Tag Archives: propaganda

Earth shaking: Newspaper editorial lauds gun rights leader

Gottlieb, who chairs the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, was credited for providing “the voice of reason” in an ongoing, and rancorous debate over last week’s open carry incident in Olympia that led to a ban on open carry in the House and Senate public galleries. Gottlieb is working this week at the annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas.

The editorial quoted Gottlieb, who said the open carry prohibition is “the result of a few stupid extremists on our side who not only handled their firearms unsafely, but made hundreds of Second Amendment supporters at the rally look foolish.” The comment has drawn flack, but also support, from gun owners, as confirmed by a discussion at Northwest Firearms.

According to the Columbian, the outdoor rally, at which Gottlieb spoke, “was a reasonable protest.” However, parading inside the House chambers “served to harm their cause,” the editorial stated. “It served to suggest that many gun owners are not sensible folks. It served as a misguided attempt to intimidate those who believe that crowded public spaces are not the proper forum for carrying loaded guns.”

FK – Criticizing them for simply carrying their most basic right into the presence of their ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANTS is wrong. Criticizing them for jacking around with said weapons indoors is another thing.

Our ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANTS are supposed to FEAR us!.

Apparently there are many of them that need constant reminding that someday crowds of real men might show up and render the creatures the real justice most of them so rightly deserve. How pathetic that we haven’t already. After NAFTA was passed 30 million of us should have gone to the district of commie criminals and hung lots of expensive suits along Pennsylvania Ave.

When the BATF Nazi trash murdered women and children at Mt. Carmel, Texas there should have been black-suited Nazis hanging along the highways. Too many were asleep then and too many slumber now, oblivious. But we’ve had the internet for 15 years now so there’s no excuse for willful ignorance and no excuse for why all the ‘gun rights’ organizations have not helped organize, arm and train a militia force in every county in this country to deal with this burgeoning evil.

The only battle in this ongoing war we’re winning at all is the ‘gun rights’ one. It’s only one scene in the big picture show. War is being waged on this country and the Bill of Rights from within. Our real enemies who really ‘hate freedom’ are right here, not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world. A Second Amendment that is used only for hunting and extravagant range competitions is a toy that can be regulated and taken.

After all these years there seem to be many that don’t understand our domestic blood enemies will take a parsec if given an inch, will always take 3 steps forward and 2 steps back if necessary and will only ‘compromise’ when it’s in their evil favor and take any and all favorable or ‘friendly’ response as a victory.

And they’re not traitors. One cannot be a traitor to something one hates. They are our enemies.

We should be dealing with the trash as it is. We allegedly don’t negotiate with terrorists why do we negotiate with trash?

It’s way past time to prepare for what will be required.

Proof There is No Climate Problem


FK – That’s OK. We can be sure the “Liberal”(commie) trash and their globalist masters are formulating their next set of lies right now, if they’re not already sitting in a folder somewhere waiting to be implemented. Probably are.

This situation won’t get better until enough develop the resolve to organize and prepare for what will be required.

Moncktons website.