Tag Archives: public

The Real Point of Wikileaks Vault 7

FK – The last quadrennial quest for the idiot vote has proven that the average sheeple is too stupid to care about such. The republicrats have been handed ‘control’ and they have busily set about installing their own version of authoritarianism and shoring up the walls of the police state they helped build.

As I’ve been writing for years, there will be only one cure for this madness, if it can be cured.

Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

Wikileaks Unveils ‘Vault 7’: “The Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents”; Another Snowden Emerges

WikiLeaks Vault 7: what you need to know about the alleged CIA hacking



FK – They are waging war. The Bill of Rights. the document that makes us exceptional, is an antecedent to that.

FK – They are only accountable to themselves because this is a nation of apathetic cowardly whores. There are no men here.

Will you get ‘off the hook?’


FK – Anything to do with the ‘war on terror’ as with the ‘war on drugs’ was done in the name of controlling US and/or making money for the ‘right’ people. All the rest is rhetoric.

The Marxist mutt’s ‘legacy’ should be hanging from a rope after a treason trial. What a pathetic joke.

The middle of October? It took them that long?

More fun stuff:

Kim Dotcom: Windows is “Effectively CIA Spyware,” Trump Spied on “24/7”

The killer bees of fake news

Until the second coming … let’s abolish government!

FK – Yeah let’s wait for heyzeus to take over and burn billions including little kids and babies alive in fire forever.

The golden rule is great if those applying it share your values. The problem being that we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age and billions have no problem being slaves to one institution or entity or another and have no problem voting to force the rest of us into their version.

That’s why a portion of the Founders were ‘anti-federalists’ that insisted on a Bill of Rights that was designed to force the government to acknowledge our natural born rights which are based in the most basic right any creature possesses, the right to self defense.

They also enumerated the right to avoid cruel and unusual punishment which negates the christian and raghead god’s version of ‘justice.’

The biggest problem we face besides our natural born ignorance that so many struggle so hard to not overcome is natural born cowardice. That’s why so few stand up to bullies on the train or where ever else, to include bullies with badges that enforce laws that have no place in a free society.

And I bet that train is a ‘gun free zone.’

What I’ve never heard the anarchists explain is what do we do about those who would seek to force their version of ‘justice’ or ‘just-us’ on others in a non-governed world? Since most humans are basically cowards few would stand up to them, as few stand up to the system we have now.

While there are times when many of us would like to be able to use the excuse ‘He needed killin,’ the simple fact is that others could apply the same to us for their own seemingly legitimate to them reasons.

And oh yes, I’d love to be shooting bullies, if only we had a nation of men…