Tag Archives: savings

No Coincidences./Shot Across the Bow.


FK – It’s pretty clear that this trash hates free speech. Is anyone surprised?

The WSJ is a globalist rag like the rest.

Oh, and welcome to ‘the list’….

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a child.

The killer bees of fake news

Who deserves to vote?

What to teach your kids

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Former LAPD Deputy Chief destroys civil forfeiture


FK – If I had 8 grand or so that would likely mean I’m saving to buy my next vehicle. If some Nazi stole it I wouldn’t let that ride. No way no how.

Any and all participating in this kind of evil fully deserve whatever is done to them.

If we had a nation of men this evil wouldn’t be tolerated.

More on this:

FK – Another reason we should’ve had a militia in every county in this country decades ago.

No piece of trash that participates in such deserves to breathe our oxygen.

And more:


FK – Sounds more like communism to me.

Why do we tolerate the trash that enforces this evil? When they willingly do so what are they? What Oath did they take?

All these things should amount to and bring blood restoration. But this is not a nation of men anymore. It’s a nation of pathetic cowardly whores.

The feds have resumed a controversial program that lets cops take stuff and keep it

Law Enforcement Seizes $11,000 From 24-Year-Old at Airport Without Charging Him With a Crime

‘$1.2 billion slush fund’: Justice Dept. resumes controversial asset forfeiture ‘equitable sharing’

FK – Only garbage participates in such.

Does the UK control the US? (with Alltime Conspiracies)

FK – The City of London is a curious thing. There are no kingdoms without funding. No revolutions without money, blood sweat and tears. Too many prefer to remain in denial of the kind of world they exist in.

The vid he refers/points to at the end:


FK – It’s all about manipulation, not control.

Another of the UK’s creations:


Justice Dept Says: The IRS Never Broke the Law

Lois Lerner and the IRS are off the hook for targeting conservatives during the 2010 and 2012 elections, according to the Justice Department.

So there you have it. The government can use a tax agency as a weapon of political intimidation to target a minority of dissenting citizens, and according to the Justice Department, that’s perfectly legal.

FKSo there you have it. We’re at war, not with some brown-skinned raghead hiding in a cave on the other side of the world but with our own white skinned amerikan born commies. Yes, amerika has political prisoners. Search Irwin Schiff.

Justice Dept.: No criminal charges for ex-IRS official

FK – Will the NWO hacks in the Congress do anything about this? Of course not. What about the next tool the musheads in the middle vote into the now red house? Of course not.

We’re gonna have to go up there, not packin’ signs.


Who Owns the Federal Reserve?

FK – So what banks/shareholders are the dividends paid to? Follow the money…

Is this true?:

The Insanely Profitable Federal Reserve

Or this?:

Fed Sent $77.7 Billion in Profits to Treasury Last Year

Or this?:

Chart of who “owns” the Federal Reserve

Or this?:

Who owns and controls the Federal Reserve

“Unfortunately, Mullins’ source for the stockholders of the New York Fed could not be verified. He claimed his source was the Federal Reserve Bulletin, although it has never included shareholder information, nor has any other Federal Reserve periodical. It is difficult researching this particular claim because a Federal Reserve Bank is not a publicly traded corporation and is therefore not required by the Securities and Exchange Commission to publish a list of its major shareholders. The question of ownership can still be addressed, however, by examining the legal rules for acquisition of such stock. The Federal Reserve Act requires national banks and participating state banks to purchase shares of their regional Federal Reserve Bank upon joining the System, thereby becoming “member banks” (12 USCA 282). Since the eight banks Mullins named all operate within the New York Federal Reserve district, and are all nationally chartered banks, they are required to be shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. They are also probably the major shareholders as Mullins claimed.”

Read the rest of that one.

I’ve been hearing this stuff for years. I’ve never seen documentation that ‘proves’ it’s the Rothschilds or whomever. Maybe one of the various books on this subject proves it one way or another. It’s been years since I read Devy Kidd’s booklet on the subject. I don’t remember to what level she addresses ownership.

Or maybe this one?:

Who Owns The Federal Reserve?

Or maybe we need to look at other things:

Meet America’s Money Masters
