Tag Archives: two party system

Alex Jones’s CRAZY “‪Message To Bernie Sanders‬’‪ Supporters‬”

FK – Can’t say I agree with Jones about ‘everything’ but in this case he’s 1000 percent right. I would only add that despite the fact that communism was a created tool of the elites the sad fact remains that if millions are willing to kill you over a falsehood that makes it very real.

And make no mistake every time a piece of “Liberal”(commie) trash votes, whether out of ignorant greed and envy or out of a serious desire to control all of humanity it votes to kill those of us who value human Liberty and the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

What do you value more, Marx’s Communist Manifesto or the Bill of Rights? If the answer is the former you’re garbage and don’t belong in America and should be hunted to extinction.

It’s not only a pity but an act of war that the corporations that have been infiltrated by commie/globalist trash aren’t teaching individual Liberty and patriotism to human liberty.

No human system has ever been perfect nor ever will be but one does not cure heart disease by introducing cancer. Socialism by whatever cute name is a cancer, a plague on humanity. What’s happening in Europe now proves this beyond all doubt. The fact that Sanders and other commies work so hard to disarm us via ‘common sense gun control’ proves what they are, authoritarians, and that we will be forced to deal with them with the harshest means.

Chomsky is just another commie propagandist. The trash that agrees with it’s ultimate goals should be ran from our shores or hunted to extinction.

The rich elites are the system. The fact that the welfare state was created to encourage the stupid and the lazy to breed so that the democrat party would have guaranteed generational constituents shows this. They know full well the evil they do.

The klintons are highly intelligent educated elite tools that know full well the evil they do. Sanders may very well actually be stupid enough to believe the scat he spouts.

Oh look, we have a ‘choice’:

FK – If we had a nation of men both of these pieces of trash would’ve been arrested, tried for treason and executed decades ago.

When NAFTA was passed by a demoncrat congress and signed by a demoncrat prez that said it was against NAFTA during its campaign 30 million of us should’ve gone to the district of commie criminals and hung the lot of them.

The same should be done to any that support so-called ‘free trade’ that allows ‘American’ corporations to move jobs overseas where they can treat foreign peasants like jackasses. Only a child thinks finishing the job of turning America into amerika will ‘make things better.’

Sanders like all politicians mixes truth and lies, or in this internet age runs them through a blender. As someone once said “Hitler did a few good things.” They all use ‘the truth’ when it’s convenient, to help cover up their larger lies.

Any candidate that supports disarming the common people cannot be for the common people.

Here’s what the trash is doing here because it wants more commie voters:


FK – Why didn’t he mention the real and most dangerous reason the commies want the illegals here: so they can get them to vote commie?

The zombie apocalypse is on our doorstep and in Europe’s bedrooms because of the failure of western civilization to deal with it’s commie/globalist trash in the harsh way that will be required to excise this cancer once and for all.

Here’s what it’s doing in Europe:


FK – The zombie apocalypse is on our doorstep and in Europe’s living room. This is due to intentional international planning, as the welfare state was created to guarantee commie constituents, they at the least want more ignorant voters to ensure the complete transition of western civilization into the controllable authoritarian global police state the elites dream of, all on the votes of the ‘common man(herd animal).’

The Europeans need to start smuggling guns and munitions because it’s a matter of time now until they are forced to use them. Let’s hope they realize their real enemies have white skin and aren’t fresh across the border but were likely born there.

Real Americans already see this need but we will need many more. We can be sure our domestic blood enemies are mostly false pacifists and not only vote to kill us every time they vote but will pick up weapons and use them to add to the millions their ideology has already murdered in the last century and a half.

Despite all this and what Jones said about communism being a creation of the elites I place the blame for our sorry state squarely on the shoulders of the average dumbass that has the ability to understand our situation but would rather die than make the effort to do so:


FK – Bread and circuses have been turned into beer and pizza and a big screen. It obviously works. But the sad fact is that most of them wouldn’t give a damn about anything that actually matters anyway or have the courage to do what needs to be done if they did. Or at least they have yet to show that to me.

The elites know full well what they seek to create:


FK – I never understood the concept of allowing someone to try to break my neck or of trying to do it to someone else. Not that participating in sports is bad, it has many benefits. But the mindless adoration for and ‘fanatical’ love of something that really doesn’t directly affect someone’s life is pathetic especially when we have so many pressing issues, like ‘How many amerikans are we gonna have to kill?’ to fix this mess if it can be fixed.

We are fools to blindly trust any of them:


FK – Sanders, as most of his supporters, may be stupid enough to swallow their own commie kool(k) aid, but that doesn’t make them any less dangerous. Every time they vote they vote to kill those real Americans who value human liberty and the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional. Maybe we need to start telling them this openly and what we will do to them if their ‘savior’ gets the power it craves and succeeds in any of its goals, especially that of working to disarm us all.

We must at some point stand up and tell them “NO MORE! YOU’RE DONE HERE!”


FK – Don’t miss the last guest on that one.

And don’t forget to vote to elect another tool:


FK – How much longer until we tell them “NO MORE!”?

The Only Journalists To Ever Be Inside Bilderberg During Lockdown

FK – They do it because they can, the marble and silverware that is.

No ‘eye contact’ makes me wonder about an alien presence there, or maybe they just really are that arrogant, or they’re afraid of infiltrators on the staff revealing their attendance. But then the attendance and membership lists are often public, or at least made so later.

Our masters aren’t successful in all they do:


FK – Funny how we rarely hear how Klinton the first said it was against NAFTA during its first campaign then shoved the ‘free trade’ pact through a commiecrat(party of the little man) congress during its first year in the now red house and then bragged about it.

But then that wouldn’t flow too well in the propaganda stream…


FK – And their tool isn’t doing that much better.

While their other tools may be waking up:


FK – See, it’s the aliens…

Not all ‘journalists’ are our friends. Most are whores at best, deserving of the treatment given to any war criminal:


FK – Yeah, it’s time to ‘update’ the constitution, to protect the Bill of Rights and to do what will be required.

Even Disney says it’s the aliens…


FK – Principalities and powers from on high. What does that really mean? The simple kindergarten versions we’re handed by the religions and entertainment media, or something else?

Our country is Doomed

FK – It will be up to the tiny minority as it always is:

Free Kentucky Column: What must be done A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

As far as the border goes, fences work both ways. End the programs they come to sign up for. Make it easier for them to legally come to work, without voting rights. See my column.

American corporations didn’t move their factories to Mexico, Latin America and Asia because they felt sorry for peasants.

The Founders would spit on us for our cowardice.

Allegedly the govt.s are insolvent. So with or without civil war your check may not be a guaranteed thing anyway.

The preachers are whores. If Jesus was walking the streets today most of them would be screaming the loudest to kill him again.

The human race must stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism.

Will Obama Ever Be Tried For His Crimes?


FK – The Marxist mutt will be making millions from speeches and book deals just like the klintons if enough don’t see the necessity of doing what will be required.

Extreme secrecy eroding support for Obama’s trade pact

If you want to hear the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal the Obama administration is hoping to pass, you’ve got to be a member of Congress, and you’ve got to go to classified briefings and leave your staff and cellphone at the door.

If you’re a member who wants to read the text, you’ve got to go to a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center and be handed it one section at a time, watched over as you read, and forced to hand over any notes you make before leaving.

And no matter what, you can’t discuss the details of what you’ve read.

“It’s like being in kindergarten,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), who’s become the leader of the opposition to President Barack Obama’s trade agenda. “You give back the toys at the end.”

For those out to sink Obama’s free trade push, highlighting the lack of public information is becoming central to their opposition strategy: The White House isn’t even telling Congress what it’s asking for, they say, or what it’s already promised foreign governments.

FK – Treason by any other name?

And they have the gall to brag about it:

FK – You bastards are re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, if you’re not knocking holes in the side.

How much did this propaganda cost? Did that knock a hole in the deficit?

We didn’t send you up there to play games with our domestic blood enemies, but to defeat them!

Eventually enough will have enough, and you’ll look out your windows and see us coming, and we won’t be packin’ signs.

Or will we wait for them to come for us?:


FK – We tried to build a militia years ago to deal with this evil but the average amerikan would rather sit on their ass and eat steak and ice cream and wait for the big beam up. They fully deserve what is happening to them.

Or are they prepping for something else?:


FK – You mean excuse, not spark…

Are you ready for a “Long Hot Summer”? The prospects for urban riots are hyped as a breach of domestic security

FK – Are they just working on our minds, so far?


FK – I think WWIII ended with the fall of the Soviet Union. We’re now into 4 or 5…

‘Biblical prophecy’ is a horrifying thing, not because it might be true but because the elites are so obviously using it to keep billions of brain-dead morons sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end. It’s one of their biggest tools, a way to keep the slaves working while not seeing the necessity of fighting back.

The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. If we lose that we lose all.


FK – The best thing our enemies could do for us would be to bring in foreign troops. It’ll be a lot easier to get Bubba to kill the furriners than his cousin in the NATIONAL guard or his neighbor on the local cop force. Simple sad fact.

Are we headed toward a ‘turning point?’


FK – A lot of so-called humans need to stop waiting for the world to end and wake up and grow up and think about the future of humanity: Will it be under Liberty or some from of slavery, as we have now?

This is why they are militarizing: “The world will become Baltimore when people realize they cannot acquire basic resources”

Inside the Military-Police Center That Spies on Baltimore’s Rioters

More recently, conservative libertarians have expressed fears that MCAC is using its LPR technology to track gun owners traveling through the state. John Filippidis, a Florida man with a concealed carry permit, was driving, unarmed, with his wife and daughters in the family SUV to a Christmas gathering in December 2013 when he was stopped by Maryland transportation police outside the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore:

Retreating to the space between the SUV and the unmarked car, the officer orders John to hook his thumbs behind his back and spread his feet. “You own a gun,” the officer says. “Where is it?”

“At home in my safe,” John answers.

“Don’t move,” says the officer.

Several hours later, after multiple police had unpacked and inspected his entire minivan, Filippidis was sent on his way with nothing but a warning. Maryland authorities have never revealed how they knew he owned a gun.

FK – Any nazi participating in such evil should be hunted and eradicated.

US Iran Tense at Hormuz Strait, Fed Not Raising Rates, TPP Bad Deal, Jade Helm Laughs


FK – The entire situation over there is bizarre. When will the empire overthrow the Saudis? Why haven’t they already? What’s the real reason the unmentionables were allowed, encouraged, to take back their ‘promised land’ based on 3000-year-old tribal propaganda when most of the settlers in the early days were European socialists?

They’re all pretending to be against the TPP. Remember what side of the deception controlled the congress and now red house when NAFTA was shoved down our throats? Yep, that’s right, ‘the party of the little man.’ What did klinton claim in it’s first campaign? “I’m agains NAFTA,”  then shoved it through congress and bragged about signing it.

The red house press whores are there at their masters’ approval. They don’t ask inappropriate questions.

If we’re lucky commiefornia will slide into the ocean, at least the far western urban parts. If not it will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered. Simple fact.

Vote for an honest Kentucky politician

FKWhy I take deep umbrage at this. We don’t have any jerks like this in Ol’ Kaintuck, just mccommie, and heiny, and the guv, and the attny. gen. and most of the House… Sigh.

Sourced here.

The politicians have to reflect the willful ignorance of the voters to get their votes.

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter. Questions for your candidate

New Hampshire Activists Launch Two New Initiatives on April 19

On April 19, in the City of Nashua, New Hampshire, the live-free-or-die state, there is going to be a loud bang very much like the shot heard around the world made on April 19, 1775 in Massachusetts.

Well-known Conservative activists and like-minded constitutionalists in New Hampshire and surrounding states will launch their new initiative, the 603 Alliance for the purpose of impacting the outcome of the New Hampshire First-in-the-National Primary election.

These activists realize from past elections that splitting their votes among numerous conservative candidates enables the moderate establishment to cruise to victory, and that only a consolidating effort on their parts will result in a victory for a conservative candidate.

The 603 Alliance has found a solution to this problem and will be revealing that plan to their supporters at the Summit meeting on April 19th, when the 603 Alliance is launched at the Crown Plaza in Nashua, NH, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Details on speakers and content of this Summit will be posted on the 603 Alliance website. www.603alliance.org

FK – Not the first time something like this has been attempted…

But will they #StandWithRand?


FK – If he actually attempts to ‘take amerika back’ he’d better have damn good security. The record for such is not good.

I’d rather he stay in the Senate where he might continue to do some good, especially if the mcommies die off.

Questions for your candidate

The outcomes of political campaigns

10 Rules for the voting booth

Stages of political awareness…

The 2016 Presidential Race: A Cheat Sheet

FK – If the klinton creature is that well liked by the demoncrats it only shows that party has descended to a level of insanity, willful ignorance and evil greed never heretofore seen…

But let it win. If it gets into the now red house it’ll do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Wake lots of sheeple up, piss lots of people off, sell more guns and ammo than the klintons did back in the 90s and if the mutt doesn’t beat it to it maybe force enough to accept the reality of what will be required.

FK – Here we go again. Another year and a half of idiocy. Maybe I’ll just try to sit this one out.


FK – Does Rand have good security if he really tries to ‘save amerika?’ What will the NWO let him get away with? Will the militia stand with him? Will enough wake up to what will be required?

I think I’m gonna vote for this guy:

FK – It’s allegedly from the same continent as the occupant of the now red house… and probably smarter.

Nashville readies for NRA, let the bashing begin

Upwards of 70,000 Second Amendment activists will descend this week on Nashville, where the National Rifle Association is holding its 144th annual members’ meeting and exhibits, and will hear from declared, and likely-to-declare, presidential candidates.

Indeed, NRA staff and members of the Board of Directors are already showing up, and finding a hotel room anywhere around the city just might be impossible. It could be one of the biggest NRA gatherings in recent years, the kind of event that makes gun prohibitionists shudder. And there’s a full schedule of events and activities.

Translation: It’s “Bash the NRA Week,” something of an unofficial, but annual, media frenzy to bloody the political waters whenever the association’s leaders and members gather for their annual convention. It’s as predictable as November rain in Seattle. To hear the NRA critics tell it, the organization is responsible for every tragedy under the sun. They want to arm criminals. They want to arm terrorists. They’re a shill for the gun industry.

FK – One wonders if attendees will be required to disarm before hearing their future masters speak as they did when I attended the NRA convention in Louisville a few years back. I well remember the idiots standing in line to listen to the McCommie neocon NWO hack speak.

There’s absolutely NO EXCUSE for such complicity on the NRA’s part, They are applying to be our elected public servants, not our masters. They are supposed to FEAR us. When they cease to fear us they begin to rule us. Oh, they already are because too many lack the resolve, the backbone or the gonads to comprehend what will be required.