Tag Archives: sports

What Annoys Me About Libertarians

FK – Some version of ‘libertarianism’ may be ‘the future.’ We can only hope. But those who vote that way will do so with no real understanding of it, like most churchgoers who are vaguely ignorant of their own religion.

If it ever becomes ‘cool’ like tattoos, it will be infiltrated and ruined like everything else in history, and will exist for centuries in some sort of limbo until ‘real whatevers’ get loud and proud and angry and dedicated enough to run that horse out of the shed and install a new one… and the process will start over. That’s just how it works.

Distant Past Calamities Keep Us Craving Bad News – Morris


FK – Sheeple have been waiting for the world to end, since it began. Maybe we were programmed that way.


FK – My parents’ generation and before knew real poverty. Now they can go get steak and ice cream and watch the propaganda cast on their big screens so every thing must be OK. The ‘baby boomers’ were the first spoiled generation, of which I am in the tail. Most of us are too stupid to see what’s in front of our faces.

Kids today? The Ron Paul ‘revolution’ was certainly ‘progress,’ but not in the communist sense of ‘progressivism.’ Most of them are still indoctrinated by the govt. schools and universities, but now it’s countered by the net, for those who seek to pay attention. A minority they will always be. They will be the ones who will have to fight this war.

But to say things haven’t ‘progressed’ is blind. The ‘gun rights’ movement has made ‘progress’ though we have a long way to go. We are still deep in the war zone but to say it’s hopeless is cowardice, which many choose, and always will simply because it’s easier.

Gumbel hatred for ‘pig’ gun owners not uncommon for establishment sports media

“[T]hey’re pigs” HBO’s “Real Sports” front man Bryant Gumbel told Rolling Stone in an interview that came out Tuesday. He was referring to the National Rifle Association, but that’s just convenient media code speak for all gun owners who believe in the right to keep and bear arms.

If you believe in it, he means you, pig. Or as masters of “gun control” would say, “Schwein!”

“There are a few things I hate more than the NRA,” Gumbel admitted. “I mean truly.”

What those “few things” are remained unstated. ISIL? Communism? Nazism? Murderers? Child molesters? For some reason I’m also conjuring up Arlo Guthrie’s list of Group W bench offenders: “Mother-rapers . . . father-stabbers . . . father-rapers!

Presumably, Gumbel prefers all of the above over you and me. I mean truly. And as long as I’m on a 60s culture kick, we might as well let Dr. Smith weigh in with an appropriate reaction to such a definitive rejection by such an important person.

FK – So how many gun owning sports fans are going to voice their displeasure with the creature’s network and get it fired and in the bread line, or preferably on a plane out of the country where all such creatures belong?

Looks like a few already have. There should be a groundswell. like with the Zumbo thing a few years back.