Tag Archives: politics

The patriot newbie guidebook

The patriot newbie guidebook
Barry Bright March 3, 2016

Over the years I have witnessed the eb and flow of involvement in what I call the patriot movement that loosely encompasses the ‘right wing’ or rather what some call conservatism, libertarianism, ‘Christian’ conservatism, the ‘tea party’ and the militia movement and on and on.

So I’m constructing this list in what is probably for now a false hope that more of our soldiers and citizen lobbyists and activists can more clearly understand the situation we face and not be discouraged every time some battle in this larger war is lost.

And you need to take your time, follow the links, and digest this if you are sincere about fighting for your country, for the real war is here:

1. We are at war.

Stop and think about that for a moment, in all its implications. The “Liberal’(commie) trash and their globalist masters will stop at nothing to succeed in their goals to enslave us all. There will never come a time when they simply throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and liberty with our neighbors.”

2. In war mistakes will be made.

There is no ‘god’s army’ coming to save you. The men in the white hats aren’t going to ride over the hill at any moment. Study a little history and learn that soldiers are usually average human beings, not just ‘sheepdogs,’ who make mistakes. When mistakes are made we don’t just leave our packs and our rifles on the battlefield and go home.

3. It’s all propaganda.

The word ‘propaganda’ isn’t always what most sheeple think. As I often tell people it’s ‘all’ propaganda, from the ancient tribal propaganda that is used to help keep the slaves working to Faux News to the commie news network to your favorite YouTube star or that fakebook page we waste so much time on.

4. It’s all ‘political.’

Politics is human nature is war by other means and vice versa. We will never take the politics out of politics but what we can do is pass some constitutional amendments to do what needs to be done and forbid our greatest enemies, our domestic blood enemies who have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world from turning future generations into willing slaves, as so many already are.

5. Voting does no, some, maybe a little good?

On the presidential level voting has proven to be a waste of time. The elites have consistently succeeded in putting their two approved candidates before the ‘mush heads in the middle’ and they predictably vote for the lesser of two evils who they hope will wave its magic wand and solve all their problems for them so they can go back to beer and chips or the golf course or whatever their thing is. So they once again allow a tool of the globalists to be installed in the now red house. This is because most sheeple put little to no effort into studying the ‘issues’ much less our history and the form of government we’re supposed to have here.

Congressional, state and local offices are another matter. There are times when voting and legislative action can do much good in the effort to restore the Bill of Rights and enlarge human Liberty. If you have the patience and knowledge you should get as involved as you can stand to be in lobbying your state legislature and your local elected public servants.

Read this:

What can I do?

6. It’s not name calling if it’s true.

They’re communists. They started calling themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ and several other cute names to hide their evil from the willfully ignorant. They are trash, garbage, human scat and there is no lie they won’t tell in the effort to enslave us all. They deserve no more respect than one would give a rattlesnake in a sleeping bag.

They have proven there is no name they won’t call us in their efforts to smear those who simply want to live free in the way our human and imperfect Founders who could see a brighter future intended.

I will never forget what it meant to me to be called a Nazi, or a racist or ‘right winger’ or extremist simply because I was saying we’re supposed to be free here. Their arrogance is unforgettable and unforgivable.

7. Don’t ‘compromise’ with them.

‘Compromising’ with our domestic blood enemies has been the problem. As someone once said, “When you compromise on something you already have you lose.” When the “Liberal”(commie) trash, republicrats(rinos), neocons, globalists, corporate workaholic jerks or whatever ask us to compromise on our natural born rights that the Bill of Rights was written to force the government to acknowledge they are demanding with their false civility and false pacifism that we surrender what our ancestors fought and worked so hard to acquire at the price of their sweat and blood.

We draw our food and water from the blood-stained ground they conquered. Let’s not dishonor them by giving our domestic blood enemies the time of day.

This is the proper answer: “Here’s our ‘compromise,’ you clearly don’t belong in America. You are communists/globalists. If you agree to leave we won’t kill you in sufficient numbers to restore Liberty here. And that means you need to get off the entire continent. We cannot afford to have commie governments on our borders.”

8. Historically we have a ‘Christian country’ and a secular government.

And the governments must remain secular. We wouldn’t accept a fundie Muslim government with Sharia law so why would we accept any other ancient human contrivance that was so obviously created to help keep the slaves working by promising them ‘paradise in the next life’ as long as they obey their Earthly masters while in this one? Those who argue otherwise are ignorant or simply lying. Allowing any version, sub-version, or subversion of whatever ‘religion’ to set the rules is and always has been just as dangerous as any other authoritarian system. We must stop choosing one version of authoritarianism over another.

9. Human history is change and transition.

Simple fact. That ‘old time religion’ is not what it was 200 years ago, and on and on. What was the ‘reformation’ and ‘the enlightenment?’ Our government was based on several examples from human history, mostly western civilization of course. But we don’t turn ‘Christians’ into torches any more and we don’t drown witches and we recognize we don’t owe ‘allegiance’ to our self-appointed masters. Rather it is they who serve us and ask us permission for what they do that benefits us or it isn’t done.

10. The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

The Bill of Rights, which some of the Founders, known as the ‘anti-Federalists’ insisted upon adding to the U.S. Constitution, is what makes us exceptional. It’s the most valuable, important, precious document ever penned by the hand of man, bar none.

After millennia of the rule of ‘god appointed’ kings the human species began to evolve to see that this is not a wise thing for it keeps everyone under the thumb of greedy, voracious arrogant actors that looked down their noses at their subjects and slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll kill and or torture you as is my right because I’m your god, am part god, descended from the gods, or was appointed by god.” In short, we don’t have a Caesar here to pay tribute to.

The Bill of Rights is based on the most basic right any creature possesses, the right to fight back, or the right of self defense. In particular it’s about the right to self defense against tyranny in government and our natural born right to kill those who would enslave us or in our case enslave us further.

11. “But this is America, we’re already free.”

I won’t honor that with a response other than to recommend you begin the process of sincerely waking up because you’re still a coward or a whore to the system or a child that probably needs to grow up first.

In that regard –

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

A short glossary:

people – Those who have taken the first step in accepting the personal responsibility of knowledge and the wisdom that may come from it if they spend enough time and effort to overcome a lifetime of indoctrination.

sheeple – The average dumbass, or ‘mush head in the middle’ as a famous radio personality calls them, that would rather die than think but will turn out to vote on occasion and make their decisions based on sound bites, spin, big hair or genitalia or skin color or stuff they want to hear because it makes them feel safer. Note that it’s very easy for many people to fall back into this cycle as the current quest for the idiot vote is proving, just as the last two did.

human being – Read Dune. It’s a great examination of religion, politics, human nature, etc. In short a human being is a highly evolved animal that doesn’t just fight back for food or territory or pride but for higher principle and values that most will never understand.

sheep dog – The false concept that only a tiny portion of our population has or should try to develop the ability, potential to fight back. It can lead to the false idea that our protectors are something other than our servants.

patriot – You don’t fight for a flag or a country or a document nor give allegiance to it but to the principles and values it allegedly was created to represent, principles encompassed in human Liberty which is what allows human civilization to advance however slowly.

war – Something our modern pacified society has taught us to hate while promoting it all over the globe for false purposes. We need to bring our troops home and have them fight here for Liberty not ‘democracy’ as they should’ve been doing in the 50s and 60s because McCarthy was right.

politics – Human nature – all the little things modern homo sapiens sapiens do to one another in the name of survival.

liberty – That stirring in the human heart that most work so hard to suppress either in themselves or others that tells them ‘we can do better.’

liberal – see ‘classical liberal.’ A word that was stolen by the communists after what ‘Ol’ Joe’ as FDR called him was doing in the Soviet Union finally became common knowledge over here because our infiltrated and controlled newspapers weren’t reporting it.

progressive – Another stolen word or key term used to control us and dupe the simple-minded who are usually only going to vote for a check or a job or some other benefit.

conservative – An ‘ideologue’ maybe, that often falls victim to ancient falsehoods or maybe just foolishly thinks things will ‘stay the way they always were.’ History is transition, and human civilization has been formed by various often dead or radically transformed ideologies that clawed at one another and drew blood and fertilized the soil of the human mind which again gives birth to an idea that is at first spurned then grudgingly accepted then turned into nostalgia to be cast aside for the next ‘new thing’ that isn’t always good or better.

religious – The pretentiousness that can stem from long study or natural born ignorance that tells someone they know what’s best for everyone else and they can use a wrathful god or government guns to enforce it without soiling their conscience in the least bit.

socialism – Sugar on the bait of a trap designed to imprison the human mind.

democracy – I think Mencken said it very well, as have others. It’s a false paradigm that tells us the majority always knows best when the majority very often knows very little at all and the elites have always known this which is why they do what they do and use it as their latest tool to keep us all pacified and stupid.

republic – The communist Chinese have a republic as have many others. It’s really just a word like any other and has only the meaning we are willing to enforce upon it.

So why bother? We preserve human Liberty for that tiny minority in every generation who will use it to advance human civilization. The sheeple will always graze on as long as they have steak and ice cream and a big screen or a promise of ‘paradise in the next life.’

I don’t expect the above to be popular because I always seek to tell the complete truth as near as I can ascertain it without worrying about sacred cows or simple-minded propriety. It’s way past time to wake up and grow up folks.

Books to read before you vote

madison quote on principles

And don’t miss my next two columns which address this issue as well:

Choosing sides

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

And a slightly more hardcore version:

A new birth of Liberty, or death

An Urgent Christmas Message from Stefan Molyneux


FK – One problem among many is the inability of ‘intelligent'(loosely defined) people to adequately understand the stupidity, apathy, mental laziness, fear, willful ignorance, of the sheeple around them. These descriptions can include many highly ‘educated’ morons who only went to college so they could make more money and are really only good at assimilating and regurgitating but not thinking because it’s too dangerous to their incomes.

Another problem is the human inclination towards doom and gloom in an already fatalistic mindset among the working poor and even middle class. The doom and gloomers on YouTube are another matter.

The elites have known and acted on this understanding all along. They’re not perfect but they understand the human herd animals around them are much less so. That’s why they designed religions that offer an easy way out.

The sad disgusting part of it is not that the average sheeple is as obtuse as much as they’re just cowards. The question is why? A larger question is why is the patriot movement, ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians,’ also so cowardly that they can’t tell their domestic blood enemies what they need to be telling them: “GTHO of our country! You don’t belong here!”

We’ve had the internet for 20 years. Most now have smart phones they can use to educate themselves yet they still use them for mindless diversion.

Maybe collapse is necessary since as long as they have steak and ice cream and a big screen they probably won’t see the necessity of getting off their asses and actually standing up for something.



FK – If christmas wasn’t big money there would barely be a recognition of it. It was turned into a business in this country from the 19th century on. And pray tell why can’t we criticize the unmentionables? Is it because of their ancient tribal propaganda or are there other reasons? Sounds like a good idea for a vid. The ancients had winter holidays which the early christian church absconded with just as they did Ishtar and all hallows eve and on and on.

The homos/trans genders whatever they’re calling them now are suffering from obvious birth defects/mental illness but they won’t get the help they need from the insane culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

Isn’t it time to wake up and grow up?

I call them the unmentionables.
In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Politico Admits Fabricating A Hit Piece On Ben Carson

Politico‘s Kyle Cheney admitted that he fabricated a negative story about Ben Carson. At least, according to his own standards, he admitted the grievous journalistic sin.

In a story published early on Friday, Politico’s Kyle Cheney authored a piece headlined “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship” with a subhed “Carson’s campaign on Friday conceded that a central point in his inspirational personal story did not occur as he previously described.”

FK – Are the commies getting desperate? Is Carson worth voting for regardless? See vid and response in an older post. Someone who has so recently woken up to what the Bill of Rights and Second Amendment really means is not high on my list. His version is anemic at best. The income tax needs to be ended not ‘reformed’ on all levels, federal, state and local. He’s sold out to the unmentionables and the ancient tribal propaganda. Does ‘standing with Israel’ mean putting our country and Liberty second? Unfortunately for many it does. How disgusting and pathetic. If he’s in favor of forced vaccinations that’s also a no go. We need candidates with backbone that will stand up against our domestic blood enemies and work to kick them out of this country at the very least. And if he really ‘believes’ the pyramids were built for ‘grain storage?’ That’s beyond the pale. Carson needs to spend a little more time “searching.” And politics isn’t a ‘forte’ it’s human nature and a necessity and without our Liberty we have nothing.

And this one really takes the cake:

Thomas Rustici advises Carson on economic policy. New to election politics, Rustici is a professor at George Mason University in Virginia and familiar to listeners of the “G. Gordon Liddy Show.” He has argued that minimum wage laws create unemployment and make low-wage workers poorer. His main task is helping Carson explain his 10 to 15% flat tax system, which is based on the Biblical idea of tithing.

FK – Tithing? This guy is a nutbar. Maybe it belongs in the other party where they openly admit the govt. is their god and religion.

Carson slams reporters over questions about his past


The UGLY truth about the Social Security scam!


FK – I’ve long wondered why they pay out to old wealthy(financially secure) people who don’t need the money. It’s simple. They need their votes to keep the system in place. Think about that one.

The Rise of Slender Man

FK – Next do an episode on the shadows that move quickly in the corner of your eye. I used to see them on the 4th floor of a pod in the local Amazon warehouse. A guy had allegedly jumped off and killed himself there a few years back.

This shows, the murders by the mentally ill teens, how made up stories and mythologies can affect the human psyche. In reality this is another version of ‘the devil’ or the dark one or whatever. All these stories combine and fuse and morph over time, like the different versions of Satan in the 3000-year-old tribal propaganda.


Ben Carson Blind To The UN War On Drugs Agenda


FK – The current quest for the idiot vote is replete with morons. Well, some of them may be smart enough to understand the evil they do. Good tools don’t have to be smart, just efficient.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Donald Trump

FK – In the birther movement? At least he did something right. LEOs in Arizona have proven the illegitimacy of the Marxist Mutt’s ‘birth certificate.’ The Marxist mutt’s daddy was probably an amerikan commie activist. Look it up.

It’s possible Trump has really developed something of a ‘conscience’ by whatever definition but I wouldn’t bet a rotten moldy cold baloney sammich on it.

While I think it’s his right to own a casino if he chooses those places aren’t built to give money away, but to take it from idiots.

Hey, if it wins we can park Air Force One for a few years and save millions on transport of the latest tool.

trump dumb voters

Is This The First Pro-Science Pope?

FK – It’s not about science. It’s about control and human nature. Religion, like democracy, is another form of manipulation. That’s why we need to demand Liberty.

“And that was back in 1988…” He says. LOL. Very LOL. You know back in the old days, when I graduated college and no one was arguing about this stuff.

But why didn’t you mention the name of the Vatican telescope: LUICIFER? Just search it.

The Catholic church has also said they’d happily work to convert any aliens that might happen to show up.

The Catholic church has long been infiltrated by communists. Look into the Jesuits. This Pope is a fellow traveler so the mainstream newswhores were tripping all over themselves to regurgitate whatever comes out of his mouth.

To my knowledge Jesus was never quoted as saying “Force thy neighbor to be a good Samaritan at the point of a govt. sword or gun.”

Can Game Theory Help A Presidential Candidate Win?

FK – After Jesse Ventura won his governor’s race he says the CIA visited him and asked him how he did it because they didn’t see him coming. Maybe you should look into why they would do such a thing, and why the mainstream newswhores tell the brain dead sheeple “He can’t win,” and they obediently vote for one of the approved candidates…