Tag Archives: saturday night live

They’re Everywhere! 😆

FK – Actually it used to be a thing that the Soviet Union had families over here whose children were indoctrinated in the communist way so that they might serve global communism when they grew up and help over throw evil capitalism in amerika. How ironic.

They became the parents/grandparents of what we now call SJWs.

This is war. At least the commie globalist trash has enough brains to use every weapon at their disposal. So sad the average dumbass ‘conservative’ and ‘libertarian’ doesn’t. They can’t even figure out they have a common enemy what will consume them if they don’t annihilate it.

amerika won’t be great until we’re free. But sadly there are no men here to bring that about.

And the commies love Lincoln because they recognize him as a fellow traveler. Why do you?

Christian rebels and modern cowards

The Bubble – SNL

FK – Why can’t we just send them all to Australia?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights