Tag Archives: project blue book

Voting by or for genocide

They lie about everything.

They’re lying about the virus.

They’re lying about the masks.

They’ll lie about the vaccines.

They’re lying about the election and the endemic election fraud that occurs regularly in the large cities. In the stix votes were regularly sold for cash or whisky. That’s why we have the voting laws/regulations we do have. We need many more.

Who deserves to vote?

They’re lying about whether or not any of if really matters.

They lie about everything.

Decades ago when I first saw how desperate the elites were to disarm the common people so we couldn’t hunt our masters I saw how limitless their arrogance/hubris was and still is.

That’s ‘limitless,’ like dictionary ‘limitless.’

The elites force us again and again into choosing the lesser of the evils. This continues because there are no men here to stop it.

Stages of political awareness

Marxist globalist parrots lie when they call our representative republic a democracy:


FK – Where are the men to hang these domestic enemies? 

What was that I wrote about ‘limitless?’:

FK – It goes back to klinton the first’s ‘administration’ when I started telling morons the First Amendment doesn’t mention anything about press passes or ‘official’ newswhores.

Free speech and a free press has ALWAYS belonged to those willing to stand up and fight for them.

There once was a saying that “The press is free for those who own one.”

Now we all own one. I can’t believe the elites didn’t see this coming. Maybe they did and this is ALL a part of the ‘dog and pony show.’

And I went to college to be an ‘official’ newswhore. They didn’t tell us about there being any such thing in the 80s. It was just assumed I supposed. We were so naive then, or at least most of us.

It’s easy to say “They all lie,” but another thing entirely to face what that really means and then take on the personal responsibility to correct it.

I used to watch ‘Nightline’ most every night while in college. At the end of the program I began asking myself “What are they not telling us?”

Who or what is really behind all this? What are we being distracted from? 

The outcomes of political campaigns

Maybe their days really are numbered:


FK – The commie news network has always been evil. 

The killer bees of fake news

In this ongoing war clarity, when available, is everything:

The following is a message to Mr. Trump translated into the vernacular from God through his conscience:

” The Covid scam is so big and the voting fraud is so massive and blatantly obvious that unless you immediately enact emergency powers, right now sir, the globalists will swallow up your nation whole and continue to roll out all of their scam Resets under the cover and threat of the plandemic, and you sir will continue to be the sucker and lame duck they planned to make you with the voting fraud and tying things up in the courts.
The court determination of the very obvious vote rigging electronically and by the mail-in ballots,  will not resolve anything as it will not not be recognized by any losing side, as the courts in you nation are now completely politicized anyway. You sir are playing along with the globalist efforts to neutralize you and especially in your use of 9/11 psyop Rudy, and you are in effect giving all of your patriotic supporters false hopes, and allowing not only the election to be stolen, but your entire nation to be deconstructed and fall into the total control of the globalist banking cartel. The longer you wait the less chance you will have to use any of the intervention powers you have been given. This is all serving to prove that democracy has become a complete joke in the once-upon-a-time, so-called land of the free, and you sir have failed and continue to fail to act, listening all the time the scam artists who surround you.
When thousands of very vulnerable elderly people are killed by the deliberate release of a virus, likely by elements in one’s own nation, and by NOT China, that is beyond murder. It is genocide. When the scam is used to shut down social and personal relations, shut people out of the hospitals who need care,  and cause severe economic and personal hardships and losses across the entire nation, when the people of your nation are being threatened with another wave of the virus by the same monsters who started the first wave, with their end being control mechanisms for the global Resets, and you are the President with emergency powers to intervene with corrective measures, and when in fact it is your duty to intervene and disclose all of the facts to your people and to make the arrests, but because you are a puppet of the banking cartel and have billions in debt from your hotels, and they have you by the jollies, and you fail to act after the globalist monsters steal the election right from under you, then you, Mr. President, are a sham and a scam,  and you know you will go down in history not as the greatest President of your nation but as the Great Sham President who helped usher in the totalitarian global Great Resets, which deconstructed your nation and enslaved your people, all on your phony patriotic watch, Sir.”

The only real reason for the militia

Where are the Marines?:


FK – What’s surprising about evil funding or profiting from evil?


We need a restoration. But there are no men to provide it.

Well, there are at least a few trying to be men:

FK – The newswhore asks “Stockpiling food?” as if that’s a bad thing.

I hope they know what to use those weapons on first.

And stop calling our representative republic a ‘democracy.’ Democracy is a sham, another form of control. Liberty based on the concept of natural rights is the only way.

Democracy is when liars convince enough idiots to let them rule and dominate the population.

Whose coffin?:


FK – What will happen to the fraudsters? What justice will they EVER meet? 

From a jackasses mouth:


FK – The idiots are the ones who think this can ultimately be solved by the act of violence called voting, well unless we elect real adults with the brains and spines to try our real enemies for treason and execute them. 

What is a man, really?

A transfer of whose power?:


FK – How do most empires end? The barbarians are already within the wall and we have no men to kill them nor with even the understanding of why it must be done. 

A comment worth repeating:

More, More and More:


10 Rules for the voting booth




FK – There must be men to do what will be required.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

A question worth asking:


FK – Most breathing voters are brain dead. Is there really that much of a difference? 

Welcome to a nation of morons

The old paradigm?:


FK – They’ve told us for decades the flu vaccines are for the past virus.

The vaccine is likely the key to all this. Why, besides the profit potential, do they want so many to take it?

What bioweapon will they release next?

How they’ll fake the success of the COVID vaccine

‘Mandatory vaccination is madness’: American doctor

Elon Musk Says Something “Extremely Bogus” Is Going On

And don’t forget, don’t ever forget:

FK – I won’t kill anyone for ‘Trump.” However if by some miracle real commie trash season begins…

And we have every right to do that.

They are working to enslave humanity by whatever means. There is no ‘right’ to do so.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Still pretending there will be some place to hide:

FK – Crypto is like e-frns, it’s all ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace and will evaporate like so much mist on an Indian summer morning. Read or watch ‘The Road‘ if you want to see what the food situation will be like.

If things get bad enough, ‘they,’ from the govt. or from the hungry hordes will show up at your door demanding to see your hoard at which point they will declare it to be ‘illegal’ and take it. After all, you’re not ‘sharing.’

I suggest learning how to bury your stuff. Keep the crappy stuff in the house. Never keep all your cookies in the same jar.

As I tell ‘preppers’ there will be no where to hide. The county knows where your house is so they can tax it. They will certainly know where to find you.

What will millions of citiots moving to the country do to land prices? Will they bring their voting habits with them? There are sheeple in the stix now that will cut your throat and take your crap if things get bad enough. Most of the houses near me have been broken into at one time or another. My abode is 11 miles from the county seat, a mile from the county line.

If, really when, our federal or state governments fall into civil war of one form or another and the military no longer enjoys the tech edge it does now and ceases to be the global power it has become commiefornia or the entire commie coast may very well secede and invite the Chicoms over to ‘solve’ their problems. Then we will have millions of Chinese troops on our continent with no men to stop them.

We need to be prepping for what will be required.

Prepping for slavery

We are all cosmic dust and to cosmic dust we shall return. But in the mean time if we’re not living free there’s no point to being here. 

Who or what is really behind all this evil?:


FK – It’s probably more about the culture shock. Each generation even in or especially in ‘modern society’ has diff. cultural imprints, expectations, whatever. Upsetting that can lead to societal fragility.

This doesn’t mean they’re our friends. The ‘left’ seems to be more open to the idea of ‘life out there.’ In part this seems alarming. If the aliens land and announce themselves and turn to be Biden supporters we’ll know they’re evil. 

And a little history:

FK – Those cave painters must have had a lot of time on their hands, and better night vision than we do.

The mask we should all be wearing, no, not hitlery:

FK – There are many things I wish I could unsee.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

GEORGE KNAPP ~ “The UFO & Alien Cover-Up & The Lost Tapes” [Age Of Truth TV]

FK – He gets away with it because it’s a local station and the average dumbass across the nation will never hear/see him.

Didn’t you know the galactic silicone market is a big thing? It’s like the drug war here.

it’s all about controlling the message, and the breasts.

Or maybe it’s about controlling their planet:

FK – Why would they want to breathe near the stinky tool-using monkeys?

I think I’ve figured it out. They’re intergalactic commie trash thusly have no common sense. And this guy may be one of them.

Emulating what one sees on goolagtube would not be the way to fit in.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

A message to UFO and Alien SKEPTICS – The truth is here!

FK – Is this the physics he’s looking for? Not saying that’s real. I don’t know.

Do the cattle in our pastures or the ants in the backyard question our existence? What part do we play in their daily existences?

‘Disclosure’ would mean going to the smallest town and seeing an obvious alien walking down the street or shopping in the local redneck mecca without fear of Jimbob running to his truck for his shotgun or some concealed carrier drawing down on them.

We’re a long-long as in multi-generations away from that. If the govt. suddenly announced ‘disclosure’ internet comment sections would suddenly fill with crap about ‘angels and demons’ and ‘end times’ and ‘we’re gonna get beamed up soon.’ Kinda like now.

As always we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

Simple minded sheeple have to ‘believe’ in something and have a concrete simple answer to complex questions. Nowadays many have a similar ‘belief’ in our contemporary version of ‘science’ which has clearly been and really always was politicized.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

A lot of this stuff I’m not so sure about:


FK – I have a lot of problems with the German SOCIALIST Workers Party having access to such tech. They would’ve used it. Too bad they didn’t use it to take out Stalin and The Soviet Union.

‘Secret space program’ could be anything from classified satellites to ‘bases on Mars’ and ‘interstellar craft’ some claim the elites have access to. I think they wish they had it. But then they haven’t told me either way.

Many have ‘talked’ and not disappeared so the question is, ‘Which are hucksters, which are disinfo agents and which are some form of real?’

29 Trillion Dollars Went ‘Missing’ From The Pentagon During Obama Reign, President Trump ORDERS Audit

Report: Pentagon & HUD ‘Lost’ $21 TRILLION! – Should We Look For A New Terror Attack To Cover This?

$21 Trillion Missing from US Federal Budget

The Truth about UFOs and Military Secrecy – Open Minds Magazine

FK – So how does all this gel with the idea(s)/claims that the ‘shadow govt.’ or even ‘official govt.’ has made contact with E.T. and/or maybe treaties?

Why are they monitoring our military facilities? Which group is doing this? Are they allies or foes of those our Earthly governments may or may not have agreements with?

Are we amoebas in their petri dish or possible enemies or both?

Are YOU Thinking The Way the Media is Programming You to Think?


FK – Jenner and its ilk are obviously suffering from birth defects or mental illness or some combination thereof. The amerikan communist insurgency calling themselves ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ and sometimes ‘conservatives’ and ‘republicans’ as usual are using any minority they can sink their hooks into as tools to control every aspect of our existences in this world and to destroy our Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

Oh for a nation of men. In a couple generations they’ll all be wearing a hijab and serving as pleasure boys for the fundie ragheads the “Liberal”(commie) trash are bringing in by the planeload.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

Or we’ll all be camel jockeys as the Europeans almost are now:


FK – So who and where are our real enemies? Who or what is really behind the destruction of the liberties of western civilization?

Who among us is going along with, funding, voting for this evil? Who are our real enemies?

Oh for a nation of men.

If the fundie ragheads ever conquer western civilization it’ll be because of our white-skinned blood domestic enemies that are empowering them:


FK – The Brits’ real enemies like ours have white skin and are native born. They are paving the way for Islamic invasion. We should be hunting them before we have to hunt ragheads on our own soil.

Islamophobia, homophobia, just more key terms and phrases used for mind control.

How much longer? Where is the militia we should have established decades ago during the klinton administration to deal with our native born white-skinned “liberal”(commie) trash that is bringing all this down on our heads via their elitist masters and who knows what or who else.

What kind of mind games are they playing with us? Are they trying to create a population with so much congnitive dissonance they cannot see the difference between supporting or at least ‘tolerating’ the ‘gay’ lifestyle while at the same time ‘tolerating’ a ‘religion’ that the will never tolerate the birth defect/mental illness that homosexuality is?

That sad fact is that for many freedom of religion is OK unless its freedom from ‘my’ religion.

We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age and if we don’t come up with some men in this country real soon we are headed for much darker times. And no one is gonna get beamed up before things get too bad. Your preachers are lying to you. They are part of the problem.

The London We’ve Lost

FK – The Brits fully deserve what is happening to them because when they were told to surrender their guns they failed to walk out their front doors and hunt their “Liberal”(commie) trash to extinction.

The same will happen here. Are we ready? Oh for a nation of men.

Our own military leadership will not be on our side:

Navy Requires All Sailors to Undergo Transgender Education by July 2017

FK – Whatever happened to Klinger’s section 8?


FK – We want freedom of religion but not freedom from ‘our’ religion.

If anyone does get beamed up, or already has been as many claim, it won’t be what they want or expect:

FK – Lots of things in today’s culture defy ‘rational explanation,’ including why the human animal usually prefers willful ignorance and easily swallowed mythologies over taking personal responsibility for the world it exists in.

Western civilization is dissolving before our eyes. Who or what is really behind it and why does this suit their purposes?

UFO reports declassified: Aliens in Project Blue Book? 12,500 sighting reports

Numerous UFO reports have been declassified this week in a collection of documents known mysteriously as “Project Blue Book.” While UFO enthusiasts across the globe are wondering whether this recently revealed set of pages will confirm proof of aliens or extraterrestrial life, it does at least list a number of odd sightings — many with explanations — that have been recorded in the skies over the past decades. Over 12,500 reports are included. News Max shares this Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015, that the US Air Force has at last disclosed the files on the Web for public viewing.

Since anyone can remember, people have speculated that there must be life outside of just Earth. With sightings of UFOs cropping up on a frequent basis even today, could it be that there are aliens out there, just waiting to be discovered — or who may have already discovered us? Thanks to the efforts of John Greenewald, a notable UFO aficionado and enthusiast, these US Air Force documents are now available for all to see.

Sadly for those looking for immediate proof of extraterrestrial life, the most burning questions within the 130,000 pages or so have already been answered — USA Today confirms that there is no definitive description of otherworldly travelers, verifications of abductions, or any alien invasions to be found. However, these declassified reports of “Project Blue Book” do allow readers an inside look at what agencies have kept secret from the public for decades.

FK – There have been tens of thousands of ‘legitimate’ sightings. Start in the modern era with the ‘foo fighters‘ of WWII, seen by allied and axis pilots, doing things human aircraft of that time were incapable of. They’re still doing things our aircraft are incapable of and have been for at least thousands of years. Time to get over our denial. We’re the tadpoles in the pond and we may be someones’ guinea pigs, pets or resource or nature preserve or all the above.