Tag Archives: trump

GOA Alert: Hillary Won’t Stop at Just Disarming Veterans

Over 257,000 Veterans Lost Their Gun Rights Because of the Clintons

To date, over 257,000 military veterans have lost their gun rights because of the precedent that began under the Clinton administration.

And there is no doubt that this antipathy for our veterans’ gun rights continues with Hillary — and that she wants to take away guns from far more Americans than simply veterans.

Our Legislative Counsel has outlined why Hillary Clinton’s desire to reverse the Heller decision — which recognized that gun ownership was a God-given individual right — would, as far as the corrupt Obama-packed courts are concerned, wipe the Second Amendment from the Constitution.

Hillary’s well-known affinity for Australia’s massive gun ban could well presage a national confiscation scheme for us — perhaps, by executive fiat and rubber-stamped by the Democrat-packed courts.

Hillary’s support for a proposal to strip gun rights from anyone she chose to place on a “secret list” (with no standards or due process) could potentially allow Clinton to place “dangerous gun owners” like you and me on a secret gun-ban list.

Hillary’s support for a universal gun registry would funnel virtually every gun owner into a NICS system that has an almost 95% “false positive” rate for initial denials, and an inability to appeal a false positive because the Obama administration has illegally shut down the appeals process for those erroneous denials.

Hillary’s plan to allow Leftist jurisdictions to use taxpayer money to bring frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers and dealers is a transparent attempt to sue gun ownership out of business.

If Hillary has had one complaint about Obama, it’s that he hasn’t gone far enough on gun control. As Breitbart reported:

Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton [has been] looking toward the general election and planning to use executive action “go further than Obama” on gun control.

So, no, no one thinks that Hillary Clinton would be anything other than a disaster for veterans and guns — and for our gun rights in general.

That’s why, on November 8, gun owners will hopefully let her know what they think of her hatred for the Second Amendment.

FK – If we had a nation of men the CFR witch would’ve already been executed for treason, along with all the commie judges and the commie politicians and the leadership and donors of the commie front groups.

2016 GOP Convention Societal Collapse


FK – This has been coming for years. Eventually one side or the other will get pushed into the political corner and will have to choose between fighting or kissing, fondling and sucking whatever is stuck in their face. We know if we’re the ones on our knees there will be no limit to what that might be.

If those ‘on the right,’ who allegedly value human Liberty and the Bill of Rights would put on their big boy pants and at the least start demanding arrests and treason trials for the leaders of the commie/globalist front groups we could begin to see some moderately ‘peaceful’ progress. But no one has the balls to do this. It boils down to this simple concept: There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work openly or covertly to enslave those around you.

Our domestic blood enemies with white skin are our biggest enemies and have been all along but too many are in denial of this. If the commie front groups are paying their protestors why couldn’t some or many of the hard corps “build a wall” Trump morons be getting paid or at least trained to do what they’re doing as well? I put nothing past the elites. They’ve obviously infiltrated the Libertarian Party. The whole thing may be a setup.

There’ve been massive riots before. LA burned during the Rodney King riots which someone told me once were emulated around the country but the newswhores didn’t talk about the others so much. The authorities fear such only because it might interfere with their economies.

There will be two important questions: Who or what side controls the military during the next revolution/restoration and how much of the guns and ammo sold over the past few years has been bought by commies and fundie ragheads. The time is coming soon, and I thought this 15 years ago, when the average man, if there are any men left here, and many women and children, are going to be forced to learn the difference between cruelty and viciousness.

If millions would descend on the district of commie criminals and new yawk city and a few other “Liberal”(commie) trash enclaves what kind of world would we have when the dust finally settled? It wouldn’t be perfect by a long shot but at least we might finally end their constant lying and permanently remove the Marxists from our government schools and universities and newsrooms and publishing houses.

The sad fact is not long after that we’d be fighting to free ourselves from another inquisition of some kind or another while trying to get the young Earth creationists out of the schools. Sigh. Are we really condemned to constantly crawl from one ridiculous extreme to another?

Or will we fight?

FK – As I’ve been begging patriots for years: Stop calling the communists by the cute names they invented to hide their evil. They’re not ‘left’ or ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists, Marxists, socialists, evil. Democracy is the road to socialism is the road to communism… It’s time to demand Liberty.

Their kind killed 200 million in the 20th century alone so of course they’re capable of violence and they’re likely not finished.

Too bad so many who claim to love Liberty and the Bill of Rights are not so.

The churches have long been infiltrated if the christian religion wasn’t created from the beginning as another way to keep the slaves working. When I read the ancient tribal propaganda I usually come down on the latter side.

Your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ voted to kill you. They vote to kill you every time they vote.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Can you imagine the screaming commies if an openly civilian force started showing up at Trump rallies? This may be what the elites are hoping for. Not that they wouldn’t have a right to protect themselves but that could be the kickstart to a ‘civil war’ that will leave our real enemies unscathed.

Unless all this takes another turn:


FK – Stop it with this ignorance about the KKK and the democrat party. The parties were polar opposites back then. The Republican party was the original party of big government. Lincoln was elected largely by the socialists in the northern states.

“This used to be Mexico…” the moron says while wearing a U.S. Marine cover.

It would be sad if this turned into a ‘race war’ as our white skinned enemies desire but I fear that may be the case…

The Unraveling Of Hillary Clinton’s Political Career is Here

FK – The CFR witch is a blatant outright liar in all situations. Where the hell have you been?

It’s “Liberal”(commie) trash and a NWO elite tool. If it couldn’t lie it wouldn’t have a job and wouldn’t need oxygen. On the rare occasion a whole truth slips out of its upper sewer it’s only in the interest of covering up or drawing attention away from its lies.

Why is everyone in this movement in such deep denial of our situation and what will be required to rectify it?

It’s a long way to November but unless something really damaging manages to stick to Trump he’ll likely trounce hitlery or Sanders either one. There just aren’t enough full blown idiots to vote for an open ‘socialist'(commie). But they will stupidly vote for a closest commie based on what he says during a campaign.

After all these years, and we’ve had the internet for 20 years and smart phones with the web at the fingertips of most individuals now and they’re still this stupid.

I doubt that I’ll be here long enough to see the human race grow up.

And this guy is right:


FK – We may not know until weeks, months or years in what kind of ringer Trump is or isn’t. I’m betting on is. But this guy is right, not that it’s necessarily a bad thing. Trump has dissolved the republicrat party leadership more or less and the establishment may never recover.

Trump will likely do a few things right, and several ‘left,’ or commie or globalist or toward whatever he really serves. All he’s proven is that he can make money and run his mouth. I’ve known of too many over the years like that who are otherwise generally clueless and have no business in the position he’s running for. The mushheads in the middle left them on the sidelines, or in the stall, in this horse race. Let’s hope they’re the ones to pay the price for it not those of us who know better.

Shock: Liberals Harass Veteran Reporter At Vietnam Memorial


FK – Stop calling our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, by their cute names and stop treating the creatures with any more respect than you’d give a rattlesnake in a sleeping bag and get ready for what will be required.

I’m a vet and I can’t have respect for this ‘country’ anymore. It’s no longer a nation of men:

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Memorial day was a Yankee holiday created to remember the Union dead, those who helped kill the republic by telling the southern states they couldn’t seek the same independence their forefathers did only a couple generations before. Simple fact.

Let’s get over the blind patriotism and blind faith and deal in reality. The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. That’s what we’re fighting for. We are supposed to have a secular government. Freedom of religion means freedom from religion, any religion, or any version, sub-version or subversion. It can’t mean anything but that.

Bless your heart sir but many Vietnam draftees may not have had any more ‘belief in America’ than the commies heckling you. Many of them came home to protest with the communist insurgency that was the anti-war movement. Lot’s of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars.

Our mistake in both Korea and Vietnam was in not keeping the troops home and helping them kill the commies here first. McCarthy was right. We need to bring back the committee on un-American activities and prosecute all these commie front groups for waging war on the Bill of Rights.

Commies in power practice blacklisting all the time and lie about it to our faces and tell us we ‘live in a free country’ while doing everything possible to destroy that freedom. It’s way past time to stop tolerating them.

The People’s Message To Trump


FK – If Trump finds a way to force the arrest, trial for treason and execution of hitlery and its husband of convenience before the election maybe I’ll vote for him.

Otherwise my standard statement stands:

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

I’m afraid I have to agree with Dr. Paul:


FK – Trump has only proven that he can make money and be an entertainer. I’ve known or known of too many who can do that but are otherwise ignorant of the world around them.

I’m not smart or educated enough to pinpoint the ‘middle ground’ between ‘free trade and open borders’ that the human race is still way too culturally backwards to handle and some system that would keep the corporations and governments from treating us all like jackasses or replacing us with robots which they will happily do as soon as they can figure a way to program them to buy the crap they make for their masters.

I do know this: We must stop choosing from among the various versions of authoritarianism and stop looking for saviors and stop waiting for the world to end.

And we need to elect actual statesmen who understand what the problems are:

FK – And for every law they pass they should be required to repeal 100 laws, for the next 100 years…

Meanwhile let’s mindlessly focus on ‘making amerika great again’ with no clear idea or definition of what that would mean.

It doesn’t mean allowing open treason to continue:


FK – Will the CFR abandon its witch? I’ll believe it when I see it. Will it ever receive the justice it deserves? Only if we ever have a nation of men again.

Others think it may get some version of justice:

FK – The CFR will not likely abandon its witch.

Will justice, real justice, not the ‘just-us’ beast system, be served? Not unless we become a nation of men again and do what will be required.

Is the ‘system’ and are the parties being destroyed on purpose?:


FK – Do the country a huge favor and hand out sub-machine guns at the door. It’ll save us ammo farther down the road.

We are in a very dangerous time:

FK – It’s really very simple: Those who oppose any part of the Bill of Rights don’t belong here, regardless of which demagogue they claim to support.

I’ve been watching this too many years to entertain any fantasies of having anything in common with “Liberal”(Commie) trash other than basic physical needs. Many of these young commies will never change and will have to be eradicated or deported if we are to save our nation.

HItlery and Sanders both should’ve been executed for treason decades ago. If only we had a nation of men.

Trump may actually mean some of the things he’s saying in his campaign, as horrifying or gratifying as that may be. Amerika will likely survive him, four or eight years, or much less. Until enough of those who claim to love Liberty decide to develop the resolve to do what will be required little will really ‘change.’

Oh, but the commies can’t be ‘violent’ can they?:


FK – So sad when they’re so pretty and so brain dead at the same time. But she’s a victim of the govt. indoctrination centers and mainstream newswhores. Do these kids deserve the world they are bringing on themselves and their parents are too cowardly to stop?

Death threats are not OK? Really? What is the IRS or any other agency enforcing commie laws doing when it sends out its black-suited Nazis to enforce the evil laws you and Sanders espouse? Will your socialist system be truly voluntary? Never has before. Your kind killed 200 million in the 20th century alone and is not likely finished.

Anything to do with ‘democracy’ is a shit show. The word ‘democracy’ is not in our constitution. We have a Bill of Rights that is supposed to protect us from such but the reality is it’s our responsibility to protect ourselves from our blood domestic enemies. When will we?

A Spirit Of Violence And Civil Unrest Is Rising In America

The Future Of America? – More Than Half Of All U.S. Adults Under Age 30 Now Reject Capitalism

FK – The biggest problem is the sin committed by the author of this column: calling the commies by their cute names and thus allowing them to hide behind them.

The numbers sound about normal to me, many to most young humans(loosely defined) are more ‘liberal’ and become more ‘conservative’ as they age. The problem is we let them vote before they’ve reached mental maturity and we also allow ‘adults’ who’ve never learned to think abstractly or about anything but their own miserable existences to vote.

On top of that the commies/globalists created the welfare state whereby they’ve paid generations of stupid lazy ‘humans’ to breed and then allowed their offspring to vote with full knowledge and understanding of the situation that would create from the beginning.

Nothing will get better until those who claim to love Liberty put on their big boy pants and come to grips with what will be required.

But we are no longer a nation of men are we?

If we were we wouldn’t tolerate this for a heartbeat:


FK – Distraction or an issue of importance or some of both? You decide.

We need to stop chasing all the distractions and focus on re-establishing the Bill of Rights:

FK – So, what are we do? What will be required? Do we have a nation of men to do that? Not yet.

Don’t be deceived and get ready cause no one is gonna get beamed up:

FK – And it still may not be clear after all the dust settles. What matters is whose and how many dead bodies it may settle on.

Reality Check: Democrats have a Super-Delegate Problem


FK – What you need to know is that the elites consider us to be livestock. Everything they do must be analyzed in that light.

Unfortunately after spending/wasting 20 years of trying to get the average dumbass to disengage its head from its ass I would have to agree on that point. They, the common sheeple, are herd animals mostly only concerned with grazing and breeding and finding a shepherd with a well-trainded sheepdog to ‘protect’ and shear them.

Oh for a nation of men.

This election cycle has done and will continue to do tremendous damage to their party structures. But a listing ship doesn’t always sink. Is this the beginning of the fracturing of amerika?

Or the fracturing of the two-party system?:


FK – Kristol is not a ‘leading voice on the right.’ It’s globalist CFR scat like it’s tool the CFR witch that should’ve been executed for treason decades ago, both of them, and the witch’s husband.

Trump has been dissolving the republicrat party, for better or for worse and will likely trounce hitlery in the fall. But it’s a long way to November.

Many ‘conservative’ republicrats still have their heads up their asses and have a very poor understanding of human Liberty which often stems from valuing ancient tribal propaganda over our Bill of Rights. The Trump vote is probably a stand against this.

But even King David, who was called a ‘man after god’s own heart’ or some such in the atp had his faults. But then that was after the Israelite prophets had tried to warn their people away from having kings for all the things they would do to them.

Oh such sweet irony all this is. If forced to with a gun to my head I’d vote Trump over Romney or any other NWO RINO hack. But we’re not there yet, we just have fed nazis that show up to break their oaths by enforcing evil laws that don’t belong in a free country.

The hitlery will keep ammo and gun sales high and keep building the militias and keep the dumbass ‘tea partiers’ and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course, the couch or their knees and maybe actually paying attention and doing something, like prepping for what will be required.

Whether we’re creating a monster or a mess that can’t or won’t be untangled is yet to be seen. With millions voting for blatant commies we have a lot of rats to run out of the barn, if it doesn’t burn down around us.

Come And Take It Hillary!


FK – The trash will happily send it’s black-suited Nazi whores to kill all those that refuse to comply. Millions of pathetic cowards will comply to keep their mortgage and big screen. It will be up to that tiny minority as always.

We don’t need to spay and neuter our domestic blood enemies but hunt them to extinction. Our failure to do so is what’s killing the Bill of Rights.

Amerika doesn’t have a gang problem it has a commie/globalist problem. They paid the inner city single mothers to breed for generations and knew full well what the result would be.

So why don’t we have the militia force in place that we will need to do what will be required?

This is what the white “Liberal”(commie) trash sought to produce:


FK – Plenty of white trash will fight to keep the govt. tit in its mouth as well. But I don’t think Trump is any danger to them or the welfare state or the effort to create world government under the NWO.

I hope they do ‘declare war.’ If only someone would show them where the rich white “Liberal”(commie) trash lives.

And you’re not gonna get beamed up Mark. If you do it ain’t gonna be what you expect or want.

Not all of them are lacking in ‘intelligence'(loosely defined), just wisdom:


FK – The commies that indoctrinated these idiots, on both sides, want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. That’s what it’s about. That’s what matters. And fences work both ways.

Our real enemies were born here and have white skin and aren’t traipsing through the desert or hiding in a cave on the other side of the world and we should be hunting them to extinction.

We’ve been paying the stupid and lazy to breed for 50 years and allowing their offspring to vote and our natural born enemies, the americommies, to indoctrinate them and we expect better than this? Those who created the welfare state knew full well the outcome it would have.

I don’t think the commie globalists have that much to worry about:


FK – I thought hitlery was going to be his running mate? After all they were ‘friends.’

Looks like I’ll be writing in Mickey Mouse if I bother. Maybe I’ll write in Joe McCarthy. After all current events are proving he was right. They infiltrated the republicrat party as well.

Our real enemies:

FK – Why are we allowing this trash to stay in our country? They are waging war on the Bill of Rights and should be treated accordingly.

‘Democracy’ is the problem child. Demand Liberty.

Uh-Oh: Trump To Meet With Kissinger For Foreign Policy Advice

The Washington Post reports that presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump is to meet with Bilderberg kingpin Henry Kissinger this week in order to tap his ‘expertise’ on foreign policy.

Sources close to Trump told reporters that the two will discuss all aspects of foreign policy, but will particularly focus on China.


The move by Trump’s campaign is a strange one, given that he has been billed as the ultimate anti-establishment outsider, and Kissinger is the biggest Washington insider there is.

The report also suggests that while Trump has denounced globalism as a “false song,” he is beginning to lean toward a more realist view of international affairs, a la Kissinger.

“Trump’s conferring with Kissinger underscores not only how he is building relationships with Republican elders but how he leans toward a more realist view of international affairs.” the report states.


Hillary has previously cited the approval of the Bilderberg Steering Committee member to defend her record as Secretary of State. Last year, Hillary praised Kissinger In a review for his book, “World Order.” Clinton referred to the kingpin’s “compelling case” for building a global architecture.

Writing for the Washington Post, Clinton fawned over Kissinger’s lifelong work, arguing that “no viable alternative” for the future remains.

“Henry Kissinger’s book makes a compelling case for why we have to do it and how we can succeed,” Clinton wrote.

According to Clinton, President Obama and herself have long worked toward fulfilling the same strategy as Kissinger.


Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

#NeverTrump ‘Republicans’ Prove Tone Deafness with Third-Party Trial Balloon


Facebook Forced Conservatives to Sign Confidentiality Agreements Before Summit About Censorship

FK – So much for the Libertarian ideal that says monopolies aren’t dangerous. It’s time to break them up, google, fakebook, et al.

How Donald Trump Divided The Anti-Establishment

FK – If I agreed with myself all the time that would be a scary thing. I daily have inclinations I know better than to follow.

If only we had a nation of men.

Trump is a demagogue whose only real purpose may be to continue the ‘status quo’ for a few more years until certain goals are met, or not.

We exist in a nation of cowardly whores who still look for a savior instead of looking within themselves and at their neighbors in Liberty for a solution to this which would most certainly have to include hot lead and blood. Otherwise the long slow decline will continue.

Judging from the empires of the past that collapsed from within we may have a few generations left until the horror becomes obvious to the average dumbass. I don’t know for sure. I don’t have a crystal ball. But we daily tolerate what we should have long ago obliterated.

And sitting on a rock out in the woods meditating on a ‘new you’ is great until the black-suited Nazis show up to remind you that you don’t own the rock.