Tag Archives: voting

1 in 4 Americans Know Government is the Enemy – #NewWorldNextWeek


FK – It will take more than a couple of alt. YouTube journalists to make them ‘freak out and run away.’

The current occupants of the moon, possibly its creators, may not agree so heartily with the ‘right to mine.’ Why haven’t we gone back to the moon? Why did it ring like a bell when struck with one of our primitive tools?

We already know space is out there. We need a modern day Columbus to plant a flag and open it for business? Might not work out so well. Some of the natives might be better armed/advanced than us.

We don’t need to ‘reform’ a corrupt system. That’s the problem. All the ‘reform’ is what got us where we are. The commies/globalists are constantly ‘reforming.’ They’ve been reforming the schools all my life.

Didn’t vote for Dubya either time. Haven’t voted for a mainstream candidate in the prez race, the quest for the idiot vote, since 1992. By ‘mainstream’ I mean some piece of trash the mainstream newswhores tell the brain dead sheeple “can win” and is thus OK to vote for.

Report: More Than 1 In 4 Americans Believe Government Is The Enemy

FK – Maybe when enough finally realize the elites consider us to be livestock the farm animals will turn on the farmers. The pacification program has been very successful. We have a Second Amendment that millions take to the range and the deer woods but is kept hidden away while we protest with signs and internet comments and our real enemies just sit back and laugh.


FK – Since most ‘environmentalists’ are communists guess what? Communism mixed with capitalism = fascism. Not a new trick there. The environmental movement was probably founded originally as a tool, or at the least infiltrated soon after. Infiltrate, overtake and overcome is the standard.

As noted in the notes nothing was done about the ‘revelations.’ What does this tell us about our enemies, our greatest enemies, that have white skin, worship govt. as god and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?: The only limit to their arrogant lies is the limit we will be forced to force upon it.

But sadly western civilization lacks real men and women to stand up to this evil. Even so-called ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ have been pacified with ice cream, soft couches and a false sense of ‘right and wrong.’ The real wrong is not fighting back when it is so obviously necessary.

I decided 20 years ago which side of history I want to be on. I’ve been waiting all this time for the rest of the dumb-asses to catch up.

Well, a few more of the sheeplets are catching on:


FK – Now the question is what other tools does she know how to use?

And let’s not forget the unmentionables:


FK – Hitlery will do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Wake more sheeple up, piss more people off, sell lots of guns and ammo, keep the ‘tea partiers’ and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course and the couch and if we’re lucky will put another commie on the SCOTUS and after a few commie rulings come forth the NRA and several other milquetoast ‘right wing’ groups will be forced to fish or cut bait, in other words, fight.

It will not be a war for expensive suited shysters.

My now standard response to the prez race and its quest for the idiot vote:

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Gun Owners of America Challenging Federal Machine Gun Ban

On November 2, Gun Owners of America (and its foundation) joined forces with Dick Heller — the very one who beat DC’s gun ban before the Supreme Court in 2008.

Working in tandem, Gun Owners filed a brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in support of a challenge to the federal machine gun ban, which was stuck on at the last minute to an otherwise pro-gun bill in 1986.

First and foremost, Gun Owners argues that the “arms” protected by the Second Amendment include fully automatic weapons, and that Supreme Court opinions have bolstered this view.

Our brief explains that the Second Amendment is not about hunting or target shooting, but about the preservation of liberty.

Go here to read GOA’s brief in Hollis v. Lynch.

Go here to help financially support the GOA brief in this case.

Since its founding, Gun Owners of America has built its reputation as the “no compromise” gun lobby.

We want to repeal any restriction that violates the “shall not be infringed” language of the Second Amendment — going all the way back to 1934.

FK – And don’t forget about the ‘Sullivan Act‘ in new yawk city and similar evils. And don’t miss reading the wonderful history of the trash that supports such evil. Typical.

The Paris Attacks: An Open Source Investigation


FK – Once more the brain dead sheeple will awaken temporarily from their slumber and dance about as the marionette constituents they are.

His page:

The Paris Terror Attacks: An Open Source Investigation

FK – So what are the real reasons for all this hoopla?:

“Paris Changes Everything,” Say Merkel’s German Political Allies

RT – ‘Paris changes everything’: Merkel’s allies call for German refugee policy changes


FK – This is worth watching for the hitlery zombie vid meme near the end if nothing else.

So who are the ‘globalists?’ Why aren’t we naming them, making their existences miserable in any way we can, letting them know that they aren’t safe now, even in their own homes?

Do we keep shooting marionettes or do we go after the ones that matter?

Meanwhile our real enemies’ dupes are still their whiny selves:


FK – So where are these jr. commies/nazis whatever getting their indoctrination? Who or what is encouraging them in their insanity? Who or what are our real enemies?

And who or what do we really blame when we allow the empire to steal its money from our paychecks to pay for its evil?:

FK – We have a population of 300 million and about as many guns in private hands, so how much ‘destabilization’ can we handle here in amerika?

We need to stand up and take our country and government back. Can this be done via the ‘electoral’ process? Is there time for that? If not are we prepared for what will be required to deal with our real enemies, our domestic blood enemies who are responsible for all this evil?


Hillary Voters Love Sharia Law


FK – So who or what are our real enemies? Are they hiding in a hole on the other side of the world?

It’s way past time to require something to vote besides just showing up with half a brain:

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Swedish Politician says the Country is ‘Facing Collapse’ Due to Mass Influx of Muslim Refugees


FK – This is news? In what way?

Our real enemies were born here, have white skin and vote to kill all those who think this is supposed to be a ‘free country.’ We’ve had the internet for 20 years. There’s no excuse for the willful ignorance any more.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Donald Trump

FK – In the birther movement? At least he did something right. LEOs in Arizona have proven the illegitimacy of the Marxist Mutt’s ‘birth certificate.’ The Marxist mutt’s daddy was probably an amerikan commie activist. Look it up.

It’s possible Trump has really developed something of a ‘conscience’ by whatever definition but I wouldn’t bet a rotten moldy cold baloney sammich on it.

While I think it’s his right to own a casino if he chooses those places aren’t built to give money away, but to take it from idiots.

Hey, if it wins we can park Air Force One for a few years and save millions on transport of the latest tool.

trump dumb voters

Violence is Golden

A lot of people like to think they are “non-violent.” Generally, people claim to “abhor” the use of violence, and violence is viewed negatively by most folks. Many fail to differentiate between just and unjust violence. Some especially vain, self-righteous types like to think they have risen above the nasty, violent cultures of their ancestors. They say that “violence isn’t the answer.” They say that “violence doesn’t solve anything.”

They’re wrong. Every one of them relies on violence, every single day.

On election day, people from all walks of life line up to cast their ballots, and by doing so, they hope to influence who gets to wield the axe of authority. Those who want to end violence — as if that were possible or even desirable — often seek to disarm their fellow citizens. This does not actually end violence. It merely gives the state mob a monopoly on violence. This makes you “safer,” so long as you don’t piss off the boss.

All governments — left, right or other — are by their very nature coercive. They have to be.

Order demands violence.

FK – Should be read by every high schooler and be required knowledge for every would-be voter since voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in. Pacifists don’t need to apply.


FK – Maybe someone needs to tell the gun makers that they need to produce weapons the average person can afford. Isn’t that what the Second Amendment is about?

The root of the problem is the communist/globalist insurgency and our failure to do what is required.

Congressman Ed Whitfield announces he will not run for re-election in 2016

Republican Congressman Ed Whitfield, subject of a House ethics probe, announced on Tuesday that he will not run for a 12th term next year.

Whitfield told Pure Politics in August that he planned to seek re-election, but in a statement released through his office, he offered no reason for his decision.

“Representing the people of the 1st District for 21 years has been an honor,” he said in a statement. “I will cherish forever the countless opportunities to work with them to nurture and strengthen the 35 counties comprising Kentucky’s First District.”

The Hopkinsville Republican also included a list of his top achievements, such as helping establish the Federal Health Benefit Program for employees of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, securing funding for troops at Fort Campbell, promoting the use of fossil fuels and ensuring animals are treated humanely.

That last point references a central focus of the House Ethics Committee investigation launched in March, which is looking into whether Whitfield improperly aided his wife Connie Harriman-Whitfield, a lobbyist for the Humane Society Legislative Fund, in her work.

FK – Good, one less useless RINO NWO hack in the Congress. To my knowledge he never sponsored any legislation to restore the Second Amendment. And his wife? Talk about sleeping with the enemy.

And some more possible good news:

Under pressure: McConnell pushed to resign as Senate Majority Leader

FK – Now we need to make sure their replacements, as Bonehead’s, aren’t just more of the same ol’ useless eaters.

Bro Nathanael—If I Were President


FK – Hell, I think I’ll run for president. Everybody else is. I have a better record than most of them… But like Bro. Nathaniel I’d need extremely good security.

Can Game Theory Help A Presidential Candidate Win?

FK – After Jesse Ventura won his governor’s race he says the CIA visited him and asked him how he did it because they didn’t see him coming. Maybe you should look into why they would do such a thing, and why the mainstream newswhores tell the brain dead sheeple “He can’t win,” and they obediently vote for one of the approved candidates…

Tell Congress to End Sanctuary Cities

The recent shooting death by an illegal alien who had been previously deported from the U.S. 5 times, highlights the federal government’s refusal to enforce our country’s existing immigration laws. Please end the existence of so-called “sanctuary cities” by supporting S.1842 that would require cities and states to cooperate with federal immigration agents.

The Obama Administration’s recent decision to end the Secure Communities program that allowed federal immigration agents to detain illegal aliens held at state and local jails is only part of the problem. More than 200 cities refuse to cooperate with federal immigration agents, and the Obama Administration has done nothing to prevent them from doing so.

But Congress shares the blame as well. For years, bills have been introduced to end “sanctuary cities”, but lawmakers have done nothing. I urge you to prevent future tragedies committed by criminal illegal aliens and support S.1842, introduced by Sens. Jeff Sessions and Ron Johnson, that would end “sanctuary jurisdictions” once and for all!

FK – Click on the link, send the message…