Tag Archives: roswell

UFOs ABOVE TOP SECRET HD – Secrecy, Tesla, Energy, Antigravity & Interstellar Travel

FK – Older show that gets into some PC stuff towards the end. ‘Free energy’ might be great or it might not. Too many are breeding like rats now.

In a First, Astronomers Catch a Multiple Star System in the Process of Forming

If they’re gonna ‘disclose’ themselves it might hafta be soon:


FK – Or maybe they’re already running things:

UFO The Roswell Crash Startling New Evidence (full length TV ep)

FK – “…take our place as full and equal citizens in the galactic federation…”

Good luck with that. Guinea pigs we probably are and guinea pigs we shall probably remain for quite some time. With billions believing it’s OK that their god, that’s ‘their’ god, will burn the vast majority of humans who ever existed alive in fire forever we still exist in a very dark age and the human race has a lot of growing up to do.

8 potentially habitable alien worlds discovered – Spacing Out! Ep. 102

FK – Mach 9 has always been ‘possible’ along with a lot of other things…

FK – Longer interview footage from the second vid of Col. Corso:

FK – Allegedly the Soviets had their own ‘Area 51’ and also recovered downed craft.