Tag Archives: propaganda

How To Spot Disinfo


FK – I’ve wondered if a lot of the ‘commenters’ on these ‘enquirer of the internet’ sites aren’t paid trolls. There are a handful of these questionable sites out there. I see people pushing their crap all the time…

Obama’s Propaganda Legalized And Expanding


FK – Gee, I thought they were already doing this. Hollyweird stars were doing propaganda flicks during WWII…

This was done two years ago. I haven’t noticed any appreciable difference in the scat flow. But then I rarely watch or listen to ‘the mainstream.’

Propaganda Ban Repealed As Government Made News Floods U.S.

Smith-Mundt reform: In with a whimper?

FK – What the hell is National Propaganda Radio? We’ve had commie propaganda streamed across the county via taxpayer funded outlets and the mainstream newswhores for decades.

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans

US ends ban on ‘domestic propaganda’

The US Government Asked Sony to Help Counter ISIS Propaganda

FK – You gotta love this part:

But ambassadors and State Department officials aren’t the only public servants that Lynton was close with. In one instance, Lynton had a dinner engagement with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, according to an email titled “Personal: Dinner” apparently sent by Kristen Jarvis, Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff.

“The President and First lady are delighted that you will be joining them for dinner tomorrow evening,” Jarvis wrote. “Cocktails are at 630pm and dinner will be served at 730pm. Please let me know if you have any food allergies, etc, so I can alert the chefs.”

FK – My ‘chef’ will tell ya’ to bring your own lunch.

I’m not sure why they’re going to the trouble. Google is mainstreaming the net and will soon just plug us all in at birth:

Why Google Is the New Evil Empire

FK – Make sure you read that one. This new ’empire’ must be brought down:

FK – When the net was new it was largely patriot types, for there was nowhere else for us to go. Now  they are sweeping us, the real Americans, into a dark corner that will eventually be extinguished.

Alex Jones: Your Fear Is His Power


FK – The average sheeple is already doing nothing but grazing and breeding, waiting for the world to end. Telling them to stay home and spend time with their families because it’s all gonna end soon is part of the problem.

If you want to focus on something focus on changing the laws we exist under at the point of a gun. All the ‘self-change’ in the world won’t impress the black-suited Nazis when they break your door down for the empire and shoot your dog, or your grandmother or your kid.

We need a system for protecting patriots so that no one has to fear dying alone, or at least dying with the knowledge that their deaths will be avenged.

Jones may be just another change agent, used in some twisted way. But as far as I can tell he’s done more good than any of the others out there except maybe for the Birchers. The ‘tea party’ could certainly benefit from listening to him so they can learn there’s more to this than electing another NWO hack who invokes Jesus once a campaign and who says whatever the audience in front of him wants to hear.

Pointing out each other’s faults is one thing, but I don’t see waging war on each other when our real enemies are right in front of us.

I can’t think of a YouTuber or ‘patriot’ or ‘liberty’ group I agree with 100 percent. Probably never will.

We need to focus on our collectivist enemies who are attacking the Bill of Rights.

Google Targets AntiWar.com For Abu Ghraib Photos


FK – It’s OK, they’re just ragheads. They’d never do that stuff to us…

Google Bullies, Censors MintPress & AntiWar.com Over Abu Ghraib Photos


Video Shows Troops Training to Intern Citizens in Fort Lauderdale

FK – I was a Marine reservist ’84 – ’92. The summer before the ‘Gulf War’ broke out we underwent POW training. I was drilling with a combat MP unit at that time so that would’ve been normal except that I felt even at that time that they knew what was coming.

A Marine Colonel stopped by my post a day or so after the ground war was over and told me they had planned it all, the invasion, before. Don’t remember if he said it was at their warfare center in Florida.

They have a plan for invading your bathroom as they have officers whose job that is…


World War 3 Draws Near


FK – It’s been going on for decades. We may be looking at the climax, or not…


FK – We’ve been an empire since 1865. The bad guys won that one.

Chuck Baldwin: Conspiracy, Anyone?

Netanyahu Is “The Right Man” to Address the US Congress on Iran

FK – And what else are the ‘unmentionables’ up to?:


FK – Funny thing that. The point is that no state should be able to restrict human Liberty. While the ‘gay marriage’ issue is wound up in insanity on both sides it does involve a basic human right to live the ‘life’ one sees fit as long as one isn’t harming others. That’s what matters.

Common Core Testing Regime Ruled Unconstitutional

In a development with massive implications for the Obama administration’s ongoing attempt at nationalizing education with Common Core, a Missouri judge ruled this week that the federally funded testing regime for the controversial standards was unconstitutional. The ruling means that the state of Missouri is officially prohibited from participating in the “Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium” (SBAC), a key element of Common Core enforcement, because it’s an “unconstitutional interstate compact.”

The lawsuit against participation in the scheme was filed late last year by a group of taxpayers seeking to uphold the rule of law, safeguard public funds, and stop Common Core. Judge Daniel R. Green, with the Circuit Court of Cole County, Missouri, ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and ordered the state to immediately halt all involvement with the federally funded “multi-state” testing regime. In particular, Judge Green noted that Congress had never approved the interstate compact being foisted on states by the Obama administration’s Department of Education.

“The Court finds that the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, a.k.a. Smarter Balanced, Smarter Balanced at UCLA, SBAC, and SB, is an unlawful interstate compact to which the U.S. Congress has never consented, whose existence and operation violate the Compact Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article I, § 10, cl. 3, as well as numerous federal statutes,” the judge ruled. “Missouri’s participation in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium as a member is unlawful under state and federal law.”

As such, the court declared that “any putative obligations, including the obligation to pay membership fees, of the State of Missouri to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium … are illegal and void.” The judge also declared that “no Missouri taxpayer funds may be disbursed to SBAC in the form of membership fees, whether directly or indirectly.” Finally, the court permanently prohibited state officials, and “all those in active concert with them,” from “taking any action to implement or otherwise effectuate any payment of Missouri funds as membership fees to SBAC, whether directly or indirectly.”

FK – They’ve been ‘reforming’ the government schools all my life and they’re churning out morons who can barely read their electric bills and who vote for liars who keep telling them the same lies. They know what they’re doing after all.

John Taylor Gatto – The Purpose Of Schooling

FK – The elites know full well what they do…

John Taylor Gatto – 01 The Elite Private Boarding Schools

British army creates team of Facebook warriors

The British army is creating a special force of Facebook warriors, skilled in psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare in the information age.

The 77th Brigade, to be based in Hermitage, near Newbury, in Berkshire, will be about 1,500-strong and formed of units drawn from across the army. It will formally come into being in April.

The brigade will be responsible for what is described as non-lethal warfare. Both the Israeli and US army already engage heavily in psychological operations.

Against a background of 24-hour news, smartphones and social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, the force will attempt to control the narrative.

The 77th will include regulars and reservists and recruitment will begin in the spring. Soldiers with journalism skills and familiarity with social media are among those being sought.

FK – The Amerikan empire’s version of this is probably much older and not public.


Gun Control Group Wants Reporter Fired For Speaking At A Pro-Gun Rally

The gun control group the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) wants Fox News affiliate WTTF to fire its investigative reporter, Emily Miller, claiming that she violated journalistic ethics by criticizing Washington D.C.’s strict gun laws at a recent event.

In its attempt to get Miller fired, CSGV pointed to a Jan. 19 speech she gave at an event held by the Virginia Citizens Defense League — which CSGV claims is “a radical pro-gun group that embraces the use of political violence.”

During the rally, Miller said that Washington D.C. “is not part of America, because they don’t recognize the Second Amendment.”

Miller also told the audience that she was “part of this fight that we’re all in.”

Citing the Society of Professional Journalists, CSGV asserts that Miller should be fired from her job on the grounds that journalists should “act independently” by avoiding “conflicts of interest, real or perceived.”

FK – Propaganda for we, but not for thee…

UFO reports declassified: Aliens in Project Blue Book? 12,500 sighting reports

Numerous UFO reports have been declassified this week in a collection of documents known mysteriously as “Project Blue Book.” While UFO enthusiasts across the globe are wondering whether this recently revealed set of pages will confirm proof of aliens or extraterrestrial life, it does at least list a number of odd sightings — many with explanations — that have been recorded in the skies over the past decades. Over 12,500 reports are included. News Max shares this Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015, that the US Air Force has at last disclosed the files on the Web for public viewing.

Since anyone can remember, people have speculated that there must be life outside of just Earth. With sightings of UFOs cropping up on a frequent basis even today, could it be that there are aliens out there, just waiting to be discovered — or who may have already discovered us? Thanks to the efforts of John Greenewald, a notable UFO aficionado and enthusiast, these US Air Force documents are now available for all to see.

Sadly for those looking for immediate proof of extraterrestrial life, the most burning questions within the 130,000 pages or so have already been answered — USA Today confirms that there is no definitive description of otherworldly travelers, verifications of abductions, or any alien invasions to be found. However, these declassified reports of “Project Blue Book” do allow readers an inside look at what agencies have kept secret from the public for decades.

FK – There have been tens of thousands of ‘legitimate’ sightings. Start in the modern era with the ‘foo fighters‘ of WWII, seen by allied and axis pilots, doing things human aircraft of that time were incapable of. They’re still doing things our aircraft are incapable of and have been for at least thousands of years. Time to get over our denial. We’re the tadpoles in the pond and we may be someones’ guinea pigs, pets or resource or nature preserve or all the above.