Tag Archives: roswell

WOW! Wait Until You Hear What The UFO are PLANNING: LA Marzulli Tells All

FK – This guy is obviously another religious huckster.

Who wrote the religions? Where did the religions come from? The same hands and minds that create ‘the news.’ It’s ‘all’ about control. Why do so many have no problem with the concept that ‘their’ sadistic god will burn billions alive in fire forever including little kids and babies? Because we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous time.

The ‘lying signs and wonders’ have been with us all along and the ancient tribal propaganda is part of that. If someone tells me they put blind faith in any source or group I know I’m dealing with a child.

The way to avoid being ‘deceived’ is not to blindly trust ANY source especially one that was clearly patterned after the ancient tyrannical kings that looked down their noses at their subjects and their slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or kill you.”

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

You’re not gonna get beamed up children. It’s time to wake up and grow up and take personal responsibility for the world you exist in. The ancient tribal propaganda isn’t gonna save you. It wasn’t even written for you.

The killer bees of fake news

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

Michael Heiser – Who is “Satan” in the Book of Job?

Another form of blind faith:

FK – “I’d hitch a ride…” Uh yeah…. Superior tech does not guarantee superior ‘morals.’ Assuming they’re capable of such, or that we are.

UFOs: A Game of Perception

FK – Funny how they started pushing ‘democracy,’ another manipulative lie, and not Liberty.

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.

Was the NSA really passed to fight the cold war when we were funding and selling grain to the Soviets and our banksters had financed their revolution?

Supposedly the affects of the Wells broadcast has been over-hyped over the years but the fact remains the average sheeple, even with mild distrust of ‘officials’ and govt. still usually blindly believe what they’re told by them and dis-believe any ‘fringe’ info they get from those who aren’t in positions of authority, aren’t wearing a suit or aren’t wealthy or in some other way ‘approved.’

One reason for the Nazis’ success in Germany was their opposition to the Bolshevik Jews who were working to communize Germany, Europe and the world. They succeeded in Russia with help from our banksters.

Is the CIA behind the ‘flat earth’ psyop or the ‘young Earth creationists’ or the ‘global warming’ alarmists?

It’s all about sewing confusion to prevent real organization among the ‘grassroots’ who are now so divided they can’t even agree on who their real enemies are, from fascists in the woodpile to brown-skinned ‘terrorists’ hiding in caves on the other side of the world to communists posing as liberals and progressives, all of whom firmly ‘believe’ in their version, sub-version or subversion of reality or someone’s ancient tribal propaganda, and all very willing to kill each other over it.

The sad reality is that the ‘elites’ are right about the common sheeple, in that most of them would rather die than think. Yet we still have a shadow of the system the Founders created and if enough would understand we’re supposed to be truly free here, not existing under statism or some interpretation of ancient tribal propaganda that wasn’t even written for us and act on that knowledge by shutting down the phone lines and email servers of our elected public servants much could be done to restore the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

Who are the ‘watchers‘ helping now?

What to teach your kids

Who deserves to vote?

The killer bees of fake news

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The Roswell UFO Crash BBC Documentary – Proof

FK – Just watched this last night. It’s several years old. Don’t remember all the interviews with locals from any other vids I’ve seen before but I’ve seen a lot. I don’t put a lot of faith in the ‘autopsy’ vid at the end. More recent claims/admissions are that it’s a hoax.

There’s a lot of things our ‘scientists’ don’t understand:

Secret Antarctica Coverup? Inner Earth, Alien Bases & More 11/11/16

FK – Disclosure wouldn’t put your channel out of business, especially if you switched to ‘exopolitics’ as it’s called. The various versions of authoritarianism will not fail to use it to whatever degree it exists as propaganda to further their agendas from claiming the aliens are here to help us and give us ‘free energy’ to telling the simple minded they’re just ‘angels and demons’ and the big beam up is coming soon.

Real disclosure, or acknowledgement, won’t come until it’s forced either by unforseen events or by a grassroots groundswell demanding it. First we need to take our country back from all the various forms of authoritarianism.

With the resources Trump has he probably knows a lot of things. My only question is will he quit using his bleach blonde dye over the next four years so his hair can turn gray as most prezzes’ do.

And I figured Trump would win, sans enough voter fraud to put the CFR witch in the now red house. Though klinton seems to be taking it well, maybe too well. I’m still not convinced Trump isn’t just another faker and hiterly was just another willing ride in the dog and pony show, her limitless hubris and pride notwithstanding.

What Is The Government Hiding About Aliens and UFO’s!

FK – The question is not ‘Do they exist?’ the question is ‘What part if any are they playing in the NWO?’

Do they want to kill western civilization for a reason? Has the ‘invasion’ already started? Are there multiple ‘invaders?’ How many if any might be ‘on our side?’

Billions are programmed, indoctrinated, to reject a ‘world ruler’ and to be ‘saved’ by a god coming to establish his ‘kingdom’ on Earth. Is this simply ancient bronze age tribal propaganda or something more? Will the first ‘anti-christ’ figure be a straw man? Is this all one big false flag op?

If the universe is ancient we don’t even qualify as tadpoles in a mud hole on the edge of a growing desert.

Our science has the same problem our religion has, both are human-centric. Both notions are absurd. If the universe(s) is/are ancient and if there’s life ‘out there’ and if we’re in a younger portion of the universe and if other intelligent species evolved or were ‘created’ in other places who’s to say we’re not someone’s side project, existing in some dimensional bubble that doesn’t allow us to see who or what else is really out there because they don’t want us to or don’t think we’re ready yet?

The average dumbass would rather die than think at all about anything that matters much less about anything like this. It’s too scary to them. They’d rather imagine billions, including babies and little kids, being burned alive in fire forever. It shows we’re still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.


FK – The primary purpose of any government should be to protect and increase human Liberty. But instead they view us as livestock. Or maybe ‘they’ view us as livestock.

A Dissenting History of the World [PART I] – Nuclear War & UFOs

FK – Is this why they want to disarm us?

The watchers have been here since our beginning or before. Angels who looked like men in the Bible? All the stuff I watched/read on this over the past few years has almost convinced me we’re under someone’s protection. Else we would’ve been eaten a long time ago.

The 1947 Roswell Crash Theory You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

FK – Written by a mainstream newswhore still drawing a check, I presume, from a large mainstream daily rag. Sounds like more coverup/disinfo to me?

How did the Soviets develop such tech? How did the author establish credibility of her witness?

What are the watchers really gaining from us, if anything? What would happen if full ‘disclosure’ occurred? Would we be like the American aborigines whose cultures and civilizations were destroyed? Do the watchers not want this for some reason?

Sorry, I was mistaken, here’s the author’s bio from the Amazon page for her book:

Annie Jacobsen is a journalist and author who writes about war, weapons, U.S. national security and government secrecy. She was a contributing editor for the Los Angeles Times Magazine from 2009 until it closed in 2013. Her 2011 non-fiction bestseller, ”Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base,” has been published in five languages and is being made into an AMC scripted television series with Gale Anne Hurd (Walking Dead, Terminator) and Chris Carter, legendary creator of the X-Files.

Annie Jacobsen graduated from St. Paul’s School and Princeton University where she wrote with Joyce Carol Oates and Paul Auster, studied Greek, and served as Captain of the Princeton Women’s Ice Hockey Team. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband Kevin and their two sons.

FK – And don’t miss the comments on the Amazon page.