FK – We can expect morons arguing over nothing while the sheeple graze on and ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ wring their hands and fund raise for the next spin cycle, same shit different decade.
The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.
FK – I agree this is a major issue and realized such years before I ‘woke up’ yet where I grew up we had/have plenty of white-skinned yellow dog democrats.
It’s about culture as much or more than race. The Southern Democrat was once a totally different animal than today. It amazes me, well not really, when moronic republicrats use the ‘Democrats supported slavery’ memes not realizing or wanting to that the republicrat party was the original party of big govt.
Because of the lingering results of our not-so civil war(a war over control of one govt.) and of reconstruction lots of southerners switched to the Democrat party in the 1800s and in the 1930s readily accepted socialist security and other ‘new deal’ programs of amerika’s first socialist revolution. The same held true when the welfare state was created to guarantee future generations of democrat constituents.
Farmers don’t breed their worst livestock but send them to the butcher. We encourage the stupid and the lazy tool-using monkeys to breed then send their offspring to the voting booth.
Many to most of these ‘invaders’ are probably Catholic as well and come from Marxist/Fascist countries or are simply just as ignorant as many amerikan voters who wanted hitlery to murder millions in support of ‘Australian style gun control.’
I read ‘Death of the West’ long enough ago that I don’t remember a lot of it except that I agreed with much to most. But then it’s theme is obvious to anyone who pays attention long enough. Most white-skinned amerikans would rather die than do that.
Most of them never crack a book that matters after high school and yet we allow them to vote.
We must get the commies out of the schools these immigrant children are attending, and out of the churches and universities and shut down the mainstream corporate commie newswhores. Those are the real problems.
I just can’t buy that a tool-using monkey’s understanding of human liberty depends on its skin color especially when our greatest enemies here are white.
200 years after the Anti-Federalists insisted on a Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, most voters still have a very incomplete understanding of their meaning and purpose. That’s really the most dangerous issue we face.
Socialist Europe is full of Europeans who’re allowing the fundies to invade their countries and breed them out of their own governments. They only have a generation or two left between once again choosing between the sword and Sharia Law.
In reality Europe was lost after WWII when they allowed a lessor form of socialism than fascism or Bolshevism or whatever to take over. It’s the same evil by a different name that always leads to the same rot.
But then all empires rot over time. There must’ve been some difference besides poverty that caused our ancestors to come here while others stayed behind to serve the old regimes.
Maybe this is all part of a natural process and we should just stand by and let the ditches be dug and the camps be built and the mosques or reform synagogues be erected and just take our medicine with no concern with what ideologies rule coming generations.
And we’d be far better off if more brain dead sheeple who are allowed to vote were ‘glued to the net’ long enough to disengage their heads from their asses instead of wasting all their time in exchange for money like the banksters and corporations prefer.
They don’t want us to think. They want our submission.
The commie newswhores won’t stop lying until they’re dragged into the street, provided a speedy treason trial and executed.
The Tree of Liberty is crying out for its natural manure and will likely die for there are no men here to provide it.
If Trump truly believed in a ‘free press’ all the mainstream shit would be treated as it so rightly deserves and only independents would be allowed into the press room though I doubt he’d like the questions any more than he does now.
Acosta is corporate commie trash but in no way was it ‘aggressive’ in any physical sense. Reporters are supposed to be ‘aggressive’ in asking questions politicians don’t want to answer and that the public usually doesn’t want to hear because real knowledge puts responsibility on their shoulders and that’s the last thing they want.
Gee, I’ve been telling morons for years the commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. But then I’m not a well-paid suited newswhore with false ‘authority’ so who cares?
Tax cuts? Really? Why the hell do we have an income tax since the republicrats have been in power for years? Why are they reforming communism? The income tax originally only targeted the top one percent then during WWII it was put on all of us.
Anyone earning over a certain amount per year is required to ‘file,’ allegedly, or you can choose between playing courtroom games with the IRS or waiting for the black-suited Nazis to come break down your door and seize your assets after they’ve cleaned out your bank accounts.
If it was about ‘helping the poor’ no one earning less than 100 grand a year would have to file or have the government’s money stolen from their paychecks before they even reach their hands. But in reality they don’t want the working poor to get ahead and have time to think about the situation they’re in.
Go get a job and get treated like shit, if you have the brains to realize that’s what’s happening. No wonder so many opt to ‘get a check.’
To stop the slide families need to learn to support the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional. If we lose all of those the two car garage and speed boat and big screen won’t be there either except as control devices, kinda like now.
FK – I can’t feel guilty. I didn’t vote for dubya, or the marxist mutt or mccommie or Romney or Trump or hitlery or any other tools offered to us over the past 20+ years. I did make the mistake of voting for klinton the first in 92 only because it said it was against NAFTA and Bush the first was for it.
Then low and behold the demonscat(the party of the little man) in the congress passed NAFTA and klinton the first signed it and bragged about it.
I don’t need to be slapped twice to see what needs to be done.
I voted early the other day and wrote in ‘Nomore Rinos.’ For all the good it’ll do. They have no interest in fixing our country or restoring our Bill of Rights. Watch ‘The Swamp.’ or here.
Our ancestors had real ‘anarchy’ in the cave until someone established a ‘new cave order’ by rolling the malefactors or tax dodgers or heretics around in the fire long enough to get the message across. Real anarchy now would mean we’d all have to walk down the street/road and decide who to kill in order for our property and ourselves to be safe.
The Founders had a good basic idea but their constitution is full of loopholes. The next evolution in the process should be to stop raising children to be children and start raising them to be responsible adults who realize they have a right, duty and responsibility to kill those who push slavery on others and to remove those who prefer to exist as slaves from this country.
This would involve removing the commie trash from the schools and putting guns and basic military training and physical fitness in the schools and requiring young adults to join the local militia which would stand alone from the governments and serve as a watchdog over them with ultimate authority to arrest and execute those who erode our Bills of Rights of the United States and the several states.
Government is force. Voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because it involves electing a tool to hire a whore with a badge and a gun to stick that gun in your neighbor’s face and force your version, sub-version or subversion of reality on them at the pain of their very lives. But the average brain-dead sheeple would rather die than think of the process as it really works.
The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. There will always be Negens, Hitlers, Stalins and TV preachers.
Except for a few burps in history where things got bad enough for the sheeple stand up and say ‘No More’ they graze on. We still have too many steakhouses, couches, ice cream stores and big screen tvs. But it won’t last. It never does.
Only one thing will fix this mess and that’s watering the nearly dead tree of Liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. But there are no men left here to do so.
We are defeated. It’s only a matter of time now until the bubble bursts. All the morons on the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ who claim to fear violence and a ‘no rule of law’ situation when the just-us system no longer represents us and who claim such sweet pacifism while their tax dollars pay for bloodshed in the middle east will do as I’ve long predicted:
Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(‘Liberals’ and ‘progressives’)?
The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.
FK – Proven right once again. Yet how much gold and silver is there in the world? What if we all went to the banksters at once and demanded our silver certificates or whatever be redeemed?
Economic booms, busts, collapses whatever are part of history. If the banksters really don’t care who makes our laws why aren’t we otherwise free?
The real problem lies in the minds of the tool using monkeys. We all have a little dictator inside us who wants to force our version of ‘what’s right’ on those around us. Balance this against our short lifespans and the need to indoctrinate every new generation in whatever societal norms are prevalent and we have an ongoing conflict.
Rome was invaded two or three times but eventually collapsed more or less from its own weight, or stupidity or apathy. We’re only 200 years old. Who can say for sure what details the future holds?
The purpose of the sheepdog is to herd the sheep. Those who want to live free will have to learn how to rule.
FK – Well, yes, and no. If the so-called ‘hard right’ were in charge we’d likely have some liberty in certain areas left to us, or maybe at least to certain groups.
Under full blown communism/socialism there is none for anyone. Such a system will devolve into what’s happening in Venezuela or what Stalin did, who often killed his closest advisors, no differently than the kings of the past.
Or we could have the wonderful situation in socialist Europe where the disarmed sheeple are marching in the streets begging for an end to the destruction of their culture.
The French Revolution was not like the American Revolution. It was ran by a totally different kind of cat. The ancient tribal propaganda mentions something about those on the ‘left.’ So it probably goes much farther back, haven’t taken the time to look honestly, it’s still a very inept description, propaganda actually as I’ve noted many times, to hide a real and relentless evil from the ignorant masses who think things will be OK if we just find a new and better king.
Anarchists historically were divided into two groups, those who truly want ‘no govt.’ and as you noted, those who simply wanted to destroy the current order and replace it with their own.
I’m so glad the Founders simply knelt before the King and pleaded with him to grant them independence until he relented instead of running crazily around in fields with guns.
Some to many to most ‘conservatives’ still have a lot of waking/growing up to do.
Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(‘Liberals’ and ‘progressives’)?
A younger version of the same problem?:
FK – You’re assuming you live to be ‘old’ and don’t die in battle.
How sad.
That’s why we lose.
Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.
The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.
FK – Out there in the ‘wilderness’ with your ‘friends’ you still basically had the knowledge that you had your own food, a trail back to your cars and that it was a temporary situation.
Back here in the real world there is no escape from them or the evil system that murdered 200 mil. in the 20th century alone that they will happily force on all of us ‘for our own good.’
Even in the military I was never put in a real ‘survival’ situation whereby I didn’t know where my next meal was coming from or if I’d get a ride home. Well, one night I got lost walking back from the shitter and in that desert there are no landmarks or markers. So I walked for about 30 minutes, coming the closest to true panic I’ve ever known, with visions of waking up in an Iraqi camp flying through my brain. Finally I heard a generator and a motor-t guy told me how to get back to our tents.
Back to your ‘friends.’ Any of them that voted for hitlery after it said it wanted ‘Australian style gun control,’ voted to kill me and millions of others, even if they’re too stupid to know it. That war would’ve been/will be taken into millions of homes.
When millions to billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to vote to kill you over it or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.
If I were floating in a lifeboat with commie trash and I happened to get hold of a weapon before the ship sank and the trash told me “Oh dear, we won’t need thhhaaatttt….” Then, well, I’d hate to have to waste a bullet, but I’d know doing so would increase my chances of survival. And I’d find the fish bait handy.
Hatred is not required for recognizing the malevolence/danger of any particular creature or philosophy.
As I’ve noted before Bill klinton would probably be a fun guy to sit around a campfire drink a few beers and tell stories with. It should’ve been executed for treason during it’s first year in office, actually as soon as it took its oath of office which all knew it would soon break. Hitlery should’ve been dragged from the podium the moment it said it wanted to disarm the civilian population thus rendering them unable to fight government criminals.
I have a different brain than a snake(though I do think a portion is a ‘reptilian brain’ as some claim, which explains a lot of the tool using monkeys’ behavior). As long as the snakes stay in the woods where they belong and leave me alone I have no real problem with them. When snakes of both the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ work to enslave me or in our case enslave us all further I have not only the right but the responsibility and duty to get a hoe and whack their heads off.
Some guy, a libertarian I think, once told me more or less that after the communists took over Russia and created the Soviet Union that ‘It all worked out.’
‘Yeah,’ I told him, ‘after 70 million dead.’ I didn’t mention the millions more lost in the proxy wars between our empire and theirs.
Maybe what’s coming is part of nature. I have wondered about such. Maybe another cleansing is what the tool-using monkeys really need. After a few billion are killed off do ya’ think the leftovers will magically stop waiting for the world to end or stop trying to force their version of utopia on the rest?
I’m not holding my breath.
You still have a lot of waking up to do. We got here because our domestic blood enemies are only interested in our submission. All the rest is rhetoric, propaganda, meaningless blow/spin they use to deceive the simple minded. Your ‘friends’ in the desert are most likely simply regurgitating the spin they’ve been spoonfed by the govt. schools, universities, msm, socialist preachers, and on and on. See paragraph 5.
We face a very dangerous situation and as usual in most wars it’s often necessary to kill a lot of pawns to get to the king.
Until those who claim they want to live free figure out who their real enemies are and what must be done about them and that they will have to RULE those who would not only enslave us all but in every generation happily vote the rest of us into their slavery then the tool using monkeys will keep hitting each other over their heads with sticks.
By calling the communists/globalists ‘the hard left’ and other cute names they came up with to hide their immense relentless evil you are helping them.
FK – The sheeple love Trump because in reality the sheeple only love money. How’s that saying go, about that being the root of something?
Let’s just cut to the quick here. If you want to live in a free world you’ll have to learn how to herd the sheeple, just like the elites do. Most of them only do what they must to exist from day to day, grazing and breeding. They’re not going to put forth the mental/physical energy to ‘unplug from the system.’
And any patriot thinking they can do that is a moron, unless you really can go out in the woods and live like a caveman and avoid the park rangers. Otherwise ‘they’ will eventually come for you.
I live on a farm I grew up on and spent many hot hours hoeing weeds as a child. I have no romantic illusions about it. I’ll return to gardening when the stores close or when there’s no longer any ‘money’ by whatever definition and not likely before.
I didn’t get into this war for anyone’s god or to return to the horse and buggy days or to pretend this existence is something it’s not. If we achieved pure ‘anarchy’ or whatever and I’ve yet to hear a real explanation of what it would entail, there would be assholes we would immediately have to go kill. Kinda like now.
Only there are no men left in western civ to do what must be done if western civ is to survive.
We fight for liberty for that tiny minority in each generation who will actually use it to advance civilization and human liberty. The rest be damned. They fully deserve it.
True Liberty will not exist until all tool-using monkeys are respected as human beings not jackasses. The sad fact is most of them are too stupid/ignorant to stand up for themselves. I’ve seen it many times. So we all get treated like shit by our governments and employers alike.
Do robotic biological tool-using monkeys have rights?
“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx
Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!
Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?
FK – There’s a thing called the pecking order that’s embedded deep in our reptilian brains. It led to the first ‘new cave order’ whereby someone got tired of the ‘chaos in the cave’ and proceeded with or without help from others to roll the malefactors around in the fire long enough to adjust everyone’s attitude.
Ever since then the submissive have been surviving to breed while those who would rule maintain the resolve to use the necessary force to keep their version of what ‘order’ is. Sometimes they are benevolent, mostly not so much.
Not all might makes right and what’s ‘right’ doesn’t always win. The Yankees had more bullets and bodies to throw at the Southern quest for independence thus they got to keep their ‘right’ to continue taxing the southern states, which is why they fought the war.
The result of which was the raising of the black chattel slaves from one level of slavery into another and the lowering of the rest of us into that same level. We lost our republic in 1865 for what are you when you can’t un-volunteer from something you volunteered for?
There are no men left here to fight on either or any not-so good or wrong sides. We are ripe for invasion from without and when we lose our tech edge the bubble will burst.
FK – Why do we continue to kill ourselves/each other over ancient insanities when we should be fighting for the liberty of all the tool-using monkeys?
Do robotic biological tool-using monkeys have rights?
“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx
Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!
Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?