Tag Archives: sex

YouTube’s New Propaganda Video Backfires – BIG TIME!


FK – That’s transgusting….

But the problem is that even those who claim to be men in this country aren’t. If they were this insanity wouldn’t be tolerated.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

What is a man, really?

What Every Girl Needs To Hear

FK – The truth is that you’re still making generalizations and leaving out a lot of ‘truth’ most sheeple and people don’t want to speak of.

I once had a Saudi solider show with his hands, his finger snugly inserted into the fingers of his other hand, why he wanted to know if I had a 16-year-old cousin I could sell him. I felt he was serious.

Our biology stems from the cellular need to reproduce that evolved in some pool or jungle where larger cells struggled to eat our ancestors before they could divide or where the strongest primate had the biggest harem.

Once another male actually told me, in so many words, it was OK for him to have multiple partners but his partners damn well better not. But a lot of men don’t want to put up with the amount of bullshit necessary to deal with such a situation. I never had that kind of patience.

It amazes me to some degree that we still don’t seem to be able to talk properly about ‘sex’ decades after the so-called ‘sexual revolution,’ Every generation of teens seems to go through the same thing. They’re biologically primed for something their parents and societies are usually in denial of and thus they aren’t taught how to make love without all the bullshit. From one set of nuts they get ‘abstinence’ and now from another set of nuts they’re told it’s ‘normal’ to have two mommies or two daddies.

We went from no sex ed decades ago to something a little better than a sterile form of biology class in my day to the current insanity of multiple fluid genders in any one being at any given time. It used to be that guilt only came from either doing it or not doing it well enough. Now it’s from not being accepting of whatever insanity comes along next.

My grandmother who was raised in the horse and buggy days tried to instill in me the biblical injunction to marry a ‘helpmeet,’ someone to cook and clean and pop out babies while I went off to the factory as my parents did to earn a check and pay for the trailer. You can damn well bet I wouldn’t have grown richer doing that. But then I’ve never understood why the working poor want to reproduce anyway.

You’re a very attractive intelligent young woman. Perhaps you can argue you were born rich. Many can’t and be honest with themselves, that may be why a lot of them find it easier to sit on the couch and comfort themselves with chips and soda or whatever or harder more dangerous substances.

Men usually have to choose between ‘settling’ for someone who may or may not be a good ‘helpmeet’ or maybe being one of the lucky few who are smart or disciplined or driven or dishonest or whatever enough to make a lot of money while still young and then be lucky enough not to marry a gold digger who may physically represent his dreams but otherwise be a nightmare in the bedroom and the courtroom.

Chasing that younger woman thing as part of some middle age crisis often does cause the first wife to end up rich.

Those young would-be studs who try to act like that early primate with his harem have to remember that in modern society 30 seconds of pleasure can earn him 25 years of child support court.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

The purposes of gods and golden rules



FK – So western females are subconsciously crying out for the stronger type A fundie raghead males to come and mate with them?

I’m not surprised. There are no men in western civilization anymore, or we would’ve carried out an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season decades ago.

What is a man, really?

We’ve gone from one insanity to another. Decades ago men would fight at the drop of a hat over nothing. Now there is nothing they will fight for, except false patriotism and empire and the lie of democracy or a paycheck and a retirement plan.

The creators of the welfare state knew full well what the result would be. They were creating inter-generational parasites that could be depended on for votes, guaranteed constituents.

The key isn’t to return to the 1950s and the ignorance of the past but to train all in reality, not the false pacifism that now soaks the human mind in cowardice nor in the fear or shame of anything that was forbidden by some ancient tribal propaganda that was also written as a control device.

What to teach your kids

It’s been my experience that teen females want that sexy guy but after he knocks them up they’re looking for someone to pay for the kid. That’s when the govt. stepped in, the best of both worlds.

We need to stop choosing one authoritarianism or one insanity over another.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Strong women are not always so strong:


FK – Commiefornia should be re-invaded and re-conquered. Trump needs to bring the troops home and have them kill our real enemies that have always been here.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

God is a Human Eater – Vatican Suppressed Scriptures – Gospel of Philip


FK – Most ‘believers’ couldn’t pronounce ‘christ consciousness’ much less explain what that might mean. And what would ‘allah consciousness’ mean?

Most of them are concrete thinkers. Most of them will be sorely disappointed if their sadistic bronze age god doesn’t burn billions, including babies and little kids, the vast majority of humankind, alive in fire forever. Those versions and sub-versions that practice infant baptism aren’t doing it for symbolic reasons. Protestants don’t cajole little kids into “gettin’ saved” for symbolic reasons. Most of them don’t even know what ‘symbolic’ means. Believing in it is condoning it. That’s how that works.

We’re still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

The primary goal of the powers that want to always be is to always keep the slaves working, willingly, not by force. Force is too much trouble. Give them a false promise of ‘paradise in the next life’ and nowadays a big screen and enough steak and ice cream and the mules will keep plowing without much complaint. Throw in just a little fear via the IRS and other Fed nazis just to keep things balanced for that minority that always looks around and starts asking inappropriate/inconvenient questions.

This is no different from modern ancient tribal propaganda versions called the NIV or whatever and on and on: someone’s ‘interpretation/version of what ‘god’ is or should be. Only children blindly ‘believe’ in anyone’s ‘inspired’ false reality. Think ‘this was inspired by true events’ that we often see at the beginning of books and movies. It’s still largely someone’s fiction.

Politics is human nature and vice versa. Religion of course is or stems from politics, the need to control or the need to be free of control. Buddha claimed he was trying to free people from the suffering that stems from wanting the things of this world, more or less. Yeshua or whatever allegedly was doing basically the same thing which tells me he was probably influenced by similar teachings. He and his apostles were ascetics. What did the Buddha do at first: starve himself and seek visions, just as Yeshua was doing for 40 days before he was tempted by the devil or his own imagination/hallucinations?

And it’s all someone’s ‘opinion.’

After water and food sex is the strongest animal desire. Early civilizations saw the need to control this because of the dangers of STDs and fatherless/orphaned children to any society. Those who created the modern welfare state knew exactly what the outcome would be. It wasn’t done to help anyone but to create inter-generational parasites that could be dependable constituents for the demonscat party and thus the globalist elites: ignorant easily manipulated masses.

Thus we have the version or sub-version of the creation myth where the ‘original sin,'(not named until thousands of years later) was sex outside of marriage. Thus we have a ‘savior,’ a crazy monk, that allegedly said ‘looking at a woman in lust is adultery’ and ‘fornicators shall not inherit the kingdom of god’ or whatever.

Male and female circumcision is about stifling these animal instincts and as he said, sanitation, in a culture where the sheeple didn’t bathe as often as we moderns might not think they should have.

How can one ‘agree’ with ‘the truth’ when it’s not defined? How does this fit with being punished for ‘eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?’ Neither ‘good’ nor ‘evil’ is ever properly defined other than being ‘obedient’ is good, being a good slave, and not doing so, not blindly following orders, which is an evil in itself, perhaps the most dangerous one, is ‘bad.’

I rest my case. It’s about keeping the slaves working.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

More on the insanities:


FK – Most sheeple are simple-minded children and are looking for some savior or another to alleviate them of personal responsibility for what happens in the world around them. See Trump and the Marxist mutt.

Questioning these ‘heavenly’ or ‘earthly’ gods throws their little minds into a tailspin. Accepting blind faith is forfeiting individual thought and replacing it with emotion. Thus questioning any of these gods modern or ancient shuts their little brains down and makes it nearly impossible to get them to question anything other than what they’ve been spoon fed.

Believers make good slaves. That’s why the elites tolerate and encourage religion.

I really hate to have to waste time on this garbage. But I’ve been forced to finally see it as a large part of the problem and why we as a species can’t seem to find freedom or even any real desire for it.

Like many of the beliefs and rites of Romanism, transubstantiation was first practiced by pagan religions. The noted historian Durant said that belief in transubstantiation as practiced by the priests of the Roman Catholic system is “one of the oldest ceremonies of primitive religion.” The Story Of Civilization, p. 741. The syncretism and mysticism of the Middle East were great factors in influencing the West, particularly Italy. Roman Society From Nero To Marcus Aurelius, Dill. In Egypt priests would consecrate mest cakes which were supposed to be come the flesh of Osiris. Encyclopedia Of Religions, Vol. 2, p. 76. The idea of transubstantiation was also characteristic of the religion of Mithra whose sacraments of cakes and Haoma drink closely parallel the Catholic Eucharistic rite. Ibid. The idea of eating the flesh of deity was most popular among the people of Mexico and Central America long before they ever heard of Christ; and when Spanish missionaries first landed in those countries “their surprise was heightened, when they witnessed a religious rite which reminded them of communion…an image made of flour…and after consecration by priests, was distributed among the people who ate it…declaring it was the flesh of deity…” Prescott’s Mexico, Vol. 3. – The Mystery of the Eucharist

You’re not gonna get beamed up child. It’s time to wake up and grow up and take personal responsibility for the world you exist in. The ancient tribal propaganda isn’t gonna save you. It wasn’t even written for you.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

This Is How YouTube Strangles Content Creators!


FK – It’s google, it’s evil. Alphabet CEO worked to elect hitlery. Does that tell us anything?????

I wonder if the net is just a big experiment/control device they planned to control from the beginning. Nah…..

The killer bees of fake news

Some of what they don’t want us to know:


FK – Has this guy pled guilty? If not you’d better say ‘allegedly raped’ or you may be hearing from his shysters.

If they’re guilty of forcible rape of anyone of any age they should do decades in prison. No room? Kick a few potheads and low level dealers that haven’t committed any other crime back out on the street.

If it was ‘consensual,’ and females have been known to lie about such, then kick their asses back across the border. I wasn’t there so I don’t know what really happened. I do know that when I was a teen there were 14-year-olds having sex. That’s always been the case and likely always will be. It’s absurd to destroy anyone’s life for ‘consensual’ sex when every quadrennial quest for the idiot vote proves there are hundreds of millions of ‘adults(very loosely defined) in this county that can’t make a logical rational decision.

Who’s letting the illegals in? Who are our real enemies? How much longer will I need to ask this before we open and conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season?

New York Times: Rockville Rape Went ‘Virtually Uncovered’ on CNN, MSNBC

FK – The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. That’s the issue. Their propagandists won’t do anything to tarnish ‘future voters.’

From the surreal to the absurd:

FK – A lot of these real ‘fake news’ sites are probably CIA or Marxist front group in origin. It’s been a growing phenomenon the last few years.

Do we really think those who funded the creation of the net didn’t see this coming and prepared for it?

If a ‘hero’ says it then it must be true, right?


FK – The average sheeple isn’t ready to deal with the daily reality of ‘disclosure.’

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…


FK – And one more wonderful example…


FK – I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem. In fact we have several.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

What is an ‘anti-semite?

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

Transgenderism is a Mental Disorder


FK – The gender/homo crap is the same thing the commies always do: pick a ‘minority’ with real or imagined issues and exploit them for power.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

There has long been and probably will always be an on-going argument over what ‘reality’ is. The key is we aren’t forced at the point of a gun into it. We have a Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, that acknowledges our natural born right to kill those who would do so.

Who deserves to vote?

The tragic story of the intersex person who puzzled 19th-century France

FK – Much of human insanity derives from attempting to deal with real problems with the same old insanity we always have.

Or we invent new forms of insanity:


FK – ‘Psychological violence?’ That’s better and more insane than the rest of them. Does that mean they call out the cops they pretend to hate and have them commit violence against those who don’t speak the new correctly?

Where is this commie crap coming from? Who’s funding it?

The opposite of homogeneity is the goal: They want a population divided and dis-respecting each other.

All this reminds me of my 7th grade English teacher, a short slightly rotund black-haired demon of grammar. She always dressed in those polyester pant suits of the 70s and her face would literally turn pink when shaking her finger in the face of language offenders. Her mission in life was to prohibit her rural students from saying ‘ain’t’ and ‘disk-ed(as in what farmers do to a field).’ Now ain’t is in the dictionary. I don’t think disk-ed has made it yet.

What to teach your kids

Woman Issued a White Baby Challenge, Gets Nothing but Hate


FK – If you recognize that ‘they’ consider us to be livestock regardless of skin color then you can understand what they’re doing.

If I could snap my fingers and trade every white-skinned piece of “Liberal”(commie/globalist) trash(our greatest enemies) for anyone of any color who wanted to come here and live in Liberty I’d wear them out snapping them. Other races are capable of understanding Liberty, it’s just that most, as well as most whites, don’t bother or they are the result of thousands of years of the submissive surviving to breed.

Lot’s of ‘whites’ supported and killed for both Stalin and Hitler, evil sides of the same multifaceted coin, the human nature that includes the busybody gene that doesn’t allow many to exist without trying to force their version, sub-version or subversion of reality on those around them at the point of a govt. gun.

We need to plant Wal Marts, factories and smart phone stores in all these un-developed countries and within a couple generations they’ll mostly forget about allah, or whatever insane version their culture indoctrinates them in. A lot of it truly is ‘blowback.’ Our CIA has been working for decades to overthrow and destabilize these other cultures. See my first sentence.

The patriot newbie guidebook

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Israel: Military Service, Not Snowflakes!

FK – We need a love of Liberty not a love of country. If we manage to save western civilization and permanently install real Human Liberty then we do need to go to conscription. We ‘force’ children to attend public(govt.) schools because the unfortunate reality is many parents would not/could not see to their children’s education/indoctrination.

The question is are they taught to love the government or some sadistic god or real Human Liberty and each other?

What to teach your kids

Who deserves to vote?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Is Milo Promoting Child Rape?


FK – Milo is political toast. He crossed the line on the biggest taboo there is….

This isn’t about pedophilia or Nazis or commie or Catholic pedophiles but about power. Whenever the evil ones destroy some public figure, any public figure, over any issue, they think they gain power. Sadly to the simple-minded they do.

From the mouth of the beast:


FK – Welcome to the reality of ‘conservative world.’ Yes it sounded very much like you’re advocating consensual sex with 13-year-olds. This is all the simple-minded needed to hear, regardless of what you really think about it. Most of the ‘conservative’ and nowadays liberal(commie) audience will not get past that number.

Welcome to the new age of sexual insanity when we still deny that teens are capable of sexual desire but teach 5-year-olds about Melody’s two mommies or whatever.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

It’s wrong to abuse, coerce, take advantage of, deceive, force, on and on anyone of any age into any situation they don’t want to be in. But we force millions of kids to get on the govt. school bus every day with its bullies and send them to a school with teachers who are just as ignorant of reality as the average mush head regardless of how well they may be able to regurgitate what they were spoon fed in the govt. schools and universities.

There are certain topics the mush heads are scared to death of and you found the center of one, really two, and it will be a while before they get over it, if ever.

And the unmentionables do run the banks and the media and Hollyweird. That’s a whole ‘nuther topic unto itself but one we could much more easily get most to understand.

What to teach your kids

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

Will Milo survive?:


FK – When I was the age of Milo’s ‘audience’ this stuff wouldn’t have even been discussed in the public sphere, at least not around kids. Are we better or worse off or just as insane as ever but in a different way?

We must first stop lying to ourselves about reality. Sex has been a hot topic since Adam and Eve allegedly figured out what their genitals were for, assuming they weren’t happily using them before they gained the ‘knowledge of good and evil’ and the Hebrew contrived god wasn’t providing them some magical birth control or their offspring were wandering off into the land of Nod or whatever. Sheesh. It’s hard to think about billions still taking that mythology seriously and literally.

As a bumper sticker on a commie’s car I once saw read: “God’s original plan was two naked vegetarians in a garden.”

Now it’s ‘Adam and Steve’ and their adopted son. I feel sorry for the little boy because he may turn out like Milo for possibly similar reasons. No, not his fame and fortune but his obvious perversion, confusion, pain, whatever that will likely here on out interfere with his ability to bridge the gap between an older generation of ‘conservatives'(loosely defined) and a younger generation of ‘libertarian/conservatives'(even more loosely defined) who’ve been indoctrinated in this ‘homosexuality is healthy and normal’ garbage vs. the older generation’s tendency to ignore it or treat it as a ‘sin’ for which it’s adherents fully deserve to be tortured alive in fire forever.

No wait, they deserve the torture simply because they were born as descendants of those who chose knowledge and independent thought over blind obedience.

Yep, we’re still as insane as ever.

THIS is What Happens When You’ve Lost Your Soul


FK – So what happened to the anarchist? With no govt. abortion will be ‘legal.’ If abortion, as ghastly as it is, is outlawed, it will simply move underground to the black market as it survived through the history of western civilization. Simple fact.

I don’t think we’re going to see the end of this debate any time soon, as our science hasn’t caught up with our supposed morals, or vice versa, and our religions are still based in the bronze age. To be bluntly honest, so many that are born might, or would be, better off not. Simple sad fact.

If we weren’t so insane as a species we’d provide reduced price or free vasectomies to all 14-year-old males after putting enough of their sperm on ice to last a lifetime in case they ever make a rational, logical decision to become a parent. But that’s just too hard a concept, or reality, for most to deal with.

It’s easier to pay single women to procreate and have cities and prisons full of fatherless males that help distribute the drugs and can be counted on to vote commie.

I don’t expect to be here long enough to see this really change.

Waking up is hard to do

What to teach your kids