Tag Archives: russia

Professor: Russian Analyst’s Threat to Nuke Yellowstone Based on ‘Science Fiction’

Professor Shannon Kobs-Nawotniak responded to an article by Russian geopolitical analyst Konstantin Sivkov which explored the idea of nuking Yellowstone national park to trigger a super volcano by describing the scenario as complete science fiction.

As we reported last month, in commenting on ways Russia would wage war on NATO countries, Sivkov suggested dropping a nuclear weapon on Yellowstone in order to trigger an apocalyptic super volcano that would cover the country with hot ash.

“The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States – a country just disappears,” wrote Sivkov.

Idaho State university geosciences professor Shannon Kobs-Nawotniak told KPVI 6 that the idea would make an interesting sci-fi movie but that it “has no basis in science”.

FK – Would that be a ‘volcano buster?’

World War 3 Draws Near


FK – It’s been going on for decades. We may be looking at the climax, or not…


FK – We’ve been an empire since 1865. The bad guys won that one.

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FK – And what else are the ‘unmentionables’ up to?:


FK – Funny thing that. The point is that no state should be able to restrict human Liberty. While the ‘gay marriage’ issue is wound up in insanity on both sides it does involve a basic human right to live the ‘life’ one sees fit as long as one isn’t harming others. That’s what matters.

Globalized Healthcare is Coming – #NewWorldNextWeek


FK – ‘Pre-emption’ is a two-edged sword with a pointy end, never forget the pointy end, the Romans used it to good effect for hundreds of years.

Without pre-emption on the state level localities can pass laws that restrict Liberty such as creating ‘gun-free’ zones. The Bill of Rights is the ultimate ‘pre-emption.’ While it was originally meant to apply to the federal govt. not all state constitutions have the same protections for human Liberty. We need to apply the Second Amendment, in the historical clarification of what it really means not the “Liberal”(commie) trash version, to all the states.

Unless or until enough stand up and do what will be required our blood domestic enemies will destroy what is left of our Liberty, if any is left because we are slaves.