Tag Archives: trump tweets

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

America, now amerika, was born in violence. The Founders perspired and bled, and made their enemies bleed, the most important part, to provide us what little Liberty and natural rights we have left here.

If we lose what’s left we lose all.

So that makes Beshear’s statements about his effigy hanging and the firing of one of the men who allegedly did it all the more absurd, a blatant lie.

British tax collectors were tarred and feathered, a very painful process. Some got worse.

But that’s what modern Marxist globalists do on a regular basis, blatantly lie about our history and their intention of controlling our understanding of not only our history but current events.

It’s always about keeping the mob pacified and stupid.

Meanwhile minorities who’ve been targeted for decades by msnm ‘reporting’ on ‘racism’ and a welfare state that destroyed inner city black families and culture in the name of creating voters for the demonscat party are stupidly destroying their own neighborhoods.

While other morons just stand by and let it happen.

The minorities of whatever kind are simply tools, pawns, manipulated for the destruction of western civilization.

Up the road in liberal(commie)ville they protest the death of a victim of the drug war, not just normal ‘police brutality’ but police stupidity that believes it does a good thing in helping to build the police state while indoctrinating morons in the ridiculous notions that all illegal drugs are ‘bad’ and the ‘good guys,’ are there to save them.

Simpletons all.

Multiple decades of Marxist globalist propaganda has produced all this evil. Wait, the republicrats helped bring about the drug war which wouldn’t continue if all the right assholes on all sides weren’t profiting from it.

Is some foreign power really pushing drugs into amerika or is it just another way for the biggest money launderers, the international banksters, to stay afloat?

And morons ‘on the right’ stupidly still call their domestic blood enemies the cute names they labeled themselves with to hide their evil from the desperate and the ignorant. They even go along with calling the reds blue and the real alleged patriots red.

Of course now we know McCarthy was right.

On Joe McCarthy, Washington Post Gets It Embarrassingly Wrong

Most-hated senator was right

Wait, in the 1860s the radical republicans were the big government extremists and socialists served in Lincoln’s army.

But that’s too damaging to the amerikan mythology. There’s nothing new about any of this evil.

So now 200 plus years later the empire is made up of pathetic pacified morons who think they bear no responsibility for what happens in the world around them and nothing can be done anyway.

The outcomes of political campaigns

10 Rules for the voting booth

Stages of political awareness….

And the sheeple continue to raise their sheeplets in ignorance guaranteeing their future pacifism and slavery.

Our enemies have defeated us and there’s nothing to do but wait for the rioters to show up or for the no-knock attack and hope you can take out maybe one or two of the black-suited Nazis before they murder you in the name of a paycheck and a retirement plan.

A nation of cowards and morons:

Did Three Percenters back Beshear effigy at rally? What to know about the Kentucky group

The patriot newbie guidebook

The only real reason for the militia

George Floyd Protests Continue

Asphyxiation not the cause of George Floyd’s death: Autopsy

Protesters hang effigy of Kentucky governor near state Capitol

Kentucky Protestors Hang Effigy Of Gov. Beshear During Demonstration Against Coronavirus Restrictions

FK – Take Back Kentucky claims they didn’t organize the rallies in Frankfort.

Of course all attendees of these events are vetted and given full background checks  to include employment with any Fed Nazi alphabet soup agencies or Marxist globalist NGOs, right?

For the benefit of morons, that was sarcasm.

Kentucky gov hanged in effigy as gun protest turns against coronavirus restrictions

Kentucky protester who hoisted Gov. Andy Beshear effigy fired from car dealership

FK – The corporates often care less about ‘freedom’ than the commie trash do. Nowadays the commie trash are often running them. See ‘social site censorship.’ All this regardless of libertarian ideology about unfettered capitalism.

“Right to work’ often means ‘right to fire’ for any reason.

Rioters Descend On Cities Across America To Exact Vengeance Over George Floyd’s Death

Minneapolis Mayor to Rioters: Please Practice Social Distancing, Wear Masks

Do I really have to point out how absurd that is? Yes. This is clearly a nation of morons.

Constitutional Scholar: “Trump Is Carrying Out The Globalist Agenda”

Or maybe he’s doing something right?:

MAJOR: Trump Finalizes End of US Relationship with Corrupt WHO – VIDEO – Fort Russ

Or maybe the WHO is simply being sacrificed in the name of larger goals?

Main Street Dropping Like Flies

Global Socialists Win in Midst of Pandemic

FK – It would be a restoration and it won’t be peaceful because our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, will NEVER stop until they are forced to stop.

Welcome to a nation of morons

Furious Gov. of Minnesota says George Floyd protests are being manipulated by ‘domestic terrorists’ and international forces trying to destabilize the nation and fully mobilizes the National Guard as US descends into chaos

And before I finished with this post they changed the headline to this:

Trump blames ‘ANTIFA and radical left’ for violent George Floyd protests after Minnesota Gov. suggested white supremacists and cartels could be manipulating riots to destabilize nation as US descends into chaos

Well maybe they’re getting close to the right idea:

‘This is chaos’: Angry mob storms CNN headquarters as protests roil Atlanta over George Floyd death

Yes, they are…


FK – So Trump admits HE controls the ‘National Guard’ and not the state?

What about the state militias we once had whose job it should be to arrest the commie mayors and other assorted authoritarian trash and try and execute them for treason?

The law the militia should be enforcing

To protect and to serve the state:

FK – Out of who’s control?

More of the same:


FK – The propaganda that made all this possible came from white hands and white minds. Our biggest enemies have white skin and we have no men of any color to do anything about it.

The Fight is Coming: Civil War, Corrupt Churches & Antipathy

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

Berating the obvious once again:

FK – There are morons here and we let them vote.

Who deserves to vote?

Our failure to hunt our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, to extinction, is what’s dooming us.

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

We can smell it from here:

FK – Gee what did Lincoln and the Yankee Army do during the New York City draft riots?

If the elites didn’t want this it wouldn’t be tolerated.

They want to burn the world down so it can be re-built in their image.
Nothing new about that.

And they won’t stop after the suburbs.

Active-duty military police ready to deploy to quell riots in Minneapolis: Report

FK – Something I read once, about ‘posse comitatus?’

But there’s also that ‘Crossing the Rubicon‘ thing…

All they need is an excuse.

Sic semper tyrannis


Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

WATCH The Young Turks Unwittingly Promote SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED as They Slander a Trump Supporter!


FK – Have you watched ‘The Swamp?’ What are they not telling you?

That old well-meaning guy needs to keep learning/waking up. We’re not free now. We cannot be ‘great’ if we’re not free.

You are dealing with trash that would arrest Paul Revere for inciting violence. But there are no men here to do what must be done.

Actually he did ‘threaten violence’ in so many words. As he should be doing. It’s our NATURAL RIGHT to tell the trash that it’s our NATURAL RIGHT to kill them when they work to enslave us further.

But again there are no men here to stand up for this reality.

Communism has a clear history of misery, slavery and murder yet we tolerate this scat spewing forth its filth to young minds and to the simple-minded and the ignorant and the desperate.
There is no right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. Those who do so deserve to be hunted to extinction.

TYTs are not ‘pansies’ They fully comprehend the evil they participate in and the outcomes, well maybe except for the part where the machine they helped create carts them off to the re-education camp. At best they are paid whores.

I’ve heard the drone of such garbage for 25 years. I don’t have to waste time analyzing it. I know what it is and what it intends.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, is what we’re fighting for.

We tried years ago to build the militias that we NEED NOW and since there are basically none or not enough to make a real difference the amerikan male fully deserves the big dick that will be crammed in its face while its women and children are turned into lifelong whores for the NWO, you know that thing we used to talk about before the morons heard about ‘the swamp.’

There will be no where to hide from it. As some wise man once said the wheels of govt. grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine.

And nobody’s gonna get beamed up. That’s another set of lies billions of morons have been sold to keep them pacified and stupid and satisfied with their slavery.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Choosing sides

What to teach your kids

It would be nonsense to ‘fight for Trump’ or any demagogue. But that may be the best we could hope for. Most self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ or ‘patriots’ or ‘real Americans’ with their MAGA caps have no real understanding of what we should be fighting for and are so blinded by the daily squabbles, distractions, that accompany every administration they are unlikely to learn. One may as well flail a brick wall with with a wet mop.

Actually I’ve seen many such comments, about a civil war if the commie globalist trash remove Trump in one way or another, from keyboard commandos and morons with no real support base, no local genuine peoples’ militia, no idea of how many in the military would do as they should and kill any superior officer that commands them to help finish off our Bills of Rights that have been seriously damaged for 160 years by both major parties.

Unless there is some secret black force out there with real operators who understand they should be fighting for NATURAL RIGHTS not a charismatic politician, with real capabilities, skills, mindset, training, equipment whatever that I haven’t heard of and don’t want to hear of until necessary then amerika or what’s left of it is screwed.

And most will outstretch their hands and grab that big fat govt. cock and kiss, fondle and suck it as commanded as long as they can keep their bigscreens, their car payments and mortgages and ice cream and steak or beer and sports or religion that helps them avoid reality and the personal responsibility that comes with it.

They love their slavery.

The commie trash in red is right. Morons think they will sit home and wait their turn and that makes them brave. I’ve heard it for 20 years.

The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS! WE ARE!!!!!!!!
Their only goal is our submission. All the rest is propaganda.

When we allow our enemies to decide what we are ‘allowed’ to say or do or own they own us.

The republicrats have proven multiple times they have no interest in saving us or our Bills of Rights. The Tree of Liberty must be watered and soon.

Until those who claim they want to live free learn to rule those who don’t nothing will get better.

Where are the genuine peoples’ militias we need in every county to deal with this evil?

All gun control is an act of war. There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

We have a long way to go

What the evil is doing to our ‘mother country,’:

FK – Nowww do you know why they took your guns? Do you see yet that democracy is a lie? Labor(demonscat here in amerika) = communists. Stop lying to yourselves. This evil was always their plan. You were a Dupe all those years. FACE up to it!

Here in amerika the evil calls itself ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ to hide its evil from the ignorant and the desperate it depends on for votes. The demonscat party here once called itself the ‘party of the little man.’ But now the little man is no longer of any use to them. They and their globalist masters consider us all to be livestock. All their actions must be judged by that fact.

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

And what’s being done to our former enemies:


FK – The globalists nuked Nippon for non-participation twice in the 20th century. Don’t dream they wouldn’t do it again.

What are the roots of ‘social justice?’ Do you know?

Social Justice: Not What You Think It Is

Do the Japs know the proper way to spell amerika because of what it’s become?

Sounds like their religion is still a good control device.

The most important things to do

Sounds like the propagandists have established a foothold there. If the Japanese people have any sense left they will exterminate them before they put down any roots at all. They are waging war.

Good advice regularly ignored:


FK – We must discard the illusion that we have commie trash ‘friends.’ Every time they vote they vote to murder us and end human liberty, kill Natural rights and enslave humanity. It’s not our fault they refuse to understand this reality.

One can lead a jackass to a library but one cannot make it think.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Anger can make it hard to exercise good trigger control. But patience is not a virtue when it leads you into prison.

In reality our enemies have been successful. There are no men left in western civ. who understand the dire need to act yesterday. Here in amerika we are still basically armed but guns without the will to use them are toys for the range and the deer stand. We lack the genuine peoples’ militias that should’ve been built decades ago and used when the black-suited Nazis fired into a building full of women and children outside Waco, Tx.

amerikan troops should’ve been kept home from Vietnam and Korea and told to hunt and exterminate the commie trash here first, here, where our greatest enemies have always been.

The fight should be for global human liberty and natural rights for all. The evil ones are aiming for global domination and nothing less. Their only goal is our submission. All else that spews out of their filthy upper sewers is propaganda to achieve that goal.

What is a man, really?

The only real reason for the militia

They know they’re waging war. Why don’t you?

Are you sure no commie trash has been buying guns?

What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?

Never ever underestimate them. They are led by highly intelligent evil.

If self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ don’t understand the evil they face by now and what must be done about it, NOW, then the empire is indeed in a tailspin and there’s no saving it.

Our Bill of Rights, the basis of ALL our ‘law,’ is ignored on a daily basis in thousands of ways. We lost the ‘rule of law’ long ago.

The only question that matters is: Where are the men to do what must be done when they say “Turn them in?” If we’re not prepared for the worst case scenario we’re still losing. Lawsuits and trivial political details will mean nothing at that point.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

Family of Mexico Massacre Victims Message to America: “Hold On To your Guns!”

Feel free to share, if you have the courage and you probably don’t.

CBS LITERALLY Calls for VIOLENCE on Trump Supporters!


FK – Don’t worry there are no men on ‘the right’ to do a damn thing about it.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Proven right all over again:

FK – Any liberty loving person who thinks they have commie trash ‘friends’ is desperately fooling themselves.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

The patriot newbie guidebook

The tool-using monkeys have always been collectively insane and existence in this world has always been a nightmare. The difference is the historical bubble amerika and western civ. has been existing in for the last several decades. It will burst and reality will re-flood the existences of millions who are not prepared for it mentally nor physically.

I can’t feel sorry for them.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

But we have already embraced tyranny long ago:

And who will enforce the evil when it comes?

Who am I kidding? it’s already here.


Something HUGE Just Happened in America & Almost Nobody Noticed!


FK – There are no free men here because there are no men here.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

It’s impossible for some creature to be a traitor to something it hates.

France AWAKENS 2019: Weaponized Bank Runs Incoming


FK – The French had yellow vests because the govt. required them to keep one in their cars. Those are only symbols of their slavery. What does the color yellow represent anyway?

The elites love it when the morons riot and burn their own cars and crap. They can watch it all from the comfort of their offices and homes.

At best they will only reform communism and human liberty will never be an issue. When the dust settles they’ll still be a bunch of pussified disarmed pacified slaves.

Will they have anything that remotely resembles a real Bill of Rights when it’s over? Will they have ‘civil rights’ or real Natural Rights not granted by any govt.?

Those are the questions that matter. All the rest is distraction.

Oh, they’re looking for a ‘legal and non-violent way to rebel.’ There you have it, proven right again.

There are no men left in western civ. Western civ. is dead.

Any action that doesn’t result in war crimes trials whereby we figure out who or what we really need to hang is a waste of time.

Similar fools on the amerikan side:


FK – Now tell us who or what is behind the flat earth crap.

The French had yellow vests because their govt. required them to keep one in their cars. All they’ll end up doing is reforming communism.

The elites love it when hordes of morons burn each others’ cars and businesses while they sit and watch from the comfort of their offices and homes.

There are no men left in western civ.. Western civ. is dead.

Their only goal is our submission. All the rest is propaganda.

The republicrats have proven multiple times they have no interest in saving us or our Bills of Rights. The Tree of Liberty must be watered and soon.

Until those who claim they want to live free learn to rule those who don’t nothing will get better.

Where are the genuine peoples’ militias we need in every county to deal with this evil?

All gun control is an act of war.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Feel free to share, if you have the courage.



FK – Haven’t paid much attention to the ‘Q’ thing. Seen stuff like that before. Distraction and fakers are a constant in the patriot movement. It’s an old game.

The commie news network drawing attention to them could mean they’re for real, or not. It’s ‘all’ propaganda.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

The killer bees of fake news

Sandy Hook ‘crisis actors’ makes no sense to me. It would be far cheaper for them to hire a couple extra shooters to ensure a high body count. NO Fed Nazis or the trash that commanded them has been made to personally answer/pay for the murders of the Branch Davidians or Randy Weaver’s family members.

Until enough understand the immensity of the evil we face nothing will improve.

If we ever FOCUS ON WHAT MUST BE DONE which will lead to the war crimes trials they’ll begin to have real problems.

We do outnumber them, vastly. If enough ever figure that out…

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

The ADL and SPLC Criticize Trump about His Tweets on South Africa Land Seizures


FK – Gee, what will all the Trump voters who put Israel first because their ancient tribal propaganda tells them to say about this?

Don’t worry, there are no men left here to do anything about any of it.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

What is an ‘anti-semite?’

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The killer bees of fake news

What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

More evil insanity I’ve been meaning to post:


FK – There is only one cure for this cancer that afflicts western civ. But there are no men left to administer it.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

And more:


FK – That’s commiefornia. It must be re-invaded and re-conquered.

I’m not going anywhere. We should be hunting them not running from them. But this is no longer a nation of men.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

All this and billions continue the eternal waiting game while passing their slavery on to their children:

FK – Yeah things are really diff. than biblical days. Impregnating a 15-year-old now can get you 20 years. The commies and the ‘christians’ happily go along with denying teen sexuality.

And we all know looks don’t matter.

Satan actually helped write the ancient tribal propaganda. Read the Book of Job. Without his wager with god over the soul of a believer that story wouldn’t exist.

They’ve had us marked since the 1930s and no one got beamed up so the symbolic ‘end times’ are already upon us.

Maybe the real reason he hasn’t returned is that if he did the most famous preachers of the biggest churches in big cities and small towns alike would be screaming to kill him again.

What’s the ultimate question?

A Ray of Hope?


FK – “it’s a big club and you ain’t in it.” – George Carlin

Watch ‘The Swamp.’

Only one thing will fix this mess if it can be fixed, a watering of the Tree of Liberty. But there are no men here to do it.

Christian rebels and modern cowards


Meanwhile we are being suckered into a race war:


FK – Why do we continue to kill ourselves/each other over ancient insanities when we should be fighting for the liberty of all the tool-using monkeys?

Do robotic biological tool-using monkeys have rights?

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

A modern 10 commandments

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Shades of futures past:


FK – Are we headed for another ‘triumph of the will?’ Who or what really won the last one?

A Civil War Has Broken Out Inside fakebook


FK – Here’s the thing: There’s no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

The neighborhood commie may have the ‘right’ to stand on the street corner with a hammer and sickle sign or post it’s propaganda on fakebook, twitter, gootube, et al but the moment it gets elected and takes an oath to uphold the Bill of Rights it’s broken that oath by campaigning on the platform of destroying property rights, disarming the general population, forcing us all into commie care and on and on.

Permitting the trash to hold any real power in any way is the issue.

And we have a ‘progressive'(communist) caucus in the U.S. Congress. We have republicrats whose voting records clearly show there’s little to nothing ‘conservative’ or libertarian’ about them yet they have not been made to answer for their crimes.

Back in the 90s when all we had was a few alt. magazines, video tapes, fax machines, a handful of shortwave and AM ‘conservative’ or as I prefer Patriot radio talk shows we came very close to the critical mass.

But OK City happened and the cowards showed their stripes once more. We almost had the militia force necessary to do what will be required. Then many to most of them turned tail and ran. This is no longer a nation of men.

What is a man, really?

How are we still tolerating the commie globalist’s same ol’ tired lies after all these decades? Why do so many still call them ‘leftists’ and the other cute names the evil trash came up with to hide their evil from the average dumbass? Why do we still tolerate their cries for ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ when that’s the last thing they want?

Welcome to a nation of morons

Any ‘minority’ they can find is another weapon in their propaganda war.

They are waging war and they know it. Why don’t we?

They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

More of this interview:


FK – In the net’s early days it was mostly patriot types. Big business and their funded communists and communist news media hadn’t caught on yet.

They were in control and didn’t see the need. The average sheeple didn’t know the difference and didn’t care. Now they all have smartphones and 24/7 access to the net. So the net must be controlled as the old media was.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

Speaking of devils:


FK – Everyone has smartphones now. The sheeple are seeing things they’re not supposed to and entertaining thoughts their rulers can’t tolerate.

When they become a ‘monopoly’ they begin to rule us.

They know they’re waging war. Why don’t you?

Google managers kept blacklists of conservative employees and one manager considered holding ‘trials,’ a new lawsuit alleges

fakebook Updates NewsFeed to Focus on ‘Friends and Family’

FK – It’s all about controlling thought and public discourse. Nothing new here.

More corporate billionaire globalist trash:

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Announces $33 Million in Scholarships for 1000 Illegal Immigrants

FK – So now he can hire them and they can find out what it’s like for bozo to shave every penny off their ass he can.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

The only real reason for the militia

Why has the Deep State gone to war against Donald Trump?

Trump is unpredictable. He shoots his mouth off.

No one is sure what he might do next.

That is not the Deep State’s version of what a president is supposed to be.

Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Barack Obama—they were good boys. Globalists. The intelligence establishment and the military industrial complex knew “the situation” was well in hand. Trump is the strange intruder. The “crazy one.”

If his swaggering indifference to the Deep State’s agenda is merely a pose—a formidable acting job—then why is he subjected to withering attacks every day, even from his own Party? After all, he has surrounded himself with Goldman Sachs big shots—can’t they be relied on to keep him in check? What’s the problem?

FK – I was calling Trump a demagogue during his campaign and predicting he would win, and trying to get his supporters to understand why I couldn’t vote for him.

If Trump’s term comes to an end and the republicrats have once again failed to end the fed, the income tax and repeal all the gun laws we’ll know the answer won’t we?

Who deserves to vote?

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Trump dares you to read/watch this!