Tag Archives: religion

Sugar Pine Mine – Oath Keepers Public Information Officer Interview


FK – When the war starts we won’t be shooting at spirits. Time to wake up and grow up and stop choosing from among ALL the forms of authoritarianism. Nobody’s gonna get beamed up.

Wow. Our Founders fought a bloody war to get us away from evil tyrannical kings who looked down their noses at their subjects/slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll torture you and/or kill you.” Some of the Founders, the Anti-Federalists, insisted on a Bill of Rights that included an acknowledgement of our natural born right to not be cruelly or unusually punished yet billions don’t mind the idea that all those who don’t agree with their version, sub-version, or subversion deserve to be tortured alive in fire forever.

Believing it is condoning it. That’s how that works. The human race is still a very primitive species and we’re still existing in a very dark age.

FK – We need a miitia in every county in the country to deal with such evil as this. Sourced here.

Larry King on Ferguson Policing… and Nudity

FK – So the amerikan ragheads can run their communities? If you drive through one and break one of their ‘laws’ they lop your head or something else off, give your daughters clitorectomies and train your sons in jihad.

The “Liberal”(commie) trash communities can set up their Marxist indoctrination center, even more audacious than what they do now in the govt. schools, disarm all their opposition and hold homosexual ‘love-ins’ where all are forced to experiment with ‘alternative’ lifestyles.

The evangelical ‘christians’ can decide which version, sub-version or subversion they want to follow, can stone or not stone, that might be the question, force all women to wear dresses, keep their mouths shut in church and force all the ‘gays’ to convert.

But maybe I’m over reacting. Maybe not.

Real Talk: The Patriot Act


FK – Darn it, I usually have to watch her vids twice, once for aesthetic value and again to try to hear what she actually said.

The Patriot Act likely will not be repealed until enough Patriots go to the District of Commie Criminals and do what will be required.

CUE HYSTERIA: First ever feticide conviction in US

FK – The “Liberal”(commie) trash, the real ‘red’ team(their propagandists switched the colors) want to have sex with everything and anything and the ‘christian conservatives’ feel some deep set need to produce more babies for their sadistic asshole of a god to hold by their heels over hell-fire so it can tell them “Be my mindless slaves or I’ll torture you and/or kill you!” just like the ancient tyrannical kings it was patterned after.

The human race is insane and we still exist in a very dark age. Supposedly they’re working on a fool-proof birth control for men now. If it’s proven to work every 14 year-old should get it, but we know that won’t happen. As a society we’d rather hand out condoms and bibles to 8-year-olds.

Both sides in this absurd ‘culture war’ are getting it wrong:

FK – So all the great men/women of the past who gave us science, Liberty, matches, bananas, snow sleds, cars, milk shakes, their lives were meaningless?

Most are truly incapable of seeing beyond their own piddling existences. That’s why old grave yards are forgotten and children are told to ‘go get a job’ and billions are waiting to get beamed up before things get too bad and billions more waste all their time in the pursuit of money, things, false security, all while knowing they too will die.

Zionism Is Racism!


FK – The real question might be who or what really started all this and/or why and does it still matter? We know what the evangelicals would answer, but what is the reality?

Are money and subterfuge and religion(but I repeat myself)  the only tools they use in our subjugation or do they have other means at their disposal?

I wouldn’t want to see the ‘white’ race disappear, though I think the only danger of that is generations down the road if the undeveloped races keep breeding and we don’t. But population seems to be on the decline in Europe and here.

Not sure of the rates in Africa and Asia. I do think there are too many people. Yeah we could fit everyone into Texas but who the hell wants to exist like that, especially in Texas? Well, East Texas has hills and is pretty country.

The best and the brightest should be having children but the opposite is true.

Most ‘white’ people are mutts anyway, in this country. The English used to consider the Irish to be a separate race and on and on. I don’t have a conniption fit if I see a mix-raced couple. I know the smarter dog is often a mutt.


FK – And another version:

FK – These folks may genuinely believe they’re searching for ‘truth.’ But how sad, when we’re losing our country and the Bill of Rights, which is what really makes us exceptional, that so many are still arguing over 3000-year-old tribal propaganda that was written over a long period of time by a lot of different people so they could push their version of what god/man/religion whatever is/was/is supposed to be. Time to wake up and grow up and stand up and stop waiting for the world to end.

Do You Know Anyone Who Is Going To Hell?

What is hell?

We’re told that it’s a place of utter anguish and torment. An eternal destination for those who turn their backs on God and reject the Ten Commandments. Imagine the most painful, the most degrading, the most unspeakable torture you can imagine, multiply it by a thousand, and it probably will not come close to the reality of hell.

Flesh-eating demons, eternal fire, the stench of sulfur…

There’s no sleeping in hell. No rest or reprieve from continuous suffering and agony. And it lasts forever.

So who goes to hell?

FK – How disgusting. Those who most deserve hell are those who think it’s OK there is such a place. I’d rather go to hell than spend eternity with a bunch of brain dead sheep who think it’s fun to stand around praising some sadistic asshole who made billions of people knowing they would be tortured forever after this less than a blink of an existence, a sadistic asshole that was clearly patterned after the ancient tyrannical kings who looked down their noses at their subjects and declared “Be good little slaves and subjects or I’ll torture and kill you.”

We are still a very primitive species. Our Founding Fathers, some of whom were some version of ‘christian’ at least codified in the Bill of Rights the notion of ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ though it will clearly be multiple generations before the human race is mature enough to understand what that means.

How many millions or billions more will die in religious wars before that happens? Sorry, wars aren’t really religious, greedy narcissistic leaders simply use the ancient manipulations to dupe their ignorant masses into thinking they’re fighting for god when the real goal is power and filthy lucre. It’s always been that way and clearly will be for some time to come.

Sorry, I forgot, we’re all gonna get beamed up soon even though we send our kids to the government schools so they can get ‘good jobs’ while they’re here in Satan’s world yet we can’t be bothered to try to affect the laws they’ll exist under because they’ll get beamed up before it matters.

And of course it’s OK if that sadistic asshole of a god burns billions of little kids and teenagers alive in fire forever because it’s all part of its ‘plan.’ And you’ll all stand around singing praises to it while you watch all the infants the catholic church didn’t sprinkle in time and all the 8-year-olds that weren’t cajoled or scared into ‘gettin’ saved’ in time, writhe in fire.

Huh? The human race is insane. I’ve seen/heard it all my life and it gets more disgusting every day…


FK – But they’re not truly ‘open-minded.’ That’s the problem. Blind faith and willful ignorance is easier.

The bible is clearly a lot of different crap made up by a lot of different ‘humans'(loosely defined) over time that was their idea of what god/religion/human nature/society/human behavior, is/should be/or could be. Most are too mal educated or not educated enough to grasp this.

World War 3…Birth Of A Brave New World


FK – And the dupes go marching off to war again, and again…


FK – Fiction and reality merge again, but which is which? If someone tells you they ‘know’ better watch out…


Suspicious0bservers & SuspectSky – Evidence of Aliens, Religion and Disclosure [DISCUSSION]

FK – The average sheeple would still go to work the next day unless the aliens killed all the banksters…

The religions will do what they always do: find a verse that fits or re-write their books or invent a new way to manipulate the masses.

Or they’d go buy a UFO shirt: