Tag Archives: revolution

UN Orders Countries To Ban Internet Free Speech!


FK – It’s been ‘on’ for a long time. How much longer?

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

FK – I bet they’re all ‘nice’ people. Lots of nice people have shot lots of other nice people into ditches because they were too stupid and too cowardly to say “No.”

20 Rules to Win a Firefight…

Afgh-kunar-firefight-checkpostIn this guide we are going to go over the Top 20 Firefight Rules for any warfighter to live by.

In this day and age of high speed drills, and ‘tacticool’ gear we can often lose sight of essential firefight rules, fogging up the basics and getting your ass in a world of hurt.With this in mind we are going to talk about 20 bedrock rules anyone who will end up in a firefight should know.

Focus on these rules first and foremost, worry about looking cool later.

Ditch style for the kill

I know you guys all love Travis Haley, focusing on your stance and strategies.

The reality is in a firefight all that shit goes out the window and no one will give a damn about your stance, tactics, or caliber.

The only thing that matters is who lives, and who dies, if you have to operate dirty for the kill, do it.

FK – There’s no ‘stance’ that will replace long practice and being able to shoot from any position…

The “M” Word


FK – “We’re not trying to overthrow the government. The government’s already been overthrown.” – KSM Commander Charlie Puckett

If we can’t stand against the labeling and propaganda then we won’t stand against bullets or worse. No matter what PR we generate our domestic blood enemies will still label and attack us. We will be ‘terrorists’ and ‘killers’ and ‘extremists’ and ‘racists’ and on and on until we destroy them. There is no other option.

We need millions more of real men who are willing to do what will be required.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

Rules for the militia

Did Miss South Carolina’s Pro Gun Stance Cost Her Title?


FK – Oh that one rubbed the commie propagandists the wrong way for sure… Can’t go against the propaganda stream. Our candidates sure as hell don’t know how to do that, except for the demagogues. How do you tell the real candidates from the demagogues? Look at their record!

Questions for your candidate

GOP candidate Ben Carson says he probably wouldn’t have shot Michael Brown


FKWhy are so many of our RINO candidates pandering to commie propaganda? Because they’re NWO hacks!

GOP candidate Ben Carson says he probably wouldn’t have shot Michael Brown

Kentucky Cop-Killer was Obama Supporter, Attended Mike Brown’s Funeral

Free Speech Outlawed at 9/11 Ground Zero

FK – Well let’s see. All the ‘victims’ of 9/11 who had to be morons to begin with for not knowing the danger we already faced at that time from our own govt., without even getting into the discussion of who/what really ‘attacked’ us, weren’t even ‘allowed’ to defend themselves in New Yawk City without fear of a felony conviction.

This is how I responded to all the propaganda then and I haven’t changed my mind one bit about it.

I’ll never ‘forget’ how disgusted I was at how ‘surprised’ all the braindead sheeple were that something like that could happen here. The only thing I was surprised at was that it wasn’t far worse or they didn’t use nukes, the ragheads or our govt. or the mossad or the Saudis or some combination thereof or whoever the hell really did it. Time to wake up and grow up. They only killed 3000 in a nation of 300 million and our sorry ass congress passed the ‘patriot’ act, thousands of pages they didn’t read that had already been written. They should all be hanged for treason for that.

Agenda 21 To Takeover The Freeways Of LA


FK – As they say what happens in commiefornia later comes to the rest of the country. I see the useless unused bike lanes in many places. Most of them are no more full than the sidewalks. They need to teach the average driver how to deal with bicycles in traffic.

The trash that’s behind this evil is really a tiny minority of our population. So why aren’t we hunting them? I won’t vote for any prez candidate whose first guarantee isn’t to bring the troops home, activate the militias and NATIONAL Guard and do so.

Should You Join a Militia?

There is historical basis and precedence for militia. Our forefathers even went so far to plan for the need of a “well-regulated Militia” and outlined this in our Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights. Their reasoning in my, and countless others minds, was that a militia could one day be “necessary to the security of a free State”. The militia concept was preferable to a standing Army which many of our founders were vehemently opposed to.

For example, James Madison said:

In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people.

Simply put, we might need our own defensive forces to step in to defend us in dire circumstances. Each state used to be responsible for their own militias. State Militias still exist, but they are nothing like the forces they once were, they are rare and most people think the National Guard has taken their place.

This article isn’t an argument about the Second Amendment, or a dissection of those words our founders sacrificed so much for. The common expression of Militias today exist as a symbol largely that has been used by people on both sides of the argument over whether Militias are necessary or unneeded relics that should be confined to history.

One side of this argument almost universally depicts any group that calls themselves a Militia as radical, violent, racist and bent on overthrowing the government. The other side largely views the role of a militia as some bulwark against a rising fear of tyranny. The question on my mind started largely with a simple question that one of our readers posed a while back. Should you join a militia?

FK – In my estimation there is really only one reason to join a militia, even though many I have trained with may disagree, and this is to restore our Liberty, the Bill of Rights, and the form of government we are supposed to enjoy in this country. All the ‘fighting terrorism’ and ‘civil service’ and preparedness and disaster readiness and on and on are only public relations functions at best.

Our real enemies are right here. They have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

We should have, decades ago, established a militia force in every county in this country to deal with: the BATF Nazi trash who have proven themselves to be murderers, and exist to railroad people into prison in the name of evil laws that the Second Amendment doesn’t allow; the IRS Nazi trash who steal people’s property and ruin their lives and imprison them in the name of enforcing a tax that isn’t supposed to exist in this country and in fact wasn’t ratified by enough states to become law; and the FBI who have been involved in one way or another with every ‘terrorist’ incident over the last several years; the ‘drug war,’ like the ‘war on terror’ which would not exist if all the ‘right’ people on all sides weren’t profiting from it.

But since we don’t have a nation of men but a nation of cowardly whores we have the situation we have: lots of small groups under several different names, some public, hopefully many not, who will have to deal with the ultimate blood war that history shows always comes, in the best way they can.

This situation will not likely change until the upper middle class, the ‘people'(loosely defined) with money and intelligence, figure out there’s no more corn in the trough.

So all I can reasonably offer at this point is this: Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Or as our domestic blood enemies like to say “Think globally, act locally.”

This will likely be true at the beginning of any future conflict whereby we will have to erode our enemies’ support at the foundation in the vein of the movie “Michael Collins.”

From my own personal experience this is my immediate advice: Rules for the militia

Shemitah 2015 – Prophecy or Quackery?


FK – This date setting and fear mongering is all a distraction(and money making) sort of a thing to keep would be activists spending time and money on their hidey holes instead of standing up like real men and women and taking responsibility for the world they exist in.

That doesn’t mean we totally ignore all such warnings. Some day one of them might be right, and there might not be a damn thing we can do about it. Focus on what we can affect.

If there are some elitist crazies who believe in this stuff or simply use the sheeple’s(and people’s) belief in ancient tribal propaganda or whatever for their own purposes then some of it might be ‘viable’ in a pedantic sort of way. Religion, like democracy, is another form of manipulation.

If you had a program that would predict crashes and upswings why the hell would you tell anyone!? That’d be like telling the casinos in Vegas you know how to beat them.

The patriot movement has for years been quaking in its boots every time some idiot sees some tanks on a train. Back in the 90s it was ‘This October the tanks are gonna roll.” I remember hearing that for several years.

I’ve been missing out all these years by not selling gold and dried food all while constantly setting a new date. It’s amazing how quickly they forget the last one. But then it should be amazing how every prez election cycle the idiots vote for demagogues who are telling them the same lies they heard the last time.

The govt. as most of our other institutions has been infiltrated by our greatest enemies, our domestic blood enemies who have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Anti-prepping 101: The top unpreparedness skills to master now for the coming collapse (outrageous satire)

(NaturalNews) We’ve all seen countless articles on tips for preparedness, but I’ve never seen an article providing tips and skills to those who refuse to prepare. (This article is outrageous, politically incorrect satire. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya…)

Why shouldn’t anti-preppers have lists, too? After all, they are going to need to learn a vast array of dangerous and totally gross new skills to survive, such as standing in food lines, looting retail stores and giving BJs in barter for medicine.

Frankly, I think all of us in the prepper community have been a bit discriminatory in not providing “unpreparedness lists” for all those who plan to be unprepared. After all, their necessary skills are much more difficult to master than ours! It’s way more difficult, for example, to learn how to give BJs for food than it is to just store some extra food in the first place, so the anti-preppers really have their work cut out for them. They need to start training now!

It might also be useful for them to engage in “anti-prepper foreign exchange programs” where clueless city-dwelling liberal Americans who think socialism is awesome are flown to Venezuela for a few months, where they get to witness a collapsing socialist utopia in its full glory (while learning unpreparedness skills they can use back home in the coming collapse).

In the hope of helping anti-preppers acquire the skills they need to be fully unprepared, I’ve assembled this list of extremely useful unpreparedness skills they can start learning and practicing right now.

FK – I wrote my own version of this a few years back. It’s not intended to be funny and has a different outcome: Prepping for slavery