Tag Archives: revelation

Top 10 Best Videos of 2015 – Learn Liberty

FK – Haven’t watched any of these but I’m completely in favor of modern ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives'(communists) being ‘free’ to sell their brains to medical science to further our understanding of willful ignorance and evil and how those two human traits are contributing to the created downfall of western civilization. Is that too ‘conspiratorial’ for ya’?

Speaking of ‘conspiracy’:


FK – It started decades ago. We’re so close behind the 8 ball we may never get a shot. Time to end the doomsaying and focus on victory against our greatest enemies, our domestic blood enemies.

History is transition. What will we transition to?

This law California just passed may signal the END of our Republic.

FKThe ‘republic,’ like the Roman republic, only lasted about 80 years. The amerikan military hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

The only real difference is we exist under the illusion that we elect our dicatators and our empire enforces many of its edicts by other means than blood war.

It’s time for real patriot leaders to man up and cross our Rubicon, or Potomac, and re-establish the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

Israel Lobbies To Have American Firearms Taken Away


FK – Any foreign govt. or any domestic group or individual that is lobbying to disarm you is your blood enemy. Every time your ‘liberal'(communist) friends vote they vote to kill you.

These are our enemies:


FK – But there’s more than one way to skin a cat, or call for war.

It’s Time To Take A Stand And Be Counted


FK – Actually when I see the newswhores talking too much about an individual or group it worries me, as I see them doing with Trump now. Usually they just ignore, if they can, those who present the biggest danger to them.

DISTURBING – News In October ’15 Says Scientists Altered People’s Belief In God and Immigration


FK – What if they’re doing it so they can use it on ‘terrorists?’ If every ‘immigrant,’ coming into the country were ran through a machine that wiped their little brain housing groups of the desire to die for allah or whatever sadistic asshole they worship would that be a good thing?

‘Human beings’ or ‘homo sapiens,’ loosely defined, are biological robots. I’ve seen too much reality to not understand this. I’ve seen truck drivers who’ve spent decades addicted to ‘gettin’ the load,’ at the price of their health and families, and factory workers that show up day after day, year after year, decade after decade, putting screw A in hole B but you couldn’t engage them in a conversation about anything that actually matters if their lives depended on it.

Similarly ‘christians,’ of various versions, sub-versions and subversions waste their time in this world waiting for the world to end with no real conception that they hold personal responsibility for what happens around them. And it’s perfectly OK with them if billions, including those they claim to love, get burned alive in fire forever by their sadistic god. And they have the audacity, or rather ignorance, to call eternal slavery vs. eternal torture a ‘choice.’

Who or what is our biggest enemy?

The Latest Update On The War Between Russia and The U.S

FK – That’s OK. The ancient tribal propaganda says we’re supposed to kill millions or more over there. So our masters who are ‘appointed by gawd’ are only doing what prophecy says they must.

Meanwhile the globalists who consider us to be their livestock laugh into their sleeves at the common willful ignorance that allows them to keep ruling us.

Thanksgiving: A Politically Incorrect Guide

FK – Read ‘The Frontiersman‘ by Allan W. Eckert.

The Shawnee would stop at every village north with captives from Kentucky and have them run the gauntlet. This involved stripping them naked, painting them black, then beating them to a near death condition, with old women and little kids joining in. They would be nursed back to health then taken on the next village. If they survived these ordeals the chief of the tribe would eventually decide their ultimate fate, either slavery, being traded for ransom from the British or baked alive inside a ring of fire. If they got the fire treatment it involved being tethered to a stake with a ring of brush around the outside of an area big enough for them to run around inside while trying to avoid being baked, stuck with burning sticks by again the old women and little kids and the occasional warrior that might run through and cut something off. If they were lucky after several hours, or half a day or more, of this someone would finish them off.

Of course this shows how primitive they were compared to our ancestors who baptized babies not as a symbolic act but so their sadistic god wouldn’t burn them alive in fire forever. No wait, the protestant conquerors waited until they were a little older and could be cajoled into ‘gettin’ saved’ so they wouldn’t be burned alive in fire forever by a loving and merciful god. The things our ancestors did to conquer this continent you mentioned, at least some of them, except for the numerous treaties that were broken consistently.

A truly ‘civilized’ society would teach its young ones its real history, warts and all. We haven’t had that in the past and certainly won’t gain it with the Marxist political correctness so prevalent in our govt. indoctrination centers.

For the sake of the simple minded, no we might not teach first-fifth graders about the things the ‘amerindians’ sometimes cut off their prisoners any more than we should teach them about anal sex or Heather who has two mentally ill birth defected mommies or daddies or whatever they’re called now.

I have some ‘native’ blood in me from maybe both sides of my family and I don’t lie awake worrying about it either way. I’ve never had any desire to live in a wikiup or chew a new pair of moccasins.

Gruesome medieval torture and execution methods

FK – We modern ‘native amerikans’ are being conquered by a wholly different kind of beast:

FK – But a “Liberal”(commie) trash citiot could easily say to a rural white southerner “You’re so articulate, and your camouflage matches the mud on your truck.” That would be perfectly OK.

The sex rape thing will be figured out. Eventually all sex acts will be livestreamed.

Bad Future For Jerusalem


FK – All because of their ancient tribal propaganda. Millions, maybe billions dead over a ‘promised land’ that most supporters over here wouldn’t be allowed to move to. How absurd and insane. Billions, including babies, kids and teens burning alive in fire forever.

We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Why is Murder Wrong?

FK – I once said to a ‘believer’: “The bible says there was a war in heaven. That means there could be a war in heaven again.”

He agreed with me.

All these ideas of perfection amount to so much beating around the bush. What humans have always searched for is false security, a guarantee of their basic needs in a history of want. Religion was also handy for keeping the slaves working: “Be a good servant, you’ll have paradise in the next life,” or “You’re gonna get beamed up(raptured) soon so you don’t have to actually do anything about all the corruption in our govt. or the world,” and on and on.

Where’s the The Economic Collapse?


FK – What was 2008? I had people telling me about the housing bubble years before. I thought things would be much worse by now. Maybe as long as we have the interstate system and ‘civilized’ people need toilet paper, cigarettes and whiskey there won’t be a ‘total collapse’ of the walking dead type.

What’s funny is all those who put back all that food and water and whatever as if they’re gonna be the ones fighting the zombies. The zombies are among us now. They have white skin, were born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world and can be divided roughly into two groups: The evil highly educated/intelligent elites who know what they do and their whores and those who voted for/support their policies because they’ll get a check or a job or whatever out of it.

The Fed is ‘the’ bank right, for the biggest most powerful empire ever in human history? What does that really mean? Who really was behind the Communist Manifesto? Who supported Marx financially? Money makes revolutions and wars.

I think we’re being ‘guided,’ that’s ‘think’ not believe which means I’m not 1000 percent convinced but there are questions… If the universe is ancient and if we are in a younger section of it and if ‘life’ by whatever definition evolved or whatever in other older sections then what would that mean? We’re someone’s petri dish, or farm, or nature preserve or ant farm, or resource or all the above.

The markup is due to wealth or eco guilt? Reminds me of shopping in these upscale grocery stores where a jar of green sauce sells for a buck or two more than at the redneck mecca. Funny stuff. My eco guilt wore off long ago. I bought a couple bananas and left.

The Real Reason Putin is Fighting ISIS


FK – So where are our real enemies? Hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?

Or did we elect their servants?:


FK – Keep waiting for the end of the world. You’ll get beamed up soon. Be a good slave you’ll have paradise in the next life.

And we may kill millions or billions over whose sadistic asshole of a god will get to burn the vast majority of the human race alive in fire forever. How sad and disgusting.

It doesn’t matter to the mad emperor whether he’s naked or not, just as long as he remains emperor and no one can see him, or them.

Does it matter what our emperors actually say?:


FK – The ‘translators’ should get the speeches beforehand so they don’t have to work on the fly…

Putin’s full speech? As provided by a commenter on the vid.