Tag Archives: second amendment rights

America’s real birthday – The day they shot back


I started this post months ago thus what some will consider stale links below. But my disgust with the willfully ignorant trash that populates this country has reached a level I never imagined.

As always I try to focus on principles not the news junkie fix of the day.

As always follow the links so that maybe you will understand.

Still recording the fall…

I’d throw that lever ALL DAY LONG.

“The adversaries of the constitution would seem to have lost sight of the people altogether in their reasonings on the subject… These gentlemen must here be reminded of their error. they must be told that the ultimate authority, wherever the derivative may be found, reside in the people alone.” – James Madison, Federalist Papers No. 46 as quoted in W Cleon Skousen’s ‘The Five Thousand Year Leap”

But back then they had MEN. Now we have none. And not all those who helped in designing the new form of govt. were the ‘good guys.’ The anti-Federalists realized the danger in a centralized govt.

So it reads ‘We the People’ and defines ‘treason‘ as waging war on the govt. who are allegedly ‘the people’ via their elected representatives in a representative republic. Thus if the elites are waging war on the people they are fully guilty of treason.

See the plandemic and the blatant election fraud of Nov. 2020 and the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax and all anti-gun(anti-liberty) law and the Fed Nazi agencies whose only purpose now is to enforce the NWO police state, and the murder of the Branch Davidians and the Weaver Family and on and on and on and on…

The Bill of Rights, which was insisted upon by the anti-Federalists, were written to ACKNOWLEDGE not grant our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS to fight back against and kill if necessary those who would seek to enslave us or in our case enslave us further.

It is the most precious document ever penned by the hand of man for it rids us of the concepts of blasphemy and heresy that in the past were used only to control the tool-using monkey mind.

So when our elected, hired or appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS seek to INFRINGE on the Bill of Rights they are easily guilty of TREASON and should suffer the above punishment with the video placed on the net on all ‘social sites’ and video platforms for the world to see.

America was founded and formed in violence. The empire’s military and police use violence on a regular basis to enforce its ‘laws’ just as the British Army advanced to enforce their disarmament laws on the colonists.

Thus the most important holiday we SHOULD celebrate is April 19, 1775, the day they shot back.

Someone recently asked me if I had any advice for a young person. My immediate answer:

“Buy all the ammo you can, you’re gonna need it. And don’t keep all your cookies in the same jar.”

Of course I should’ve added:

Grow up and take on the understanding any MAN or adult woman should have and train with your local genuine people’s militia so that you are ready to KILL your domestic enemies when the time comes.

But then we passed that marker generations ago.

Because once they do this:



They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now

Hillary Clinton calls for criminal arrest of anyone who speaks against NATO, U.S. empire

Bill Gates shares his vision for shaping AI and controlling “misinformation” with Oprah Winfrey

There’s no such thing as an unbiased reporter(or Why Free Kentucky?)

The killer bees of fake news

Steel, brass, copper, powder and lead will be all you have left. But again, we have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them or they would already be using them.

Once again war is upon us and we are not ready.

Humanity is being domesticated:


Bill Gates Pushes WEF-Backed Global Digital Cash & ID

The planet of the quasi intelligent apes will serve, something, or someone. Because the last bastion of ‘freedom’ has 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

And still they push their evil upon us:

“Unfortunately, somewhere along the line the Great Leap Forward stumbled and fell on its face. The communal dining halls closed. Householders who had taken their pots to the furnaces were forced to find new ones. Ration coupons appeared for grain, oil, cloth, and even matches. The little boys who had thrown themselves so enthusiastically into making an economic miracle grew faint from hunger as they sat in school. They learned to catch cicadas on poles with glue-coated tips, then forced themselves to swallow the still-squirming insects. They scoured the hills for edible grass and weeds. Their mothers baked bread with flour augmented by willow and poplar leaves. During three long years of heroic “progress,” millions died of starvation.” – Howard Bloom, The Lucifer Principle

Freedom is the new slavery – Those who serve are the new/old masters.

They always offer the lesser of the evils for they know the sheeple will once again grovel at their feet, thank them for their crumbs and send their children off to die in wars for profit.

The absurdity we’ve witnessed on a daily basis, arguing over whether a demented old Marxist criminal belongs in the now red house when it was clearly demented during the 2020 primary and before, for starters, proves once again amerika is over the cliff.

Then the selectors offered us a blatant whore for the NWO whose drug addled brain can’t string a line of sensible words together any better than the creature it replaced.

And still we aren’t hanging them.

How many bones will litter the bottom?

And this is why:

“The regulars of the British army and the citizen soldiers of Massachusetts looked upon military affairs in very different ways. New England farmers did not think of war as a game, or a feudal ritual, or an instrument of state power, or a bloodsport for bored country gentlemen. They did not regard the pursuit of arms as a noble profession. In 1775, many men of Massachusetts had been to war. They knew its horrors from personal experience. With a few exceptions, they thought of fighting as a dirty business that had to be done from time to time if good men were to survive in a world of evil. The New England colonies were among the first states in the world to recognize the right of conscientious objection to military service, and among the few to respect that right even in moments of military peril. But most New Englanders were not pacifists themselves. Once committed to what they regarded as a just and necessary war, these sons of Puritans hardened their hearts and became the most implacable of foes. Their many enemies who lived by a warrior-ethic always underestimated them, as a long parade of Indian braves, French aristocrats, British Regulars, Southern Planters, German fascists, Japanese militarists, Marxist ideologues, and Arab adventurers have invariably discovered to their heavy cost.” – David Hackett Fischer in his book ‘Paul Reveres Ride

No one should be allowed to vote until they’ve read that history and taken a test to show they understand it and trained and served with their local genuine people’s militia.

As a general rule we have NO SUCH MEN LEFT beyond a few disparate groups here or there that will wither on the vine or be cut off and destroyed once things get tangy.

While amerikan morons spend every July 4th watching parades designed to entertain children and fireworks symbolizing those used to destroy and spill blood in the real world pretending this blip in tool-using monkey history will never end or they’ll get beamed up before they have to actually fight back, a concept that is as foreign to them as the face on Mars, some of us realize when our real birthday was:

The day they shot back.

The average amerikan is so mentally, emotionally, spiritually(usually because of their religion not in spite of it or for a lack of it), physically removed from that mentality they are not worth the spit the meekest Continental drummer boy could bestow upon them.

The author of that last quote is apparently mainstream enough to go on about Planters and fascists without realizing the state he writes about is now rightly called Marxachusetts by those who pay attention and the modern ‘war on terror’ is really being waged on us. If the United Nations police actions in Korea and Vietnam where young amerikans were sent to in order to fight communism were really about fighting communism they’d have been kept home in order to kill the commies here first. But no more digression on that.

History shows war comes whether idiots like it or not, whether pacifists continue to lie to themselves, as now, as it’s happening all around them, whether one is prepared or not.

Really it’s been here since the beginning. But back then we had MEN and ADULT women to actually do something about it.

Now we have NONE. Or at least not enough. And most of those who have some understanding of their responsibilities in a representative republic are in deep denial of and even delusional about the situation they’re really in.

I’m a broken record on this issue because so far I haven’t been proven wrong.

As the header shows what should be our nation’s greatest holiday is coming up but again, we have NO MEN and no ADULT women to celebrate it much less understand why they should be.

This has become a nation of pacified whores. But then our ancestors weren’t much smarter. ‘Gun control’ was tolerated for many multiple generations when those who were championing it including the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group should have been hung from a granite gallows engraved with the Bill of Rights found in front of all govt. buildings.

But there I go dreaming again.

“What was it, he wondered, about these impossible people? Was it something in the soil, or the American air? General Gage reminded himself that most of these infuriating provincials were British too — blood of his blood, flesh of his own freeborn nation. They had been allowed more liberties than any people on the face of the globe, yet they complained that he was trying to enslave them. They were taxed more lightly than the subjects of any European state, but refused even the trivial sums that Parliament had levied upon them. They professed loyalty to their rightful Sovereign, but tarred and feathered his Royal officers, and burned His majesty’s ships to the water’s edge.”
– David Hackett Fischer in Paul Revere’s Ride

Nothing will get fixed in this dead empire until those who claim they want liberty based on the concept of natural rights realize they are dealing with creatures that would sell gasoline in hell and then do what will be required: hunt. try and hang them in sufficient numbers to set a real example/precedent for future generations.

But as I note on here in every post we have NO MEN left in western civ. to do a damn thing about any of this evil. They haven’t proven me wrong yet.

Anywhere in amerika, it takes a nation of whores to elect a congress of whores:

Let them prove me wrong.

Odyssey link

Rumble link

FK – Paul was probably an infiltrator sent by the Sanhedrin or the Romans or whomever to infiltrate/alter early Christianity to their own purposes.

It’s basically a slave creation device.

We’ve had a Bill of Rights for over 240 years now that reads ‘…no cruel and unusual punishment…’ yet billions have no problem with the concept that their version of a bronze age god will burn billions alive in fire forever because they didn’t follow the correct version, sub-version or subversion of an insane bronze age religion.

Most modern ‘christians’ are sitting on their asses, blindly and stupidly obeying the authorities, too cowardly to kill them as should have already been done according to what our Founders did, waiting for the world to end because that’s what their preachers and priests have been indoctrinated to regurgitate to them.

Simple fact.

How many of them wore the masks and took the vax, that’s murdered and disabled millions. Why didn’t their ‘savior’ and its earthly mouthpieces warn them not to????

Most govt. preachers are pathetic ignorant creatures whose only purpose is to serve the state and keep their flocks in line by teaching them to focus on ‘paradise in the next life’ thereby giving free reign to the evil ones to own and rule them and their children.

Why are our governments full of whores? It takes a nation of whores to elect a city council, fiscal court, legislature, congress of whores.

Reading the Federalist Papers one learns that Hamilton was a liar when he claimed a Bill of Rights would be unnecessary as the current empire is far worse/evil than anything they imagined.

The Founders had studied enough history to realize the religionists had been murdering each other for millennia over which version, sub-version or subversion was the most righteous and would gain them a ticket to their version of paradise or to the right hand of whatever god won the last war.

And as always the religionists are blind to this.

The preachers and priests for the most part probably told them to wear the masks and take the vax and shut down their churches because they are modern whores.

Instructions from the Town of Malden, Massachusetts, for a Declaration of Independence

This is a minuscule percentage of what I’ve read over the last several months:

Over 200,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccine: 10 methods, same answer

Study Exposes Massive Life Expectancy Plunge for Covid-Vaxxed

Bombshell Study: Moderna Covid ‘Vaccine’ Dangerous for Most Men

Official Data Shows Kidney Failure Deaths Surging Among Covid-Vaxxed

Slovakia Moves to Ban ‘Dangerous’ Covid ‘Vaccines,’ Declares Pandemic a ‘Fabricated Operation’

Doctor Drops Bombshell: ‘Blinking Lights’ Found in Blood of Covid-Vaccinated

Hospitals Treated Far More Vaccine Injuries Than Unvaxxed Covid Patients, Major Study Finds

Scientists Find 55 Undeclared Secret ‘Chemical Elements’ in Covid ‘Vaccines’

In conclusion, they write:

“All of this has been translated into poisoning by prescription drugs and vaccines that have produced a severe deterioration in the health of people impacted by pharmacological products.

“A dearth of information, maintained by the powerful pharmaceutical lobby that imposes its products on the market, hinders the good judgment of the health professionals who are discouraged from connecting the many emerging symptoms with the vaccines, and with other drugs and harmful medical procedures that are directly or indirectly involved in causing them.”

Top German Doctor Raises Alarm over mRNA Shots: Covid Is ‘Harmless’

Hospitals Saw Surge in Heart Issues after Covid ‘Vaccine’ Rollout, Unsealed Data Shows

Australia Sounds Alarm as Town Suffers Shocking Death Surge Among Covid-Vaxxed

Excess Child Deaths Surge 4,100% Since Covid Shot Rollout

5-Year-Old Develops Autism After Being Forced to Get 18 Vaccines in 1 Day

‘Reckless Disregard for the Truth’: Shareholders Sue Moderna for Misleading Investors on RSV Shot Efficacy

Reject the Pandemic Agreement

Again, a minuscule percentage of what I’ve seen on this topic for months and most of these are from October.

Yep, I did:

Real or not, Corona is a setup

And I can’t feel sorry for any of them. Failing to study history is failing to live.

Ugly like polishing a turd:

FKAmerica was destroyed long ago. amerika is now over the cliff.

Commiefornia. The only fix will be boots on the ground. But amerika has NO MEN.

NO ONE lifted a finger to stop the steal last time. What makes you think that’s changed?

If trump wins it’ll be because the selectors let him win.

And why would that be?

Democracy as always is the problem. It’s another form of manipulation.

Military leaders who served under Trump sound the alarm about him winning a second presidency

The military DOES NOT SERVE US!

Generals: We will murder real Americans

It’s Official: Red States and Blue States are Openly Allowing Illegal Aliens to Vote

Kamala Harris Mocks ‘Extremists’ Who Want to Allow Teachers to Be Armed for Classroom Defense

FK – 200 plus years ago a 16-year-old militiaman could own land. But for generations now our cultures have raised children to be children via the govt. schools and govt. churches and govt. entertainment and globalist newswhore media.

All youth should be required to learn basic martial arts at appropriate ages of course including basic marksmanship so that they can serve in the militia upon reaching their teen years and of course be provided proper fitness and health education and a proper history course in EVERY grade level.

But the govt. schools built by the globalists for their own purposes are more interested in forcing daily attendance to their Marxist indoctrination programs because that’s how they pay the salaries of their Marxist staff and administrators.

The military academies now teach Marxism and still millions of morons look for saviors that aren’t coming.

Arguing over these things is representative of the madness that now rules what’s left of amerika.

“A well-grown boy, at the age of twelve or thirteen years, was furnished with a small rifle and shot pouch. He then became a fort soldier and had his port hole assigned to him. Hunting squirrels, turkeys and raccoons soon made him an expert in the use of his gun.” – Dr. Joseph Doddridge, in his 1824 book ‘Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars,’ quoted in Michael Edward Nogays book ‘Every Home a Fort, Every Man a Warrior’

Commission Investigating Parkland Votes 13-1 to Arm Teachers

Commie trash working for commie trash:

Teacher’s Union Accused Of Laundering $1.5 Million To Bankroll Josh Shapiro’s Campaign

FK – The two largest teachers unions are Marxist front groups, nothing more nothing less.

Search: Do teachers unions front communism?

Kamala Told She’s ‘Not Welcome’ in Blue City, Given Brutal Warning as Harris Campaign Starts Rough


The monster has been here for generations but the devouring is a slow miserable process, for those with the two brain cells required to grasp what’s being done to them.

The republicrat party is what should be over:

Exclusive – MTG on Mike Johnson Speakership: ‘It’s Over – He’s Just the Only One Who Hasn’t Acknowledged It’

“Mike Johnson is perhaps the biggest betrayal for America First conservatives across the country because he wears the conservative label and he calls himself a Christian but yet his actions are 100 percent the opposite of what those labels actually mean,” Greene said. “He claims to support President Trump but he funded — with a two-part omnibus that broke all of our rules — he funded the Department of Justice that has 91 federal indictments against President Trump and wants to put him in jail for the rest of his life. He funded the FBI that raided Mar-a-Lago and spied on his campaign through FISA, and he gave the FBI a brand-new building. He fully funded Joe Biden’s open border policies and we all know about how horrific that is. He fully funded the Green New Deal and the climate agenda and then last week he betrayed everyone by being the deciding vote against the warrant requirement that I think has more people angry possibly than the omnibus. Then this week he’s moving forward with this foreign aid package and it’s unbelievably disturbing the dirty tricks they’re doing to try to get this thing passed. It’s funding Ukraine. He’s 100 percent into funding Ukraine, talks about it in our conference meetings and talks about how we have to ‘stop Vladimir Putin’s aggression and he’s going to steamroll across Ukraine and take Poland next’ but in every single one of our meetings and classified briefings no one has ever produced proof of that. So it’s so concerning that they’re tying Israel aid to Ukraine and trying to guilt everyone into voting for Ukraine even though they don’t want to vote for it and want to vote for those separately. Then, he’s doing this foreign security package against foreign threats and he’s wrapping in [Rep. Mike] Gallagher’s TikTok ban into this whole package — Gallagher is leaving on Friday so think about that. Why is the TikTok ban so important you have to tie it to Israel aid? You can’t even comprehend how dirty all this stuff is.”

Well that’s from a few months back and apparently his buddies keep him protected. Probably because he answers to the right powers, not us.

The republicrat party has been heavily infiltrated from the beginning.

Democracy the golden shitty lie

What happened to 70×7?

IDF confirms ethnic cleansing plan currently underway in northern Gaza

Did You Know That The United States And Israel Created And Funded Hamas?

FK – Creating and funding such groups gives nation states the excuse to continue their genocides.

More evil that should not just be defunded but tried and executed:

ATF SWAT raid that killed Arkansas man raises more questions of excessive force


They just keep proving me right(This is NOT TO BE MISSED):

FK – But what if that freak had actually tried to kiss O’Keefe? I’d like to see that on camera.

And morons still think the govt. or military exists to protect them? Really?

None of it is for us:

The Dark Side of DARPA | The Human Cost of Technological Supremacy


FK – GPS is still parsecs from perfect. Ask any trucker.

Anything that can be found on the net may not be so secret after all.

What was it that CIA guy said about everything we know will be wrong?

Who with two brain cells to rub together doesn’t already know that goolagtube is evil and avoids it at every opportunity so as to not give them ad revenue?

Yes they’re capable of anything. The plandemic is proving this. But then those who pay attention already knew it.

So why aren’t the corporations/conglomerates/elites that have earned trillions from their wars for profit held responsible for veterans’ health care?

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Highlands Forum

Chatham House Rule

Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group uses the Chatham House Rule for its annual conferences, which feature between 120 and 150 prominent politicians, CEOs, national security experts, academics, and journalists invited by the group’s steering committee. The practice has been criticized by some commentators, who view the conferences as a means for policymakers to make decisions without public accountability.


Or is that just more distraction? The plandemic proved they didn’t really need that. They used lab produced bioweapons, needles and ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace to conquer a global population of sheeple.

Besides. We have 400 million guns and NO MEN to use them.

But the demented in chief has plenty of help:

Gun Control Just Passed Congress In 48 Hours


They did this before:

What good did it do?

This is what needs to be done:


What We WEREN’T Taught About the American Revolution | origins


FK – This could be hours long and should be required for high school graduation and for voting. But our enemies have been successful.

How many dumbasses on the street couldn’t say whose face is on the quarter and why?

Franklin allegedly said the currency act forbidding the use of colonial script was a major cause if not the factor. It created a recession or depression and left workers hanging out in the pubs listening to the patriots expound on liberty.

Nowadays the corporations keep those who work wasting most of their time in exchange for money thus even if they have any desire to learn anything that matters they lack the time. The govt. churches and schools certainly weren’t built to do anything but keep the slaves working.

Recently heard an elected public servant who’s perceived as a patriot type or whatever say the schools only need to teach the ‘three rs.’ What ignorance.

The most important subject beyond how to shoot a running commie at 300 or 3 meters is an understanding of history. That means how and why things happen, not just dates and names and wars and blind devotion to ‘god appointed kings’ or modern saviors of temporal or spiritual type.

Search: currency act

Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress

What to teach your kids


Tyranny usually comes from both sides:

FK – So why are you still on goolagtube? They just started making downloaded vids unplayable. This might be bearable if they weren’t such evil globalist marxist trash.

There’s nothing new about ‘conservatives’ or ‘christians’ or whatever suppressing free speech. I remember well when I was young the communists by whatever cute name, that my ancestors should have been hanging, claimed to love the First Amendment and ‘free speech’ because they perceived themselves to be the underdogs, or were pretending to be.

Now that they have the strings of ultimate power within their reach or think they do they hate ‘free speech’ which every dumbass is supposed to have on their smartphones but are so mal-educated they have no conception of how important that is.

it’s been obvious for a while the net could be turned into the ultimate control grid. It just depends on which side of the insane culture war lays out the grid.

If they ever figure that out, or maybe it was the plan from the beginning, Katy bar the door.

One wonders what the great savior trump will have to say about this.


There are many ways to wage war:

The Right to Grow Food

FK – As much as I like Massie is he ignoring the fact that the other ‘shall not be infringed’ amend. has been ignored since the 19th century in many ways?

The problem is we have NO MEN here to put the govts. in their place. We have 400 mil. guns but NO MEN to USE THEM!!!!!!

Why do we beg for grains of sand from a beach we own? Because our enemies have been successful. The evidence for this is clear: There aren’t thousands of vids on goolagtube or the net in general showing their bodies hanging from trees and light poles coast to coast and border to border.

Why give the congress of whores the right to regulate it beyond simply demanding it not be poison, like most of the food chain is now with REAL PHYSICAL CONSEQUENCES for those who poison us?

It takes a nation of whores to elect a congress of whores.

We know as HISTORICAL FACT that MURDEROUS communism doesn’t work. Why in the name of the insanity that rules humanity aren’t we HANGING THEM????????!!!!!!!!!!!!


And it won’t require whores with badges much longer:

ColdFusion: The Race For AI Robots Just Got Real (OpenAI, NVIDIA and more) Mar 25, 2024


FK – Oh look, it’s an unchipped tool-using monkey carrying a weapon. I think I’ll shoot it.

All because we’re NOT HANGING THEM!

If it does at all now:


Or maybe we’re the robots:

Scientists Discover ‘Alien DNA’ Hidden in Blood of Vaccinated People


FK – I predict millions to billions of brain dead sheeple will die firmly convinced that willingly taking the injected bioweapons into their bodies was the right thing to do.

Most of their pathetic demented children will never know the difference.

I can’t feel sorry for any of them.


Why do we keep begging for grains of sand from a beach we own?:

28 AGs Ask SCOTUS to End Assault Weapons Bans


FK – Because our enemies have been successful and we have NO MEN left in western civ.


Well gee, I’ve known for a quarter century that gw is a scam:

Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) 2024 – DIRECTOR MARTIN DURKIN



We are what they ate:

What Should Humans Actually Eat?


FK – Our ancestors ate whatever they could get their chops on including each other.

Telling sheeple not to use supplements is not wise. As you reported our metabolisms/physiologies vary.

I’ve tried various supplements over the years. Some seem to work. Others not so much. If I go a couple days or more without CoQ10 I can feel a real difference. A few months back I started a B100 formula and can feel the difference in various ways.

I was born the year Marilyn Monroe died so I know my body doesn’t create the things or use some things the way a younger body does.

I’ve heard from more than one source about vegetarians who had to go back to meat.

But then we have the creationists who will whine the evil evolution isn’t true which is sad and funny at the same time. I once saw a funny bumper sticker on an obvious Marxist’s car that read ‘God’s original plan was two naked vegetarians in a garden.’

That’s funny in so many different ways. But then Abraham blessed one son who brought him meat if memory serves and god preferred the sacrifice or whatever of Adam’s son who brought him meat from his herd.

But many commies love to tell us we should be vegans and eat bugs when that’s not what evolution had in mind…

I think that’s why they want us off meat so badly. They know it will create a weaker and more docile population which begs the question of wtf is really behind all this evil.


Nothing new under the sun:

“Fake News” Has Been Used for Hundreds of Years to Justify Censorship of Dissent


FK – I’m very proud of being seditiously inclined. Those who aren’t are pathetic useless cowards.

The kings of the earth don’t care how many of their livestock they kill while they play their ancient favorite game: King of the Hill.

You don’t have to worry about running and telling on me. The shit knows where my website is.

Why aren’t we hanging the shit? Because the shit has been successful and there are no MEN or ADULT WOMEN left in western civ. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

In reality for the most part, it’s shit ruling shit.

The net is the modern coffee house. It will be mainstreamed as all the old dinosaur media was. That was probably the intention from the start.

But then it won’t be hard because billions of morons still use goolag and goolagtube and fakebook and the streaming services which don’t require or allow them to think/comment outside the box.

If we were hanging most of the pastors/priests as we should be because most of them freely and willingly serve the NWO by telling their flocks to sit on their pathetic cowardly asses and wait for the world to end, what modern religion was designed/infiltrated to do, then we wouldn’t have to worry about what the whores think.

It would appear that the English Bill of Rights is as ignored as ours is because once again we allow willfully ignorant jackasses to vote and don’t require proper indoctrination in human liberty based on the concept of natural rights along with service in the genuine people’s militia as a prerequisite for voting.

The ‘Glorious Revolution‘ so-called simply replaced one form of madness/tyranny with another. When the puritans/pilgrims who felt oppressed moved over here they enforced their own form of religious insanity on the inhabitants of the ‘new world.’

There’s no such thing as a ‘govt. of the people’ here now because that would require MEN to enforce it and we HAVE NONE.

The whole summation is it’s about the same thing it’s always been about: who or what or what philosophy of ‘how shall we then live’ will RULE.

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. Many to most of the livestock will simply cower, as they’re doing now, and hope they are the last shot into the ditch.

‘Freedom of religion’ by default means ‘freedom from the religion’ of the nut down the road that is so convinced of its own ‘righteousness'(rightness) that it’s willing to force it on everyone else at the point of a govt. gun.

Still modern believers cannot be told this because their blind faith in their version, sub-version or subversion blinds them to it.

The king’s children were everyone’s business as many wars of succession have been fought through history with millions of subjects/slaves paying the price.

The Crown(don’t miss that link) has long served the globalist banksters, the NWO, the Great Reset, or whatever cute name they come up with next. Religion is a front, a distraction, a pacifier for ungrown children.

There have always been kings and king makers and popes and pope makers.

The Brits lost their magic when they surrendered their arms(modern guns) without killing their commie globalist shit. Now they FULLY DESERVE whatever is done to them.

If we had MEN and ADULT WOMEN we’d have ‘Commie Correct,’ a section of rope and a granite gallows in front of every govt. building with the Federal Bill of Rights and that state’s Bill of Rights engraved upon it that all elected, hired and appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS would have to take an oath to protect our natural rights upon.

But instead morons put flimsy plastic signs in their yards with a bunch of archaic laws that will not survive the ongoing empirical downfall so that when future archaeologists are digging our bones out of the ground, if they’re allowed to, some, those few with the brains to do so, may ask “Was there ever really an America?”

It’s a good bet we were designed or our genes altered to make us blind to the drive to force our own misguided concrete version, sub-version or subversion on those around us in order to make us dividable and controllable.

The First Amendment has outlived it usefulness, to our enemies who no longer perceive themselves as the underdogs and to so-called ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ and ‘patriots’ who claim allegiance to the Second Amendment yet are too cowardly to use the ‘m’ word it contains to DESTROY their domestic enemies, their GREATEST enemies.

Thus they deserve the slavery they’re getting and will die and pass it on to their pacified useless descendants.

There’s truly nothing new under the sun/son. Except for the Bill of Rights under our star that is more precious than any document ever penned by the hand of man.

Here’s that ‘nudge‘ thing they’re talking about:



The darkness we exist in:

The Cult of the Eclipse – ROBERT SEPEHR


FK – What if the end message of the numbers is “You are fucked?”

When billions do nothing but sit on their cowardly apathetic asses and wait for the world to end or for some political or spiritual, whatever that really means, savior to magically solve their problems for them they cannot claim to be the ‘good’ sheeple.


Can’t believe I missed this one last fall:

The Mystery of Israel Solved! – David Sorensen Documentary (2023)


FK – And all they have to do is replace the old criminal org. with the next one. Different name, same shit.

Most of them do stay as little children, never really growing up, so they don’t learn they must question, disobey and even kill authority when necessary. And history shows it’s always necessary.

All propaganda is a mix of ‘truth’ and lies.

The elites always use religion as a form of control. Most to all religions are successful cults as the saying goes. A two minute conversation with the average believer proves this, over and over again.

They are blind to it.

The avg. believer has a flimsy understanding of history, literature, propaganda, mythology, legend, politics, and thus doesn’t understand the ancient tribal propaganda is a mix of all those things.

Waiting for paradise in the next existence and thus passing the believer’s slavery on to the next generation is how the evil ones have controlled them all this time.

The Founders gave us a system of governance by which we supposedly can peacefully overthrow the evil ones.

Recent history has shown us it doesn’t work anymore.

But as always most believers because of the indoctrination they get in govt. churches and govt. schools are wholly unaware of their right, duty and responsibility to fight back and make sure their own children can ‘worship'(serve) their ‘god’ by whatever definition via whatever version, sub-version or subversion they prefer.

Our First Amendment doesn’t contain the word ‘antisemitic’ so there’s no such thing as a special little group, nation, ethnicity, race, religion, philosophy whose motives we can’t question.

The Second Amendment as all of the Bill of Rights, is based upon our NATURAL NOT GRANTED rights and ACKNOWLEDGES our right to kill those who would tell us we can’t question them.

Money is the true god of this world regardless of pretense. Fear and ignorance are it’s generals or concubines depending on the situation.

The ‘Sampson Option’:


House Passes Bill That Conflates Criticism of Israel With Antisemitism

What happened to 70×7?


FK – Nothing new about false flags.

Again this is why I call it the ‘ancient tribal propaganda…’


See what Massie writes about this:

House Passes ‘Antisemitism Awareness Act’ to Silence Criticism of Israel as Hate Speech

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Existence in the big city:

Gee. A commie run city that will probably still arrest and charge and hold anyone caught carrying a gun for self defense because there are NO MEN there and you’re surprised?


NO. It’s NOT BIDEN’S FAULT! It’s the fault of every cowardly ‘conservative’ and ‘libertarian’ jackass that DIDN’T help build the genuine people’s militia that we needed to hold the WAR CRIMES TRIALS that should have been held decades ago:



They all put on the little hat:

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

Those whom the gods would destroy they first drive insane.

The last few months the tool-using monkeys have proven again and again they are collectively insane, just about different things.

The biggest insanity we face is millions in denial of the real and present evil and what must be done about it NOW!

This is a world of grievances. Some are real and some are contrived and sometimes the real are used as control devices.

“The truth is the best propaganda.” – Attributed to Adolf Hitler

But then Hitler wrote in his book ‘Mein Kampf’ that he learned his propaganda techniques from the communists, the greater of the evils.

Let’s start with the obvious, the oath taken by all police officers:

“State and local police generally swear an oath to the United States Constitution, as civil service or uniformed service officers, stating: “I, officer name, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

“Language may include “… to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States [and of your state] against all enemies, foreign or domestic” so that state agencies are specifically named.  This oath may be tested in an officer’s personal and professional life as evidenced by the increases in police brutality claims nationwide.” – USAttorneys.com

That’s their primary job. Or it was allegedly at one time. Now their purpose is to protect the state, enforce it’s evil laws, enhance its revenue and herd the sheeple.

This is proven by what happened to someone I know who was on vacation in commiefornia. While in a national park they were pulled over for doing 5 mph under the limit.

They have Kentucky tags which seems to be the reason why a young female commie ranger asked them if they had any guns in the car.

Yeah, the driver partly lied to them at first and admitted to one. He had been out west to hunt in another state but wanted to show his wife the coast.

Then he got scared and admitted to having two. Both were ‘confiscated’ with no receipt. They were ticketed for their affront to the communist state of commiefornia. Simply because they were armed as is the right of all ‘free’ creatures.

But then no amerikan alive today has known liberty. This proves it. As it’s proven all the time here in the land of the rarely brave and no longer free.

He later told me one of the rangers said he owned guns and was a hunter.

Yet he’s helping to enforce evil law that doesn’t belong in this country. He should be turning his jr. Nazi partner into bear bait and arresting the garbage that wrote those evil laws.

But of course he has a paycheck and a retirement plan to worry about.

His god is money. He serves it well.

Since no receipt was given for the weapons it will require honesty from at least one of them to begin any process of getting them back.

I told him he should have blatantly lied to them. LEOs are supposed to have ‘probable cause’ to search a vehicle. I doubt they were drinking or burning a blunt.

In some states it’s already like ol’ mehico where the cops are so corrupt they enforce evil law written by commie trash and republicrats instead of arresting them and making sure they get the justice they deserve for committing treason against human liberty and natural rights, the basis of our representative republic.

But there are no men or adult women here to make sure this happens.

The law the militia should be enforcing

What happened to those Kentuckians is far worse than what was done to Floyd, even if the cops meant to murder him. The commiefornians were telling us all that we have NO RIGHT to self defense.

The Bill of Rights is based upon our right to self defense against evil in government and little else because the Founders took it as granted we didn’t need anyone’s permission to defend ourselves from common criminals.

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

Let’s reiterate/berate an elemental reality:

Hating a tool-using monkey because of how it’s born or what group it may belong to is mindlessness. Blindly defending one for the same reasons is also mindlessness.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem. We have several.

So there’ll be no sympathy here or knee bending for the Marxist front group BLM or for that ‘thin blue line.’

One is our clear domestic blood enemy and the other has profoundly failed us.

Despite all the propaganda to the contrary there are no heroes here, at least not in the public/mainstream venue. I saw a fat teenager in a fast food restaurant wearing a ‘mcheroes’ shirt the other day. It reminds me we reside in a dying empire that has no idea any more what a real hero might be.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

The communist anarchists, not real anarchists, ultimately want to iron out all the rebellion from the human spirit and all the freedom and all of everything that matters, destroy and crush it all with the grinding wheels of government so each generation is born as subservient morons.

Wait, that’s what religions have largely done for thousands of years. So the submissive are used to it.

Blind faith, blind obedience, blind allegiance, blind patriotism are all the cornerstones of tyranny.

All this goes way back. There truly is nothing new under the sun. I didn’t really anticipate a human created virus being used against us all but here we are. Then the orchestrated protests and riots and the continued indoctrination of the young.

And we’re still not ready.

Most are still oblivious of what will be required.

They are tearing down statues of real heroic men(well some of them) who had their faults but were heads above the so-called heroes of today, who manage to show up to work and flip a burger or put a dangerous vaccine into a child’s arm.

They are elevating criminals, putting them up on pedestals. This is a sign of a dead, dying empire. The so-called ‘good people’ are sitting back saying, doing nothing.

They and their offspring who will likely be as useless as them fully deserve the outcomes of their apathy and willful ignorance.

As I’ve noted before:

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

But there are no adults left here.

The elites rarely do anything for any one reason. They usually have several ways to profit from their actions or from natural events. But it’s all about them keeping their ability to manipulate the world around them.

They aren’t gods, they can’t control everything. But they can keep a population pacified and stupid and scared enough to go along to get along. That’s all they need.

But that won’t keep their world from burning around them.

The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival – Sir John Glubb

Proven right once again, the average amerikan male:

FK – Like all amerikan non- males you need to apologize for not recognizing the dire need to hunt our real enemies, our white-skinned Marxist globalists, to extinction. Our failure to do so has doomed western civilization and the concept of natural rights.

This one is no joke:

FK – At least you’re calling them communists now…

But then you use their word, like a moron.

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx, in his manifesto.

Letting morons vote is how we got here.

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

White Marxists will be treated with respect as long as they pay their reparations on time.

You turned your guns in without killing your commie trash so now you fully deserve whatever they do to you.

We’ve known about this for generations:


FK – What was it MLK Jr. said about everything Hitler and the Nazis did being ‘legal?”

It’s a good thing the Founders didn’t bow to their enemies when they called them names.

But then our enemies have been successful and there are no men left here.

The Marxist mutt replaced the military officers with those kind to globalism did it not? Has Trump replaced them? Why not?

To gain upper echelon rank in the military an officer has to prove he’s a ‘team player.’ They’re not on our side.

The simple reality is that the vast majority in this dying empire have their heads securely implanted up their asses and have no clue what’s really happening around them, what’s been done to them, what’s being done to them and what’ll be done to their descendants.

Personal responsibility for the world around them is the last thing they want. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. The ancient kings and priests knew this. Their progeny still know it.

The purpose of the sheepdog is to herd the sheep and protect the interests of the wolves who own them.

As always it’ll be up to that tiny minority. The ranks of the ‘conservative’ and ‘libertarian’ movements are filled with cowards who think they can sweet talk their murderous enemies into submission.

They Worked at CNN for Years; Now They Make Propaganda for China

Revolutions aren’t cheap, nor ‘grassroots’:


FK – We’re supposed to have governments and corporations here that RECOGNIZE AND ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL RIGHTS not ‘civil liberties’ that can be taken by those who ‘granted’ them.

Left vs right is ancient. There are always those who are very willing to serve as well-fed slaves.

That’s what populates the dying empire called amerika right now.

Through history some sold themselves into chattel slavery for various reasons. Some commit crimes just so they can be sent back to prison.

What seems to be a ‘false paradigm’ is actually human nature at its worst, electing the ‘lessor of the evils,’ choosing the easy way out, blindly believing authority figures and ancient tribal propaganda because it seems easier, even ‘smarter’ because “That’s just the world we live in.”

Killing millions over whose sadistic bronze age god gets to burn the vast majority of tool-using monkeys that ever existed, included little kids and babies, alive in fire forever.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

When millions or billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

The killer bees of fake news

Who deserves to vote?

Its all about getting the ignorant and the desperate to vote for the evil.

Did they leave out any key terms or phrases?

They’re all tools:

FK – It’s the same ol’ playbook: replace the enforcers and the bureaucrats and the officers and the teachers and professors and preachers with your own. Nothing new about it.

Has anyone told these morons that communism is a western white disease?

One does not cure heart disease by introducing cancer. Unless the purpose is to kill the host.

There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity.

Until those who claim they want to live free stop looking for saviors like Trump to wave their magic wands and save us all and learn to stand up on their own two feet and organize, arm and train the genuine peoples’ militias and start raising children to be adults we will stay on the road to hell on Earth.

White-skinned communists have controlled the large cities and the msnm for multiple generations. Our grandparents should’ve been hunting them to extinction. Our failure to do so is dooming us.

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The most important things to do

The communists have ran the major cities for generations:

FK – And there are no men to stop it. If there were the garbage that produces the Marxist globalist propaganda that led to this would’ve already been tried and executed for treason or for waging war on the constitution.

Seattle was already ran by communists. as are most major cities. Have you been paying attention at all?

So now we know it won. And still there are no men to do a damn thing about it:

FK – The ‘establishment’ whores are no better than AOC. They simply lie to appease the ignorant masses but have basically the same evil agenda which has ‘progressed’ over the decades regardless of their lies.

Is its opposition a tool of the CFR? Is AOC? hitlery certainly is. Look it up.

No amerikan alive today has known liberty thus there are no ‘good ol’ days.’

Since the anti-Federalists insisted on a Bill of Rights over 200 years ago few have understood them. The slavishness of bowing to ‘god appointed kings’ still roils through the blood and genes of the submissive that survive to breed like the livestock they are.

There’s really little difference between the republicrats and demonscat. Money is their god, fear and ignorance their generals or concubines, depending on the situation.

It has a masters degree. It’s not an average bartender. It’s highly intelligent evil and probably fully understands the evil it does. It’s likely a paid whore for one cause or another.

All this has become so confusing I’ve almost given up trying to figure out what the real goals are. It almost looks as if the elites are trying to destroy the demonscat party but still implement its polices which will give them ultimate control.

The republicrats are little better as they lack the backbone or brains to organize, arm and train the genuine peoples’ militias in every county to do what will be required. They’re scared to death of the ‘m’ work in the Second Amendment they pretend to admire and protect.

Why would one want to be ‘respectful’ to a creature that claims it wants to enslave all of humanity? What an absurd idea.

Politicians are tools of those who put them in power, fund their campaigns. What they ‘entertain’ or lie about means nothing. Their actual voting records are what matter.

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

Will the braindead sheeple choose celebrity and charisma? What’s in the now red house as you speak? Trump had NO record of even respecting human liberty and natural rights. He had financial success(money) and fame and the gift of gab, telling morons what they think they wanted to hear.

The average Trump voter has an extremely shallow understanding of what the ‘deep state’ or the ‘swamp’ actually is or will be. Most of them have no understanding of what’s been done to them, what’s being done or what will be done to their descendants. The nostalgic idea most of them have that at some point in their existences ‘America,’ really amerika,’ was ever what it should be proves this.

Our ‘political system’ is a spectator sport to most morons who usually only show up to vote on whatever emotional roller coaster they’re riding at the time.

Wall St. is only doing what those who love money above all else always do: hedging their bet.
But then Wall Street helped bring about the Russian Revolution, murdering tens of millions in the process.

Gee. Maybe AOC is right about Amazon, in some sick way. I’ve spent enough ‘peak seasons’ working for Bezos to tell you he’ll scrape every penny off your ass he can. This ‘capitalist’ bought the Washington Compost and it’s still a commie rag. Funny thing that.

Biden is obviously suffering from worse Dementia than Reagan did in his last years in office proving once again, as hitlery did, that the average demonscat will vote for anything.

Normalcy is usually an illusion. Like what the average amerikan thinks ‘America’ is or should be.

There’s no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

Ask your fav commie by whatever cute name what it wants to happen to those who refuse to obey its commie laws. Ask them what parts of the Communist Manifesto they disagree with.

They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom, they’d all be here.

The patriot newbie guidebook

What we already knew:

FK – I’m not attacking PV but we already knew this. It’s been BLATANTLY obvious for years. Just go to Gab and ask a few real patriots what’s been done to them.

But then MOST conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ are cowards and would also censor a lot of people on Gab if they could.

That’s why fakebook, twatter, goolagtube, et al get away with the evil they do. There are no men here. If there were we’d be hunting that communist shit to extinction.

This kind of stuff will be needed for the war crimes trials. But first WE MUST TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!! Otherwise nothing real will ever be done about this evil and fuckerberg will die of old age in its mansion, with a maniacal smirk on its face.

Are the republicrats, the original party of big govt., finally growing some balls?:


FKWho funded the 1917 Russian Revolution and why? Who profits from all this?

Nostalgia is easy:

FK – Like someone below I was born the year Marilyn Monroe was allegedly murdered in the month they almost blew up the world. The newswhores lied about that stuff too, as they always had.

I grew up hearing older folk reminisce about the not-so-good ol’ days when they had to walk if they got an ‘education'(indoctrination) and were lucky to get a new pair of shoes to do it in.
My parents grew up without running water for the most part except when my father lived with his mother in a city for a while and watched her fight another woman “from one end of an alley to another.”

My mother took me to Shakertown, a now dead religious community and to Lincoln’s birthplace, probably because she wanted me to be indoctrinated in the mythologies she had been raised with and was used to.

My grandmother was the sentimental type and a lot of that rubbed off on me. I’m over it now for the most part. Before she died she showed me the room where she almost died and my mother was almost not born, in a doghouse style log cabin, where the blood ran on the floor. Her first child has an infant’s tombstone in the church cemetery.

In a house a few feet away my grandfather would wake up in the morning with snow on his bed. His shower was a tiny waterfall in a branch below the house that led to Salt Lick Creek hollow where in the mid 19th century a black slave was hung and buried for a crime he may not have committed.

I grew up with running water, paved roads, a party line with a great aunt that probably repeated everything I said to some girl I finally worked up the nerve to dial up, with my grandparents easily able to hear me. Captain Kangaroo showed me the world, they told us we’d have space stations and be out of oil by now and still the newswhores were lying.

I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.” If he’s still alive he’s probably still waiting to get beamed up.

Nostalgia is easy. Sheeple believe what they want to for the most part and pretend their existences are something they’re not.

In the future we probably won’t be allowed to have real campfires or burn wood. Or the micronova or some other catastrophe will wipe the slate clean and some tiny minority will have to figure out how to start over and they’ll be burning and eating anything they can get their hands/chops on.

If there is a future worth thinking about it’ll be decided by that tiny minority as it always has. The rest will graze along, breeding the next generation of oblivious simple-minded slaves for there are no men left in western civilization with the understanding the Founders had that sometimes one must kill to make a better world.

What to teach your kids

It will take far more than staying home and waiting your turn:


FK – If the mob had killed them is there a local militia to avenge them? Could they have called them for help?

Gee, you’d think that guy could afford some .50 cals in the windows and some armed security.
Let’s be honest. The reason the evil has gained this much ground is because people like this guy have sat on their asses all these years pretending that somehow their gated communities and ‘the system’ will protect them.

Many ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ really do only care about ‘their’ money. Money is their god. Ignorance and fear are its concubines or its generals, depending on the situation.

Their apathy would be laughable if it wasn’t so horrifying and dangerous to all, rich and poor.
And NEVER stand out in the open like that, making yourself a target. Have they ever undergone any basic military and infantry training which should be required of ALL who seek to vote, the most violent act anyone can participate in?

The only real reason for the militia

It’s July 4: What are we really celebrating?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

And the mainstream newswhores are still scraping at the tip of the iceberg:

FKSimple answer: There are no men here. Our enemies have been successful.

What is a man, really?

As I wrote above:


FKIt was probably intentionally released by elements within or without the govt. or some combination thereof for various reasons… They consider us to be livestock.

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

This war is truly global:


FK – Hey, fake revolutions and false flags cost money. Who has the money to fund these things?

The federal bureau of instigators and the BATF Nazi trash do the same stuff here.

All they gotta do is find a moron who thinks they’ll be spared, in this existence or the next.

How much do ya wanna bet the new laws still won’t be repealed?

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Who are our real enemies?:


FK – All governments work basically the same. Read ‘The Prince.’

And if the tool-using monkeys don’t commit suicide:


This is a fasci:

WATCH The Young Turks Unwittingly Promote SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED as They Slander a Trump Supporter!


FK – Have you watched ‘The Swamp?’ What are they not telling you?

That old well-meaning guy needs to keep learning/waking up. We’re not free now. We cannot be ‘great’ if we’re not free.

You are dealing with trash that would arrest Paul Revere for inciting violence. But there are no men here to do what must be done.

Actually he did ‘threaten violence’ in so many words. As he should be doing. It’s our NATURAL RIGHT to tell the trash that it’s our NATURAL RIGHT to kill them when they work to enslave us further.

But again there are no men here to stand up for this reality.

Communism has a clear history of misery, slavery and murder yet we tolerate this scat spewing forth its filth to young minds and to the simple-minded and the ignorant and the desperate.
There is no right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. Those who do so deserve to be hunted to extinction.

TYTs are not ‘pansies’ They fully comprehend the evil they participate in and the outcomes, well maybe except for the part where the machine they helped create carts them off to the re-education camp. At best they are paid whores.

I’ve heard the drone of such garbage for 25 years. I don’t have to waste time analyzing it. I know what it is and what it intends.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, is what we’re fighting for.

We tried years ago to build the militias that we NEED NOW and since there are basically none or not enough to make a real difference the amerikan male fully deserves the big dick that will be crammed in its face while its women and children are turned into lifelong whores for the NWO, you know that thing we used to talk about before the morons heard about ‘the swamp.’

There will be no where to hide from it. As some wise man once said the wheels of govt. grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine.

And nobody’s gonna get beamed up. That’s another set of lies billions of morons have been sold to keep them pacified and stupid and satisfied with their slavery.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Choosing sides

What to teach your kids

It would be nonsense to ‘fight for Trump’ or any demagogue. But that may be the best we could hope for. Most self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ or ‘patriots’ or ‘real Americans’ with their MAGA caps have no real understanding of what we should be fighting for and are so blinded by the daily squabbles, distractions, that accompany every administration they are unlikely to learn. One may as well flail a brick wall with with a wet mop.

Actually I’ve seen many such comments, about a civil war if the commie globalist trash remove Trump in one way or another, from keyboard commandos and morons with no real support base, no local genuine peoples’ militia, no idea of how many in the military would do as they should and kill any superior officer that commands them to help finish off our Bills of Rights that have been seriously damaged for 160 years by both major parties.

Unless there is some secret black force out there with real operators who understand they should be fighting for NATURAL RIGHTS not a charismatic politician, with real capabilities, skills, mindset, training, equipment whatever that I haven’t heard of and don’t want to hear of until necessary then amerika or what’s left of it is screwed.

And most will outstretch their hands and grab that big fat govt. cock and kiss, fondle and suck it as commanded as long as they can keep their bigscreens, their car payments and mortgages and ice cream and steak or beer and sports or religion that helps them avoid reality and the personal responsibility that comes with it.

They love their slavery.

The commie trash in red is right. Morons think they will sit home and wait their turn and that makes them brave. I’ve heard it for 20 years.

The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS! WE ARE!!!!!!!!
Their only goal is our submission. All the rest is propaganda.

When we allow our enemies to decide what we are ‘allowed’ to say or do or own they own us.

The republicrats have proven multiple times they have no interest in saving us or our Bills of Rights. The Tree of Liberty must be watered and soon.

Until those who claim they want to live free learn to rule those who don’t nothing will get better.

Where are the genuine peoples’ militias we need in every county to deal with this evil?

All gun control is an act of war. There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

We have a long way to go

What the evil is doing to our ‘mother country,’:

FK – Nowww do you know why they took your guns? Do you see yet that democracy is a lie? Labor(demonscat here in amerika) = communists. Stop lying to yourselves. This evil was always their plan. You were a Dupe all those years. FACE up to it!

Here in amerika the evil calls itself ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ to hide its evil from the ignorant and the desperate it depends on for votes. The demonscat party here once called itself the ‘party of the little man.’ But now the little man is no longer of any use to them. They and their globalist masters consider us all to be livestock. All their actions must be judged by that fact.

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

And what’s being done to our former enemies:


FK – The globalists nuked Nippon for non-participation twice in the 20th century. Don’t dream they wouldn’t do it again.

What are the roots of ‘social justice?’ Do you know?

Social Justice: Not What You Think It Is

Do the Japs know the proper way to spell amerika because of what it’s become?

Sounds like their religion is still a good control device.

The most important things to do

Sounds like the propagandists have established a foothold there. If the Japanese people have any sense left they will exterminate them before they put down any roots at all. They are waging war.

Good advice regularly ignored:


FK – We must discard the illusion that we have commie trash ‘friends.’ Every time they vote they vote to murder us and end human liberty, kill Natural rights and enslave humanity. It’s not our fault they refuse to understand this reality.

One can lead a jackass to a library but one cannot make it think.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Anger can make it hard to exercise good trigger control. But patience is not a virtue when it leads you into prison.

In reality our enemies have been successful. There are no men left in western civ. who understand the dire need to act yesterday. Here in amerika we are still basically armed but guns without the will to use them are toys for the range and the deer stand. We lack the genuine peoples’ militias that should’ve been built decades ago and used when the black-suited Nazis fired into a building full of women and children outside Waco, Tx.

amerikan troops should’ve been kept home from Vietnam and Korea and told to hunt and exterminate the commie trash here first, here, where our greatest enemies have always been.

The fight should be for global human liberty and natural rights for all. The evil ones are aiming for global domination and nothing less. Their only goal is our submission. All else that spews out of their filthy upper sewers is propaganda to achieve that goal.

What is a man, really?

The only real reason for the militia

They know they’re waging war. Why don’t you?

Are you sure no commie trash has been buying guns?

What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?

Never ever underestimate them. They are led by highly intelligent evil.

If self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ don’t understand the evil they face by now and what must be done about it, NOW, then the empire is indeed in a tailspin and there’s no saving it.

Our Bill of Rights, the basis of ALL our ‘law,’ is ignored on a daily basis in thousands of ways. We lost the ‘rule of law’ long ago.

The only question that matters is: Where are the men to do what must be done when they say “Turn them in?” If we’re not prepared for the worst case scenario we’re still losing. Lawsuits and trivial political details will mean nothing at that point.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

Family of Mexico Massacre Victims Message to America: “Hold On To your Guns!”

Feel free to share, if you have the courage and you probably don’t.

Alien Origins of Gnosticism: The Dead Sea Scrolls & the Nag Hammadi Text – Documentary 2019

FK – I prefer the grey wolf that practices neither pointless violence nor mindless pacifism.

But ignorance and false hope and ideologies intended to pacify always seem easier to the sheeple don’t they? The elites have long known this and used it to their advantage.

Regardless of source, it’s all about control. Why do ‘christians’ say it’s a ‘choice’ between heaven or hell when really it’s all slavery?

The problem with intellect so-called is it’s often polluted by politics, which is human nature. So we have the GW and gun control and socialist propaganda that is being used to enslave us further.

Ignorance/simple answers to complex issues is/are always easier. That’s what’s kept the churches in business all these years. It eliminates the believers’ desire, if they had any at all, to take on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

Religion like democracy is another control device. Be a good slave and you’ll have paradise in the next life. Millions of morons wasting their time here waiting for the world to end while believing ‘it’s all foretold and we can’t do anything about it’ is a major part of the problem and one of the elites’ best tools for control. It was probably designed that way.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

A few things that might matter, or ‘The Basics’ part two

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Christian rebels and modern cowards

It’s ALL about control:

FK – What the ancient ignorants called god probably was an alien or more bots in the matrix.

If we can’t figure out what’s real how do we know what’s ‘natural?’

Without the freedom to ask inappropriate questions of anyone or any group or institution anytime or the acknowledgment of our natural right to kill them when necessary we are nothing but slaves in someone else’s game plan.

English is already the global business language. Like Latin from an ancient empire it will have influence probably for millennia to come. But in 500 years or much less reading our ‘English’ will be like reading Shakespeare.

After decades of trying to pay attention I think we live in an asylum and the inmates think they run it.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

Swedish schools to erase ancient history from history class

“Those who control the past control the future, and those who control the present control the past” – George Orwell

FK – Have you watched ‘Colony’ on netflux?

I’m sure Stalin would’ve readily signed up for the regimen. Would the oligarchs?

How do we know you’re not part of the deep fake/experiment?

These two seem to have the right idea:

FK – So is she dropping hints to all the guys who hit on her in the comment section?

That string top probably could use some regulation.

Which is why they must do this:

FK – The problem with ‘constitutional carry’ is they’re doing it wrong. Instead of ‘allowing’ us to exercise our natural rights the republicrats passing these laws should be forced by the local genuine people’s militia to ACKNOWLEDGE our right to kill them when necessary.

Anything less is just another form of slavery.

And we must stop apologizing to our enemies for our right to kill them.

What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?

Never ever underestimate them. They are led by highly intelligent evil.

If self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ don’t understand the evil they face by now and what must be done about it, NOW, then the empire is indeed in a tailspin and there’s no saving it.

Our Bill of Rights, the basis of ALL our ‘law,’ is ignored on a daily basis in thousands of ways. We lost the ‘rule of law’ long ago.

The only question that matters is ‘Where are the men to do what must be done when they say “Turn them in?” If we’re not prepared for the worst case scenario we’re still losing. Lawsuits and trivial political details will mean nothing at that point.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Should we repeal the NFA? – Adam Kraut for NRA!

FK – While all ‘gun control’ which is tool-using monkey control, should be repealed, the real problem is we’re not banning commie globalists and other forms of authoritarianism and backing up the bans with the force acknowledged in the Second Amendment.

Until we re-construct our men and re-install a warrior spirit in all Americans, not amerikans, then our liberty teeth are just toys for the range or the deer camp.

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards