an income tax which is the second plank of The Communist Manifesto, not a restrained communism in a less enslaved amerika. He was making me feel better until that one.

The elites control what gets into the now red house and kill those who don’t play their game. It will take more than voting for a false savior to fix this mess if it can be fixed.

Questions for your candidate


FK – A guy with a gun on his hip and a shotgun in his truck told me the other day that Hitlery needs to win. But not for the reason I’d like to see it win: It’ll wake more sheeple up, piss more people off and continue to sell more guns and ammo and build the militias that we will need after enough come to grips with the reality of what will be required.

Bush is as fake as a $3000 bill. It works for the same crew as Hitlery.

More Than A Million New Yorkers May Get The Right To Vote For The First Time

The city council is currently drafting legislation that could be introduced as soon as this spring which would permit noncitizens who are legally documented residents to vote in municipal elections, according to The Guardian. Non-citizens currently make up around 21 percent of the voting age population of the city and almost one million of the 1.3 million non-citizens in New York are documented immigrants who would be enfranchised by the law change.

The proposal, which has been discussed since 2013, would let legal immigrants who have lived in the city for six months or more vote in municipal elections if they met the state’s voting requirements.

“New York immigrants contribute around $18.2 billion in New York state taxes annually, and that’s a sizable proportion of people with no representation in the city they invest in,” Joanna Cuevas Ingram, an attorney for LatinoJustice and a member of the Coalition to Expand Voting Rights, told ThinkProgress.

FK – Well, they may not be much more stupid than the average voter in that cesspool.



FK – That’s ‘commiefornia.’ It will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered.

EXCLUSIVE: Illegal Immigrant with Drug-Resistant TB to Be Released into US, say Congressional Leaders

Lawmakers declare vaccines essential to ‘national security’ after taking money from Big Pharma

Rubio Introduces Bill to Gut D.C.’s Anti-gun Laws

Senator Marco Rubio (shown, R-Fla.) introduced a bill on Thursday that would end the Washington, D.C., council’s ongoing war against guns by removing their authority to make and enforce anti-gun laws altogether. Because it is a federal district, Washington, D.C., falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Congress and, consequently, the D.C. council operates at the discretion of Congress.

It was clear from his announcement that Rubio was fed up with the council’s resistance to make laws that conformed with national policy: “For years, the District of Columbia has infringed on its residents’ Second Amendment rights and … rendered them vulnerable to criminals…. This legislation will finally allow D.C.’s law-abiding residents and visitors access to firearms for sporting or lawful defense of themselves and their homes, businesses and families.”

The council has been dragging its feet ever since the 2008 Heller case (District of Columbia v. Heller) ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to keep and bear arms, even in the District. The council drafted new rules that were so draconian and restrictive in their nature that a federal judge ruled last year that they also were unconstitutional. Today an applicant for a concealed handgun permit faces an intimidating and expensive process including his need to show a “good reason” why he wants one at all. Even after all that, the council “may” issue the permit, but more likely it will not.

FK – I hate to admit I might agree with the commie. Rubio is probably trying to get attention. Still it’s a great idea, something for whatever NWO hack that gets into the now red house next to veto while gun and ammo sales continue until enough see the necessity of doing what will be required.