FK – It’s gonna take a lot more than prayer…
FK – It’s gonna take a lot more than prayer…
Obama wants more UN-styled gun control
Right now White House officials are booking flights to Mexico…… and they’re not bringing back souvenirs.
They’re on their way to the UN Small Arms Conference, to be held in Mexico City on August 24.
And they’re planning to bring back the framework for a global gun control regime.
It’s important that you contact your Senators right now and tell them to vote NO on any agreement reached at the Mexico UN conference.
Obama has already signed the UN Small Arms Treaty and it is waiting ratification by the Senate.
Obama’s global gun grabbers are jetting down to Mexico to iron out the details of this tyrannical new regime.
It requires signing nations to “establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list.”
That means not just NATIONAL gun registration. You will be entered into a GLOBAL gun registration database (according to Article V, Section 4 of the treaty).
FK – Until we begin to twist some hemp around the necks of those responsible for such garbage it won’t end. But that will require a nation of men, something we don’t have as far as I can tell.
FK – They’re not ‘progressives.’ They’re communists. Calling them by the cute names they labeled themselves with to hide their evil only furthers their agenda: our total enslavement.
It’s not about crime. Crime is a red herring. The “Liberal”(commie) trash want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally awake to the necessity of doing what will be required.
I’ve long been in favor of ‘re-wilding’ the cities. Spend the money some want to waste on a border fence and enclose our real enemies. Erect a 14′ high fence around all major metropolitan areas and release grizzlies, cougars, wolves and rattlesnakes. Then let the eco-commie freaks ‘get back to nature.’ Disallow those who choose to arm themselves from shooting any wildlife that is feeding on “Liberal”(commie) trash.
Oathkeepers, in partnership with CATI Armor, are asking for support from our members to help raise money to get liberty artist and honorary OK member Jordan Page’s powerful 2nd amendment anthem ‘Arm Yourselves’ professionally recorded and to produce a music video. We will be adopting Arm Yourselves as a national theme song and will use it and the music video as a flagship tool for direct outreach to active military on bases in the US. The video will feature Oath Keepers from around the country standing in solidarity against state violence and corruption.
Here is a live performance of Arm Yourselves from Jordan’s performance at PAULfest in 2012.
FK – Click on the header link to read the lyrics. We need millions more like him.
This one’s even better:
FK – In reality the word ‘illegal’ isn’t in the Second Amendment. If they come under the purview of the police the question is why aren’t they arrested and sent home, with their gun?
FK – Ever seen this?:
If Eisenhower really met with an alien ambassador as some claim, or if the elites have, maybe they’re simply acting under orders, at the risk of their own lives?
In the Bible it says something about Jesus or whatever coming and ruling with a ‘rod of iron.’ Doesn’t sound any better than an alien invasion to me.
No, I’m not defending the elites, and certainly not claiming the aliens or whatever are here to save us. We may be nothing more than livestock to them. We’d probably better hope they consider us to be a nature preserve.
Greer et al tend to speak of the others as ‘here to help us’ and provide us with technology to solve our problems. This is naive and childish. Think in terms of a galaxy full of Earth like planets full of beings with competing interests, an ocean of life. Some of ‘them’ may have our best interests at heart, others not so.
If the watchers decide to announce themselves in such a way that the average dumbass can’t ignore their reality any more, what would that do to global society? All the groups and sub-groups would try to use the new ‘reality’ for their own purposes and their propaganda would take on ‘universal’ elements and our cultures might even collapse from the pressure.
The religions would simply re-invent themselves or find a verse that says this was the reality all along and the simple-minded will go along with it while tithing to pay for missionaries to go ‘save’ the poor ‘lost’ little grey men. Then a TV preacher can buy a multi-trillion dollar starship.
Their tech is so far advanced of ours that many would consider them to be gods. We’re still a very primitive species existing in a very dark age after all, when billions think it’s perfectly OK that their sadistic asshole of a god is going to burn the vast majority of the human race that ever existed alive in fire forever, and knew billions of years before he created them that would be their fate.
I actually heard a radio preacher saying that recently. So most aren’t ready for any reality that’s not Earth/human centered.
Watch the vids on this page.
FK – I’m not defending the Marxist trash that we should be hunting but their words don’t equal killing sheeple or people off. But I must agree with them that there are too many so-called humans(loosely defined) walking around.
We could probably feed billions more but who the hell wants to exist like that? We should be working on birth control and education and putting factories and stores in these ‘developing’ countries while keeping real jobs here with real wages. Sorry, NAFTA that was passed by ‘the party of the little man’ and signed by ‘our first black president’ in the 90s took care of that.
It might be cheaper than bombing them and within a few generations or so when their kids forget about allah and yahweh and the assorted mythologies that tell the ignorant to ‘populate the Earth because you’re gonna get beamed up soon but pay your taxes and send your spawn to the government schools’ the people who are here might figure out how to have real lives instead of living in squalor or wasting 50 weeks a year going to some corporate shithole that demands they tolerate being treated like jackasses.
Look at it this way, more sheeple means more ignorant voters.
During a campaign-style gathering packed with gun-rights supporters at the Londonderry Fish & Game Club, Senator Paul reportedly addressed a crowd in what was supposed to be a press-free briefing. While the senator mostly answered questions on gun rights, with the UN increasingly wading into the discussion and pushing a deeply controversial global gun-control scheme known as the UN Arms Trade Treaty, the global outfit inevitably came up.
According to a reporter from, who apparently did not leave the room when journalists were instructed to get out, the Kentucky senator said that a body to “discuss diplomacy” was not necessarily a bad idea. The UN and its current structure, though, and the fact that American taxpayers are forced to provide a “huge chunk” of the UN budget — about a fourth, by most estimates — is what Paul said he found objectionable.
FK – The BATF Nazi trash and Bloomberg et al are far more dangerous and close to home than the U.N. which could be dealt with via a couple of Abrams tanks. Would he be willing to see all the aforementioned arrested, tried for treason and executed as it so richly deserves?
It looks as if he’ll run. My predictions in prez races have a sorry record but Cruz probably has a better chance among ‘conservatives’ because he looks like a Baptist preacher. Paul could do more good in the Senate over the long haul and if he wins the now red house his life expectancy would probably plunge.