Tag Archives: the cross

Landmark Bill Restricting Criticism of Israel Sneaks Through South Carolina Senate

The South Carolina Senate has recently passed legislation that changes the definition of anti-Semitism to include criticism of Israel, and then applies this new definition to college campuses in a manner that experts say will impede free academic inquiry. The U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day, and Congress frequently approves increases to that amount; restricting discussion on this issue could serve to bolster and increase these expenditures.

The legislation codifies a definition of anti-Semitism that significantly changes the meaning of the word, and it requires the state’s colleges to use this new definition when determining whether an action is “discriminatory” and therefore prohibited. This new definition declares statements that are critical of Israel—even when factual—“anti-Semitic” and therefore impermissible.


The Brandeis Center also credited CUFI (Christians United for Israel) and StandWithUs for their help on the legislation.

Founded in 2006, CUFI claims to have 3-4 million “members,” though this seems to actually be the number of emails the organization has gathered; the number of active supporters may be closer to 30,000 to 50,000. CUFI lobbies on behalf of Israel and disseminates pro-Israel spin on diverse issues to Americans and Canadians.

Charisma News reports: “It’s no secret that one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington, D.C., the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), has long wanted a ‘Gentile arm,’ and some believe they now have it in CUFI.”

While CUFI’s head is megachurch pastor and celebrity John Hagee, its executive director and co-founder David Brog may be the organization’s real mover and shaker. According to Charisma News, “Brog is the powerhouse behind the Christian organization, yet he’s also a conservative (non-Messianic) Jew.” The article reports: “Brog, who was chief of staff to liberal Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania for seven years, is said to run CUFI like a political campaign. He has talking points, stays focused and rallies his constituency.” Prime Minister Ehud Barak is his cousin.

FK – As usual, amerikan ‘christians’ are being led around by the nose. But they like it that way.

Israel is obviously building an empire and committing genocide in the process. Lie about it all you want, won’t change it.

What is an ‘anti-semite?’:


I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The killer bees of fake news

What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

How Fleas, Cats & WITCHES Helped Create the Modern World


FK – Used to have lots of cats here on the farm. Still had to keep poison in the house for mice. We had rats years ago in the barns when we had hogs and kept corn for them. Still had to poison them. So I’m not sure what cat predation does to those populations. There are also other animals in the stix that eat mice and rats but we still seem to have plenty of them.

I no longer keep cats. The last indoor cat we had wasn’t very cooperative in finding the proper spots for defecation and birthing. Kept outdoor cats for a few years longer but one year I had five or six momma cats all have kittens. All of a sudden I had 30 cats. That was the year I got out of the cat business.

We’re still in a very dark age. Billions are wasting their time here waiting for the world to end and for some sadistic god to come and torture all the people they don’t like alive in fire forever. I think that factor will have major influence in the future of the still very primitive tool-using monkeys.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

A few things that might matter, or ‘The Basics’ part two

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

The most important things to do

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

Choosing sides

Choosing sides
Barry Bright March 13, 2016

This is really a response to a comment on my last column, posted here.

Firstly I’ll thank you for proving my point for when you allowed your mind to be closed by my ‘insulting’ the atp(ancient tribal propaganda) you showed the dangers of having books or gods or groups that can’t be questioned.

We are still deep in the same swamp our ancestors dug for themselves.

Yes I meant all the slaves, all down through time that have been kept in place by their natural submissiveness and the propaganda that makes it easier to swallow while going along to get along.

There’s nothing ‘flippant’ about calling the ancient tribal propaganda what it is. It’s simple historical fact.

Just actually read it, from the insane priests in Leviticus who were incredibly anal about their tedious procedures for keeping the ancient sheeple in awe of them and their power to the god that commanded ‘thou shalt not kill,’ unless that is he(the government representing him) told them to kill the pagans because they dared to try to stop the ancient desert tribe from stealing their land because the former tribe’s priests said it was ‘promised’ to them.

Or maybe they were just over there fighting for democracy.

Now the pagans may have been nasty people with another insane ideology/paradigm/whatever that required them to burn their babies in this world or that did more with the scapegoat than their competitors but they remind me of another group today who borrowed some of their doctrine from them and from the atp to create their own versions, sub-versions and subversions and whom so many among us here in this Christian nation would have no problem nuking into tomorrowland because they haven’t yet given up all of their pagan ways.

And something that was made obvious to me the other day: The fundie ragheads ‘prophet’ actually allegedly bothered to write down what he wanted his dupes to know while the alleged ‘son of god’ didn’t even bother to hire a secretary. Go figure.

But really it all boils down to this: I didn’t get involved in the patriot movement so I could choose one version of authoritarianism over another.

No, for the benefit the simple-minded, I haven’t turned anarchist, either the real kind or the fake commie kind.

If it’s really about some version, sub-version or subversion of the atp vs ‘the devil’ then I want no part of it. I didn’t volunteer for that.

Of course the ‘believers’ will immediately respond “You have no choice.”

Wait. No. They also say we can ‘choose’ hell, which is of course absurd on its face.

They say we can ‘choose’ to serve heyzeus or whatever he’s being called this millennia. That’s ‘His way or the highway’ as a t-shirt I saw a while back on a smug looking woman read.

And of course all that is the problem. It seems ‘free will’ itself is still an evolving concept.

After the countless comments I’ve read on YouTube and WND and many other places I sincerely think many of them will be sorely disappointed if they don’t get to see billions of the ‘bad guys,’ to include babies, little kids, teenagers and pagans that never heard of heyzeus being burned alive in fire forever.

Don’t forget, the Catholics are still the largest single ‘christian’ sect and they don’t baptize babies for symbolic reasons. They’re really doing it to keep their sadistic god from burning them alive in fire forever.

This is the root of the problem. No, not the Catholics, the human nature they share with the rest of the crazies.

Oh but there’s a few versions, sub-versions and subversions that don’t believe in an eternal hell. Yes, but the atp clearly doesn’t support this despite their weak lies about it and most ‘christians’ not only don’t think that way but have no problem with the concept.

What’s worse, a suicide bomber killing a few mush heads or condoning billions being tortured forever in fire? Just something to think about. ‘Believing in it’ is condoning it. That’s how that works.

It would be great if the world took the basic teaching of heyzeus, that he clearly borrowed and re-phrased from earlier versions, to heart and learned to ‘get along.’

Then we could all take our modern loaded swords on any airplane and fly anywhere and disembark without having to go through customs or worry about the local crazy laws that put the powers that always want to be over simple human Liberty.

I know I won’t be in this realm long enough to see this because the human ‘mind’(very loosely defined) changes(evolves) very slowly which causes our cultures, laws, world views, to also change verrrrryyyyyy slllloowwwlllllyyy….

Often I think of my grandmother who on occasion would use a phrase: ‘out of the country.’ When she said that she didn’t mean Indiana or Tennessee or France or China or some distant star system. She meant five miles down the road.

That’s the world she grew up in, the horse and buggy days when the roads were dirt and a rare trip to the county seat and back took a full day in a rude wagon over mud slathered rocks.

That world defined her world view. The world view of the common person is now being re-defined by the smart phone and fakebook and google and YouTube and some creature that flies about the head of the latest demagogue.

The point to all this for the benefit of the thick-headed who made it this far is this: Sometimes I read commie propaganda if for no other reason than it’s important to watch your enemies more closely than your friends and on occasion they are actually right about problems they point out. It’s their solutions that are evil.

But that’s little different than providing simple parables to the simple minded in an effort to get them to stop killing/raping/assaulting each other or from producing illegitimate children that are always a burden on any society no matter how large or from spreading germs that evolved alongside our amorous ancestors.

A lot of this is of course based in the ‘other’ indoctrination I got via the government indoctrination system, the mainstream news/entertainment media and on and on. I’m not likely to surrender it any more than I’ll surrender the idea that the Earth is an elliptical bumpy deeply cracked volcanic sphere flying thousands of miles an hour through an ancient universe alongside a star of plasma or electricity or whatever it’s really made out of.

But we don’t really know that yet so it’s easier for the lazy minded to say “God will fix it” or ‘it’s all god’s will” or while voting for what is almost obviously an ‘anti-christ’ figure with big hair and a salesman’s ability to ‘tickle their ears.’

As far as I can tell being ‘christian’ is still an evolving concept and the ‘moral majority’ has all but switched sides regardless of what I write.