Tag Archives: power

A Visit with General Albert Pike

FK – This is interesting from a historical perspective, minding what Napoleon said about history. It seems to have been created for the benefit of Masons or pending Masons. As far as proving the org.’s innocence in larger world affairs it does little.

Anyone can be a lower ranking member of an org. or institution or whatever and believe or think it really stands for the official purposes but unless one is directly involved in the upper rings of power or whatever one cannot honestly comment on their activities but only trust in their word. Only a child does such.

I’ve read part of Pike’s book that I found several years back in a thrift store. It can be bought on Amazon. I agree with some of what he wrote but not all. I’ve been told by someone more educated than I in ancient philosophy that Pike got some things wrong. Many evil activities have been shielded by shiny words and works. See the early 20th Century. See the current tool in the now red house and those running to take its place.

I can see where hardcore Christians would agree out of hand and vehemently with Pike’s idea of an ideal world or whatever, likewise the fundie ragheads. I also noted how the current Mason supported the ‘official’ version of 9/11.

I would prefer a world, that I know I won’t be here to see for it is many generations away, where all live in respect for human Liberty and where the governments of the world are forced by the arms and resolve to use them of the common people to likewise respect it.

Sadly we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age and millions or billions more may yet have to die because so many of us insist on clinging to the darkness of the past and the collectivism of the present.

Case in point:

Limited Nuclear War Within 18 days as Saudis (and Friends) mass 350,000 troops, 20,000 Tanks, 2,450 Planes, 460 Helicopters for Syria Invasion

FK – While I wouldn’t say that scenario is impossible it’s likely the Soviets, excuse me, the Russians, have a sufficient military force and technology to discourage Saudi Arabia. Israel, if it’s also involved in that mess as some claim, might be another issue.

Let’s go ahead and kill millions and/or billions over ancient tribal propaganda. It’s the human thing to do.

Here’s the YouTube channel for Lewis Masonic, which appears to be a Brit Masonic site.

Jeff Rense & David Duke – Zionist Takeover of The 2016 Election


FK – After reading Kevin McAlister’s comment below it seems obvious that what I’ve felt about some of the Founders for some time is indeed true. They made a great leap forward, such a great leap that many today are obviously incapable of understanding much less valuing what they accomplished for us yet they were products of their time and monarchical culture whereby the elites made all the decisions and the unwashed masses were expected to know their place.

Washington was referred to as ‘his excellency’ during his term of office, our military still has an officer class that holds the power of life and death over the enlisted and the American flag flew over slavery for another 80 years until the blacks were elevated to another form of slavery and we were lowered to that same level by the results of a war that was waged over the power to tax as most are.

So it’s no surprise that our government, 200 plus years after its founding, still clings to many old world ways especially in the arena of foreign policy and war making though our empire is a far more humane colonizer than many of the past. Well, at least we don’t pull up outside a city’s gates and blatantly demand “Surrender or we’ll kill you all.” We just go to war for some excuse and kill millions for the false paradigm of democracy when the diplomats and spies and NGOs and corporate raiders et al fail to colonize by other means.

And on top of that we have, in a supposed free country. a group, ethnicity, race, religion, political organization whatever it really is, that we’re not allowed to question. This is preposterous to evil especially when considering that millions of ignorant mush heads think its OK because this tribe’s ancient tribal propaganda commands them to support them no matter what.

It’s a sickening horrifying situation. The ‘great deception’ has been with us for a long time. It’s nothing new.

Trump will do just as every U.S, president / Federal government has done. Make deals with foreign countries behind closed doors.  We peons do not get invited in these negotiation whether it be France, Haiti, Britain, Israel, Panama, China, Russia, Venezuela, Argentina, Guam, Puerto Rico, Japan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, et cetera. Hell, we are not even provided with the minutes of the meetings. Seems like they could at least televise it along the same lines as what they do on C-Span. It’s all SO private, and yet they claim they are a representative government. We have no freaking idea exactly what they are saying with corporate leaders in say, Iran or Mongolia. We do not know what they are negotiating when they fly to Hong Kong or Taiwan to meet with their political counterparts. It is all hush hush, yet they claim to be representing us. Trump has said that he already has a team of his own picking to lead this international corporate brigade. Ok, who are they??  What is the plan and what will be negotiated behind closed doors in foreign countries? Can all Americans listen-in on these trade / political deals?  I am pretty sure I already know the answers to my questions.

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Haven’t watched this vid yet:


FK – I’d like to see/hear the entire speech by Avnery. I can’t find it on youtube.

How sad and pathetic that millions would be too scared to even watch this because of the multi-headed beast of the news/entertainment media and organized and clearly infiltrated religion that produces fear in the minds of the ignorant via key terms and phrases.

We’re going to have to fight our way to light at the end of the tunnel. Time to wake up and grow up.

Is their empire really crumbling?


FK – Nothing will get better until we become a nation of men again and develop the resolve to do what will be required. Too many are still in denial of this reality.

His vid on oil:


FK – Gas needs to be affordable.

Some other points that shouldn’t be ignored:


FK – The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

And I’d bet those sailors didn’t wander in, they were likely on a mission. They didn’t look like normal sailors to me.


Mystery of the Widow’s Son – The Legend of the Craft

FK – One of the most interesting vids I’ve seen on this topic. It proves further the imaginative minds of biological robots and how they can spin so many different versions, sub-versions and subversions of the ancient tribal propaganda.

As far as respect goes, I respect those who respect my Liberty. The rest we need to be running from our shores.

Does the UK control the US? (with Alltime Conspiracies)

FK – The City of London is a curious thing. There are no kingdoms without funding. No revolutions without money, blood sweat and tears. Too many prefer to remain in denial of the kind of world they exist in.

The vid he refers/points to at the end:


FK – It’s all about manipulation, not control.

Another of the UK’s creations:


Paul Ryan taps GOP power broker David Hoppe for top job

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has selected David Hoppe, a former adviser to Republican congressional leaders and a longtime Washington lobbyist, to serve as his chief of staff, should Ryan be elected House speaker this week, as is widely expected.

The hiring was finalized after Hoppe and Ryan, both Wisconsin natives and proteges of the late New York congressman Jack Kemp, had conversations about Ryan’s desire to staff the speaker’s office with seasoned aides who are also deeply familiar with conservatism, according to people briefed on the talks.

FKThe Heritage Foundation is part of the problem. They’re replacing bonehead with another tool. Search GOA on Ryan and the danger he presents. 

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Donald Trump

FK – In the birther movement? At least he did something right. LEOs in Arizona have proven the illegitimacy of the Marxist Mutt’s ‘birth certificate.’ The Marxist mutt’s daddy was probably an amerikan commie activist. Look it up.

It’s possible Trump has really developed something of a ‘conscience’ by whatever definition but I wouldn’t bet a rotten moldy cold baloney sammich on it.

While I think it’s his right to own a casino if he chooses those places aren’t built to give money away, but to take it from idiots.

Hey, if it wins we can park Air Force One for a few years and save millions on transport of the latest tool.

trump dumb voters

Inside The Most Dangerous Place In The Planet, Fukushima Exclusion Zone

FK – Have you been to the area around Chernobyl? The wildlife there seems to be doing well outside of some deformations. But then all I know is what I’ve seen on docs.

I’m not defending the Jap govt. or Nuclear power. I don’t pretend to know how it could be made ‘safe’ if that’s even possible. But Hiroshima and Nagasaki to my knowledge are thriving cities. Don’t know what the health issues are there now if any.

Welcome to Sweden

FK – They’re not ‘leftists.’ They’re communists. But the question remains, who or what is really behind them? Where did their ideology really come from and what is it’s real purpose? And most importantly, why aren’t those who profess to love human Liberty prepping to do what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed?

The Climate Change Cult’s New Target


FK – It’s the big pot of bravo sierra that’s gonna boil over. If over-population is the problem let the Marxist mutt stay over there and teach them about birth control. No wait, he’s doing too much good here keeping the tea-partiers and the republicrats off the couch.

If we don’t intervene soon there will no turning back…

Obama to require steeper emissions cuts from US power plants

G7/Bilderberg Wrap Up – When There’s A Will There’s A Way!


FK – Is your driver going for the Hunter Thompson look?

They may not make the same mistake next year with your ‘press passes.’ Reminds me of a meeting I tried to tape several years back here in Kentucky. Because I was carrying a video camera ‘security’ wouldn’t let me in without a press pass or, I think, my socialist security number. It angered me so much that they tried to make a ‘press pass’ from the ‘official’ and ‘legitimate’ news media a requirement for my exercise of my First Amendment rights that I sat the meeting out.

And I’ve had a ‘real’ press pass. It’s like a license to own or carry or use a gun. I have one of those as well. A right applied for is a privilege. But that’s the situation we’re in because the stupid sheeple go along with it, that’s what’s truly so disgusting about it.

It’s all just a big game and the newswhores know it. They get off on the reflection from the ‘stars’ they cover. Plus most of them don’t mind being slaves as long as there’s corn in the trough.

But there are more of you now and you have a venue we didn’t have, beyond video tapes at gun shows and fax machines. Don’t allow them to steal that from you, at any cost. And prep for what will be required. Our domestic and globalist enemies have invested too much time and money and effort in their evil plans to just walk away because of a few protesters.

Or maybe the newswhores are into the game for other prizes:


FK – Is all this being released now to instill fear in the average dumbass so they won’t fight back?

Religion has always been a tool for the manipulation of populations. Most mainstream ‘Christians’ now believe basically three or four things: 1. We’re gonna get beamed up soon so we don’t have to do anything but; 2. We must pay our taxes and obey the government because the Bible commands it and; 3. “There ain’t nothin’ you can do about it cause it’s all been written down,” and; 4. It’s all in god’s plan and it’s his will so we shouldn’t or can’t fight back.

They send their kids to the govt. schools because they are forced to, and teach them on Sundays that none of this matters because they’re gonna get beamed up soon, yet tell them to get an ‘education’ so they can get good ‘jobs’ and buy all the stuff we think we have to have now, while slaving our days away for the workaholic assholes who own/run the corporations and who would trade us all for third world desperate peasants or robots if they could.

The synopsis of modern ‘Christianity,’ in fact for all its existence, has been “Be a good slave, you’ll have paradise in the next life.” I know, I was raised in that ‘thinking'(loosely defined).

I’ve heard this crap all my life and it disgusts me beyond my ability to describe. They want us to fear and obey them, The religions, which were either created for this purpose or were infiltrated and altered for this purpose, exist to serve this purpose.

Societies, cultures, nations, need a basic ‘morality’ and all, even the communistic ones, have one, or at least attempt to. Did the Roman empire survive for hundreds of years based on its monotheism? Hardly. Their republic was killed off after about 80  years, like ours, then they continued under a series of dictators.

Now we are allowed to ‘vote’ for our dictators which are appointed by our elites behind the scenes. The average dumbass goes to vote every four years for a ‘savior’ that’s telling them the same lies the last one did, and promising to wave a magic wand and solve all their perceived problems, and they go along with this for decades without catching on. How pathetic.

It’s just not in my abilities to put a smiley face on all this…