FK – We’ve had the internet for 20 years. It’s too easy to learn how evil socialism and the effort to disarm us all really is. And there are so many others that we should be at the very least expelling from our ‘free country.’ In reality it will take an eradication. This arrogant garbage won’t stop lying until it’s forced to stop.
This is why the evil creatures want us disarmed:
FK – Who or what is allowing this evil, this zombie apocalypse, to encroach on western civilization? What should we be doing about it?
FK – Some of the ignorant but sincere ones can be converted to the cause of Liberty. But the fact remains we’ve had the internet for 20 years now and our domestic blood enemies are still telling basically the same evil lies they always have.
But if a beauty queen can get it:
FK – That vid is from September.
FK – We must make America a “Liberal”(commie) trash-free zone.
Or they will turn us all into criminals:
FK – Let me be clear. We are at war. To deny this is to deny reality. The only recourse will be forcing our domestic blood enemies to stop lying and stop attacking our Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.
FK – If we don’t kill off these live white commies we’re not going to have a country left much less a ‘constitution’ or Bill of Rights, which is the document that makes us exceptional. They are waging war on us and on human Liberty and our failure to recognize this fact and act accordingly amounts to national suicide.
The trash is right about one thing. We need to teach our real history, warts and all, including what the Second Amendment is about: eradicating collectivist statist garbage like this creature.
The more indoctrinated you are in communism the better off you are. That’s what this whore means. We should be teaching children reality at an appropriate age, with no version of authoritarianism having a corner on the market of what’s put in the textbooks.
One more time: The purpose of having weapons is so we can hunt and eradicate walking garbage like this.
The communists/globalists have been ‘flim-flamming’ the willfully ignorant for decades. It’s time for that to end, by whatever means necessary.
FK – Since so many ‘gun laws’ aren’t ‘enforced’ as they shouldn’t be we should repeal them right Wayne?
Gee, for a few seconds I thought maybe he was going to actually say something for once, like “It’s time to repeal all the gun laws,” or maybe “Our real enemies are our domestic blood enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world,” or even miraculously “The evil lying communist/globalist trash that calls itself ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ have destroyed these cities with their evil laws that were designed to create inter-general parasites, constituents, that could be counted on for votes for the local demoncratic machine by paying the stupid and the lazy to breed.”
No such luck.
What we do need to get across to inner city blacks, and whites, and whatever else, is that they are nothing but tools at best, to their masters. But the sad fact is too many of them are apparently too stupid to understand this. They just want a check.
It will take more than weakly pointing out the obvious and stupidly demanding that laws that should never have been passed at all be ‘enforced’ when the problem is crime, not ‘criminals'(by whatever handy definition) with a gun.
We must first focus on the criminals that seek political office with consistent deceit and limitless arrogance. That’s what the Second Amendment is about, not common street crime.
Are they finally getting serious?:
FK – Well, the No Rights that aren’t Allowed group is getting a little better, slowly, but will it be too little too late?
What about saying what must and will be done to the trash that seeks to disarm us all if it ever tells us to ‘turn them in?’
What about helping to organize, arm and train the fighting force, the ‘militia,’ the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment that strikes fear into the hearts of the elitist NRA leadership, that will be needed to kill enough of our domestic enemies to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights to our country?
Do you know “Liberal”(commie) trash down the street or road from you that voted for the Marxist mutt? If so you must know it voted to kill you, just as it will vote to kill you when it votes for hitlery or the open ‘socialist’ sanders. Do you know what your right, duty and responsibility is upon that occasion?
As always, my standard response to such:
Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?
Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.
So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?
What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.
What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment.
Was the Inland Center a ‘gun free zone?” Why is commiefornia still a ‘may issue’ state? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?
If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.
The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.
We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.
I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.
Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.
FK – So is this a real shift? Is Trump for ‘real’ whatever that may truly mean? Will all these people buying weapons actually use them as the Second Amendment intended?
I have to disagree about the hitlery. That might be the kick in the ass so many so-called ‘Americans,’ patriots, ‘conservatives,’ and libertarians need to get them off their asses to do what will be required: The ‘Paul Revere ride’ they were talking about and what followed and history shows us must follow.
The Hitlery will do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Wake lots of sheeple up, piss lots of people off, sell more guns and ammo than her husband ever thought about and maybe, just maybe, awake enough to what will be required.
A republicrat NWO hack in the now red house will put the brain dead tea partiers back to sleep or send them back to the golf course.
FK – Some efforts are being made but much more will be necessary:
FK – This is all well and good but several states are controlled by commies and will have to be re-taken. Simple fact.
Here’s their page for Kentucky’s bill. The last I knew the judiciary committee is controlled by commies that refuse to let this bill or similar bills be voted on in the past.
We should be burning their phone lines up. That’s the only thing they notice.
This is why they must take our weapons:
FK – Europe including England only traded one form of authoritarianism for another. Europeans are now paying the price for not hunting their white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash to extinction. We are not far behind.
FK – Your primary weapon is your brain. Not keeping it engaged can be dangerous because this is a dangerous world. Learn to shoot, start with something you can handle. Lot’s of vids on YouTube cover this topic.
FK – I take issue with the headline out of the gate. That’s like saying the fox and the hawk are untrustworthy on chickens or that pimps are untrustworthy on chastity. It’s an absurd time-wasting argument. The crime issue is a red herring, always was, always will be.
Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower common crime it would still be evil.
All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.
The Marxist mutt like all who forward ‘gun control’ are waging war on the Bill of Rights, human Liberty and those who truly value those principles. Every time the evil creatures and their ignorant dupes vote they vote to kill us.
What will we do when when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Cases in point:
FK – The evil lying trash knows full well what it does. And no they probably wouldn’t attempt to raid 60 or 80 or more million homes and ‘come and take them’ but they would ban possession if they could, demand a turn-in, as they’ve said Australia and England did with praise, forbid children learning how to shoot and thus generate multiple generations with no conception of their right, duty and responsibility to fight back against bad government when necessary.
They would on occasion raid a home as the IRS does to keep the fear up and pry guns from cold dead hands because we’re still too cowardly and pathetic to have a militia in every county to deal with such evil. In 2-4 generations most of the weapons in civilian hands would be turned in by ignorant cowardly descendants of real patriots who instead of understanding and acting on what will be required said “Molon Labe, come and take them,” with no plan, no organization, no understanding of the necessity of going and killing our domestic blood enemies in their own lairs.
On the presidential website, the President declared war on senior citizens, and on private individuals who, in some cases, sell as few as one firearm.
Those are just the highlights. There is much more, and you can read additional analysis of the President’s imperial diktat here.
But bottom line: Having failed to get gun control legislation passed in Congress, Obama is doing what he always does when he can’t get what he wants.
He’s circumventing Congress and enacting “legislation” by executive fiat.
You can be sure that Gun Owners of America will be doing everything in its power to fight these edicts tooth-n-nail. More on this below.
Open Season on Seniors and Other Law-Abiding Gun Owners
Gun Owners of America alerted you back in July of last year that Obama wanted to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns, if they are deemed as being unable to manage their financial affairs.
With this new executive action, that policy has now been officially announced:
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to NICS [and] will cover appropriate records of the approximately 75,000 people each year.
The President also wants to take America back 30 years — prior to the reforms in the Firearms Protection Act of 1986 — and unleash a horde of additional ATF agents to entrap law-abiding Americans who are supposedly “engaged in the business” of selling firearms.
What constitutes being “engaged in the business” — selling 50 guns … 25 guns … 15 guns … or 5 guns? While the President’s lawless decree doesn’t say, it does suggest the number could be as low as “one or two transactions.”
FK – Are we ever surprised? This arrogance and hubris won’t end until we conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.
Another longstanding group that is fighting this evil:
The govt. isn’t the only enemy:
FK – Time for a class action lawsuit against google. We need to bring these mega corps to heel. They do not need to have equal rights with humans and certainly not more rights than humans. They exist to serve us not the other way ’round. We are not their ‘human resources.’
Due to this, anyone who has children there, at the wildlife refuge, needs to get them out immediately, and DO NOT take any more children there for any reason (and we do know that some children, including a baby, have been seen there). We do not need to have the risk of dead children in this incident. It is unconscionable and immoral for anyone to place children at risk of being in the middle of a firefight or military raid/strike on the armed men holding that federal wildlife refuge. Now, of course, just because military special operations units have been sent to the area and are tasked with a possible action does not mean it will be done. It may not. But we DO NOT trust the Obama Administration to do this right, which would be to handle it like the Montana Freeman standoff rather than the Waco standoff, and anyone who thinks that Obama wouldn’t dare drop the hammer on Ammon and his men is a fool. We hope “the adults in the room” in the Administration and in the federal LEO and military community will keep that from happening, but hope is not an operational plan. We don’t trust them, and you shouldn’t either, so:
Get, and keep, children off the friggin X.
This is not a “free speech” barbecue at Bundy Ranch with live music by Jordan Page. This is a whole different animal. Children have no business being there. In fact, there should be no non-combatants (no women and children) there at all. This is not a family event. The only people there should be the armed men who are willing to die there with Ammon Bundy and his brothers and a couple of embedded reporters. If they want to put themselves at risk, that is their choice, but don’t have children there. If a dozen men die in a shootout, that is one thing, but if children die, there will be a civil war.
Oath Keepers
FK – Don’t miss the comments on that one. We may soon learn just how arrogant the beast system is, as if we don’t already know:
FK – Looks like they want a war.
FK – All this ‘intel’ could be intentional bravo sierra, or not. Interesting times:
FK – The ‘authority’ are the guns the Yankees shoved up Southern rectums.
They will do it again if they feel it necessary. Make no mistake.
The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!
It matters more what we are resolved to produce than what we ‘want.’
Just got this one from YouTube:
FK – So now they’re using the beast system military on amerikan soil?
And sign the petition, for all the good it may do:
A case currently pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit could push back against President Obama’s promise to make America safer by disarming civilians. Gun Owners of America (GOA) has filed an amicus brief in this case, U.S. v. Watson.
On its website, GOA provides the following short summary of the relevant issues in Watson:
At issue is the constitutionality of a part of the 1986 McClure-Volkmer legislation, which prohibits the manufacture and possession of machine guns by Americans unless they were registered prior to the date of the Act.
The case in Watson (submitted on December 9, 2015) involves a family trust that had applied to manufacture an M16 and challenged ATF’s eventual denial of that application.Specifically, the brief filed by the GOA challenges the ruling by the district court that held that regulations on the manufacture of machine guns were deemed constitutional in a prior Third Circuit Court opinion, the opinion in U.S. v. Marzzarella.
Dicta in the Marzzarella decision claimed that the U.S. Supreme Court had likewise held in favor of the constitutionality of prohibitions on machine guns.
The Supreme Court has never issued such a ruling. In fact, the decision in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) clearly states that “all instruments that constitute bearable arms” are protected from prohibition by the Second Amendment, unless challengers could prove otherwise. As GOA explains in its summary, “Heller noted that the definition of what is and what is not a protected arm does not turn on whether a weapon has a military or nonmilitary use.”
FK – Good for GOA but all this may soon be a moot point:
FK – Is he willing to use the ‘National’ guard and militias to do this? That’s what it will take.
The limitless arrogance of the “Liberal”(commie) trash is what will start the war regardless of what ‘event’ kicks it off. In reality it’s been going on for decades as they silently infiltrated every segment of our society.
Until we develop the resolve to do what will be required and then hold the treason/war crimes trials and pass a constitutional amendment banning all forms of socialism and those who push it from our country we won’t begin to see the light at the end of this tunnel.
On Jan. 1, 2002, the day that euro coins and banknotes entered into circulation, my column, “Say Goodbye to the Mother Continent,” contained this pessimistic prognosis:
“This European superstate will not endure, but break apart on the barrier reef of nationalism. For when the hard times come, patriots will recapture control of their national destinies from Brussels bureaucrats to whom no one will ever give loyalty or love.”
The column described what was already happening.
“Europe is dying. There is not a single nation in all of Europe with a birth rate sufficient to keep its population alive, except Muslim Albania. In 17 European nations, there are already more burials than births, more coffins than cradles.
“Between 2000 and 2050, Asia, Africa and Latin America will add 3 billion to 4 billion people — 30 to 40 new Mexicos! — as Europe loses the equal of the entire population of Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.
“By 2050, the median age in Europe will be 50, nine years older than the oldest nation on earth today, Japan. One in 10 Europeans will be over 80. And who will take care of these scores of millions of elderly, before the Dutch doctors arrive at the nursing home?
“Immigrants is the answer, immigrants already pouring into Europe in the hundreds of thousands annually from the Middle East and Africa, changing the character of the Old Continent. Just as Europe once invaded and colonized Asia, Africa and the Near East, the once-subject peoples are coming to colonize the mother countries. And as the Christian churches of Europe empty out, the mosques are going up.
FK – The zombie apocalypse is upon us. This is the early stage, when denial is not just a river in Egypt. If we don’t deal with our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, that are causing all this we will be washed away as well.
Well, there ya’ go, the modern “Liberal”(communist) mindset in a nutshell. They pass the laws that let them in/attract them, then allow them to destroy western civilization.
FK – To begin with the ancient tribal propaganda that contradicts itself constantly can be twisted to mean most anything some huckster wants it to mean at the moment. It was probably designed that way.
But then again what kind of preacher is this? Does he lead a commie church of some sort that uses religion as a front? In the district of commie criminals that’s a good bet.
FK – Any foreign govt. or any domestic group or individual that is lobbying to disarm you is your blood enemy. Every time your ‘liberal'(communist) friends vote they vote to kill you.
These are our enemies:
FK – But there’s more than one way to skin a cat, or call for war.