Tag Archives: saucers

UFO CRASH Hidden By MIB In California! 5/18/17

FK – I hope they got that one ol’ boy to the hospital before his water broke. He prbly had a whole litter of lil’ aliens. Or maybe his cat was like that pug in the first MIB movie. The critter in its head had to go rescue its mates from the evil fed nazis that shot them down.

Can’t believe I never heard of this one before. What if one of these experimental craft, if that’s what it was, crash lands in LA and vaporizes all those commiefornians? Party Time!

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Taming The Animal #2 How Political Party Identification Exploits Human Psyche


FK – “There is more debt in the world than there is money to pay for it…”

Now we know why the overlords are coming. They don’t just break legs.

‘They’ consider us to be livestock. There’s nothing more important to understand than that.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Who deserves to vote?

Overview of the Secret Space Program – Crunching the #’s


FK – I’m too disgusted about too many other things to be that upset about ones and zeros floating in someone else’s cyberspace. That’s all it is anyway. I’ve just seen too much.

War is not always voluntary

In February or March of 2001 I attended a militia meeting where we were told via connections with government agencies to expect a major event in August or September of that year with major changes in our national law to be passed afterward.

At the very least they knew 9/11 was coming and they let it happen.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

The killer bees of fake news

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Will we soon be obsolete?

FK – I think the human species has overcome much more difficult circumstances. The automation of reality I feel may be greatly over exaggerated, not that it won’t make a difference.

We could and must refuse to be forced into automated vehicles. Succumbing to such will rip away much of what little self determination we have left. Just as we must force our govt.s to force the corporations to stop tracking us and treating us as products, or ‘human resources.’

They don’t call us human resources because they respect us as human beings.

As the ancient tribal propaganda claims, “There is nothing new under the sun,” and someone may have been here before.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

FK – Are there others making plans for us or directing what the elites do?:


FK – Assuming they don’t just ‘destroy us’ and assuming they provide us some form of a ‘choice’ or ‘free will’ it would be a mistake to blindly trust them just as it’s a mistake to blindly trust any earthbound human or human institution or version, or sub-version or subversion of reality.

When someone tells you they ‘know’ you can usually know your dealing with a child.

“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Aliens are REAL and will probably destroy us, says director Ridley Scott

EXCLUSIVE: World is ‘about to be told ALIENS EXIST and are HERE on EARTH’

The vid Jones mentioned earlier:


FK – As I’ve written before I think at worst we’re someone’s resource. Or maybe the world religions are real and we’ll all end up in each other’s hells.

Maybe the real problem is our lack of humility:


“Imminent” Alien Invasion Revealed By NASA Administrator? 4/24/17

FK – An alien invasion might be better than what really is coming.

Sadly many are too simple minded/uneducated enough to look at the rest of the headlines on sites like that and notice the trend…

And then we have the morons whose little minds slam shut whenever shown something they haven’t been spoonfed by authority figures all their lives.

The satire site in question:

NASA administrator suspended after claims of “imminent alien invasion”

FK – I admit he(secureteam10) had me going for minute because I wouldn’t be surprised at such an event. The question would be is the ‘administrator’ spilling the beans because of his conscience or because he’s been paid to?

Elon Musk: “If there are super intelligent aliens, they’re probably already observing us.”

FK – The question is: As they watch us, are they laughing, crying or salivating?

If there’s an ‘invasion’ as most understand it much of the population will happily bow down to them.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The vid in question:

FK – Exploration without Liberty is sending slaves into space.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

A car is NOT like an elevator. Automobiles represent individual Liberty, self control, self determination. Statists hate this and will strive to force us into these vehicles they THEY control.


What to teach your kids

They’re planning another ‘World Government Summit‘ or next year.

Will they be asking our advice?

Aliens Exist says the Worlds Highest Ranking UFO Believer [FULL VIDEO]


FK – Seen this guy in various other vids and seems credible on ‘this’ subject but then starts pushing the global warming propaganda and ‘the aliens are here to help us’ B.S. Some of them may be, and some of them may be as evil/dangerous as our own “Liberal”(commie) trash that use the environment and various other causes as an excuse to control every aspect of our existences in this world. I don’t trust Greer either or anyone or group that puts blind faith in these entities, beings, whatever they are or any other version, sub-version, subversion of religion, ideology, ism, whatever.

To be clear, we would be absolute screaming fools to disarm for ‘the aliens’ or any other excuse. Only evil creatures tell you you don’t need guns, whether in the hands of the military, or especially in civilian hands, who should be better armed than the common infantry soldier in case they have to start killing soldiers.

I grew up watching Star Trek and reading some sci fi and really just always assumed we would eventually ‘make contact’ for good or ill, probably both. Think ‘international relations’ and how imperfect that is. How imperfect will ‘inter-galactic relations’ be?

Only a political child would think that if there are multiple ‘alien’ species out there flying around they haven’t already attempted to carve out their own piece of ‘free space.’ The likelihood is that we are like the American Indians were to the colonists and the kingdoms and nobles of Europe, something to be exploited and conquered.

Religions have killed as many but not as many, at least in modern times, as those seeking to force their ideology of a ‘perfect society’ on the rest of us at the point of a govt. gun.

When the “Liberal”(commie) trash, whose ideological ancestors murdered 200 mil. in the 20th century alone, stop sending the black-suited Nazis and soldiers they profess to hate to kill those who refuse to obey their evil commie laws then I’ll lend some credence to his high hopes.

The problem as always with the ‘golden rule’ is that many have no problem being slaves to one form of authoritarianism or another and thus have no problem voting for all of us to be as enslaved as they are. They certainly have no problem with their favorite dictator, or elite tool, like the Marxist mutt or Trump, killing anyone they think they should fear, whether ‘right wing extremists’ here or brown-skinned fundie ragheads overseas. Sad facts.

Trump could turn on a dime and most of his ignorant supporters wouldn’t know the difference, and target real patriots and ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ here if they challenged his obvious masters’ agenda that’s now being played out in the middle east just as it’s been for the last several administrations.

The elites he refers to also created communism for their own purposes. But now billions blindly believe that someday someone will ‘do it right’ and are quite willing to kill those who don’t want to go along. If you think you’re supposed to be free every time they vote they vote to kill you.

When millions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it, that makes it very real.

Time to wake up and grow up and take personal responsibility for the world we exist in.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

UFOs: A Game of Perception

FK – Funny how they started pushing ‘democracy,’ another manipulative lie, and not Liberty.

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.

Was the NSA really passed to fight the cold war when we were funding and selling grain to the Soviets and our banksters had financed their revolution?

Supposedly the affects of the Wells broadcast has been over-hyped over the years but the fact remains the average sheeple, even with mild distrust of ‘officials’ and govt. still usually blindly believe what they’re told by them and dis-believe any ‘fringe’ info they get from those who aren’t in positions of authority, aren’t wearing a suit or aren’t wealthy or in some other way ‘approved.’

One reason for the Nazis’ success in Germany was their opposition to the Bolshevik Jews who were working to communize Germany, Europe and the world. They succeeded in Russia with help from our banksters.

Is the CIA behind the ‘flat earth’ psyop or the ‘young Earth creationists’ or the ‘global warming’ alarmists?

It’s all about sewing confusion to prevent real organization among the ‘grassroots’ who are now so divided they can’t even agree on who their real enemies are, from fascists in the woodpile to brown-skinned ‘terrorists’ hiding in caves on the other side of the world to communists posing as liberals and progressives, all of whom firmly ‘believe’ in their version, sub-version or subversion of reality or someone’s ancient tribal propaganda, and all very willing to kill each other over it.

The sad reality is that the ‘elites’ are right about the common sheeple, in that most of them would rather die than think. Yet we still have a shadow of the system the Founders created and if enough would understand we’re supposed to be truly free here, not existing under statism or some interpretation of ancient tribal propaganda that wasn’t even written for us and act on that knowledge by shutting down the phone lines and email servers of our elected public servants much could be done to restore the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

Who are the ‘watchers‘ helping now?

What to teach your kids

Who deserves to vote?

The killer bees of fake news

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Are Humans Alien Hybrids? Maybe WE (Humans) ARE The Aliens? Were Humans Created by Aliens?


FK – I only have to think back over the various election outcomes I’ve witnessed to understand we are biological robots made from tool using monkeys that were designed to be slaves. That and the submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

We are born into a mysterious universe(s) full of morons and that’s not likely to change for many generations if ever.

Who deserves to vote?

Maybe there’s stuff in our DNA ‘they’ don’t think we’re ready to deal with yet, like the entire history of reality…(see next vid)

All dogs are the result of human interaction. Watch the doc on Russian Silver Foxes and how they change within a couple generations of domestication(see vid below).

A lot to most c-sections are unnecessary, it’s just faster and more profitable for the hospitals.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they later say “We didn’t understand DNA the way we thought we did and we let a lot of real criminals go free because of ‘DNA evidence.'”

Mainstream scientists don’t even know for sure how the moon got here and they bluff about a lot of crap so they can get a paycheck or a grant.

I don’t ‘believe.’ I think there is evidence for ‘alien’ presence here probably predating human civilization. I didn’t learn that from the History Channel crap. If someone tells me they put blind faith in any source I know I’m dealing with a child.

The ‘scientists’ don’t even know what our DNA knows:

FK – Maybe we’re a backup for something we’re not yet allowed to understand.

See the fox run:


FK – It makes sense that humans developed a hunter/scavenger relationship with wild canines and over time selected for the best hunters/herders whatever. This isn’t rocket science. This doesn’t disprove Darwin it only shows adaptation which most any farmer/breeder can tell you about.

And apparently they aren’t cheap. I love this breeder’s analysis of human/animal behavior.

The Inconvenient Truth About The Bible, The Gods & UFOs


FK – It’s winter in the northern hemisphere. We all expand this time of year.

Trump is historically no more religious than my dog. He owns casinos. They don’t build those things to give money away to the poor. We’ll have to wait until Trump has an actual record before history or the liars who write history can pass judgement on him.

The ‘heavenly host’ would likely be whatever beings altered our DNA and turned us into tool making monkeys, or whatever really happened. Ancient ignorant sheeple would call things they didn’t understand ‘angels and demons and spirits.’ They’re still doing it.

Flying scrolls sounds like the cylindrical craft that have been seen down through time.

Most believers don’t really even read their ancient tribal propaganda, that wasn’t even written for them. It’s like arguing with children over the existence of Santa Claus. It’s over their heads.

Why do ‘spiritual beings’ need physical flying air or space craft?

No one has yet proven there are structures on Mars. I’ve seen a lot of very questionable low res pix and other obviously photoshopped crap but no real evidence. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing there…

If there are several to many more advanced species visiting this planet or that have claimed it or whatever they may very well be at odds with one another for whatever reason and thus produce the ‘good’ guys and the ‘bad’ guys that our ignorant ancestors called the ‘fallen ones’ or the ‘heavenly host.’

It’s even possible that some of these ‘advanced civilizations’ have some insane belief system of their own that they seek to force on others. If ‘disclosure,'(the average dumbass having to daily think about or deal directly with the reality of ‘contact’) happens then the magisteriums or whatever will simply point to the verses about the ‘watchers’ or whatever to explain them or maybe come up with a whole new version, sub-version, or subversion. Religion won’t die. It will simply evolve as it always does.

We are born into a world of mysteries and will likely die in such. If there’s a big beam up it likely won’t be what many are expecting or want. (See vid below)

Modern ‘religion’ has been turned into another way to keep humankind enslaved if it wasn’t designed that way from the beginning.

Wikipedia page on Melchizedek

My standard answer to such:

You’re not gonna get beamed up child. It’s time to wake up and grow up and take personal responsibility for the world you exist in. The ancient tribal propaganda isn’t gonna save you. It wasn’t even written for you.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

‘Free Will’ would be not being forced to make a ‘choice’ –

Choosing sides

“I can’t prove any of these things but I feel this way.” Well there you have it. Believers of all kinds suffer and die every day, usually because they ignored that tiny minority that was trying to get them to get off their mental and physical asses and pay attention and take responsibility for the world around them. Blind faith got us into this mess and it won’t get us out.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Any huckster can learn how to use a ‘hypnotic voice’ or form of preaching or speaking to enthrall the simple minded. Seen it done many times. Check the recent quadrennial quest for the idiot vote.

Who deserves to vote?

I’ve never stopped being a ‘truth seeker.’ It’s too bad you did.

The mysteries mentioned above:

FK – Best vid he’s done in a while. He should do more like this and avoid the fuzzy photoshops…

Here’s another one who’s good at ignoring real ‘inconvenient truths’:


FK – Did Jesus own casinos or say it’s OK to re-marry after divorce?

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. The ‘big deception’ is upon us all right. It won’t be what most expect.

And here’s what our schools are churning out to lead us into the future:

FK – The key is that he learned to be indifferent, or rather his indifference was enforced or as was done to my generation steered in the wrong direction, toward supporting the commie revolution that was going on in the sixties and seventies… and really long before.

Looks like the commie schools had exactly the effect they were built to have:

FK – And the republicrat party was the original party of big government:

Books to read before you vote

The victors write the history books. Who’s writing them now?

What to teach your kids

“ASTONISHING” UFO Clip Released By Chilean Navy! 1/6/17

FK – If you see an ant in your back yard raise it’s head and shake its antennas at you do you stop to have a conversation with it?

The more I learn about the behavior of the tool making monkeys the more I understand why many to most of the watchers or whatever you choose to call them don’t bother with us.

Or maybe they were seeding the atmosphere with what will replace us… or simply remove us. But they’ve probably already set that up.

Groundbreaking UFO Video Just Released By Chilean Navy