Tag Archives: slave class vs puppet masters



FK – Haven’t paid much attention to the ‘Q’ thing. Seen stuff like that before. Distraction and fakers are a constant in the patriot movement. It’s an old game.

The commie news network drawing attention to them could mean they’re for real, or not. It’s ‘all’ propaganda.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

The killer bees of fake news

Sandy Hook ‘crisis actors’ makes no sense to me. It would be far cheaper for them to hire a couple extra shooters to ensure a high body count. NO Fed Nazis or the trash that commanded them has been made to personally answer/pay for the murders of the Branch Davidians or Randy Weaver’s family members.

Until enough understand the immensity of the evil we face nothing will improve.

If we ever FOCUS ON WHAT MUST BE DONE which will lead to the war crimes trials they’ll begin to have real problems.

We do outnumber them, vastly. If enough ever figure that out…

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’