Tag Archives: safety

Building a Budget Trauma Kit

FK – In some surplus stores I’ve seen the issue kits go for 20 – 40 bucks.

Something I had no clue about:

FK – Most of the tourniquets I’ve seen didn’t all have that stuff. Only one of mine has the red.

In case you have to:

FK – I keep one handy when I’m cutting wood with a chainsaw.

A different version:

FK – The time can also be written on the skin.

We need to apply that ‘neck tourniquet’ to most of our politicians.

4 Scary Things About Big Data And You

FK – They can re-construct this.

Phone Surveillance Revelation Should Prompt Reassessment Of NSA Spying

Human Rights Watch Sues DEA Over Bulk Collection of Americans’ Telephone Records

Snowden To Oliver: ‘NSA Has The Greatest Surveillance Capabilities We’ve Ever Seen In History’

Crunch Time For Surveillance: PATRIOT Act Renewal Vote Next Month A Key Metric In The Fight Against Surveillance

Fight 215

FK – The only thing I was shocked about on 9/11 was that is wasn’t far worse… Only the brain-dead sheeple were ‘shocked’ that we exist in a dangerous world and the current global empire of note is the greatest danger we face.

NSA’s Prism surveillance program: how it works and what it can do

NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program

And we volunteer for it:

FK – Neither my pix nor my real birthday is on Fake Book. I only use it to piss off my domestic blood enemies and maybe enlighten the sheeple. Don’t put anything on there you want them to profit from, if that’s possible.

The other edge of the pointy sword:

FK – Waze depends on the dependability of those using it. It works OK as a GPS. The cop and traffic reporting not always so much.

Constitutional Gun Carry A Near Reality In Texas


FK – Oh no! We can’t carry those evil vicious mass murdering guns into the presence of our ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANTS. How awful it might be if our SERVANTS became frightened of us or had to fear for their security or safety.

Kentucky has the same problem. The ‘just-us’ centers where the black-robed shysters who profit from the ‘drug war’ have set themselves above us as well need to be returned to the people. Let them hold court in a trailer or log cabin where they try those who have committed real crimes against real people or their property and turn the ‘just-us’ center into community centers or rent them out to businesses or simply sell them off. Or we could demolish them and sell ‘Liberty bricks’ and donate the money to charity or build roads.