We will never run out of ignorance or apathy.
If the evil government or any authority is telling you there’s something you shouldn’t know it’s probably the first thing you should go out and learn.
And this goes back a long way, there’s nothing new under the sun:
Just as the centuries have washed the paint off the Parthenon frieze, so generations of scholars have bleached all that was physical out of the Athenian image. Yet the Greeks were not wholly obsessed by philosophy and the Golden Mean. If they had been, twentieth-century dictionaries would not include such words as androgyny, aphrodisiac, eroticism, hermaphroditism, homosexuality, narcissism, nymphomania, pederasty, satyriasis, and zoophilia – all of them Greek in derivation and most of them relating to activities that can be found in the pages of Homer.
Homer, Hesiod, Plutarch, Pausanias – the professional myth preservers and myth-improvers – created a vivid, adventurous, amoral world in which gods and heroes spent as much of their time bedding and brawling as they did in performing deeds of valor, and in which the commonplace and the esoteric were inextricably mixed. These were the authors who served as reading primers for the children of the Classical world, and the children learned not only their letters from them, but tolerance and realistic callousness as well. Aphrodite, for example, goddess of sexual intercourse, was born from the foam, but not the foam that so innocently caps a Botticelli wave. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, Cronos, son of earth and heaven, castrated his father with a billhook and hurled his testicles into the sea. They drifted away in the foam of their own semen, and it was from this that Aphrodite was born, Later, she herself was to give birth (from her union with Hermes) to the androgynous god Hermaphroditos, equipped with the physical characteristics of both sexes, and from a union with Dionysus to Priapus, whose physical characteristics were unarguably male and in a permanent state of erection. – Ray Tannahill, Sex In History
As I’ve noted before history is purposely not taught in the govt. schools and govt. churches. That would interfere with their desire to RULE.
The natural born ignorance of the tool-using monkeys is as vast as the universe(s?) itself. Most of them struggle all their time here to die as ignorant as they were born and pretend that ancient ignorance is all they need to survive and defeat enemies they barely know exist.
The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’
The purposes of gods and golden rules
This is a cruel callous world ruled by a callous god called money regardless of the pretense of those who are in reality just hedging their bets and serving their real masters, those they pay interest to…
And this is probably the most important question of this time:
Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?
We still have a demented old criminal Marxist, that if it were a member of ‘normal'(whatever that is now) society it would be in a nursing home or if wealthy have a full time nurse, occupying the now red house. It’s allegedly, or it’s handlers are, acting as ‘commander in chief’ of our Marxist military whose leadership would welcome the chicom military if it decided to land on the commie coast.
Only a nation of cowardly moronic willfully ignorant whores would tolerate this. It takes a nation of whores to elect a congress of whores.
But that’s where we are. The most absurd situation in probably all of known tool-using monkey history.
And still the sheeple choose ignorance on a daily basis, preoccupied with their pitiful existences while they pay no more attention to the world their children will inherit than an alley cat.
And I’ve written before on the insanity of the culture war and both it’s ‘sides’ there are many tool-using monkeys who would rather bow down to any king from anywhere than to actually think for themselves or act:
Cardinal Zen is very funny as he penned what many here suspected:
“participants have been invited to ‘expect ‘surprises’ from the Spirit,” and that such language seems to imply a predetermined outcome for the Synod. “Evidently they are already informed which surprises to expect.”Interesting this concept of Democratic Centralism. I believe I heard the same about our so-called democracy, which is predicated on the same idea, that we are all fooled into thinking we have one. We long for the return of God-annointed kings instead of this impossible and dangerous concept of democracy which always ends up being manipulated by the elite few, just as Cdl Zen claims is being done with this synod.
That comment is from this article:
Cdl. Zen’s letter to the Synod points to communist tactics being applied in the Church
Christian rebels and modern cowards
As always, morons and the weak and simple minded are looking for saviors instead of taking on personal responsibility for the world they exist in and most especially for what is supposed to be a representative republic that we are all born into and are thus born RESPONSIBLE for what our governments do to us and to others here or where ever.
The communists claim they fear Trump, as well they should, for the blind and the fearful reach out for whatever savior they can find in bad times.
When enough figure out they’re not gonna get beamed up or that NO ONE is coming to save them they will bow to the NWO in whatever form. The ‘new world order’ is always what the elites call ‘who rules’ or who makes the rules.
Billions of the brain dead wore the masks and took the vax and will go to their graves convinced they did the right thing.
The dangerousness of these times cannot be overstated.
Since I started this post, well about to maybe finally put it to bed, a long time pile of scat that should have been tried and executed for treason 30 years ago along with the demented in chief and the klintons finally stopped spewing from its upper sewer:
commie scat Frankenstein dead at 90. What happens next?
FK – Simple, newcommie will appoint a commie to replace it and then the next election in commiefornia will be stolen to ensure the same or another commie takes its place permanently because there are NO MEN here to invade commiefornia and put it right.
This is all you need to know about it:
It was a prime instigator in the ongoing effort to disarm real Americans throughout its ‘political career.’
It spent is existence here in prime opposition to this:
Constitutional Limitations on Government
Newsom passes anti-gun torch to Feinstein’s token replacement
FK – I would have hung it right in front of its family or along side it if they’re all scat like the dead scat was. It said 30 years ago it would happily murder you.
The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.
We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.
Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?
The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.
The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My answer to ‘Molon Labe’
And we are well past the point they were worried about, several generations past in reality:
Jack Smith Demands Gag Order for Trump for Claiming Gen. Milley Should Be Executed For Treason
Rep Gosar: ‘We Will Conduct An Investigation Into Attempted Coup By Traitor Gen. Mark Milley and Pelosi’
Will it overcome blatant election fraud and wave it’s magic wand next time to save this dead empire of NON MEN and NON ADULT FEMALES?:
Gingrich: GOP race is over, Trump ‘will be’ the nominee
Have the globalists achieved their short term goals with the demented in chief and its handlers, or plan to before its term is over thus making it safe for Trump to be re-installed?
Do they even care AT ALL about all this distraction, trannies, the open border, gun control, and on and on?
Trump is right about Miley of course. It and most of all of the military’s upper echelons have not served amerika or America(which died in 1865) or their oaths for many generations.
When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate
And we still have this:
That’s what it and its masters want whether it really directly said it or not.
WEF Demands Criminalization of ‘Climate Inaction,’ Punishable Up to Death
FK – Fighting tyranny is always ‘illegal’ and liable to a death penalty.
Death is going to be a busy fellow for the next several years.
How the World Economic Forum influences public policy around the world with no oversight
Video: Klaus Schwab Announces the End of Car Ownership Starting in Los Angeles
Does that scat reside in the city of lost angels? Or in this country?
Bill Gates Declares Everyone on Earth Must Prove Their Identity Using His ‘Global Digital ID System’
So why aren’t you training with your local genuine people’s militia? Are you a coward?
What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’
A tiny tiny percentage of the insanity:
White House Knew COVID Vaccines Were Killing People Over Two Years Ago
46 Pages FOIAed Emails Between CDC Leaders, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and White House, NIH, HHS, Show They Knew About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia, a Blood Clotting Disorder. Emails Over 80% Redacted.
Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine Math: Kill 4,000 Newborns to Save 300 from RSV
Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective
BREAKING: CIA Commanded by Fauci and Bill Gates to Spread COVID Disinfo/Hide The Deadly Truth
“Turbo Cancers” Are Decimating Young Doctors: 54 Cases Examined
Don’t miss this one:
Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots
FK – The primary purpose, among many others, of the plandemic may be to alter the tool-using monkey genome. What are they evolving us into now? I know, more pacified sheeple zombies.
Sen. Rand Paul Targets Fauci On Primetime TV, Says He Belongs in Jail ‘Without Question
Leo Hohmann: Beware of Nations, States, Corporations, or Groups Offering Benefits That Require Digital ID: You are Entering a ‘Covenant with Death’
House Blocks Proposals to End Ukraine Aid, Transfer of Cluster Bombs
FK – What is it I keep writing about a congress of whores elected by a nation of whores?
Report: Zelensky Asks ‘Spirit Cooking’ Occult Artist Marina Abramović to Be Ambassador for Ukraine
Report: Leaked Veterans Affairs Training Video Promotes Abortion, Says Pregnancy Not Exclusive to Women
Migrants in New York City Pocketing $3,000 a Month Working Illegally While the City Foots Their Bills
Great Replacement Update: Traitor Joe Has Flown 220,000 Illegals Directly Into the U.S. Bonus: He sent 44 States Illegals With Tuberculosis
Biden Regime Suddenly Decides To Deport German Home-Schooling Romeike Family—WHY NOW?
We can only hope:
Mass Migration Could Be the ‘Dissolving Force’ that Destroys the European Union, Bloc’s Top Diplomat Admits
Army Veteran, 95, Forced Out of Nursing Home to House Illegal Aliens
Here You Go, America: The Gateway Pundit Uncovers MASSIVE J6 DATABASE Engineered by ‘SEDITION HUNTER’ DHS Front Group [Part 1]
UN Summit Pushing “Masterplan for Humanity” Happening NOW in NYC
On how globalists covertly, gradually insert communitarian law at the nation-state level to supersede constitutional law and sovereignty.
Do not miss this:
Here’s How Most Election Fraud Happens
Anthropologists cancel event on identifying sex of human skeletons over ‘transphobia’ concerns
The CIA Is Running Wikipedia (Wow, What a Shocker)
Prime example:
Eustace Mullins
What MEN will do this?
New Mexico Governor Faces Call for Impeachment After Banning Concealed Carry
If we had the MEN and ADULT WOMEN that the govt. schools and govt. churches and govt. universities make sure aren’t raised/created the commie witch would’ve been tried for treason and executed the day it did that, or rather the day it was sworn in because it likely broke its oath as soon as it took it because it probably ran on a communist platform.
Any other country did this to their people there would be a change in government but not in the USA.
FK – What the hell is sad about fedgov parasites getting layed off or fired???????????????????????????????????????
Most of them are lifetime bureaucrats and will follow the orders of whatever statist is elected or hired over them or even worse and more likely go along with evil because they are evil.
Did you see what Rep. Gosar wrote about Miley???? That needs to be applied to tens of thousands of them at least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As always our REAL ENEMIES are HERE and all prepping should be geared toward supporting the genuine people’s militia but as I keep noting we have NO MEN here with any real concept of this necessity. It’s easier to pretend somehow the NWO will pass over your little hidey hole.
There WILL BE NO WHERE TO HIDE!!! The county tax assessor knows where your outhouse is.
The vast majority of ‘christians’ are sitting on their asses waiting to get beamed up or for ‘the lord’ whatever that really is/was to return because that’s what their useless traitorous preachers and priests are telling them to do.
When they finally figure out NO ONE is coming to save them they will bow down and worship(serve) the NWO, beast system or whatever just like most of them wore the masks and took the vax.
Let them prove me wrong. But I’m not holding my breath.
The republicrats aren’t saving us?:
Congress Defies Supreme Court Decision & Passes National Gun Control!!! (Responding To PBD)
FK – It’s not enough to be armed. Without training and organization and rank structure and logistics and the will to do what must be done, the genuine people’s militia, the basis of the 2nd Amendment, then we have nothing.
Gee, it takes a long time for so many morons, ‘educated’ or not, to catch on.
Those who pay attention know we reached ‘tyranny’ generations ago.
Self defense against common criminals is a given. It’s the govt. and corporate criminals it was written for….
The average dumbass doesn’t know enough history to remember who taught them how to wipe their butts.
Decades ago the communists pretended to love ‘free speech’ when they perceived themselves as the underdogs, which really wasn’t true. Now that they openly RULE it’s anathema to them.
If we had MEN and ADULT WOMEN with the brains and courage to CARRY everywhere they go as all should then many shootings could be aborted with many fewer casualties. But this is a nation of cowardly whores. I see it every day.
The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights!!! WE ARE!!!!!!! What if hitlery had stolen enough votes to beat trump the first time? Would we have a ‘conservative’ SCOTUS to ‘protect’ our rights????
History plainly shows that COMMUNIST black robed shysters will tell ANY lie to forward their agenda. Pretending there is not partisanship so-called in the courts is CHILDISHNESS.
They are elected, hired and appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS and should sit on the bench every day with a ROPE AROUND THEIR NECKS so it remains HANDY and they are constantly REMINDED of their place as our SERVANTS not masters.
But again and again this is a nation of COWARDLY WHORES who have no conception of their right, duty and responsibility to make sure this happens.
What ‘peace’ did nukes produce exactly? When I was a Marine reservist in the 80s one of my fellow Marines was dumb enough to declare there’d never be another conventional war, the next would be nuclear.
Those who pay attention at all saw how that’s turned out and is still not working.
The Allies were firebombing cities in Germany and Japan, killing hundreds of thousands of ‘innocent’ civilians, sheeple that didn’t pay attention to what their govt.s were doing or were complacently going along with it and ‘obeying the magistrates appointed over them,’ and on and on before Truman or whoever decided to use the new bombs.
Despite the issues with radiation both Japanese cities are thriving now.
Will the watchers allow us to nuke ourselves, their lab rats or livestock or nature preserve into oblivion anyway? Reportedly they’ve shown they’re not keen on the idea of us having/using that tech.
Without WAR CRIMES TRIALS and HANGINGS we won’t get to the bottom or the top of what’s really going on here.
This WILL NOT come from the governments at any level nor from the evil treasonous military leadership. They would meet the chicom military on the commie coast and welcome them in order to get their help in putting down the redneck rebels in flyover country.
If you don’t grasp this you are DELUSIONAL.
The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler.
The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.
We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.
Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?
The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.
The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.
Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The law the militia should be enforcing
If ‘why’ then ‘why’ aren’t we using it?:
Stand Up Against The Wicked Witch of the West Governor of New Mexico: Why the 2nd Exists
FK – Why waste money feeding it cold bologna sandwiches and giving it a sex change operation or who knows what else?
Rope is so much cheaper.
Millions of morons wore masks and took the vax. Millions stood by and DID NOTHING while the demented in chief was sworn in after a BLATANTLY STOLEN ELECTION AND NO ONE LIFTED A FINGER TO STOP IT!!!!!!
How many genuine people’s militias do we have out here in flyover country to truly deal with this kind of garbage in the way it should be dealt with by setting a precedent that should have been set generations ago?
Civil rights can be taken by the same garbage that granted them. Our Bills of Rights ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL RIGHTS to exterminate any garbage that would enslave or in our case enslave us further. But this requires MEN for enforcement and we HAVE NONE.
Let them prove me wrong. I’ve been waiting a quarter century for that.
A little more of a clue than most:
New Mexico is a Gun Control Trap – Razör Rants
FK – The Bills of Rights of the u.s. constitution and of the several states are an ACKNOWLEDGMENT of NATURAL RIGHTS we are all born with. NOTHING IS GRANTED.
Was that section of the N.M. bill of rights changed in 2004? Where’s the updated version???? If all they did was pass ‘constitutional carry’ which in most cases is statute law then it like most such in most states can be easily repealed by whatever commie or republicrat trash decides to in the future.
Especially if there are NO MEN in the genuine people’s militia to hang them. Like now.
It can make up its own words. They make up everything else.
I’m not kidding:
Don’t Kid Yourself | They Will EnFORCE What They’re Told to EnFORCE
FK – What needs to be executed is the scat seeking to disarm the common people. Unless they’re doing that they’re not upholding their Oaths.
And we have NO MEN left here to make sure they do.
Potential civil war?:
NM sheriff tells governor to pound sand and gun control hack plagiarizes
FK – They can do whatever they can find the trash to enforce because we have NO MEN here to do what should have been generations long ago.
Why is it still breathing?:
BREAKING: Cali Democrats BAIL on Gavin’s little gun control amendment… Wait until you hear why…
FK – Many ‘conservatives’ so-called are pushing for a con con. That’s OK, let me sit outside the front door with the genuine people’s militia and hang any commie trash. theorcrats, republcrats, authoritarians of any stripe that show up with the added right to drag them from the floor and out the door when they bring up anything that endangers the Bills of Rights.
How long till the commie coast invites the chicom military over to protect them from the rednecks in flyover country? In reality they have nothing to worry about or the NON MEN of this country would’ve already tried and hung the Marxist globalist military upper echelons that threatened to murder any real Americans who dared to stop the oath breaking ceremony of the demented in chief.
What are we winning in the end? Millions stupidly wore the masks and took the vax. They don’t need guns to defeat/enslave humanity especially since we have NO MEN and NO MILITIA to stop them and hold the war crimes trials we’ve desperately needed to conduct for generations.
I’ve been buckled up for years:
New York City’s Democrat Mayor FLIPS OUT – in Wild Town Hall Speech
FK – The only problem is they can’t register them to vote fast enough and they can’t find a way to let them vote in so-called ‘red’ states.
I bet the IRS will let them submit to having money stolen out of their paychecks much sooner than a decade.
What rich elites want the ‘undocumented workers?’ Who or what is funding the propaganda stream?
What should we be hanging after war crimes trials to find the answers to those questions?
Whenever national propaganda radio is telegraphing something watch out. The commie trash asking months before the blatantly stolen Nov. 2020 election ‘What will happen if Trump refuses to concede?’ told anyone with a brain they were planning to steal it.
But then there’s NOTHING NEW about that.
The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…
The teachers regurgitate what they are spoonfed to keep their paychecks and retirement plans, like most of the whores that populate this country:
Mother secretly RECORDED teacher during meeting… HOLY.
FK – It said “….connections to slavery and slave trading…”
This creature was awarded a teaching certificate so it can indoctrinate young minds.
What it means is they can’t have the concept of rebellion to evil illegal authority around other kids because they might grow up to be something besides the physically grown children it’s the job of the govt. indoctrination centers, schools and churches, to produce.
No. It’s not thinking. It’s regurgitating what it’s been spoonfed by its indoctrinators like most teachers, preachers, politicians, tool-using monkeys, sheeple and on and on.
Call the trash COMMUNISTS!! It’s what they are. DON’T BE A COWARD!!!!!
I saw this coming years ago. They attacked the Confederacy for decades now and it was obvious that eventually they’d do the same to the Founders, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and on and on because….
Well because they’re commie trash and we’ve failed to hang them because they’ve been successful in their war and there are NO MEN left here to hold the war crimes trials and hang them.
Have I mentioned we should be hanging them?
The parents and thus the kid may be just as ignorant as the commie teacher in some ways.
The war in the mid 19th century was about the southern states seeking the same independence the colonies had sought. They seceded and formed a sovereign govt. just like the colonies which they had every right to do.
NO WHERE in the u.S. Constitution is secession forbidden. Slavery was kept as a compromise during the revolution and when the convention that produced the constitution was held in the name of keeping the colonies united. It still existed in all the colonies at that time anyway if memory serves.
When the Southern states seceded the ‘union’ as it was called should’ve withdrawn all their troops from federal forts on southern land. That would’ve been the correct thing to do but instead Lincoln sought to re-supply a couple of them resulting in what he intended, forcing the South to fire on Fort Sumpter thus giving the Yankees an excuse to go to war.
That’s all it was, an excuse. Read ‘Truth of War Conspiracy of 1861.’
The Yankee army then invaded the southern states in order to ‘put the flag back’ in Lincoln’s words which meant re-establishing Federal rule and the power to tax conquered lands.
Any who think the Yankees invaded to ‘free the slaves’ is a political child that still believes amerikan mythology.
I would write that of course we now view slavery as an evil that has existed through all of human history and still does in many forms. But that isn’t true. amerikans regularly vote to force their fav form of authoritarianism on their neighbors.
The Marxist globalist trash has been working for many generations now to enslave humanity totally and forever.
Most of the sheeple are oblivious to this reality because so far they still have steak and ice cream and a big screen and are too busy worrying about their jobs and bills to care.
I knew what the Gadsen flag meant before it was cool, or made cool by the ‘war on terror’ which is a war on us all. The colonists walked out of their churches and killed their fellow English subjects in the name of not being subjects anymore.
There are many here now that would happily vote a king or a savior to magically solve their problems for them. That’s called democracy.
Liberty is when we take on personal responsibility for the world around us and do what must be done, destroy those that would enslave us further.
It has EVERYTHING TO DO with one order destroying another in order to RULE. The same thing that’s happened through all of human history.
Isn’t this a charter or whatever school, you know, the ones that were supposed to save children from the govt. schools?
Who or what is indoctrinating the teachers and the administrators and writing the textbooks?????
Are the kids getting proper early militia training so they develop the skills necessary to do what their ancestors were too cowardly to do?
Can they hit a running commie at 300 meters by the time they graduate? Do they even have any business voting?
In the 70s the COMMUNISTS were still the underdogs allegedly and still pretended to value ‘free speech’ and portions of the Bills of Rights. Now that total power is within their grasp those things are anathema to the evil creatures.
The indoctrination center workers are doing the same thing most tool-using monkeys do – go along to get along and secure that paycheck and retirement plan like the pathetic useless braindead cowards they are. They will happily die and pass their slavery on to their descendants, caring as much about their future as an alley cat.
Those who have long paid attention knew this was coming. It will get far worse. What did Brezhnev say?
A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”
What’s the deal with not doing what the Founders did by now????:
What is the Deal With This Flag?
FK – Gee, I knew what the flag meant before it was cool. What’s sad is it was re-adopted by many idiot ‘conservatives’ for the ‘war on terror’ which is a war on us along with the anti-Patriot Act that was written before the 9/11 false flag occurred and not read by any of the republicrats that voted for it.
Miss Tinker was probably a young Marxist. They pretended to value ‘free speech’ back then.
Not to be missed:
KY E911 center shuts down due to Covid
FK – Call them communists not the cute names they tag themselves with to hide their evil.
Sheeple and ‘conservatives’ and libertarians that tolerate this insanity fully deserve whatever is done to them.
The above is tolerated so this will be:
History Repeating Itself: ATF Coming For Gun Powder
FK – The colonials had MEN to stand at the bridge. Our modern emasculated males don’t even know there IS a bridge.
The only real reason for the militia
It’s always about who or what will RULE:
ALERT: Communism STARTS in the US this WEEKEND
FK – You missed that one by several decades. What was the New Deal and socialist security?
Lincoln had socialists in the Union Army. The republicrats were the radicals at that time.
Without MEN and a genuine people’s militia to force war crimes trials we’ll never really know:
What the Heck is REALLY Going on
FK – At this point only sheeple, dangerous zombies, are watching sports as if they matter or taking their spawn to disney world.
Their ignorance is just as dangerous as any blatant intelligent evil. They will NEVER see this because they would rather die than think. They will happily cheer when their savior of whatever source murders you or burns you alive in fire forever.
It’s a crisis of cowardice. They will lose what they fear losing anyway.
The root of the problem is that the submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.
Who did what?
Thomas: The Secret Twin of Jesus?
FK – Thomas was a smart guy. We need many more like him today. Might do some good for those who still blindly trust the mainstream newswhores or the ancient tribal propaganda.
Something that’s seemed strange to me for a while is how Judas had to kiss Yeshua or whatever to i.d. him for the Romans. After his dramatic entry into town and preaching for years and running the banksters out of the temple it seems to me he would have been recognizable to many of the ‘officials.’ For sure the banksters would remember his face.
I thought there was also a James who was a later disciple, apostle or whatever. It’s hard to keep track.
Was this twin also a child prodigy that was likely educated by the Essenes or some other ascetic sect?
Most ‘christians’ very loosely defined probably believe they make a new soul when they make a baby. Which is very puzzling when one considers most of them also believe their sadistic bronze age god immediately threatens any newborn with eternal hellfire. Why would any thinking person want to participate in that? Well, most of the sheeple don’t think. The elites have always known this and acted on it.
Most of them believe in a physical eternal immortal body, of the sadistic bronze age god and of its son and the angels or whatever. Why would yeshua claim his father can destroy the soul in hell when he allegedly has no intention of doing so? Or maybe ‘the soul’ has a different meaning than most think.
This is like a planet sized bowl of pasta. One could spend/waste several lifetimes trying to pull it all apart. Maybe that’s the idea. Those doing so simply die and pass their slavery on to their descendants as intended.
Religion is mostly cultural:
The Chinese Ghost Festival Explained
FK – This ‘ground news’ shows the commie news network and corporate mainstream scat so the trash that created it should be hung from a tree.
If you’re not biased toward liberty you don’t belong in this country.
The best way to see ‘bias’ is to go to NON MAINSTREAM ALTERNATIVE news sources. We need to let the legacy media die. In reality we should be hanging them along with trash that pretends they can be trusted AT ALL.
Russia Times or whatever is NOT ‘right.’ This crap is lying!!!!
Why would anyone pay for some creature to lie to them?
The ‘echo chamber’ crap is for political children. The rule is simple: If someone tells me they blindly trust any source, that’s the ‘any’ in the dictionary, then I know I’m dealing with a political child.
You either have a lot of growing up to do or you’re a knowing liar. Oh, is that the kind of transparency the Marxist mutt practiced when it occupied the now red house????
What does the alleged communist govt. over there think about these cultural traditions?
A tradition of deception:
Richard Dolan, Alien Mafia, Covert Control
FK – I will maintain this: When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur C. Clarke
It’s easier to call it magic or ‘angels and demons’ than to think.
Come here to central KY and lie down in my hayfield or pasture for an hour or so. For about a week after you’ll be thinking anything but paradise.
Have you seen ‘Colony?’ We certainly have the criminal class seen in that series running the show.
I’ve thought for some time the NWO could be directed, maybe loosely, from off planet.
I travel to an alternate reality every time I go out into so-called society. I often find myself surrounded by sheeple zombies that love their ignorance so much they’re willing to sell their own children into slavery to maintain it, or to watch their own offspring, family, so-called friends, whatever burned alive in fire forever while they mindlessly stand around singing praises to some sadistic bronze age god.
We exist in an asylum set up like a cosmic game boy and the inmates think they run it.
What the Watchers hide
And many other things:
They Are Hiding This! Shocking Revelations & Covert Agendas | UFO Documentary 2023 – Paul Wallis
FK – Gee, and we amerikans thought the royal family was just a tourist attraction. Not that I’m attracted to something my ancestors fought a bloody 8-year war to separate us from.
The general public or sheeple and most whatevers of whatever political side barely understand the space between their ears. Strike that. They don’t at all.
The plandemic was obviously about killing off many of the pensioners.
Those with the tech level of the ‘war of the worlds’ or ‘independence day’ invaders probably aren’t allowed here. Yet.
Billions are still oblivious to this topic and too caught up in waiting for some bronze age god to come save them or for the next game or payraise or interest rate or better investment.
Once a spook always a spook, probably with very rare exception. We as a species are cowardly whores, willing to go along to get along for a paycheck and a retirement plan. How many generations willingly surrendered their children for kings’ and banksters’ wars for profit?
How many morons now actually think the police and military exist to protect them?
The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.
Have any of the more recent ‘leakers’ or whatever really said or proven anything that those who pay attention haven’t known or thought for decades already?
The mainstream news media on all levels is an EVIL tool of the elites that own it. Anything they spew out is about manipulating the masses that still stupidly trust them. How many wore the masks and took the vax and still stupidly think they did the right thing?????
This is a WAR being waged on many levels. The average sheeple wastes most of its time here in exchange for money and thinks if it retires with a couple grand in the bank, in ones and zeroes that can evaporate like the mist on an Indians summer morning, it’s done something.
Most of them would rather die than think and wouldn’t read a book if it was glued to their nose. And we stupidly let them vote. Democracy is a tool of the elites, a form of manipulation.
The elites of the ages have always looked for ways to herd the mob. The purpose of the sheepdog is to protect the herd animals so the shepherds can shear and eat them.
But who or what are the real shepherds? If the pentagon and its masters in the MiC don’t want you know what’s really going on, and they don’t, then good luck.
Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions
The same crap over and over again:
The Wheels Fell Off! – They Can’t Even Pretend Things Are Okay Anymore!
FK – “I’m a Second Amendment supporter but….” Those who say that are working for the enemy. There are NO ‘Constitutional’ gun laws.
This is nothing to celebrate. Both the creatures should have been tried and executed by now for their numerous other crimes.
When ‘the right’ falls back on supporting evil law they only help destroy themselves and show their limitless cowardice.
Why hasn’t the maga right demanded the BATF Nazi trash and the fed bureau of instigators be shut down and executed for treason?
Why don’t they just replace it with a drag queen? Wait….
Let’s guess why it was driving a school bus.
The mainstream newswhores are complicit in the completed destruction of amerika. If we had ANY MEN here they’d all be swinging from trees and power poles across America.
klinton the first was impeached. The senate didn’t convict so now it and it’s wife of convenience are making millions from book deals and speeches.
It’s the unelected leader of the unfree world. It couldn’t lead a basset hound to the execution table in the dog pound. But it is a good tool for the elites that told us by placing it in ‘power’ that it no longer matters what we vote for on that level, really hasn’t for generations, they will still get their way because there are NO MEN left in this country.
They have been successful.
I certainly won’t bother to vote in the primary. None of them are worth the rope it would take to hang them and I stopped looking for political saviors long ago.
What’s the ultimate question?
Who are our real enemies?:
China is Dying – And Becoming Very Dangerous as it Falls
FK – amerika is dead. What will replace them?
All govt.s seek stability. It’s a never ending game of ‘king of the hill.’
The sheeple are kept busy waiting for the never ending end of the world or for the next score. Money is the true god of this world regardless of pretense.
Hitler was the lessor of the evils. The greater evil won and still rules us.
Who was the old guy being helped to walk?
Does China have a UBI?
Well gee, we have a demented old marxist that couldn’t run a dog pound in the now red house. It’s handlers like those of a couple or more Senators will hold it up as long as possible.
You realize when you quote any news so-called media source you could be regurgitating blatant lies?
The plandemic was almost certainly not China based. They may have played a real part in it. But then if the chicom military decided to land on the commie coast the joint chiefs would be there to welcome them and ask for their aid in destroying the rednecks in flyover country.
Who or what was responsible for NAFTA? Why did the ‘party of the little man’ vote it through congress at the behest of amerikan corporations and globalist elites?
Our greatest enemies ARE HERE and they ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.
Well, yes, it ALL is:
Whose policy?:
FK – As evil as our just-us system has become if we didn’t have it the first decision we’d all have to make would be which neighbors to kill first. Simple fact.