FK – Oh good grief. Such ignorance. If you think that as ‘racist’ as ‘Americans’ were in the mid 19th century that they killed 600,000 white men and tens of thousands of civilians to ‘free the slaves’ you’re a child.
Kentucky officers almost mutinied when the emancipation proclamation was released as propaganda to appease the Europeans and keep them out of the war.
What were the soldiers that were conscripted on both sides fighting for? What were the Irish immigrants Lincoln was taking off the boats fighting for?
Has ‘christianity’ matured? We don’t burn heretics at the stake any more though I’m sure some would if they could. The catholic church sprinkles water on babies to ‘save’ them from their sadistic god’s eternal hell. It’s not a symbolic act. Protestants cajole 8-year-olds into ‘gettin’ saved’ for the same reason.
It would be a dark day if most modern ‘christians’ actually began to read and understand their ancient tribal propaganda and began to do what it demands of them. Their savior was quoted as saying he came to ‘fulfill’ the law of the Torah not change it. But then only a child takes any of it literally. It’s called ‘literature‘ for a reason.
King James Bible – Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
‘Moderate’ muslims are like ‘moderate’ christians who are simply hedging their bets but at the end of day care more about personal profit/success than pleasing their chosen god. Only by indoctrinating each generation away from this ancient madness can we hope to see a real future for humankind.
We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.
We’ve evolved away from earlier versions of our own insanity:
FK – Our commie govt. has been paying stupid and lazy sheeple to breed since the 60s and allowing their offspring to vote and we expect better than this?
“Ax” and “mens” in a legislative chamber. They’re succeeding at what they failed to do with reconstruction.
The declaration was validated because men were willing to spill the blood of their enemies to do so. We are loosing it because we are no longer a nation of men.
More of what the commies have intentionally produced:
FK – It’s Frida reincarnated and it’s still a commie.
FK – “We all niggers…” That pretty much says it all.
Well maybe not quite all…
FK – He seems to have left one group out:
FK – But that doesn’t mean we sanction this:
FK – I didn’t know the Nazis had rave music…
Were these Bolshevik or socialist or marxist or commie jews? What do those even share in common with Orthodox Jewry besides maybe DNA if you believe the standard version of history?
The Nazis were looking for a scapegoat to help them gain power. If they had been actually concerned about Liberty, and I’m not pretending they were, they would have targeted the leadership of the Marxists or whatever cute names they were calling themselves back then and done no more than force the rest of them out of the country if they were truly so evil.
The human race will not advance very quickly until it learns to stop choosing one version of authoritarianism over another.
FK – How do we know the universe didn’t end? The hard drive has been re-booted multiple times now…
The question is who or what is behind all the anti-cern/science/evolution/ and ‘flat-earth’ propaganda? Is it all just distraction or are there people with money who are really that stupid?
Wait, they spent millions to build a ‘creation science(young Earth) museum here in Kentucky and are now building an Ark.
We’re still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.
FK – Millions have been existing in a ‘parallel universe’ for thousands of years:
FK – The ancient tribal religion ‘interpreted’ via the ancient tribal propaganda evolved from earlier versions that required child, human and animal sacrifice. It’s disgusting and pathetic to think that millions, no wait, billions, are still willfully ignorant enough to take it literally.
What did those who ‘created’ us in ‘their’ image do to keep us believing in such tripe, insert a stupidity or slave gene?
So they’re gonna ‘prove’ the ancient mythology via modern construction techniques/tools/materials and models? They should’ve wasted their millions on an actual craft that could float around the world and collect two of each kind from each continent and cram them all in there. That would be an interesting and useful experiment.
All our tools haven’t made the primates that much smarter.
Part two of this:
FK – Intellectually no one with a conscience can promote willful ignorance and the idea that some sadistic asshole that was patterned after the ancient tyrannical kings that told their subjects/slaves “Obey me or I’m going to torture/kill you,” is worthy of being ‘served'(worshiped) by anyone, especially its victims that it obviously considers to be slaves.
The fact that the ‘special tribe,’ named so by itself, created superior propaganda to other primitive cultures, proves it’s true. Of course. How could anyone miss that?
Yes, I love my ‘sin’ and the idea that I can ask questions of anyone or anything including the ancient tribal propaganda and those that promote it over reason and it’s sad that billions condone torturing the vast majority of humans that ever lived alive in fire forever, probably them as well since “few there be that find it,’ despite the ‘blood sacrifice’ the ignorant ancients thought necessary to cleanse them of their sins.
The ancient tribal propaganda doesn’t ‘say’ a lot of things. In fact it’s a very poor history. The OT, or the ‘torah’ reads like a history of the victors, or as we’d say now, PR, for our ‘war on terror’ where we’re fighting the ‘bad guys’ for ‘democracy.’ Simple solutions for simple minds. Now it’s being turned into conjecture and excuses. No surprises there.
What’s the real reason for this? What in the human psyche makes it want to control others and how they think, act, feel? Is it just a concern for the stability of social structure?
Movies and works of fiction or literature, like the ancient tribal propaganda, are often ‘inspired by true events.’ That’s how that works.
In all the ancient tribal propaganda and the later version that most of ‘god’s chosen’ still reject as blasphemy only once did ‘god’ go to the trouble of actually writing down what he wanted his sheeple to know. When he sent his son he didn’t even provide him an allowance so he could hire a secretary so his words weren’t written down until decades later, in four different versions, from human memory, which everyone knows is infallible.
FK – I long thought he was probably telling the truth. Regardless, too many ‘professionals’ have seen these objects and it’s easy to imagine what an ignorant ancient race would make of the ‘watchers.’
The human race is a long way from growing up when so many still point to a little book of ancient tribal propaganda and say “This is all you need to know,” when human history itself proves them wrong.
This guy points out some interesting things about the ancient tribal propaganda:
FK – Don’t blindly trust everything or anything, that’s the ‘anything’ that’s in the dictionary, that you read or hear. Only a child thinks one can.
FK – Calling the communists ‘liberal,’ or ‘progressive,’ cute names they tagged themselves with, is helping them hide their evil.
The amerikan communist insurgency works feverishly 24/7 to finish overthrowing the form of government we’re supposed to have here and to obliterate the Bill of Rights and the concept that we are born free, not owing ‘allegiance‘ to any entities or institutions. Our failure to hunt them to extinction is what’s killing our country.
Scary doesn’t start it. What’s most horrifying is the millions of self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ and ‘patriots’ et al who don’t understand that the SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our natural born rights. WE ARE!
We have the right, duty and responsibility to do what will be required to restore Liberty here. Failing to do so will be seen as the biggest accomplishment of cowardice and apathy in the history of mankind.
The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:
Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.
Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.
Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights
FK – Fact: The amerikan communist insurgency that calls itself ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ is waging open war on the concept of natural born rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights, human Liberty and this country.
Fact: The commies have infiltrated every institution in this country that they can including the republicrat party, which was the original party of big government in the 1860s when it waged a war to secure the power of northern states to tax the southern states. See modern commie love for Lincoln.
Fact: Allowing a commie justice to be appointed adding to those already present will bring about rulings that will necessitate the waging of a restorative war, or civil war, across this land.
Fact: The commies will tell any lie, twist any reality, to forward their evil agenda. As always they will call slavery ‘freedom’ and taxes ‘donations’ and self defense ‘murder’ and on and on.
Fact: The only qualification that will matter for an appointment made by the Marxist mutt is that the candidate be a screaming commie by whatever cute name they apply to it this week.
Fact: The commies, such as the blonde trash in the vid(on the Yahoo page with the article above) love the term ‘gridlock’ because they hate any hampering of their communist(‘progressive’) agenda.
Fact: The amerikan communist insurgency has long used race as a tool for waging war against us all. No matter what color their black-robed shyster is on the outside it will be pink on the inside. No matter what genitalia it sports a hammer and sickle will be its primary tools.
For any trash taking exception to my facts demand to know this: Which document does it prefer, The Bill of Rights or the the planks of the Communist Manifesto?
Those who show rare honesty will prove I’m right in all the above.
And oh, the blonde trash ‘disagrees’ with the ‘outcomes’ of Scalia’s opinions, meaning it lies about what the Founders meant and twists or ignores their words to bring about the commie society it craves.
The amerikan communist insurgency doesn’t ‘disagree’ with those who wish to restore the Liberty that was stolen from them, it’s waging war on them. This is not just semantics or rhetoric it’s reality.
And it’s not ‘hopes, dreams and aspirations,’ it’s communism. Time to wake up and grow up and stop allowing our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, to lie about what they plan for us all: total slavery.
Offending “Liberal”(commie) trash should be the daily objective of every one who claims to love liberty. Their false pacifism and false civility have been allowed to shore up and conceal their arrogance for too long.
And this is an example of why we must pass a simple easy to understand hard to lie about Constitutional Amendment banning all forms of socialism in this country:
From reading that article we can surmise that if the business of making law can be akin to the workings of a sausage factory the business of ‘interpreting’ it can be similar to the job of an organic fertilizer analyst.
They’ve been allowed to lie about our natural born rights for too long. This must end.
The ‘Drudge Report’ is questioning this death now so it must be ‘legitimate’:
FK – The elites may well profit from his death just as they profited from 9/11 regardless of to whatever degree they participated in either.
A war of restoration, or civil war, if not waged correctly and effectively by those who claim to love human Liberty, could prove profitable to those who want to totally enslave us all.
Our focus should be on winning the war and saving the sorting out of all the conspiracy theories for the war crimes/treason trials that must be held upon its conclusion.
FK – This is interesting from a historical perspective, minding what Napoleon said about history. It seems to have been created for the benefit of Masons or pending Masons. As far as proving the org.’s innocence in larger world affairs it does little.
Anyone can be a lower ranking member of an org. or institution or whatever and believe or think it really stands for the official purposes but unless one is directly involved in the upper rings of power or whatever one cannot honestly comment on their activities but only trust in their word. Only a child does such.
I’ve read part of Pike’s book that I found several years back in a thrift store. It can be bought on Amazon. I agree with some of what he wrote but not all. I’ve been told by someone more educated than I in ancient philosophy that Pike got some things wrong. Many evil activities have been shielded by shiny words and works. See the early 20th Century. See the current tool in the now red house and those running to take its place.
I can see where hardcore Christians would agree out of hand and vehemently with Pike’s idea of an ideal world or whatever, likewise the fundie ragheads. I also noted how the current Mason supported the ‘official’ version of 9/11.
I would prefer a world, that I know I won’t be here to see for it is many generations away, where all live in respect for human Liberty and where the governments of the world are forced by the arms and resolve to use them of the common people to likewise respect it.
Sadly we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age and millions or billions more may yet have to die because so many of us insist on clinging to the darkness of the past and the collectivism of the present.
FK – While I wouldn’t say that scenario is impossible it’s likely the Soviets, excuse me, the Russians, have a sufficient military force and technology to discourage Saudi Arabia. Israel, if it’s also involved in that mess as some claim, might be another issue.
Let’s go ahead and kill millions and/or billions over ancient tribal propaganda. It’s the human thing to do.
The past three weeks have been a really good time for Gun Owners of America and the rest of the Second Amendment community.
The first blow came from the American people.
In the wake of continuing efforts by Barack Obama to scare us into destroying our guns, Black Friday recorded the largest number of gun purchases (as evidenced by background checks) on record: a stunning 185,000 firearms purchases.
It is hard to overstate the importance of this.
Obama, Bloomberg, Feinstein, the New York Times, MSNBC, academia, Left-wing churches, and every major liberal institution in America have spent massive amounts of money trying to convince Americans that guns are “scary” and need to be banned.
Instead, to their consternation and dismay, Americans have concluded that the way to keep themselves safe is to arm themselves.
Like the Old Testament plotter in the Book of Esther, these liberals have hung themselves on their own gallows.
FK – With all the respect I have for GOA, we’re a long way from winning this war. Too bad we don’t have a nation of men anymore. If we did our domestic blood enemies would be hanging from the granite gallows in front of every govt. building.
Besides banning the manufacturing of AR-15s and related firearms, the ban would put in place “new restrictions on the sale of already existing assault weapons.”
According to The Hill, Cicilline said, “Assault weapons are designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as quickly as possible. We need to do everything we can to reduce the toll of gun violence by keeping these weapons out of our communities.”
His bill has “90 Democrat co-sponsors including House Minority WHIP Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.-5th) and Rep. Steve Israel(D-N.Y.-3rd).”
FK – Must not be too interested in the next election cycle.
Or the alternative:
FK – When they knock on your door it’s too late. They’ll happily pry your gun from your cold dead hands. It’s way past time to prepare for what will be required.
FK – I once said to a ‘believer’: “The bible says there was a war in heaven. That means there could be a war in heaven again.”
He agreed with me.
All these ideas of perfection amount to so much beating around the bush. What humans have always searched for is false security, a guarantee of their basic needs in a history of want. Religion was also handy for keeping the slaves working: “Be a good servant, you’ll have paradise in the next life,” or “You’re gonna get beamed up(raptured) soon so you don’t have to actually do anything about all the corruption in our govt. or the world,” and on and on.
FK – (I posted this comment days ago and was really hoping he’d come back with some kind of response but he never did) The simple sad fact is that if abortion were banned completely there would still be black market or ‘back alley’ providers. A teenager going to a baby hacker because her ignorant parents have bronze age beliefs is not the same as me hiring a hit man to do away with a bad neighbor.
Abortion is a horribly nasty process and biological ‘life’ by whatever loose definition does begin at conception, or rather implantation. But what is ‘life’ and when does the ‘soul'(try finding a real definition for that one) enter the fertilized egg?
I don’t get to watch enough of your vids to know what version, sub-version or subversion of the ancient tribal propaganda you ascribe to so please try to explain why ‘Christians'(loosely defined) are so concerned over this issue? Are Catholics concerned that all those aborted babies will be burned alive in fire forever by their sadistic god if they don’t get to ‘christen’ them, which btw is not a symbolic act? Are protestants scared they won’t get to cajole the little kid into ‘gettin’ saved’ so he/she won’t be burned alive forever after dying in a car wreck on the way home from church after ‘saying “No” to Jesus at the alter call?
Maybe your slightly more intellectual version is among the minority and claims that all lost sinners will be simply burned up and killed or cast into outer darkness. But that is beside the point really. If the only reason we’re here is to prove to your god by whatever means that we’re worthy of being its eternal slaves then there’s really no reason to be here at all. A slave is someone who has no real ‘choice,’ especially when the ‘choice’ is slavery vs. torture for when some creature tells you “Be my good subject/slave or I’m going to kill and/or torture you(as the ancient tyrannical kings it was patterned after did to their subjects) then that creature considers you to be a slave.
It’s time to wake up and grow up cause nobody’s gonna get beamed up. We have the freedom we have, such as it is, because of that tiny minority in every generation that stood up and said “Hell no, we ain’t gonna do it that way anymore.” Often it was the ‘church’ of whatever type they were standing against. At least nowadays our western versions don’t burn heretics at the stake anymore though their middle-eastern cousins are a little more backwards.
The human race has a lot of growing up to do. We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age. I don’t expect to be around long enough to see that change whether I die a ‘natural’ death or some other way or choose my own time for exit, which is and should be my right.
Maybe in the near future we can do what we should and provide every 14-year old male with a safe at the sperm bank and a vasectomy so this issue can be settled once and for all. But then too many ‘adults’ who still have the minds of children would object to such a simple solution.
I could go on and on with this, into what kind of ‘life’ the average aborted fetus would have anyway, would our country really be better off, what political party would really benefit, but that might all be too Earthly for your concerns…