Tag Archives: ragheads

The Secret of The Muhammad Garland TX Shooting


FK – It’s not about the guns or the Second Amendment. We can win that battle and still lose the war. See earlier post below.

Former terror suspect well known to the FBI is named as one of two gunmen shot dead by cops after attack on anti-Islam ‘draw Muhammad’ art contest near Dallas


FK – Sounds like a poorly planned and poorly executed attack to me…


FK – Another reason we need a militia in every county in this country to protect the Bill of Rights.

Establishment GOP Wants to Provide Illegal Immigrants with Driver’s Licenses

FK – The best thing the ‘right wing’ could do for Mexicans is end the drug war.

Guns: The Difference Between Garland And Paris

When armed terrorists attacked Charlie Hebdo headquarters over Muhammad cartoons on January 7, unarmed police officers were forced to flee for their lives. When armed men attacked people gathered in Garland, Texas, on May 3 over Prophet Muhammad cartoons, armed police cut them down — and the Daily Mail reported that the body of one was left lying the street while police searched for explosives.

The difference between Garland and Paris can be summed up in one word: guns.

On January 7, CBS News relayed reports from Britain’s Telegraph newspaper that the first two officers to arrive “were apparently unarmed” and “fled after seeing gunmen armed with automatic weapons and possibly a grenade launcher.” The UK’s Independent reported that “three policemen arrived on bikes but had to leave because [the attackers] were armed.”

BBC reported the Paris gunmen killed 12 in their attack on Charlie Hebdo headquarters; that number includes 8 Charlie Hebdo “eight journalists, two police officers, a caretaker and a visitor.”

Moreover, the terrorists were able to continue their attack at different points in and around the city for the next 48 hours.

FKSo are we justifying the militarization of the police now? I don’t care what they have in the way of arms, but if they don’t have the Bill of Rights in their hearts and minds and know that protecting the Bill of Rights is their first priority then we have a problem.

US Iran Tense at Hormuz Strait, Fed Not Raising Rates, TPP Bad Deal, Jade Helm Laughs


FK – The entire situation over there is bizarre. When will the empire overthrow the Saudis? Why haven’t they already? What’s the real reason the unmentionables were allowed, encouraged, to take back their ‘promised land’ based on 3000-year-old tribal propaganda when most of the settlers in the early days were European socialists?

They’re all pretending to be against the TPP. Remember what side of the deception controlled the congress and now red house when NAFTA was shoved down our throats? Yep, that’s right, ‘the party of the little man.’ What did klinton claim in it’s first campaign? “I’m agains NAFTA,”  then shoved it through congress and bragged about signing it.

The red house press whores are there at their masters’ approval. They don’t ask inappropriate questions.

If we’re lucky commiefornia will slide into the ocean, at least the far western urban parts. If not it will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered. Simple fact.

A New Stockholm To Be Built Within 6 Years


FK – Who’s doing this? The ragheads in their governments? No. The commie globalists by whatever cute names they call themselves are doing this. They will do it here. They are doing it here. Who are our real enemies? They have white skin and were born here. They’re not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. Keep telling yourself there’s no conspiracy.

UN: World’s population to grow by 1.1-B in next 15 years

INVASION: Here Are the 190 US Cities Obama Selected to Dump Muslim “Refugees”

Mediterranean boats will bring 500,000 Islamic State terrorists to Europe, blasts Farage

Real Talk: The Patriot Act


FK – Darn it, I usually have to watch her vids twice, once for aesthetic value and again to try to hear what she actually said.

The Patriot Act likely will not be repealed until enough Patriots go to the District of Commie Criminals and do what will be required.

Repeal The Patriot Act!


FK – And here’s another good idea:

Bring charges of treason upon Barack Hussein Obama

FK – That would only be a good start. Then we move on to the ‘progressive caucus,’ the republicrats, Wall Street banksters, and on and on, with vids of the executions on YouTube for the world to see.

Do you think we’re ‘safe’ from today’s military?:

US soldiers raped at least 54 Colombian children with immunity

Pentagon chief considers easing of enlistment standards

During 2006-07, the military steadily increased the number of bad behavior waivers as the services — particularly the Army and Marine Corps — struggled to meet deployment demands in Iraq and Afghanistan. The services let in more recruits with criminal records, including some with felony convictions, in order to meet recruiting quotas.

And in some cases, the services relaxed age restrictions, allowing older people to enlist or rejoin the military.

But as the wars dragged on and suicides, sexual assaults and other bad behavior by service members spiked, military leaders began to question whether there was a link to the relaxed enlistment standards.

Carter also is considering other changes to help ensure the military attracts the best and brightest, including programs to pay off student debt, improvements to the retirement, promotion and evaluation systems and doing more to allow sabbaticals for service members.

FK – Maybe they should start by getting the empire out of ‘foreign entanglements,’ bring the troops home and let them hunt our real enemies here so they can have some real pride in upholding and increasing Human Liberty:

hunt commies


Intelligence Officer: Most Terrorists are False Flag Terrorists…


FK – As we used to say in the militia: “If there’s five guys at a Klan meeting three of them are FBI agents.”

See third vid for complete interview.

Saudi Arabia Is A Bigger Threat Than Iran


FK – Iran can build nuclear reactors but not fuel refineries?????

What am I missing here?

Keiser Report: War on terror – self-leaking ice cream cone (E731)

FK – Where’s your Lamborghini?

The Next American War in the Middle East—Let’s Win This Time!

With that Clausewitzian point in mind, we can add a codicil: In addition to making the enemy want to stop fighting, the victor must be able to hold his own political support together. And here, the recent history of the US in the Middle East is not very encouraging. Operation Iraqi Freedom, launched in 2003, was popular enough—even though the mission wasn’t quite accomplished—and in 2004, George W. Bush was re-elected, albeit narrowly. Yet by 2006, support for the war had dropped precipitously, and the voters vented their frustrations on Republicans in Congress; the GOP lost control of both the House and the Senate in those midterms. And even though Bush’s 2007 “Surge” was a military success in Iraq, it didn’t change the domestic politics back home. In 2008, Republican John McCain lost the White House in a landslide, and Republicans in Congress took another drubbing.

So then we saw what happens when political support for a war evaporates. As we know, the new president, Barack Obama, couldn’t wait to get the last US ground forces out of to Iraq. He completed the US withdrawal in 2010, as he had promised to do. In fact, his “success” in withdrawing from Iraq was one of his key campaign planks; the 2012 Democratic platform included a headline praising the 44th president for “Responsibly Ending The War in Iraq.” And with that platform, Obama went on to win a second landslide.


Not surprisingly, hawkishness was on display at CPAC: The February 26 headline in Politico read, “Hawks Fly High at CPAC.” One of those war-birds at the Gaylord hotel, of course, was Marco Rubio. As Breitbart News’s Charlie Spiering noted, “As expected, he featured a robust foreign policy in his speech which is enjoying a bit of a comeback in the era of ISIS.” Yet in terms of upping the ante, Rick Perry flew even higher: ISIS, he declared, is “the worst threat to freedom since communism.”

FK – The worst threat ‘since’ communism? Really? Who are our real enemies? What does Perry think(I’m being gracious toward a NWO hack) is in the now red house?

If the ragheads get a foothold over here it’ll be because of laws passed or not enforced by our domestic blood enemies. Keep the troops home, bring the troops home, and open “Liberal”(commie) trash and Zionist bankster season. Let’s fix our problems here for once.


Jeff Rense & Frosty Wooldridge – The Global Spread of Islam


FK – Gee, they’ll go to hell if they don’t follow our version of reality. Where have we heard that before? The human race is insane. Western civilization deserves what it’s doing to itself.