Tag Archives: trumps appointees

Who is The Traitor in the Administration?


FK – Finally read the first few graphs of the new yawk slimes op ed so many are harping on. Looks like bravo sierra to me, in so many ways.

There are always infiltrators, both parties are full of them. That’s war. For the benefit of the yet immature, politics is war by other means, and vice versa.

I didn’t vote for Trump. He had no record to back up anything he was claiming. If he finishes his term and does another four years will we still have an IRS, the Fed, the evil gun laws, and this mountain of lies the sheeple are so accustomed to existing atop of?

Probably. For there are no men to do what will be required. It’s easier to stay caught up in the back and forth meaningless mud slinging/distraction that accompanies each admin. and wait for the next quadrennial quest for the idiot vote where they’re allowed to vote for the false savior of their choice.

This country is gone. We are watching it slowly dissolve before our eyes. The males are so soft in the head and muscle now that as soon as some foreign power overcomes our tech edge it’s landing craft will have little problem depositing their troops.

Most of those who claim to love the Second Amendment are too cowardly to organize the militia force we must have to destroy our real enemies, our domestic enemies who drag the Trojan horses through our gates every day so they will throw their range and hunting cabin weapons down and bow to their new masters and ask for a big fat juicy foreign govt. cock to suck, kinda like they do now. Mark my words.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

EXPOSED: Real Author of NYT Anonymous Op-Ed GS-15 CIA Analyst

Could You Pass the CIA’s Writing Boot Camp?