Tag Archives: trump 2020



FK – Haven’t paid much attention to the ‘Q’ thing. Seen stuff like that before. Distraction and fakers are a constant in the patriot movement. It’s an old game.

The commie news network drawing attention to them could mean they’re for real, or not. It’s ‘all’ propaganda.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

The killer bees of fake news

Sandy Hook ‘crisis actors’ makes no sense to me. It would be far cheaper for them to hire a couple extra shooters to ensure a high body count. NO Fed Nazis or the trash that commanded them has been made to personally answer/pay for the murders of the Branch Davidians or Randy Weaver’s family members.

Until enough understand the immensity of the evil we face nothing will improve.

If we ever FOCUS ON WHAT MUST BE DONE which will lead to the war crimes trials they’ll begin to have real problems.

We do outnumber them, vastly. If enough ever figure that out…

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

The Alt-Right Reformation Against Liberal Theocracy

FK – For the average sheeple there’s never been much of an intellectual axis to swing. Heard a newly elected state legislator say yesterday that we’ve had an income tax since the beginning of the republic.

She decided to run because of what she heard a preacher say on the radio.

Choosing sides

Ignorance is our greatest enemy for the sheeple love their ignorance.

The house burned down a long time ago and when you dance with the devil you don’t change him he changes you.

The Reformation took millions of lives(so-called) and replaced one version of insanity with another or maybe just created another.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Makes me think you’re looking for a new Darth Vader. Is that what you plan?

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

The article quoted in the vid:

The Listing Vessel

They may indeed be ‘moving to the right’ and away from Liberty, which of course is outside the ‘left/right spectrum:


FK – The republicrats had two years to build a wall, which we don’t need, and to do many other things we do need:

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Now that they’ve lost the house they’ll start pretending to be on our side again. No. The republicrat party isn’t going to save us and the result of the war crimes trials will require seeing as many of them swing as from the pile of demonscat.

They have no reason to save us for there are no men here to make them pay the price for not doing so. Watch ‘The Swamp.’

What is a man, really?

Or maybe we can borrow some guillotines from the French when the YellowJackets have wiped the last of the blood from them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution

But I won’t hold my breath for that either. All they’re doing is blowing off steam. Yeah the French govt. may rearrange a little like the ‘reform’ of commie governments usually implies but nothing will really get fixed. Their national cancer like ours has long metastasized into the very blood and brains of their sheeple.

At best we’ll swing from one branch of insanity to another as the average tool-using monkey has no real conception of human liberty and thinks the Bill of Rights is a sometimes handy attachment to the sacred con-stitution that like their ancient tribal propaganda they thumb through to the parts they like while ignoring the parts they don’t or that simply gets in their way of making a dollar, their true god.

When all this plays out we’d best remember that fences work both ways and the purpose of the sheepdog is to herd the sheep, to the pens, to the shearer, to the slaughter.

Among many other things we’ll have our tendency to let any moron vote to blame:

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

All the white commie trash that will have to be hunted to extinction, if there are ever any men here again, proves an understanding of human liberty isn’t guaranteed with skin color.

We must as a species stop choosing one disgusting version of authoritarianism over another, or as it’s called, the lessor of the evils:

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

More News You Won’t Hear Christians And Conservatives Talk About

I’m talking about both Senator Rand Paul and CNN analyst Marc Lamont Hill. Both of these brave men had the courage to tell the truth about the Zionist State of Israel and, in the case of Rand Paul, actually put serious action behind his words.

Senator Paul has blocked $38 billion in military aid to Israel, and he is being pummeled for it. As you can imagine, powerful Zionist lobby groups such as AIPAC and Christians United for Israel (CUI) are spending outlandish sums of money (CUI has already spent over $100 thousand on media advertising across Kentucky) to exert pressure on Sen. Paul to withdraw his blockage.

The Trump White House and congressional Republicans and Democrats are also exerting tremendous pressure on Dr. Paul to withdraw the blockage. How long Rand can withstand this pressure is anybody’s guess. As for Marc, you know what happened to him: CNN fired him.

Hill was fired after the Zionist attack-dog group, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), skewered him for his speech at the UN. The ADL said Hill was “anti-Semitic” (the accusation they always make) and advocating violence against Israel. He wasn’t. He was simply calling for Israel to stop committing violence against Palestinians. Hill was clear. He said, “I support Palestinian freedom. I support Palestinian self-determination.” (So do I.) No matter. Without giving Hill an opportunity to defend himself, the network promptly fired him. Now, the ADL is also demanding that Hill be fired from his teaching position at Temple University. One thing Zionists deeply despise is the freedom of speech.


Zionism is a corrupt criminal cabal of international warmongers (comprising people from virtually all religions and races) who use politics, economics and religion to enrich themselves off of global war. In fact, more than anyone else, Zionists are the ones who are victimizing the Jewish people. And there are tens of thousands of Jewish people who reject Zionism and who do not support Israel’s persecution of Palestinians—and thousands of Jewish rabbis who are vehemently opposed to the Zionist government in Israel. (Research it for yourself, if you don’t believe me.) America’s problem is, we have a Zionist government (or, at the very least, a Zionist-manipulated government) in Washington, D.C., and we don’t even recognize it.

Second story: Donald Trump has replaced NAFTA with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which is nothing more than NAFTA on steroids. USMCA bludgeons national sovereignty and implements the globalist UN 2030 agenda.

Furthermore, USMCA gives tech giants in Silicon Valley the legal authority to censor anyone it wants to. Multiple reports are documenting the draconian threat to free speech that the USMCA poses.


Third story: Donald Trump’s foreign interventionism is a repeat of the policies of Barack Obama and G.W. Bush, so says former Congressman Ron Paul:

Donald Trump campaigned with a promise to put ‘America first’ and to stay out of foreign conflicts. As president, Trump has followed the same interventionist policies that failed his predecessors, says former Congressman Ron Paul.

Rather than back out of the meeting, Paul wrote on Monday, Trump should have used the opportunity to declare that the US is not the “policeman of the world,” and that “what flag flies over Crimea is none of our business.”

On the campaign trail, Trump had slammed President George W. Bush’s $1.9 trillion wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and promised to stay out of Syria. Since taking office, however, he signed off on multiple cruise missile strikes against Syria, continues to arm anti-government rebels there –many of whom have links to Al-Qaeda–and continues to hit all three countries with airstrikes, some of them deadly to civilians.


Fifth story: As soon as the Democrats won the U.S. House, I predicted that Donald Trump would move leftward during the next two years in an effort to appease Democrats. The day after the November elections, I wrote this on my Facebook page:

I think I should add one more prediction at this early stage following the Democrats winning the US House: watch Trump move left during the next two years to accommodate House Donkeys. Trump has absolutely NO CENTER, NO CORE BELIEFS. He will do whatever he needs to do to take care of Donald Trump. Watch as he even pressures Senate Republicans to compromise and surrender to Democrats in the House. As I said in my post, Trump has MUCH to be concerned about as the House ramps up their probes and investigations into his affairs. He has ten thousand skeletons in his closet that he doesn’t want to be discovered. Democrats KNOW he has MUCH to hide, and they will use it to coerce him to play ball with them. And Trump is at his very best when he is making deals with the devil.

snip – and the most important part:

Sixth story: The vast majority of pastors, Christians and “conservatives” are as ignorant of the principles of constitutionalism and Natural Law as are most liberals and unbelievers. That’s why it normally doesn’t matter to a tinker’s dam which party controls Congress or whether a Republican or Democrat is in the White House (including the current occupant). The political and religious right and left are operating in almost total ignorance of the fundamental principles of liberty upon which America was built.

FK – Click on the first paragraph above and actually  READ all of it. Then watch this.

Otherwise have fun passing your pathetic slavery on to your children.

The column he said you must read:

CNN is Wrong on Marc Lamont Hill

FK – Search the Corbert Report’s series on World War I.

We are all pawns.

Israel doesn’t have a Constitution at all that I can find and certainly no Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

We’ve had the net for 20 years plus now. What the commie trash intelligentsia does is not willful ignorance but a blatant act of war. They are our real enemies. They are here not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

The Israelis are doing the same thing so many other immigrants of the past have done. They’re committing slow genocide and ethnic cleansing against the occupants of the lands they desire.

Same shit different decade, century, millennium. Lie about it all you want, won’t change it.

The evil garbage knows it’s waging war. Do you?

The patriot newbie guidebook

Here’s the vid referenced in the above column:

FK – Have they called him a racist or ‘anti-semite’ yet? It is commie trash. That’s what matters. It serves its masters on the modern plantation.

It’s absurd that the ‘promised land’ was claimed by European socialist Jews and globalist banksters allegedly based on ancient tribal propaganda.

It’s more absurd to think that any of the priests involved in writing such had any idea of influencing sheeple(believers) 3000 years in the future when they were then as now expecting the imminent arrival of one messiah or another.

It’s the height of absurdity that we might face global war over a few acres of desert that an ancient tribe of nomads stole from what was probably another former tribe of nomads that probably did the same because that’s how it works, then made up the excuse that ‘god told us to do it’ in the same way our elitists tell our ignorant masses we’re over there bombing and killing for ‘democracy,’ which we’re not supposed to have here, and ‘freedom‘ which we don’t have here.

Of course the so-called ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights‘ isn’t even a shadow of our Bill of Rights because the latter is based on Natural Law and ACKNOWLEDGES NOT GRANTS our natural born right to hunt and exterminate those who would enslave us or in our case enslave us further.

As usual my standard answer to such for the benefit of the willfully ignorant:

What is an ‘anti-semite?’:

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The killer bees of fake news

Most modern Jews are secular Marxists. Simple fact. What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

The atp constantly contradicts itself because it’s a mix of ancient beliefs. It’s absurd that so many still take it so seriously.

As usual one cannot get three religionists to sit around a campfire and agree on which version, sub-version or subversion of their ancient tribal propaganda is right:

Choosing sides

The purposes of gods and golden rules



The DISTURBING TRUTH About “Bush 41” CNN Wants to HIDE!!!


FK – Welcome to the mountain of lies that is the modern world. At least mccommie never made prez before it died.

Someone sent me a copy of a John Birch Society tape about Bush the first and the NWO and his ‘thousand points of light’ back in the late 80s. I was far from awake, beyond knowing gun control was bad(just not how bad) and figured there might be some truth to the effort to create world govt. but didn’t really think much about it.

Around that time I wrote a column in the small town paper I worked for against a proposed ‘assault weapons’ ban being considered by the Kentucky legislature. I don’t remember if I knew then that bush the first instituted the first ‘assault weapons’ ban via executive order around that time. I do remember the reactions of my fellow newswhores to my un-willingness to be made safer by being disarmed though my understanding of such fell far short of now. It was in some ways the beginning of my real education.

The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group even sent me a letter commending me for my stand.


Bush the first then sent us to war for oil, or so the mainstream newswhores that I still partly trusted told us. Between that and the fact he was for NAFTA kept me from voting for him again. When klinton signed NAFTA and bragged about it during his first year in office after the ‘party of the little man’ congress passed it after claiming he was against it during his campaign, the only reason I voted for the piece of shit, my political education took great leaps forward.

Really I should’ve known better after bush the first’s “Read my lips, no new taxes,” went the way of so many campaign promises.

I haven’t voted for a mainstream newswhore supported candidate for prez since. ‘Supported’ usually means they talk about them at all. Any candidate worth voting for such as Buchanan and Paul will be largely ignored.

In a militia meeting of Feb. or March of 2001 we were told there would be a major event in August or September of that year with a major change in law to follow. Low and behold. I was not surprised when 9/11 happened, if only because I had disengaged my head from my ass several years before and remembered the twin towers bombing from the early 90s in which a Federal Bureau of Instigators sting allegedly went awry.

But then as Judge Napolitano has noted they’ve been involved in most ‘terrorist attacks’ in this country anyway.

The ultimate Realty TV

But don’t worry, as far as I can yet tell there are no men here to do any damn thing about any of this. They will bury their tool in a few days, tell their standard lies and the sheeple will yawn and flip the channel and reach for a beer or a bible and their simple minds will go back to pretending it’s all as it should be.

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

The Great Replacement


FK – There’s plenty of white commie globalist trash. Our failure to hunt them to extinction has guaranteed the downfall of western civilization.

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

Some commie trash proving him right:

FK – If you want the future of humanity to be slavery fail to hunt garbage like this to extinction.

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”


BREAKING: Mexico Makes a Big Move After Weekend Border Violence


FK – if there were some way to sort the ‘hard workers’ from the commie trash I’d have no problem letting them in. In fact I’d be happy to trade our own white-skinned commie trash for them.

So why isn’t Trump arresting, trying for treason and executing the leadership/donors of the commie/globalist front groups/ngos/et al that encouraged this?

Neither amerika nor mehico can be great if the people aren’t free. We’re not free here. Our only focus should be making this a free world. But there are no men left in western civ. to make it happen.

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

The ‘moment of truth’ happened decades ago when Sen. McCarthy was shut down:

FK – Why doesn’t trump send the Marines to shut down the commie/globalist front groups/ngos/et al that are responsible for this evil?

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

Nothing new about this:

FK – It’s always about controlling the message. They know they’re waging war. Why don’t you?

Why hasn’t Trump sent the Marines to shut down the commie front groups behind all this, arrest their leadership and donors, try them for treason and execute them? If they need someone to pull the lever I’ll be there all day long with a smile on my face.

Does firing tear gas into mehico constitute an act of war?

Ask your fav commie by whatever cute name what it wants to happen to those who refuse to obey its commie laws.

They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom, they’d all be here.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, is what we’re fighting for.

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Welcome to a nation of morons

Treason trumps crimes and misdemeanors…

FK – Fences work both ways. How long till we need to escape this police state?

We got here because of a complete total lack of understanding of the situation we’re in and a total lack of men to do what must be done to correct it.

This is all distraction. We should be hanging our corporate commie globalists not keeping up with the latest scandal or waiting for the world to end.

What can I do?

As our ancestors conquered we must be ready to defend or we will be conquered. Or maybe we already have been.

Why are we pushing democracy when we’ve lost our Liberty?

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

So when will the republicrats repeal the 16th amendment and the evil gun laws and pass a constitutional amendment to ban socialism?

Why are we REFORMING COMMUNISM? WHY is NO ONE asking WHY we HAVE an income tax?

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

The most important things to do

The only real reason for the militia

They consider us to be livestock. All they do must be assessed with that fact in mind.

PURE INSANITY: UN Migrants and Refugees Compact is an Open Borders Suicide Compact for the West


FK – If the Founders were alive today they’d spit on us for not killing the garbage responsible for this. Or maybe they wouldn’t waste their spit on a nation of non-men.

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

Here’s an older pre-Trump column I found to be quite interesting, though disagreeable:

Immigration, Republicans, and the End of White America


Meanwhile, many other powerful lobbies within our political system derive important real or perceived benefits from endless population growth. The massive inflow of often impoverished and desperate immigrants tends to weaken unions and drive down working-class wages, thereby increasing corporate profits, a slice of which is then rebated back to the campaign accounts of the elected officials who maintain such policies. Some of the more expansively-minded neoconservatives feel that if America must establish a hegemonic world empire, it necessarily requires a vast population to do so, especially given their expectation of an inevitable conflict with China. Particular proposals from some of these individuals carry strong echoes of the decaying Late Roman Empire, with Max Boot, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, having suggested that we should offer automatic American citizenship to any foreigner willing to enlist in the U.S. military.

But if we take a step back and ask ourselves to consider the current outcome of all these interlocked policies, we discover a very sorry situation. The massive immigration of the last couple of decades is certainly not the sole or even the leading cause, but it is an important contributing factor. Endless foreign wars, partly made possible by the availability of pliant immigrant cannon fodder, have ruined America’s worldwide reputation and its finances. A gigantic housing bubble, inflated by heavy immigration-driven population growth, has collapsed, wrecking the American economy and endangering our financial system. And the extremes of American wealth and poverty have reached levels never previously seen in our society.

This last point is perhaps the most significant, but also the least often articulated, given that both political parties are largely funded by the same financial interests.

As I’ve written many times and as this article makes clear many to most of our greatest enemies, the enemies of the Bill of Rights and of human liberty have white skin.

Will a military of immigrants fight for the Bill of Rights or murder those they are ordered to murder in the name of destroying the document that makes us exceptional?

When I went through boot camp we were at least told not to obey ‘illegal orders’ but certainly weren’t given a class on what those might entail.

The ‘troops’ followed orders for the most part after Katrina and worked to disarm New Orleans residents so they couldn’t protect their property or even themselves.

What garbage. But much of humanity is garbage, regardless of race.

In effect, a much higher minimum wage serves to remove the lowest rungs in the employment ladder, thus preventing newly arrived immigrants from gaining their initial foothold in the economy. As a natural consequence, these rungs would also disappear for the bottom-most American workers, such as youths seeking their first jobs or the least skilled in our society. But over the last few decades, these groups have already been largely displaced in the private-sector job market by immigrants, especially illegal ones. Whereas 40 years ago, teenagers and blacks tended to mow lawns and work as janitors, in most parts of the country these days, such jobs are now held by recent arrivals from south of the border. So the net loss of opportunity to Americans would not be large.

Furthermore, recently arrived illegal workers must very quickly find employment if they hope to cover their living expenses and remain here rather than being forced to return home instead. But first-time American job-seekers are already living with their families and anyway have no other home to draw them away, and consequently could spend months seeking an available job. Thus, a higher minimum wage would tend to disproportionately impact new immigrants rather than their American-born competitors.

I was under the impression that many ‘illegal workers’ are paid under the table. If not how the hell do they get on a payroll that always requires a socialist security number and ‘withholding’ by the IRS?

Oh, I forgot, many pay taxes for years yet are never expelled.

In reality when wages rise it only makes everything else get more expensive(the dollar losing more of its value) as landlords, banksters, grocers etc. see there’s more moolah to be stolen from the working poor.

The real issue is the percentage of profit earned by corporations that workers are paid. Instead of putting couch sitting stockholders first the workers the companies couldn’t exist without should be put first. This would include not forcing them to waste so much of their time in this existence in exchange for money so they can get the proper exercise, rest, diet and further adult education it is everyone’s right to enjoy, that ‘pursuit of happiness’ thing again huh?

But that’s not what the corporates want. They want pacified dumbed-down sheeple who can run the machines, show up on time, do what they’re told and never ever ask inappropriate questions.

A modern 10 commandments

Who or what really benefits from the minimum wage?

How does the IRS treat the illegally employed who pay taxes? How does it get away with this?

BREAKING: Judge BLOCKS Trump’s Order – All Hell About To Break Out On The Border Now!


FK – If Trump would bring the troops home and have them hunt native white-skinned commie trash and the elite globalist garbage that funds them we’d eventually not have these issues.

If we had the county militias we should have built by now the troops would have local help. But there are no men here.

The commie black-robed shyster is probably ‘legally’ right, in the same way Stalin’s gulags and created famines were ‘legal.’

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

Prime example:


FK – That’s OK. It meant to say ‘The Politburo and the Supreme Soviet.’

Don’t worry. There are no men here to hunt them to extinction as so desperately needs to be done.

If the military were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The empire’s military hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

War is not always voluntary

The most important things to do

The AGENDA 2030 SMART CITY Challenge – Government To AWARD $75 Million For Best SMART CITY Design!


FK – How much longer until they build a dome and institute “Logan’s Run?”

If you think the rural areas will escape this crap think again. They will have drones with sensors/sound detectors/etc. They will eventually force all into tracked vehicles if not fully automated ones. You won’t control the shut off switch.

I was pretty ‘green’ back in the early 90s and actually wanted to attend that eco commie conference. It didn’t take me long to figure out that most eco commies are really just a bunch of socialists.

Klinton the first helped me learn just how evil that really is.

The eco commie movement was created as a control device. Watched this years ago:

The Report from Iron Mountain A Blueprint for Tyranny

Almost 30 years later and we’re still not hunting them to extinction as we so desperately need to do.

Oh for a nation of men.

But there are none. They will take the chip, bow down and suck that big govt. cock so they can keep getting their satellite TV feed with their smart TVs that will monitor all they do in their own homes.

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

And it’s still going on:


FK – We do have too many stupid sheeple and we make the mistake of allowing them to vote.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

Is this how they will control the occupants of the dome?:

FK – So why can’t I signal my fat cells to just go away?

After 25 years as a political activist and 30 of playing journalist or whatever I fully understand why they talk down to us.

We should be hunting them to extinction but telling that to the average dumbass will get you that deer in the headlights look, then they will raise or tuck their tails and run away like a frightened fawn or a whipped puppy.

The brave are those who know they are afraid and act anyway, running toward the sound of gunfire or going to the gun turn in point and killing all the trash running it.

The only real reason for the militia

We are defeated. There are no men here.

What is a man, really?

The brain dead sheeple will find out what real anxiety and depression are when the bubble finally bursts, as it always does. Flight will no longer be an option. There will be nowhere to hide.

In order to get to the positive one often has to work through a lot of negative. I despise sheeple who only want to focus on the ‘positive’ which is often/usually a false construct which allows them to temporarily ignore realities of this world because the last thing they want is to take on personal responsibility for those realities. I cannot respect them.

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

I’m proven right once again:


FK – Weapons without the will to use them turns them into toys for the range or the deer stand.

If this were a nation of men we’d have a genuine citizens militia with authority over all governments and their agencies in every county of this country.

But there are no men here.

Once again my standard answer to such:

Teachers and other so-called adults who don’t feel comfortable being able to shoot back don’t need to be around kids. They’re setting a bad example. Lot’s of fat out of shape teachers are setting a bad example as well.

We’re flying millions of miles an hour through space on a water-soaked fire spitting rock. The only ‘safe zones/spaces’ are in the minds of morons. If I had a teen he/she would be trained in how to fight back and for damn sure be able to access a loaded weapon in the home if need be. We don’t live in a country that destroys everyone’s natural born rights because of the actions of a tiny minority.

We have an epidemic of communism/globalism that must be dealt with as the cancer that it is.

We MUST get the commies out of the schools and the universities and the textbook companies and teach reality and real history warts and all to children including basic survival skills, martial arts including shooting, physical fitness and military skills as the Boy Scouts were created to do.

Then ALL young adults must go through some basic military training where they learn basic infantry skills and get further exposed to reality before they are allowed to vote.

Yes, the AR15 and its variants is a ‘weapon of war.’ Stop apologizing to your enemies for your right to kill them.

What the commie globalist trash hopes to accomplish is our submission. Our failure to hunt them to extinction will ensure their success.

The right to fight back is the right to private property. The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

Crime is a red herring for ‘gun control.’ Always has been. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to reduce common crime it would still be evil as it would render the common people unable to kill government criminals when necessary.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we should ALWAYS be better armed than the average soldier, sailor, Marine, guardsman, whatever.

There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

Doing what is required to fight tyranny is always ‘illegal.’ When the blood war starts whatever we can pick up and use or steal and use will be ‘legal.’

The question is not “What will you do when they come for your guns?” but “What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?”

The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t in the Second Amendment.

The most important things to do

It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist fantasy land.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

What I told my elected public servants about ‘gun control’

AR15’s are Weapons of War? (2nd Amendment Fact & Admitting the Truth)

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.