Tag Archives: propaganda

Umpqua Community College not a gun-free zone: Oregon laws prevent that

Umpqua Community College, site of a mass shooting Thursday, bans guns, knives longer than 4 inches and other weapons from campus.

But that policy has one big exemption that renders the pastoral 100-acre campus near Roseburg anything but a gun-free zone: Everyone with a concealed firearms license is allowed to bring guns on campus.

That is because a 1989 Oregon law forbids any public body except the Legislature from restricting the rights of concealed weapons permit-holders to bring guns where they wish.

FK – Everyone’s asking the wrong questions here.

The pacifist mindset encouraged by our indoctrinational system is as much to blame as anything. But then it’s intentional. The “Liberal”(commie) trash want a population of pacified morons who’ll obey their laws, never ask inappropriate questions or stand up to their collectivist agenda so they must create a society that is disarmed, dumbed-down and again, pacified.

We are at war. Our greatest enemies have white skin and were likely born here.

The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil.

All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.

When guns are outlawed “Liberal”(commie) trash season begins. The newswhores die first.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

Don’t miss the comments on that story.

Oregon shooting: 2 days later, here’s what we know

FK – The descriptions of the ‘victims’ are very telling. Mainstream society has been indoctrinated to value mindless pacifism and stupidly over awareness, alertness and readiness and possessing the dignity and knowledge necessary to fighting back against criminals in government or on the street or in a classroom. How sickening, sad, disgusting and horrifying.

This is far more horrifying than the handful of shootings that occur a year, and the thousands that are stopped by someone with a gun, whether a shot is actually fired or not. In a nation of 300 million that holds a healthy population of assholes who fully deserve to be shot the real miracle is there aren’t many more.

If Mintz or some other student or a professor had been armed and ended this situation after the first shot or two then the commie newswhore and Marxist front groups across our once (sort of)free country wouldn’t be screaming their heads off and their propaganda mills wouldn’t be turning full speed for that outcome wouldn’t fit in with their evil communist agenda.

Umpqua Community College victims shot with handgun, not military-style rifle

Area 51 & Aliens: Another UFO Disinformation Scandal?

FK – Spend some time in the Patriot movement if you want to find out what ‘disinfo’ is about.

Here’s the link to the vid he mentions ‘Mirage Men.’ I watched it on Netflix. It’s a good documentary on this subject:

News Flash: ATLAH Church Defeats The Sodomites


FK – This makes me immensely proud even though I can’t ‘agree’ with all of their beliefs. At least these ‘christians’ are standing up for themselves in that pit of hell of a city.

If all amerikan ‘christians’ would stop waiting for the world to end and stand up for themselves and their descendants’ futures we could take our country back. An America ran by such wouldn’t be perfect, would be another form of authoritarianism, but at least we’d have some freedom left as opposed to what the ameri-commies want to do.

The amerikan communist insurgency is using the homos just as they use the other minorities, for their primary purpose of overthrowing our form of govt., what’s left of it, and the Bill of Rights, which they hate, and installing some form of communism which will completely enslave us all.

GOP candidate Ben Carson says he probably wouldn’t have shot Michael Brown


FKWhy are so many of our RINO candidates pandering to commie propaganda? Because they’re NWO hacks!

GOP candidate Ben Carson says he probably wouldn’t have shot Michael Brown

Kentucky Cop-Killer was Obama Supporter, Attended Mike Brown’s Funeral

Free Speech Outlawed at 9/11 Ground Zero

FK – Well let’s see. All the ‘victims’ of 9/11 who had to be morons to begin with for not knowing the danger we already faced at that time from our own govt., without even getting into the discussion of who/what really ‘attacked’ us, weren’t even ‘allowed’ to defend themselves in New Yawk City without fear of a felony conviction.

This is how I responded to all the propaganda then and I haven’t changed my mind one bit about it.

I’ll never ‘forget’ how disgusted I was at how ‘surprised’ all the braindead sheeple were that something like that could happen here. The only thing I was surprised at was that it wasn’t far worse or they didn’t use nukes, the ragheads or our govt. or the mossad or the Saudis or some combination thereof or whoever the hell really did it. Time to wake up and grow up. They only killed 3000 in a nation of 300 million and our sorry ass congress passed the ‘patriot’ act, thousands of pages they didn’t read that had already been written. They should all be hanged for treason for that.

A Beloved Wrestling Legend Just Died From a Heart Attack. But He Left Behind Quite a Legacy.

A beloved wrestling legend died from a heart attack on Thursday, but he left behind quite a legacy.

That legend, Roddy Piper, is better known by his fans as Rowdy.

Rowdy was known for his flamboyant and fun persona as a wrestler during the ’80s, ’90s and early 2000s.

FK – Never been a ‘wrastlin’ fan but I’ll always remember him for this:

FK – Too bad we don’t have special glasses to help us pick out the “Liberal”(commie) trash.

I don’t think that shotgun holds nine shells. But that’s hollyweird for ya’. The director of that flick, John Carpenter, grew up in Bowling Green, KY, spending part of his childhood in a cabin on Western Kentucky University’s campus.


5 Things Shills Don’t Want You To Know

FK – I’m glad someone has the time and patience to define all this. I don’t. It’s all about wearing us down…

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns,
why should we let them have ideas?” – Josef Stalin

Changing of Our Guards

This weekend we celebrate the changing of our guard.4th art lead

Which, when you stop to think about it, is more than a little odd. Do the inmates of Rikers Island throw a party when they get a new warden? To celebrate the changing of the color of the uniforms worn by their cagers?

And yet, we do.

This coming weekend, Americans will celebrate not being free to – among other things:

Buy and display fireworks themselves.

Choose whether to wear a seat belt.

Say “no thanks” to the health insurance mafia.

Travel without permission (and decline to produce your “papers” on demand).

FK – It will be up to that tiny minority as it always is.

And if we do it right, most of the brain dead sheeple will never know what happened:

FK – And we let them vote! That must end!

G7/Bilderberg Wrap Up – When There’s A Will There’s A Way!


FK – Is your driver going for the Hunter Thompson look?

They may not make the same mistake next year with your ‘press passes.’ Reminds me of a meeting I tried to tape several years back here in Kentucky. Because I was carrying a video camera ‘security’ wouldn’t let me in without a press pass or, I think, my socialist security number. It angered me so much that they tried to make a ‘press pass’ from the ‘official’ and ‘legitimate’ news media a requirement for my exercise of my First Amendment rights that I sat the meeting out.

And I’ve had a ‘real’ press pass. It’s like a license to own or carry or use a gun. I have one of those as well. A right applied for is a privilege. But that’s the situation we’re in because the stupid sheeple go along with it, that’s what’s truly so disgusting about it.

It’s all just a big game and the newswhores know it. They get off on the reflection from the ‘stars’ they cover. Plus most of them don’t mind being slaves as long as there’s corn in the trough.

But there are more of you now and you have a venue we didn’t have, beyond video tapes at gun shows and fax machines. Don’t allow them to steal that from you, at any cost. And prep for what will be required. Our domestic and globalist enemies have invested too much time and money and effort in their evil plans to just walk away because of a few protesters.

Or maybe the newswhores are into the game for other prizes:


FK – Is all this being released now to instill fear in the average dumbass so they won’t fight back?

Religion has always been a tool for the manipulation of populations. Most mainstream ‘Christians’ now believe basically three or four things: 1. We’re gonna get beamed up soon so we don’t have to do anything but; 2. We must pay our taxes and obey the government because the Bible commands it and; 3. “There ain’t nothin’ you can do about it cause it’s all been written down,” and; 4. It’s all in god’s plan and it’s his will so we shouldn’t or can’t fight back.

They send their kids to the govt. schools because they are forced to, and teach them on Sundays that none of this matters because they’re gonna get beamed up soon, yet tell them to get an ‘education’ so they can get good ‘jobs’ and buy all the stuff we think we have to have now, while slaving our days away for the workaholic assholes who own/run the corporations and who would trade us all for third world desperate peasants or robots if they could.

The synopsis of modern ‘Christianity,’ in fact for all its existence, has been “Be a good slave, you’ll have paradise in the next life.” I know, I was raised in that ‘thinking'(loosely defined).

I’ve heard this crap all my life and it disgusts me beyond my ability to describe. They want us to fear and obey them, The religions, which were either created for this purpose or were infiltrated and altered for this purpose, exist to serve this purpose.

Societies, cultures, nations, need a basic ‘morality’ and all, even the communistic ones, have one, or at least attempt to. Did the Roman empire survive for hundreds of years based on its monotheism? Hardly. Their republic was killed off after about 80  years, like ours, then they continued under a series of dictators.

Now we are allowed to ‘vote’ for our dictators which are appointed by our elites behind the scenes. The average dumbass goes to vote every four years for a ‘savior’ that’s telling them the same lies the last one did, and promising to wave a magic wand and solve all their perceived problems, and they go along with this for decades without catching on. How pathetic.

It’s just not in my abilities to put a smiley face on all this…