Well, while many non-violent offenders are being let off the hook — and even some violent offenders who plea bargained down to “non-violent” offenses — the bill actually increases penalties for many law-abiding (non-violent) gun owners.
Hence, section 105 of S. 2123 increases — from 10 to 15 years — the potential prison sentences for “prohibited persons” and for those who merely possess a new machine gun, even if they are licensed under the NFA.
Have a gun, go to jail … for a long time!
Regarding the penalties for “prohibited persons,” the increased penalties in the bill would include the more than 175,000 veterans who have lost their gun rights, if there is still a gun anywhere in the house.
And it would include the 4.2 million seniors whom Obama proposes to strip of their gun rights by doing a computer search of social security.
Think about it: While this bill lowers sentences for many offenders, it raises the penalties for law-abiding gun owners who have had their gun rights stripped from them — like veterans and seniors mentioned above.
FK – This is why we need a militia in every county in the country. Any time any BAFT Nazi trash tries to railroad anyone into prison it should be hunted along with any shysters participating. It’s garbage and should be treated as such.
Either she, or the character she is playing, is the post-feminist equivalent of the New Soviet Man. Programmed at a chromosomal level to think and act in collectivist terms, LeSavoy looks upon Barack Obama with the same enraptured, unalloyed devotion once directed at Stalin and Mao by their most dutiful cadres.
To her, Obama is social justice incarnate. Anointed by history and endowed with powers that are coterminous with his magnificence, he can change society by decree. Delusions of that variety were at high tide in the summer of 2008, when every syllable Obama read from a teleprompter caused adoring women to disintegrate into uncontrollable weeping.
When guns are outlawed “Liberal”(commie) trash season begins and the commie newswhores die first.
Many like me won’t sit home waiting for the black-suited Nazis to show up at the behest of communist trash like this commie professor that like its comrades loves to make a big show of their pacifism and compassion but have no problem sending out the police and military they often claim to detest to murder those who refuse to obey their commie laws.
One wonders if the trash will have a place mat with this creature’s face on it:
FK – Here old man is your answer:
‘If such a ‘law’ is passed and I know you supported it I won’t wait for the black-suited Nazis you’ll happily send to my door to come and murder me. I’ll simply go find you and any other “Liberal”(commie) trash I can get to and give it what it so richly deserves.’
Never forget that when your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends‘ vote they vote to kill you.
Here’s a tiny step in the right direction:
FK – We need far more than this. We need patriot elected public servants and many others to help establish a militia force in every county in this country to deal with our real enemies, our domestic blood enemies, who have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.
Our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, have been indoctrinating the children for far too long:
FK – It’s way past time to get the commies out of our government indoctrination institutions and away from the children.
It’s time we take back our authority from those who would subvert it:
FK – Why? Our domestic blood enemies are waging war on us, our form of government, the Bill of Rights. All this is intentional. They know full well the evil they do. We’ve had the internet for 20 years. There are no excuses any more.
We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.
I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.
More than 39,000 African trophy animals have been legally shipped through Seattle since 1999, including 15 white rhinoceroses, nearly 200 elephants, more than 300 leopards and nearly 1,200 cape buffaloes, species — along with lions — that make up the so-called “Big Five” species of African hunting.
A Paul Allen-backed initiative this November will bring the African conservation fight to Washington voters but largely leave trophy hunters out of its crosshairs. Initiative 1401 would criminalize the sale and distribution of parts and products of 10 species, including elephants, tigers and lions. The campaign believes that would “reduce the incentive for trade and the poaching of these animals,” said spokesman Aaron Pickus.
FK – I’m a special oppressed rural person who’s all for helping wildlife. We need to ‘re-wild’ every major city in the world. Erect 14′ high fences around them, not avoiding where the rich “Liberal”(commie) trash lives, and stock the enclosures with whatever large predators are or were endemic to that region before settlement. No one would be allowed to molest or kill any predator feeding on un-armed “Liberal”(commie) trash. We can do it. Yes we can. Make the world a better place.
According to the evidence, every mass murder in recent times has been halted, in the final analysis, by shooting the murderers, or threatening to shoot them, with guns. Members of the press corps continue to debate the subject, despite the evidence. Sources speaking privately say the media consciously reject this fact. In stark contrast, self-defense incidents using guns are suppressed, by news-media policy, and do not appear on the public stage.
Further analysis conducted by The Uninvited Ombudsman, has determined that background checks, or newly proposed additional background checks, recommended by Mr. Obama and others, would be pointless for people who already own guns, since they already own guns. The best estimates indicate this is about 100 million armed Americans.
And in other analysis conducted by The Uninvited Ombudsman, waiting periods have no meaning whatsoever for Americans who already own guns, when they go shopping for guns, since they already own guns. That is also 100 million Americans.
FK – 100 million armed Americans and we can’t take our country back?
FK – So who are our real enemies? Are they hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?
FK – Let Hitlery win. It’ll do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Keep the idiot tea partiers and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course and the couch, keep ammo and gun sales high and maybe just maybe, if the Marxist mutt doesn’t beat it to it, do something so arrogant that enough will finally see the necessity of doing what will be required.
Who are our real enemies? Do they have brown skin and are they hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?
FK – The word’s ‘illegal gun’ are not to be found in the Second Amendment. What we need to change is the pacified mindset of the average amerikan and the cowardice of the average ‘conservative’ and ‘libertarian’ so they will stand up, man up and prepare to do what will be required.
We need to stop wasting time arguing with domestic blood enemies who will not stop lying until we force them to stop lying.
The sad thing is that there are so many levels of awareness out there:
FK – What we need is a militia unit in every county in this country who can and will arrest every piece of trash that has created, voted for or supported a ‘gun control law’ and most especially those who enforce them and prosecute the victims of this government terrorism.
The Second Amendment doesn’t say anything about an ‘illegal gun’ or getting permission to exercise it.
Lot’s of ‘good people’ have shot lots of other good people into ditches because they were too stupid and cowardly to say ‘No.’ Most ‘good people’ in this country have been pacified by the government indoctrination centers, the mainstream news and entertainment media and the organized religions. They are willing slaves.
Don’t carry a gun until you have thought about using it in various circumstances. I learned by reading and shooting over the years. There are tons of vids on the net that can teach those who can’t afford to drop 600 bucks on a class. You don’t have to be Rambo to stand up for your Liberty. That’s what this is ultimately about. The crime issue is a red herring.
Did you offer to teach those college kids for free? It’s a good bet that they can’t afford a 600 buck class.
The commie newswhores won’t report on a ‘good guy with a gun’ unless they are forced to, at least on the national level. Lots of big city newswhores are probably prone to pressure from the local commie politicians not to do such reports. That’s the last thing they want is the common sheeple getting the idea they can stand up for themselves, especially against them and their badge wearing tools.
But that policy has one big exemption that renders the pastoral 100-acre campus near Roseburg anything but a gun-free zone: Everyone with a concealed firearms license is allowed to bring guns on campus.
That is because a 1989 Oregon law forbids any public body except the Legislature from restricting the rights of concealed weapons permit-holders to bring guns where they wish.
FK – Everyone’s asking the wrong questions here.
The pacifist mindset encouraged by our indoctrinational system is as much to blame as anything. But then it’s intentional. The “Liberal”(commie) trash want a population of pacified morons who’ll obey their laws, never ask inappropriate questions or stand up to their collectivist agenda so they must create a society that is disarmed, dumbed-down and again, pacified.
We are at war. Our greatest enemies have white skin and were likely born here.
The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil.
All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.
When guns are outlawed “Liberal”(commie) trash season begins. The newswhores die first.
I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.
FK – The descriptions of the ‘victims’ are very telling. Mainstream society has been indoctrinated to value mindless pacifism and stupidly over awareness, alertness and readiness and possessing the dignity and knowledge necessary to fighting back against criminals in government or on the street or in a classroom. How sickening, sad, disgusting and horrifying.
This is far more horrifying than the handful of shootings that occur a year, and the thousands that are stopped by someone with a gun, whether a shot is actually fired or not. In a nation of 300 million that holds a healthy population of assholes who fully deserve to be shot the real miracle is there aren’t many more.
If Mintz or some other student or a professor had been armed and ended this situation after the first shot or two then the commie newswhore and Marxist front groups across our once (sort of)free country wouldn’t be screaming their heads off and their propaganda mills wouldn’t be turning full speed for that outcome wouldn’t fit in with their evil communist agenda.
This amounts to nothing less than the overriding of American laws, up to and including the United States Constitution, in favor of United Nations laws that would henceforth be implemented in the United States itself – without any consultation of Congress at all.
The United Nations is a sharia-compliant world body, and Obama, speaking there just days ago, insisted that “violent extremism” is not exclusive to Islam (which it is). Obama is redefining jihad terror to include everyone but the jihadists. So will the UN, driven largely by the sharia-enforcing Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the pro-Islamic post-American President Obama, use a “global police force” to crush counter-jihad forces?
FK – So who are our real enemies, some ragheads hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?
They have lots of fun things planned for us. What do you have planned for them?:
FK – All security is false. There is only the dignity of fighting back.
Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly challenged the president’s statements. In comments that may be watched here, O’Reilly noted Obama’s selective outrage because the president routinely ignores the carnage in Chicago, his adopted hometown. In the process, he demolished the president’s assertion that places with the toughest gun laws have the lowest violent crime rates.
As the Seattle Times noted, “Obama dispensed with any pretense of accommodating his critics, rebutting predicted responses in unusually blunt terms. He noted that even as he spoke, he knew counterarguments were being prepared: that what was needed was more guns, or fewer restrictions.”
FK – From the above:
“According to NBC News, UCC had considered hiring armed security for the campus. School officials ultimately rejected the idea. According to retired UCC President Joe Olson, “We thought we were a very safe campus, and having armed security officers on campus might change the culture.” One wonders how yesterday’s events might “change the culture” on the small campus.”
One wonders what kind of ‘culture’ the commies were trying to instill in their indoctrination center. I can guess.
Remember, your “Liberal” friends voted to kill you…
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.
FK – Why do these idiots get the idea that killing average brain-dead sheeple is going to help their cause in any way?:
FK – Maybe we should wage a propaganda war against all forms of authoritarianism. The religions are certainly forms of that. Simple fact. Why these idiots think their cause can be helped by killing average brain-dead sheeple is another matter.
It’s about human nature, not about any specific religion. We have a ‘must control others’ gene that is manifested in various ways.
Modern ‘Christianity’ is so infiltrated as to be useless, if it ever was anything but another way to keep the slaves working. It’s certainly not the religion of the Founders who stepped out of their homes leaving their families behind and who went forth to do what was required. Oh for such men and women now…
If the fundie ragheads ever gain any real political ground in this country it will be because of our failure to deal properly with our domestic blood enemies who have white skin and were born here and who will pass the laws that make it possible.
WWIII may very well be fought over whose version, sub-version, subversion of whatever sadistic asshole of a god will get to burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever. What a sad and disgusting commentary on the ‘human race.’ And we’re getting all excited over a lone nut who killed several morons who didn’t have enough common sense to be able to defend themselves.
The human race is still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.
Hansen goes on to declare “I want to protect my students, I’m going to stand in front of a bullet for any student that is in my protection and so I want another option to defend us.”
In 2013 more than 80 bills were introduced in at least 33 states related to arming teachers or school staff, but only Alabama, Kansas, South Dakota, Tennessee and Texas enacted laws affecting public schools, according to a report by the Council of State Governments. In the state of Wisconsin, concealed carry permit holders can request permission to carry from the principal of their local school, and a new law just went into effect this year allowing both off duty and retired LEO’s to carry in schools as well. The Outdoor Channel’s in-depth documentary Safe Haven hosted by Katie Pavlich was an eye-opening look into just how ineffective gun-free zones really are.
FK – So where is the Kentucky legislature on this? Why haven’t our ‘pro-gun’ politicians stepped up to the plate?
FK – Good news but if we actually lived in a free country the only way to track this would be from weapon manufacturer’s shipments…
FK – They’re not ‘liberals.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
FK – The tragedy is we’re yet to conduct the war crimes trials we so desperately need. Gun control isn’t about crime. Crime is the red herring. It’s about control.
The biggest enemies of western civilization are not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. They were made right here. They have white skin and were likely born here or in Europe. They write the laws that will allow the Islamic Trojan horse to be dragged through the gates if it is to come. So who are our real enemies and what should we be doing about them?
He’s snatching guns from combat-wounded veterans — and planning the same for the elderly — using private personal records from Social Security and Veterans Administration to target anyone who has someone else handling their checkbook.
These people aren’t criminals. They’re not even dangerous. They’re just having someone else handle their bills.
They are seniors and combat wounded veterans. It could be your mother or father. It could even be you.
Well, one member of Congress is doing something about it.
Congressman Sam Johnson, himself a combat-wounded veteran of both Vietnam and Korea and a seven-year Vietnam POW, has introduced H.R. 3516, the Social Security Beneficiary Second Amendment Rights Protection Act.
ACTION: Click here right now to contact your Representative and to urge him or her to co-sponsor and vote for H.R. 3516.
Millions of seniors could lose their guns, jeopardizing the ability of kids and grandchildren to inherit them
FK – I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coast.
FK – The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.
Right now White House officials are booking flights to Mexico…… and they’re not bringing back souvenirs.
They’re on their way to the UN Small Arms Conference, to be held in Mexico City on August 24.
And they’re planning to bring back the framework for a global gun control regime.
It’s important that you contact your Senators right now and tell them to vote NO on any agreement reached at the Mexico UN conference.
Obama has already signed the UN Small Arms Treaty and it is waiting ratification by the Senate.
Obama’s global gun grabbers are jetting down to Mexico to iron out the details of this tyrannical new regime.
It requires signing nations to “establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list.”
That means not just NATIONAL gun registration. You will be entered into a GLOBAL gun registration database (according to Article V, Section 4 of the treaty).
FK – Until we begin to twist some hemp around the necks of those responsible for such garbage it won’t end. But that will require a nation of men, something we don’t have as far as I can tell.
FK – They’re not ‘progressives.’ They’re communists. Calling them by the cute names they labeled themselves with to hide their evil only furthers their agenda: our total enslavement.
It’s not about crime. Crime is a red herring. The “Liberal”(commie) trash want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally awake to the necessity of doing what will be required.
I’ve long been in favor of ‘re-wilding’ the cities. Spend the money some want to waste on a border fence and enclose our real enemies. Erect a 14′ high fence around all major metropolitan areas and release grizzlies, cougars, wolves and rattlesnakes. Then let the eco-commie freaks ‘get back to nature.’ Disallow those who choose to arm themselves from shooting any wildlife that is feeding on “Liberal”(commie) trash.
Oathkeepers, in partnership with CATI Armor, are asking for support from our members to help raise money to get liberty artist and honorary OK member Jordan Page’s powerful 2nd amendment anthem ‘Arm Yourselves’ professionally recorded and to produce a music video. We will be adopting Arm Yourselves as a national theme song and will use it and the music video as a flagship tool for direct outreach to active military on bases in the US. The video will feature Oath Keepers from around the country standing in solidarity against state violence and corruption.
Here is a live performance of Arm Yourselves from Jordan’s performance at PAULfest in 2012.
FK – Click on the header link to read the lyrics. We need millions more like him.
FK – In reality the word ‘illegal’ isn’t in the Second Amendment. If they come under the purview of the police the question is why aren’t they arrested and sent home, with their gun?