Tag Archives: russia

The Huge Political Repercussions Of The French Election

FK – I like how he said “repurricans.” Oddly appropriate that is…

Does this guy really think the commies are out to ‘protect’ the common folk when they work relentlessly to disarm them? Really?(I suppose and hope not. Could’ve used a little more intro on him, his background, beliefs, etc.)

The commies there did the same thing ours did, they simply changed their names. Their evil remains the same.

And of course those who simply want to save their culture and thus western civilization are ‘the devil.’

Gas is finally affordable again. I don’t call that a disaster.

The Latest Update On The War Between Russia and The U.S

FK – That’s OK. The ancient tribal propaganda says we’re supposed to kill millions or more over there. So our masters who are ‘appointed by gawd’ are only doing what prophecy says they must.

Meanwhile the globalists who consider us to be their livestock laugh into their sleeves at the common willful ignorance that allows them to keep ruling us.

The TRUTH about Russia v Turkey!


FK – The print should be on the back of the shirt so the sheeple in line behind you might actually read it instead of having to stare at your chest, or some woman’s breasts. Oh the price we pay for Liberty.

Is it the ‘US agenda’ or some other party? So who or what is the CIA really? Who or what really commands it? The CFR or some other group? That would seem to be the question. It’s time we demand the congress critters get to the bottom of this issue.

Our biggest enemies are not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. At the least they wear expensive suits and carry smart phones.

Another version:


FK – Modern propaganda: Truth and lies ran through a blender or sausage grinder. None of these govt.s view us as anything but livestock. That’s because most sheeple act like livestock.

What the hell. Let’s kill a few more million or billion of them over ancient tribal propaganda.


FK – We’ve always been there. Primitive primates have long killed each other over resources. They call us ‘human resources’ for a reason.

Reset. I love that. I once asked my grandmother what the great depression was like, after a lifetime of hearing about the ‘not so good ol’ days’ and how impoverished they were. She just looked at me as if I were crazy and said, “Depression? What depression? We were already poor.”

They have plans for invading your bathroom. After the end of the first gulf war while I was standing post on the Saudi/Kuwait border a Marine Colonel told me they’d planned all this out before. Why he said this to me I’ll never know.

And one more version:


FK – Follow the money? Who or what will profit from this war? Could they be off planet?

It will take much less than nuclear war to herd the sheeple. I don’t think ‘they’ want to do that much damage to their investments.

Stumbling to war with Russia?

Former CIA Operative: Get Ready for WWIII

Erdogan Pledges to Start War Over Russian Anti-aircraft System in Syria

Dem Tulsi Gabbard: War Against Assad Illegal, Unconstitutional


FK – Her Wikipedia page.

Now from the other side?:


FK – Maybe it wasn’t ‘clever’ but a mistake and now they’re in CYA mode with too much pride to admit it was a mistake.

Now a globalist perspective?:

Turkey’s Diplomatic Dogfight


3 Stories That Show the War of Terror Is A Fraud


FK – None of that matters. We still have to go to war to defend god’s chosen, the unmentionables, and their ‘promised land’ according to the ancient tribal propaganda.

And what will they do to hide their lies?:

FK – This world is a dirty place. So many work so hard to shore up their denial of this.

Sources for this linked here.

And our country is the main dirt bag:


FK – How can we rid ourselves of the globalist garbage that is really behind all this? If we had a nation of men we’d have the answer.

Remember, we outnumber them:


FK – After 30 years of trying to pay attention and 20 of waking up I’ve become convinced this reality is a false flag operation.

The amerikan sheeple are the ones who’re failing.


FK – They probably knew full well ISIS(fundie ragheads) or whatever would ‘attack’ Europe, et al.

The ‘agenda’ as always is survival of the fittest. The key issue that we’re failing at is to preserve what one claims to be fighting for. A hint: it’s not supposed to be ‘democracy’ that we’re fighting for, but Liberty, and as always our greatest enemies are not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. They have white skin and are living down the street and call themselves ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ and even ‘tea partiers’ whose real goal is to force their version of authoritarianism on all of us.

And McCarthy was right!!! Search it.

Most-hated senator was right

Joe McCarthy Was Right

Make those claims about McCarthy again and I’ll begin to realize you’re part of the problem.

And you are right about our situation being ‘far more complicated than that.’ Most fear to go there…

Don’t miss this one:

Chuck Baldwin: The Paris Attacks

FK – Mainstream Christianity has become part of the problem.

…and lo and behold a hired public servant pulls its head out of its ass:

D.C. Chief Lanier encourages people to ‘take the gunman out’ in active shooter situations

FK – Does this mean the district of commie criminals will now respect our most basic right? A right applied for is a privilege.

GOP Warmongers Shill For Israel


FK – Can you say ‘dupes’ boys and girls? No, not the politicians, the indoctrinated idiots who support them. Most ‘jews’ are secular Marxists. What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Wait, here’s another version:

FK – Most modern jews are secular Marxists. Simple fact. What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

All this crap is based in ancient Monarchy which our ancestors fought a bloody 8-year war to end. The human race will have peace and justice when they learn to value human liberty and grow out of all this ancient tribal propaganda.

Now catch this:


FK – So what does it all really mean? Are we really ready to kill millions over ancient tribal propaganda? Really?

The End Of The U.S Empire Is Here

FK – Who can make war against the Beast? We’d better, or it will consume us.


FK – So who really runs Saudi? The empire could roll over them militarily in less than a week, probably much less. Why hasn’t it done this? Who or what is really in control of the oil?


Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating


FK – Sounds like good news to me, if it’s true. All the cowardly whores and commie trash(Cameron) are leaving so we can have our country back. So it will be up to that tiny courageous minority to do what will be required.

And after we take our country back we can send spec ops to hunt them down around the globe and bring them back to justice.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Russia Tips The Grand Chess Board


FK – There are no white or black hats. Never has been. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. If we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.


FK – The real question is what power the House of Saud holds over the globalists. Why haven’t they been invaded and overthrown?

How many claws does the bear have?

FK – The empire’s military spending dwarfs the rest of the world.

World Military Spending

FK – But how far would we get without our tech? Is the average amerikan able to fight without jets, missiles and aircraft carriers?

Can your girlfriend do this?

FK – Are cadets in amerikan sckools allowed to even have weapons? Probably not in most cases. How pathetic and disgusting we’ve become.

They seem to grow up well:

FK – Our governments are our enemies. Not the peoples of the world.

Chief of Staff: U.S. Army at 33% Readiness

In a speech last week, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno said that budget cuts were negatively affecting unit readiness in addition to downsizing the Army to historically low numbers.

“Right now, we are at 33 percent readiness,” Gen. Odierno said, referring to the Army’s 32 Brigade Combat Teams.  “What keeps me up at night more than anything else is that I might get a mission to send some of our soldiers and we haven’t properly trained them or given them the right equipment to do their job.”  Now at less than half the desired level of readiness for its Brigade Combat Teams, the U.S. Army should be maintaining 70 percent readiness, he said.

“If sequestration occurs [in 2016], for the next three to four to five years, we’ve moving towards a hollow army,” Gen Odierno said in a January speech.

Since Gen. Odierno became the U.S. Army Chief of Staff three years ago, the Army has shed 80,000 troops, with another 40,000 likely to be dropped through attrition.

FK – Sigo(a commenter) is right. But I must ask what if the general is just lying in the hopes for a budget increase? How is ‘readiness’ really defined? Readiness for what? A two front war? Civilian insurrection? Or just more of the same NWO corporate profiteering we’ve seen for decades?

If some are right when they claim the Marxist mutt fired the officers who won’t go along with its plans then just how ‘hollow’ or hollow headed or hollow hearted is the military?

Why Is the Pentagon Moving Communications Equipment to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex?

BRICS and the Fiction of “De-Dollarization”

The financial media as well as segments of the alternative media are pointing to a possible weakening of the US dollar as a global trading currency resulting from the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) initiative. 

One of the central arguments in this debate on competing World currencies hinges on the BRICS initiative to create a development bank which, according to analysts, challenges the hegemony of Wall Street and the Washington based Bretton Woods institutions.

FK – Well that puts a different spin on it. We already have a global currency, it’s called the dollar.