Tag Archives: supply and demand

The Secret To Happiness Revealed


FK – What percentage of sheeple in the not-so good ol’ days were addicted to alcohol or religion or other ‘legal’ drugs? What brought about the temperance movement of the 1800s?

Saying we owe our problems to ‘hedonism’ is a gross over simplification. There’s nothing new about hedonism.

In the early days of the republic the settlers would party like mad on Saturday night and go to church the next day. They didn’t have big screens, only the constant fight for survival and the Indians who were trying to discourage the stealing of their land.

As we were told 20 years ago by various authors and activists the ‘dumbing down’ was deliberate. So should we really be surprised over the outcomes of the last several quests for the idiot vote or the high number of killings in Chicago?

Only time will tell what kind of real ‘change’ Trump et al brings. Odds are he’ll throw a few bones to all sides and the republicrat congress will block or ignore any real efforts at returning our republic to its roots.